Walking To The Dorms
Narrator:Tempest had finished a training session and was walking back to the dorm when she saw Shoto
Tempest:hey Shoto wait up
Shoto:*stops*yes Tempest
Tempest:you did really good today and I was hoping-
Shoto:save your breath just because Endeavor is trying to make you the next number two hero doesn't mean we have to be friends
Tempest:no we're siblings and so I thought I could-
Shoto:*yells*I don't need help from you your just here because Endeavor needed someone to replace him you can't even control your fire when your angry*normal volume*your going to be just like him
Tempest:I can too control my fire and I will be a hero I don't care if I become number one or number two and right now I don't care if you see me again because even though you hate me I can't bare to see you hurt
Shoto:I don't hate you I just can't stand one Endeavor I'm just not going to deal with two
Tempest:*tears brimming eyes*Izu told you your power was yours not his so why is it that my fire is his powers
Shoto:I never said it was I just said your going to end up like him over de-
Tempest:*shoves him but not enough to knock him over*yeah well your a horrible big brother and you sound just like him right now only caring about yourself and judgemental so just let me just get out of your way
Shoto:did you just shove me and don't you ever-
Tempest:sorry Todoroki it won't happen again*walks away*I'm not father*cries and runs*
Bakugo: Icyhot! why does your sister look like someone stole her puppy
Shoto: we had an argument*mutters*call me Endeavor
Bakugo: she's trying to change to be better than him as a person just like you why won't you let her she was trying to ask you to train with her she wants to bond with you trust me
Shoto: you're right she's here to prove what she can do and to be a hero her way I have to apologize *runs after her* Tempest wait, please
Tempest: *stops and turns around looking at the ground* what do you want to yell at me again
Shoto: no I want to apologize I had no reason to yell at you I-
Tempest:I'm sorry I called you a bad big brother I'll go now-
Shoto: *sincere*Tempest, please
Narrator: Shigiraki, Toga, Dabi, and Kurogiri appear behind Tempest
Shoto: Tempest behind you
Narrator: Dabi sends fire at Tempest but she stops it with another fire blast
Tempest:*jumps back to Shoto* thanks
Shoto: don't mention it* forms an ice wall*
Dabi:*sends flames through it* one of you surrender so we can get this over with both would be ideal but you heroes in training are bad at cooperating
Tempest: so any ideas
Shoto: I'll distract them you go get Aizawa
Tempest: no we need to be able to use both sides so I'll distract them you go get Aizawa
Shoto: but what if-
Tempest: I'll be fine go get Aizawa please*comes out from behind the wall*
Narrator: Tempest sends multiple ice walls toward the Villains to stall them as Shoto goes to get Aizawa
Dabi: give up sweetheart you sent the stronger one to go get help
Tempest you don't know what I can do*switches to fire* allow me to show you* blasts at them* I won't let you harm my classmates
Shigiraki: is that so but what if we didn't come here for your classmates or your teachers
Tempest:*stops blasting* what then why are you here
Shigiraki: what if we came for you and your brother
Tempest: well tough luck you won't get Shoto and I'll get away*mutters*somehow*throws up an ice wall*ah*coughs*too quick
Dabi: hmm*surounds her with 4 foot flames*what's your plan now
Tempest: this*builds up an ice pillar*
Dabi: really*melts it so it falls over*
Tempest:ahh*falls*ow*gets up*
Dabi:nope sorry*kicks her into the dirt*
Tempest: ah *gets up and holds her arm*
Narrator: Tempest created an ice wall that Dabi began to melt and once he melts a path Shigiraki grabs Tempest
Tempest:*heats herself up*let me go
Aizawa: release my student now
Tempest:*shuts eyes*Mr.Aizawa I was wondering what was taking Shoto so long
Shoto:*mutters*fine don't say thank you**outloud*let go of my little sister
Shigiraki:*scratches neck*hmm let's let them come to us Kurogiri get us out of here
Narrator: Dabi blasts fire near Aizawa causing him to turn around
Shoto: no I won't let you take her*sends ice at them*
Kurogiri:*warps the ice back at Todoroki*
Tempest: Shoto
Aizawa:*looks at Shoto*no*blinks*
Narrator: unfortunately he blinked too late some of the ice hit Shoto 2 feet of it to be exact and knocks him onto his side and he falls into unconsciousness
Tempest:*struggles*no Shoto
Aizawa: Todoroki *rolls him onto his back* good just knocked out I'll have to apologize later
Shigiraki: apparently they don't teach you everything at U.A so let me teach you something my quirk is called decay and if my index finger comes down well you seem to have some intelligence I think you can guess
Tempest:*stops struggling*fine*in head*father's going to kill me
Aizawa:*looks at Shigiraki*Tempest now
Narrator: Tempest heated herself until Shigiraki let go she got away but Dabi tripped her and Toga injected a sleeping serum into her while Aizawa and Shigiraki fought
Dabi: nice try little girl now sleep
Narrator: Tempest blasts fire at Toga but misses because her vision is starting to blur
Tempest:l-leave Shoto alone*passes out*
Toga: sweet dreams*giggles*
Narrator: Dabi picked up Tempest
Dabi: hey Eraser Head you should pay more attention to your other student *goes towards Shoto*
Aizawa:*stands in front of Shoto*release her and back away from them
Dabi: well since I don't care enough to fight you for both of them*ignites hand*back off and she'll survive
Aizawa:*erases his quirk*put her down and back away
Dabi: ok if you say so
Narrator: Dabi slams her to the ground and then holds her by the collar of her shirt
Aizawa:*attempts to capture him with his scarf*release her now
Dabi:you blinked*sends fire at him*
Narrator: Aizawa dodges but Kurogiri warps him into the air causing him to fall to the ground
Dabi: we'll be taking what we came for*knocks him out*
Midnight: leave those students alone
Shigiraki: let's go better to leave with half the bounty than empty-handed
Midnight: no release the student you have captured
Dabi: no thanks lady *creates a wall of fire*
Narrator: the villains escape with Tempest
Bakugo: Tempest no *balls his fists as tiny explosions go off in his palms* Todoroki Mr.Aizawa *gently shakes Shoto's arm* Icyhot wake up
Shoto:*slowly sits up*ah my head wait, Tempest, Mr.Aizawa
Shoto: Mr.Aizawa*shakes his shoulder*sir sir Mr.Aizawa
Aizawa:*captures Todoroki*let her go
Shoto: um sir I haven't taken anyone and your capture weapon is cutting off my circulation
Aizawa:sorry *releases him* are you alright
Shoto: I'm fine where is she
Midnight: they took the other student as I got here
Shoto: no Tempest
Endeavor: what's this about Tempest
Shoto: Tempest was taken by the League of villains
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