Stealing a Masterpiece
Narrator:that night Lily was having a sleepover in the living room with Shoto and Izuku because she had been having bad nightmares when Dabi snuck in and Shoto woke up
Dabi:*whispers*I wouldn't be too loud unless*motions to a sleeping Lily*you want to wake her up and get her involved
Shoto:*whispers harshly*what do you want
Dabi:you to come quitely
Shoto:why should I believe you won't hurt her if I do
Dabi:because it's more fun to see you squirm and try to escape knowing the only reason she came near us again was because of you
Shoto:fine*walks towards him*I surrender just leave her alone
Dabi:smart choice*handcuffs him*say your goodbyes
Shoto:*places a small kiss on Lily's forehead*sleep well little sister
Narrator:Dabi takes him outside and knocks him out then calls Kurogiri to take him back to the new warehouse the league of villains were using and time skip to the next morning
Lily:*wakes up and yawns while stretching*aww your cute when your sleeping
Narrator:she gets up and notices Shoto isn't there
Lily:huh did he go back to his dorm
Narrator:Lily goes to Shoto's door and knocks
Lily:*opens door*Shoto you in here...ok so where else would he be*closes door*
Izuku:so this is where you went
Lily:sorry if I scared you Shoto wasn't there when I woke up this morning so I was trying to find him
Izuku:oh so where would he go if he wasn't in his room
Lily:I would have smelled food if he was in the kitchen
Izuku:maybe he's in the work out room
Narrator:they check and he was not there they went to the outside training facility only to find All Might
Izuku:hey All Might have you seen Shoto
All Might:*turns into skinny might*no not since last night ahh please don't say anything I didn't realize I had been out here that long
Lily:I already knew I saw your form switch once before but knew it wasn't my place to say anything
Izuku:wait what why didn't you tell me
Lily:I was sure if you knew so I didn't say anything
Izuku:oh well your not surprised I knew
Lily:*shrugs*if it's all the same to you I would rather talk about this later
Izuku:right sorry let's see if Mr. Aizawa knows anything about where Shoto could be
All Might:good luck and if you find Todoroki let me know
Lily:will do*sees Mr.Aizawa in hallway*Mr.Aizawa
Aizawa:*turns around and walks to her*what is it Tempest
Lily:we can't find Shoto and if it's not too much trouble I prefer Lily
Aizawa:ok Lily I don't know where he is either did you ask around the dorms
Lily:we checked everywhere in the dorms and didn't find him
Izuku:he had an app on his phone that's how we found you
Lily:oh yeah the Todoroki tracker
Izuku:*stifles laughter*the what
Lily:oh shut up I named it when I was six
Izuku:awww that's so cute
Lily:your not going to think I'm cute when you have to thaw out
Izuku:hey no freezing people also did you find him yet
Lily:this thing has to be broken it says he's not near the school
Izuku:where does it say he is
Lily:it says he's an hour away
Izuku:could he be visiting your mom
Lily:no*turns the phone towards him*the hospital is 30 minutes this way but it says he's an hour this way
Izuku:does yours do the thing where you can see people close to him
Lily:actually I hope this works*activates drone*yes it works
Izuku:a black screen that says active
Lily:I didn't turn the camera on yet*turns it on*ok let's try*turns on night vision*ok warehouse so*activates voice command*find Shoto
Drone:scanning*scans room*Shoto Todoroki found
Narrator:the drone turns the camera around showing a beaten and battered Shoto hang form the ceiling by chains shackled to his wrists
Lily:no*blinks away tears*I found him*activates low voice mode*Shoto wake up please
Shoto:*slowly wakes up*what so they sent a drone to finish me off
Lily:not exactly
Shoto:Lily they got you too
Lily:no the drone is mine do you like it
Shoto:yeah it's cool I just wish I could see you
Lily:*makes the drone pull up a hologram*ask and you shall receive
Shoto:*smiles lightly*hey little sister
Lily:hi big brother are you going to get mad at me if I get you out of there
Shoto:well I guess I can't be too mad can I since I got you after all
Lily:I'm going to give the phone to Mr.Aizawa which means that the hologram has to turn off*silently starts to cry*
Shoto:hey Lily it's ok I'll be fine
Lily:*wipes eyes*yeah obviously*shuts off hologram and hands the phone to Aizawa*
Aizawa:Todoroki who took you
Shoto:Dabi and so far I've seen Shigiraki and Toga as well
Lily:*clicks radar*4 people around him oh hey Shoto are there cameras in the room with you
Shoto:not that I can see
Lily:*scans for near by devices*good no cameras*looks around warehouse*Kurogiri, Dabi, Shigiraki, and*growls*Toga
Shoto:Lily remain calm
Lily:right I'm going to deactivate the drone so we can plan
Shoto:that cuts off communication doesn't it
Lily:I'm afraid so but before that Mr.Aizawa do you mind if I take the phone out of ear shot
Aizawa:no just be quick
Narrator:Lily takes the phone where Izuku and Aizawa can't hear her then sits down
Shoto:Lily you still there
Lily:yes*turns on hologram*
Shoto:are you doing ok
Lily:no I need you here with me not captured why didn't you wake me up*puts her forehead to her knees and cries*
Shoto:no Lily please don't cry it's going to be ok and Dabi said he wouldn't capture you unless I woke you up
Lily:so you think I can't handle myself
Shoto:that's not what I said he wasn't going to fight you unless you woke up I was trying to save you a fight
Lily:and you knew Izu was a light sleeper
Shoto:right you would have killed me if he got hurt
Lily:*wipes her eyes and smiles*I'm not that hot headed
Shoto:yeah right see you soon
Lily:I'll see you first
Narrator:Lily deactivates the drone and heads back to the others
Izuku:ok so how do we get him out
Aizawa:if we have permission from Principle Nezu we can do what we did last time in a sense take you two and Endeavor
Lily: but we don't have our licenses, yet there's not much they could do in a fight and what if the villains try to capture us
Aizawa:if they start a fight with you it's considered self defense so your not breaking any laws
Narrator:They get permission from Nezu
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