Burning and Freezing It All Feels The Same
S.O:(thanks to @96bebe23 for being the deciding factor in this chapter's existence as well as the title)
Narrator:(wow cool thanks) now on with the show er story we return to the warehouse where Shoto had already been hurt but it was about to get worse as Shigiraki walked into the room
Shigiraki:wake up so called hero in training
Shoto:what do you want with me
Shigiraki:to break Endeavor
Shoto:yeah how did that work out when you took my sister
Shigiraki:taking her was the first part of the plan taking you is the second part we show the No.2 hero his precious heroes in training can be taken from him he breaks
Shoto:you think he has emotions other than jealousy and determination if you do your mistaken
Shigiraki:we'll see either way I still get to have some fun and we have some new weapons I've been dying to try out Dabi care to explain
Dabi:why not*takes out two chain whips*cool right well you have something in common with these.
Shoto:oh are they also never going to give you information about U.A or it's students as well as teachers
Dabi:*rolls eyes*how about temperature see when these whips hit something the metal changes temperature
Shigiraki:honestly my favorite is the cold one it becomes so cold it feels like it has ten layers of metal on it
Dabi:I like the hot one it heats to the point metal steams
Narrator:Dabi cracks the whips and the floor starts steaming
Shoto:it doesn't matter what kind of weapon you use Endeavor maybe emotionless but he won't leave me here
Dabi:you sure about that
Shoto:yeah...no not so much
Dabi:however that little sister of yours I don't think she'll stay away
Shoto:don't even think of touching her or so help me-
Narrator:Dabi hits his right side with the heat chain whip causing his skin to burn and the sharp point on the end to cut him
Shoto:*yelps in pain*stay away from her
Dabi:*hits his left with the cold*not a chance
Shoto:*exclaims in pain*you can do what you want to me but I won't let you harm her
Narrator:Dabi holds the cold whip very close to the end and hits above Shoto's left eye causing the point to cut him
Dabi:I don't think your going to last long enough*hits both of his sides at once*
Shoto:*grunts in pain**hangs his head and breathes heavily*st...stop just-just l...leave...her...alone
Dabi:*grabs his hair and forces Shoto to look at him*you should worry about yourself
Toga:do I get his yummy blood now
Dabi:*shoves his head to the side as he lets go*yes Toga he's all yours well mostly Shigiraki said only 4 liters
Toga:fine but do I use 4 1 liters or 2 2 liters
Toga:4 would give the blood quick but 2 would make the pain of losing it last longer
Shigiraki:which is gonna make him feel the effects faster
Toga:the 2 liter
Shigiraki:1 liter I'm not done with him yet
Toga:*puts two syringes in each of his arms*don't worry it'll all be over soon
Shoto:get...away from...m...me
Narrator:Toga draws the blood out while Shoto yells in pain
Toga:all done
Shoto:l...leave me...alone
Shigiraki:they will but not me
Toga:do we have to I wanted to keep playing him
Shoto:y...your in-sane
Toga:no I'm Toga*rips the syringes out
Narrator:Kuroguri ties cloth over the syringe wounds but ties tighter the need for added discomfort
Kuroguri:his circulation wount cut off but it won't be comfortable
Shigiraki:I think we should give him to Nomu
Nomu:*walks in and roars*
Shoto:*struggles**in head*it may be pointless but I have to try
Dabi:*unlocks his chains*let's see what Endeavor taught you
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