A Type of Flower
Narrator:after two weeks Tempest left the hospital with a few cracked ribs and a broken knee
Shoto:you're free from the hospital is there anywhere you want to go
Tempest:home to rest
Shoto:sounds great
Tempest:you want to cook for the others when we get there*almost falls*ah
Shoto:*catches her*got you do you need help
Tempest:no I just landed the crutch on a rock
Shoto:if you need help let me know
Tempest:I probably won't but thank you
Shoto:*mocking Endeavor*help is for the weak not the number one or two hero
Narrator:Tempest laughs but begins having a coughing fit
Shoto:woah woah Tempest breath please
Tempest:I think I need help
Shoto:*picks her up*I'm sorry I only wanted to make you smile
Tempest:it's fine thank you
Shoto:here*sets her down next to cab*I'll hold your crutches you get in*holds them
Tempest:thank you*gets in*
Narrator:Shoto closed the door and got in then they head to the UA dorms and time skip to 6 weeks later
Tempest:*wakes up*finally Saturday
Shoto:morning sleepy head
Tempest:ah*falls out of bed and get tangle in her blankets*help why
Shoto:I am so sorry*begins helping untangle her*I didn't mean to startle you
Tempest:*muffled by blanket*why are you up before me
Shoto:*takes blanket off her head*to take you up on your cooking offer
Tempest:you scare me half to death for breakfast
Shoto:*stifles laughter*yes
Tempest:the hell you know how to laugh
Shoto:I guess*helps her up*so breakfast
Tempest:fine but you burn the bacon I burn you
Shoto:*holds hands up in surrender*got it no burnt bacon
Tempest:good now to the kitchen
Narrator:5 minutes later in the kitchen
Tempest:don't do it like that
Tempest:the grease will pop up and burn you
Shoto:ok so how do I flip the bacon
Tempest:bring the back to the front now lay the back flat good job
Tenya:*loud and professional*good morning classmates
Tempest:if you wake up Bakugo you're dealing with him
Bakugo:*yelling*what'd you say about me ya damn extra
Tempest:I said shut the hell up or I'm burning your bacon
Bakugo:whatever shut up so I can sleep
Shoto:please don't yell at my little sister
Bakugo:shut up icy-hot
Tempest:fuck off ya damn Pomeranian
Bakugo:I'm not a fucking dog*storms off*
Shoto:so have you chosen your hero name yet Tempest
Tempest:no not yet there's just so many things to think about when choosing a hero name and if I choose one that sounds like a name I want people to use that instead of Tempest
Shoto:fair*looks at the pattern of her hair*hey will you take your hair down for a minute
Tempest:*confused*ok*takes her hair down
Shoto:your hero name should be Lily also you can put your hair back up
Izuku:*rubbing eyes*good morning
Lily:aww your so cute when you're tired
Izuku:you're cute all the time*kisses her head*
Lily:guess what I have a hero name and I want people to call me it instead of my name
Izuku:oh so what's your name
Lily:hang on let me go get ready
Narrator:Lily comes back with her hair up in a ponytail a black tee shirt and jeans and has on glasses with rounded rectangular frames
Izuku:wow who is this beautiful stranger oh I shouldn't say that my girlfriend might get jealous
Lily:oh stop it I'm not that pretty
Izuku:*picks her up and spins her*I would have to disagree*sets her down*
Shoto:I didn't know you wore glasses
Lily:that was the point of the contacts but I ran out*looks down nervously*don't tell dad
Shoto:I did like the look at first but I don't now
Lily:what why
Shoto:*tickles her*because you weren't smiling
Lily:*laughing*hey let me go Shoto no fair
Shoto:*lets her go*I win
Izuku:so your name what is it I bet it's cool and sounds powerful sounding
Lily:*nervously*my name's Lily and it's um it's a type of flower
Izuku:a name as pretty as you it fits
Lily:*looks up and and smiles*thank you
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