"No luck?" I asked Craig after the line connected on the phone.
"Ugh, nope." Craig groaned and I let out a sigh. "We'll just have to make due without her." Craig added.
"Yeah I suppose." I shook my head and rubbed my forehead. "We should edit and pack, talk later bro." I ended the call after he said goodbye.
God dammit Robin, she's such a little bitch. Her motion sickness can not be THAT bad. I can't stop thinking about it. I admit I can get a little motion sick too but she's overreacting. I think she's just a wimp and is afraid to meet us. Which, I can understand meeting online friends for the first time but she knows us! This is ridiculous.
I started to edit the Golf It session and my Reddit 50/50 challenge since I needed to get that done before I left. I'm already half packed anyway since I went to Camp 17 with Mini, I'm just back for two days to record some more. Lucky for me I only need to edit these two videos and I'll be set for Insomnia. I hope.
"You're a dumbass, I hope you know that." Luke scolded me for turning down Mini's offer.
"Yes, Luke, I know. I just can't go okay, for reasons I don't wanna bother trying to explain. You wouldn't understand." I put my head down in shame and hugged my body tighter.
"You're scared of rejection from them because real life is different than online." Luke stared at me through the Skype call.
"Wha- ho- WHAT!? What the fuck Luke! Can read minds now or something cause this is really fucking creepy dude." I shook my head in disbelief. How in the world could he have known that.
"I felt it when I met the guys. It's a natural feeling just sit and think about it okay? Taking that risk is all worth while, trust me! They're just as nice and just as rude in real life as they are online. Now if you're thinking they'll treat you differently cause you're female, fucking tell them treat you just like one of the guys. It's not that hard Rob, you're just second guessing yourself and using your motion sickness as an excuse. Man up! Or woman up I should say." Luke finished his pep talk and it filled me with confidence like I could do anything.
"I love you but I also hate you I just want you to know that." I laugh and as does he.
"Yeah yeah love you too." Luke smiled into his camera, looking me dead in the eye with reassurance. I nod my head, sit up in my chair and crack my knuckles. "What are you doing?" He asked after I started typing.
"Buying a train ticket." I smile to myself, my fingertips quickly grazing the keyboard.
"Haha! That's my girl!" Luke made a few victory noises, spinning in his chair and I just shook my head and laughed at him.
"You're girl huh?" I raise my eyebrow, teasing him cause I know he was joking when he said it.
"No I uh- I didn't mean-shit." Luke cursed to himself and I just laughed at his mumbling.
"Relax I'm teasing you, I know what you meant. Now how in the hell am I gonna get Marian with me?" I pondered to myself.
"Isn't she technically a service dog?" Luke asked and I just nodded after looking for cheap hotels. "Then it shouldn't a problem. If she's a service dog then legally they have to let Marian be with you." Luke added as he began to type on his keyboard.
"Yeah but some people are dicks and give me a hard time about it and I just don't wanna deal with that shit right now." I rub my forehead, feeling a bit more situated. I booked my hotel and train ticket and I was all set to go.
"I can upload for you, saying you're sick or whatever. If you want you going to be a surprise for the guys then do that. If you don't give a fuck just say you're going to insomnia last minute and don't have any vids." Luke concludes his idea and I think on it for a few moments.
"Alright, yeah I think I wanna surprise them. You don't mind making a video?" I ask just to make sure.
"Not at all. Now go pack!" Luke rushes me to leave. I smile and nod.
"Talk to you later." I smile and end the call.
This next week is gonna be something else.
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