+ Chapter Two +
Chapter Two
+ Evan's P.O.V +
"EVAN IT'S 7:45 GET UP!" hearing my dad heavily bagging against my bedroom door caused me to wake up with a nasty headache, holding my head in my hands I rose from the slumber space and headed to my wardrobe.
Collecting my short-sleeved black shirt with a white tribal styled owl tattooed to the fabric and the soft black skinny genes that matches it, heading to the bathroom I quickly tossed on the clothing and sprayed some deodorant over my body to add a cool sent to my own, quickly getting out to the house I tossed my bag over my shoulder and tied up my white converse tightly around my foot.
Bolting down the streets I headed for school... unfortunately dad wanted to punish me today and not drive me to school argh, I hate not being able to drive, after a long run I finally made it to school, as I turned corners my shoes skidded and slid until I finally came to a halt at the classroom doors, by the time I got there my head was pounding.
"S-sorry uh sir-" I panted out managing to step inside the door, "ah. Mr Fong. Late again I see, go take a seat as I finish this introduction." Mr Stuttle stated as he glanced at me with annoyance, tilting my head in confusion on what he was introducing I looked past the teacher and saw a talk slender boy with a sky blue hoodie that hung loosely around his slim build and dark blue skinny jeans that matched his dark blue high topped converse.
Curiously I took a seat and kept on trying to see the new kids facial features, but his hoodie was masking a shadow over his face, "students, this is Jonathan Denis, he'll be joining us." The teacher turned to the mysterious boy and smiled, "Jonathan, welcome to class 10S, you'll come here every morning for homeroom, I'll assign a student that has to be your guide for a little while. Please take a seat beside..." Mr Stuttle grabbed a peace of paper that had all the students class timetables on them, to see who shared the same classes as this Jonathan kid, "Tyler." Quickly Tyler jumped up and greeted Jonathan with a bro-hug and a cheery voice, "Hey bruh, I'll be your guide, we are gonna be good friends!" quickly Ty took Jonathan by the wrist and sat him down at the desk to the left of his own, while I was on the right side to Tyler.
"Jon this is Evan, he's my best friend." Tyler tried to introduce me, but as Jonathan looked up at me and my heart stopped as our eyes linked, his deep practically glowing blue eyes stared through me like a dagger piercing skin, where have I seen those eyes before? Tyler broke our stare and dragged me away from my thoughts as he waved his hands between us, "Yo, you two having faggot moment or something?" he laughed as Jon and I looked away from each other quickly.
'Where have I seen those eyes?'
The school bell rang and Tyler said goodbye and left, along with his new companion.. Getting out of my seat and leaving the classroom I headed to the next hell room. Today is going to be fantastic. Note the sarcasm.
+ Jonathans P.O.V +
"Here you go young man." The old lady spoke with a soft yet rough voice as she handed my class schedule papers, "Have a good first day." And as she said that comment I nodded to her and left the Administration to head to this so-called 'Homeroom?' this is all new to me, for I have been home schooled my whole life.
My clothes hung loosely around my body, for I didn't have anything else that fits, pulling my hoodie up I passed through the hallways, it was so confusing, every corner I turned seemed the same... plain colored marble floor along with tons of iron rectangles called lockers. Hearing a skid I turned to face a raven-haired boy running quickly down the opposite hall... I wonder what's his rush, is there a specific time you have to make it to homeroom or something?
Gazing across all the labeled badges beside the doors to classrooms I finally found the room I was searching for, grabbing ahold of the handle I tried pulling the door towards me, but it didn't work? Trying again my face started to scrunch up in frustration as I tried pushing and pulling the door open, A man with flattened brown hair approached the door on the other side and slid the door open with a smile, 'oh... it was a sliding door, great first fucking impression Jon.'
"Welcome, please come in and I'll greet you to everyone," the man directed me inside and I stood beside a hard wooden desk with papers scattered across it, clueless and unsure I looked around at all the unfamiliar faces, "Class this is-" the teacher got interrupted by the door sliding open harshly and the raven haired boy stood there panting and excusing himself for being late?
So you do have to make it here in a specific amount of time.
"Ah. Mr Fong. Late again I see, go take a seat as I finish this introduction." The teacher looked at him and I noticed this 'Mr Fong' was trying to get a good look at me, naturally yet uncomfortably I looked slightly down, causing my hood to cast a shadow over my eyes...
hm Fong, what a strangely familiar name.
The kid took a seat and the teacher told the class my name and assigned me with a guide, "Tyler." This Tyler dude came running up to me and embraced me, my whole body tensed at the contact, he dragged me to beside his desk and introduced me to the raven kid named 'Evan' looking up I caught eyes with his dark oak brown ones and lost all control, I must know him from somewhere.... But who is he? Why do I have a slight sense of familiarity about him?
Those eyes...
Tyler waved his hands in front of the both of us and said something I didn't hear, Evan quickly looked away and I thought I should too, after an awkward silence the bell rang, signifying something? Is it the End of school already?
"Lets go!" Tyler grabbed me and we headed out to the hallways, this must mean we are going to the first class of the day, "Hey you wanna know something, Evan is Canasian.. so next time you see him, call him snowman for me, okay?" Tyler chuckled and I nodded with a mischievous smile.
Sliding past hallways we reached another room that looked the exact same as the other, plastic topped off blue desks with metal legs and matching colored plastic chairs.
We sat down together and other students walked in; they kept on looking at me and then whispering to another person, why were they looking at me?
I scratched the top of my head in awkwardness but that's when I felt a familiar fuzzy touch, quickly I grabbed the top of my hoodie and pushed it further down on my head...
That was my first thought as I went bolting out of the class and searched for the restroom, where the fuck is it!
Quickly I stopped and slid my feet against the ground, I felt my skin heat up as I stressed out more, and then my accurate hearing kicked in and I herd a sink tap run, quickly turning to the direction I bolted down the hallways once again, to crash into some kid, gazing down upon the figure beneath me I saw Evan?
He looked at me with surprise then fear? Then I noticed my hood had flipped off of my head exposing what was upon it, freaking out I started to sweat from the intense heat that was burning from with in me.... Fuck now my jaw hurts, getting up I noticed the bathroom was right beside us, slamming the door open I then rammed into it and slid down the now closed door, panting and trying to focus.
My shaky palms reached the sinks edge and I pulled my body up from the cool tiles and looked up upon the mirror in which held my dreaded reflection, above my twisted long hair I saw two light brown ears pointing up, my eyes shone a bright blue as I tugged my figure at the edge of my mouth to expose canine like fangs.
"Fucking fantastic.. I thought I was gonna last the whole day" my ragged breath hitched as a dog like growl rose from my throat, "S-shit." I husked out as I grabbed my burning stomach "I-I can make it, n-no turning.. not yet."
Quickly I opened my eyes in realization and remembrance, the Agate stone alpha gave me, getting up and tearing through the pockets of my jeans I found it, holding it tightly to my chest I panted heavily as I hoped for the stone with markings on it to heal my on coming transformation.
After minutes of panic I felt my human side pull through again... my body started to cool down to 'regular' temperature and my ears crawled back into my flesh and formed human again, "That was close-" my voice cut of as I herd a fragile knock against the door, "J-Jonathan dude. Are you all right? You've been in there for a while and I herd your groaning and panting. Are you in pain?" the voice of that boy with the familiar eyes spoke through the wooden structure of a door, panic filled me as I looked in the mirror hurryingly for any more 'wolfy' features, my cheeks were still flushed from the heat my body enervated, but I couldn't see anything else, besides my eyes still having that extra light blue 'glow' to them.
"Hey uh?" opening the door I saw the boy with worried eyes, "Evan. It's Evan." Surprisingly he didn't seem bothered I forgot his name, simply he corrected my mistake and told me his name.
"Yeah, uh, Evan. I'm fine, sorry for that heh, just felt... sick," scratching the back of my neck nervously I looked at the shorter male and sort of smiled awkwardly, he responded with an awkward smile back, then looked towards the ground, "I know we just met, sorry I seemed weird for being worried man. Heh, I'm known for being like that."
"It's okay, Snowman." I chucked at his apology, quickly Evan looked up at me with a curious look, "Snowman?" smiling Evan punched my shoulder, "Tyler told me your Canasian... soooooooo," I said gazing at him with a teasing look,
"aw you Shut up." Evan responded with a slight grumble, "Get back to class, Fresh meat."
Fighting back is he now, ha, I like him.
"Fine Over apologetic fried noodles." I spoke sternly, He simply chucked at my comment "'over apologetic fried noodles?' Is that the best name you could think of?" he laughed loudly and damn it was contagious, it caused me to lightly chuckle again and push him aside "Bye." I spoke in a casual tone as I started heading back to class, "Bye!" Evan shouted back and I lightly smiled.
"Over apologetic fried noodles."
[ 1876 | Unedited sorry]
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