+ Chapter Twelve +
Chapter Twelve
+ Evan's P.O.V +
It was very dark, that's all I could really state to describe the unknown abyss that surrounded me, my footsteps being the only sound that filled my ears as I continued to walk around in searching for any source of life, this is so weird.
"I see you've already forgotten about me." A misery filled voice pierced through the silent air causing me to shutter at its harsh and sudden tone, "what? Who are you?" I questioned while still trying to match a person to the voice, "I knew it." They responded as the area seems to lighten up a little and the person stepped forward, and that's when my eyes widened with shock, "B-brock? Where have you been?" I gasped while walking up to him quickly, "I was so worried, I was going to look for you but Jonath-"
"But Jonathan said it's fine and that I understood? Heh, typical." Brock scoffed while stuffing his hands into his pockets and looking away from my confused gaze, "I'm so conf-,"
"Confused? Yeah you should be." Brock cut me off again and then glared at me, "Jonathan is a liar, a cheat, and he's only being nice to you because he want's what I own." I tilted my head as the other male continued talking about my friend in a crude manner, "May I ask, how did he act on the first day oh school huh?" Brock asked with an unsatisfied tone.
"Well when I fist saw him, he seemed mad slightly, and he wouldn't really take off his hood to show us his face." I mumbled while still trying to understand what he was talking about, "you see Evan, the way he acted that morning is how he naturally is, why cant you see that his friendship with you and your other friend (Tyler) is all a joke and a lie!" Brock loudly scolded while getting right up in my face, "He's never liked you, all he want to do is claim yo-"
"Shut the fuck up!" suddenly snapping I pushed the male away from me and looked down to the ground, "Jonathan is my friend, and if your just jealous cause we are close. Then you can just get out of my life completely." As I said that Brock lightly chuckled while sighing and running his hands frustratingly through his hair, "Evan it's not like that, I'm not jealous of that mutt, I'm just telling you that his not faithful and is not an honest person,"
"How do you know that he's not an honest person huh?" I argued back while Brock shook his head in disbelief, "okay well, he lied to you just this morning huh, you know, with him telling you that I went to his place and we discussed about it and I said I was apparently okay with you and I breaking up." What Brock was saying, was all correct, ".... so that means Jonathan actually lied to me?" I hurtfully said while looking up at Brock while he nodded, "he does tha-"
"It was for your own good Evan, I didn't want you to be upset over that dimwit." Jonathan suddenly entered the area and Brock snarled at his image, "yeah right." Brock mumbled under his breath and I turned around to face Jonathan, "why did you lie to me, why?" I said while Jonathan shamefully gazed at me, "I hated seeing you upset..."
"You know he's the cause we broke up, I left last night because of him." Brock said and I looked at them with hurt, "Ev-" Jonathan stammered out, "honestly you two are just as bad as each other, I'm so confused. I feel as if so much shit has been happening behind my back." I didn't even understand this whole situation. Grumpily I started walking away from the two males that were calling for me to come back and listen to their stories.
Of course I ignored them and continued to walk into the unknown lands.
"Hey Evan."
A new voice filled the atmosphere, It was Tyler, I could obviously tell. His voice was just so clear compared to the others.
"Mm Tyler, what? What are you doing here?"
"What are you talking about dumb ass? I slept over remember?"
Opening up my eyes quickly I shot up to harshly head-butt with the taller male hunching over my bed, "Ngh shit, that's a wake up call for ya." He growled while holding his fore temple and taking a few steps away from me, "Sorry man.." I sighed while holding my own head.
Was that literally all a dream, what the heck?
Propping my body up with my arm I sighed once more before tugging the sheets away and sliding out of bed, "so what are we going to do today?" I questioned while completely standing my body upright, "what do you mean? We're going to school man." Tyler oddly replied to my tired self, "I don't feel like going to school today." Nagging while grabbing some casual clothes Tyler chuckled, "then lets wag school today, we can creep into the club or something?"
My eyes lit up at the word 'club', I really enjoyed letting loose for some reason and I also didn't feel like seeing Brock or Jonathan today, due to that odd dream. Turning to face the other male, I smiled brightly, "aye Ty, we should get some friends to come with us, know anyone that may be interested?"
After thinking for some time he pulled out his phone and started calling up some people.
Tyler, still on the phone, ended up leaving my place to get ready for our fun day.
Lucky for me dad left for work extremely early and wont be back home until really late... as usual.
After washing my hair, cleaning my body and brushing my teeth I was finally ready to grab my outfit.
Grazing through isles of shirts and pants to select from I grabbed a tight black shirt along with black denim jeans and Red vans "nice Evan~" humming in satisfaction I put the items on, along with a silky red tie and my cologne.
Hair combed up and self-esteem at a good level I notified Tyler that I was ready.
"Have fun!" Tyler's mom cheered as we got out of the vehicle.
Honestly she was the coolest parent on earth, she was always so chill and relaxed, not a thing in the world bothered her, and she was just amazing in every way possible. ( ;) )
After the car drove off Tyler and I walked up to the entrance where everyone else was, man Ty certainly invited a lot of people, how are we going to sneak in now.
"Alright Evan, time to introduce you to my sports and tec mates!" my friend cheered, he knew a lot of people from being highly athletic and an absolute tec genius, which I was too but I didn't contribute to in school activities as much as he does, thus causing me not to be in the whole 'loop'.
(Here they all come... (oh pft. Haha.))
First Tyler pointed to two men, who were completely opposite from each other.
The one who smiled greatly was tall and slender with messy black hair, which fell nicely across his pale toned brow, his eye's stood out with a dark green which conveniently matched his baggy casual shirt, some light freckles scattered over his white complexion, a layer of oak brown hair scratched across his jaw and upper lip yet not thick enough to be classified as a beard, a thick Irish accent horsed his voice while slender finger rose to wave, "Hey, I'm David and this is Lui."
This newly met man pointed to the one beside him, who's name was 'Lui', and like I said, they were opposites, this one was a tanned colored short male with slick and neat black hair, tied tightly back into a trendy man bun, large eyes with joyful brown iris's and a bulky red hoodie, which obviously looked to big for the person. (I know I've already introduced Lui and described him, but I just had to do it again since this is the first time Evan has met him.) "sup." Lui said while he looked down at his phone unexcitingly.
"Over here we have Brian and Brock."
Gulping when I heard the name I saw that the two men waved to me as they stood awfully close to one another (wtf guys come on, leave room for Jesus. Honestly.) , I guess it's a little comforting to see that he's doing all right... right?
Anyway, The Brian dude had dusty blond hair, which was combed to the side, and he was pretty bulked up (like muah), along with a movie star smile, greyish eyes and a cheery chuckle, a tight grey shirt clinging stressfully to his flesh. "How's it goin guy!" he cooed while still chucking happily, another Irish.
Brock and I just looked at each other for a minute, until our faces lit up with smiles; Brian must've been a key to this suddenly happy Brock, "hello." He said in his usual soft voice and bright comforting smile, along with a small awkward laugh after.
It's kind of like he's forgotten what happened, he's so different. (Not referring to the dream)
"Aaaaaaand now over here you have pussy Craig and raging Marcel, alright we are done with the introductions lets go insi-"
"Whoa, whoa, whoa." A dark skin shaded man interrupted Tyler with his hands waving 'no', his scruffy yet short black hair and dark orbs playfully looking at the taller male, his pearly whites stretching to a grin as he wrapped an arm around Tyler, the dark man wore a vibrant blue and white shirt which matched his 'fin from adventure time' necklace (which he had on for some reason *wink wink*), "why did everyone else get a nice introduction but not us." He pouted and Tyler laughed, "because, that's why."
Pulling away from Tyler the man approached the other un introduced male, "hello, I'm Marcel." He pointed to his own chest and then moved to point to the pale one with combed medium rusty brown hair and thin glasses shading his light eyes, a faint stubble lining under his chin, along with a black shirt with badass like writing printed across and masculine arms yet a gentle grin the male then waved, "hey Ladd, I'm Craig."
An odd mixed accent was presented in his voice.
Tyler clamped his hands together and cheered, "okay NOW the introductions are over I'd like to clarify that you all know this gentle mans name."
Eyes were pulled to my direction as I awkwardly introduced myself, "uh, hi, I'm Evan, it's nice to meet you all."
"alrightyyyyyy let's go clubbing!" they all screeched, "... but wait, how are we going to get in?" Craig questioned.
"I have a way." Hearing a familiar voice I turned to see Jonathan and strange bearded man walking beside him, "it's about time you got here." Tyler said also approaching Jon and fist bumping, "hey Ev," he said while waving to me, of course I waved back and smiled.
Just forget it, it was a dream. Everything was just fake.
While everyone was casually chatting to each other and Jonathan's friend Cartoonz,- which for some reason he wouldn't tell me his real name-, left Jon's side, I took my chance and swooped over, "so how are you planning on getting us all in?"
The taller male looked down on me, "I have an inside man," he simply responded and I laughed a little, "you're inside a man." Jonathan laughed when I said my joke but then punched my shoulder playfully "shut up noodles."
He started to walk ahead, leading everyone around the building, giving me a nice chance to see how good his tight clothing looked on him, gosh why am I so gay sometimes.
"oi Evan come on," Someone called which snapped me out of my thoughts, looking up I saw everyone was gone, I wondered who called me so I looked around only to hear it again "Evan you dumb fuck, really? You can't see me." Turning I saw Tyler face palming while holding a metal back door wide open, smiling like an idiot I hopelessly stumbled into the building, soon to be greeted with half naked women carrying silver platters with shots and beers, and then loud thumping music which synced with the changing lights and flashing floor.
"Nice joint isn't she," Jonathan came to side with a glass in his hand, "by the way get your drinks from that tall fellow at the bar, he's my 'inside man'" Jon winked and I nodded n headed to the bar while the others journey to the dance floor, hah, Jonathan called someone tall that's a first I bet you that this guy is like equal hights with hi-im-
Gazing up at the man behind the bar I stood there in awe, this dude was beast. "How's it goin mate, ye must be Jonno's pal Evan, I'm Yush." (I'm sorry) The Australian accented man held out his slender hand and I shook it, his figure was dangerously thin, one that you'd think would be anorexic and he had wild brown hair along with one eye being a dark brown (right) and the other a shiny grey (left), his uniform tux hung off of his body loosely yet he had the top three buttons undone, enough to expose the males prominent collarbone and neck muscles, certainly an odd looking guy.
"So uh, would ya like a drink mate?" he showed a toothy grin and started pouring some alcohol into a shot glass as I nodded to his request, "so... uh, how tall are you?" I uncomfortable questioned while Yush passed me my drink, "well I'm 6'6 but I'm still growin, pretty bad aye." He laughed while chucking down a random shot on the bench, "There're some new chicks hired around here, they're pretty nice lookin aye man," Yush continued, certainly talkative, "I'm not really a fan of chicks." I sighed while looking across to the dance floor in search for Jonathan to help me from this guy.
"Well ya know, tits before, uh, bits" he said pointing to his groin while saying 'bits', taking another random shot that was left behind by some customer, I knew he obviously had just made up that line and didn't care what he did.
Groaning at how awkward this situation felt for me I turned to face him before getting absolutely sprayed with alcohol, wiping my eyes from the cold burning liquid I saw Yush leaning across the bar with his mouth gaped open, along with wide eyes and a pointing finger;
"wowzer! Look at the tits on that one!"
[ 2485 words | unedited sorry ]
A/N: I'll be absolutely truthful here, the reason to why Brock didn't have a description was because I spent ages typing him one, yet I had completely forgotten about the whole 'Brock dated Evan thing' and 'Brock and Jonathan fought thing' so I had to delete this nice description and patch it up with some shabby stuff
Sorry mates.
- Yush
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