+ Chapter Seven +
Chapter Seven
+ Evan's P.O.V +
Being home alone with Jonathan was great! Like yeah I have an amazing boyfriend and all but I still find Jonathan extremely attractive, and really good smelling heh. Not being disloyal or anything, I may be taken but I can still find people attractive right? But Jonathan is still a good friend of mine.
"So what's up with you and Brock?"
The man I was thinking of questioned, causing me to climb out of my thoughts and face him, "W-well we are only new to this whole relationship thing, a week actually." I smiled brightly at him, but Jonathans face was different to what I expected, I thought he was going to smile happily back, but instead he looked at me with disappointment.
"Are you okay?" I asked and he quickly looked away from me, "Uh yeah I'm fine man, stop being so caring or your gonna start to turn into a girl." Jonathan laughed and then turned to face me again, "I can already tell that you're going to be the sub."
"Sub?" I didn't know what he was talking about to be honest, he looked at me with disbelief and then laughed, "Oh man, your wayyyy too innocent, well sub also known as the submissive is when your bottom, kinda like the chick in the relationship, the one that gets the dick put ins-"
"Okay! Okay! Okay! Stop," I panicked as he smirked and slapped his hands together quickly, making the stereotypical slapping sounds (Please tell me you know what I mean, so I don't have to describe it), he was such a douche sometimes, but I cant help but smile while shaking my head as 'no' "Na man, I'm tops all the way, unlike you." I teased back and he stood up, looking down at me.
"When it comes to you I'm the dominant." He leaned down over me, causing my body to lower down and lay against the couch we were on, "W-what?" my face was heating up dramatically as his strong scent filled the air around me, "you heard me, I'm the Dominant." He growled into my ear and I couldn't help but notice my problem again, man I need to control myself, I get this too often.
Jonathan started to laugh while standing back up properly, "Na man, I'm always the Dom, it's just in my blood." He purred and looked down on my blushing self again, "Come on lets go actually do something." He quickly grabbed my wrist and tugged me up from the couch easily, thinking something to do I gazed up at him and smirked; placing my finger in my mouth I sucked on it while lightly moaning, Jonathan's face lit up a hot red as he bit his lip, using my free hand I placed it on the back of his head and brought his heated face close to mine.
After his head was close I pulled my finger from my mouth and shoved it into his ear, twirling it around and laughing my head off, "Oh you fuck boy." He hissed while pushing me away and cleaning his ear out with the collar of the shirt, "Ha! Got 'Em!" I screamed out in victory, I succeeded in teasing him, "That's revenge bitch for all the times you got me-" Jonathan knocked me onto my ass by launching his body onto mine, "Oh shit." I breathed out when the wind was knocked from my lungs, "Now, now Evan, don't push me." He moved his hand down to my hip, causing me to bite my lip this time, "You don't want me to get aroused now do you Mr. I have a boyfriend." God damn it Jonathan, why are you so good.
The taller male yawned and laid his body against mine, he was heavy, but it was comfortable, after a few minutes of just laying there I heard tiny purrs coming from him, Jonathan was actually sleeping? He fell asleep lying on top of me! Great.
Sighing in defeat I felt a fuzzy feeling go under my hand, gazing over I saw Jonathans dog nuzzling under my palm, "Aw I completely forgot you were here, uh, Luke." I think that's what the hounds name was.
His darkish colored fur tangled around my fingers as he also started to rest, they both slept while I was left alone, awake in the slowly darkening room;
I wonder if Brock is okay with Jonathan staying over? They seem to be getting along, right?
My phone started to vibrate in my pocket as I pulled it out and answered the call without checking the ID,
Evan – "Hello?"
Brock – "Hey Ev! I managed to get the night off of work and my parents are okay with me being out."
Evan – "Oh.... Uh congrats?"
Brock – "mind if I stay with you tonight~"
Evan – "Oh yeah.... Okay sure I guess."
Brock – "Your gonna love this night, see you when I get there babe~"
He tried to seductively coo across the phone as I ended the call (Jonathan is better at seducing...), putting the devise down with a sigh of disappointment I looked back to Jonathan, who was awake and sleepily looking at me, still laying his body across mine, "Hey there sleepy head." I hummed quietly as I ran my hair through his thick twisted hair, "Hey." Jonathan huskily replied while closing his eyes to the feeling of my hand against his scalp.
"Hey Babe." Brock walked into the house suddenly and I hurryingly tried to get out from under Jon, but of coarse the tired-lazy male didn't move on bit, I was stuck in one of the worst situations right now, "O-oh hey Brock." I stuck my head out from past Jonathans shoulder and waved while pulling an awkward smile.
Brocks face frowned as he stomped up the Jon and pulled his figure harshly away from mine, Luke jumped up and growled at Brock as he started to speak and push Jonathan away, "Okay, that's enough friend 'bonding' time, now get out, BOTH OF YOU!" he yelled and pushed Jon and his pet out the door, "See ya later Ev! I love you!" Jonathan teased still half asleep; Brock grumbled angrily and shut the door in the taller males face.
"Nothing was going on you know that right." I sighed while lifting myself from the ground, "sure." Brock said plainly and walked into the kitchen to grab a cold slice of pizza from the fridge, I walked over to him cautiously, "Brock hear me out." All he did was ignore me... I sighed and he coughed slightly causing my head to turn in confusion, his nose scrunched up and he covered it,
"His scent is all over you, you reek of that strong fucking cologne."
+ Jonathan's P.O.V +
Luke continued to trot beside me as we walked away from Evans house, "I helped you make that move man, I just, I ship it!"( ;3 ) he barked out as I smiled victoriously, "Have fun thinking about that Brock." I laughed as Luke looked up at me, "Aw man, you didn't."
I just nodded and my companion started to laugh his head off, "Oh, Brock is gonna get so frustrated, constantly smelling you all over Evan."
"Yes, yes he is."
Brock is not as normal as Evan thinks he is, Brock is also a werewolf, he's not apart of the same group as mine, I've now that ass wipe for a long time now.
He's an idiot, but the mistake that Brock has made this time is that he hadn't claimed Evan yet, but I have, not completely (yet...)
Like normal wolves we mark out territory by scent and no, we don't piss on the thing we wanna mark, instead he lather our scent against them, our cologne, our own personal smell.
Brocks nose is just as sensitive as mine, and all that pathetic snout of his is going to smell is me, on Evan.
A dark chuckle escaped my lips as we arrived back at out house and Luke disappeared into his room to change back, I grabbed a can of Cola from the mini fridge in my room and laid myself down against the bed smirking as I cracked the cap open and took a swig of the fizzy drink.
"Watch out Brock, I'm gonna mark my Territory."
[Word count: 1370 | Sorry for it being short, sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes]
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