+ Chapter Four +
Chapter Four
+ Evan's P.O.V +
After selecting my outfit wisely I wrapped the comfortable yet good-looking clothing around my slim build, after that I put on extra cologne and left my bedroom to see Jonathan missing.
"Oi, Stalker boy, where you at?" calling out I heard a 'hm' as a response, then I saw the tall male stand up from crouching in the pantry with heaps of cereal pieces falling from him mouth, "Well I was going to offer if you'd like to stay for dinner, but obviously you've helped yourself already." Sighing I watched him swallow the mouthful, and then shove his hand back into the cardboard box for more.
"What? I'm hungry. Can't a teenage male eat when he desires, Sir?" Jonathan mocked while stuffing more honey puffs (that's the cereal) into that gob of his, "Well.... You could've asked if I wanted some you pig." I laughed and stomped over to the other, snatching the box away and eating some of the sweet wheat-based product.
"Got any games?" he questioned as he walked around my house, "You're a terrible guest." I mumbled and I know he herd me, because shortly he stopped in his tracks and questioned why I stated that, "Why am I a bad guest? Do you not like me here?"
"No its because you seem to be unaware of any house guest rules. Have you ever been someone's place before, or even lived in a general home to that fact?" speaking with pure sass in my voice I spun my body around to face Jonathan and glared at him lightly, I noticed a slight discomfort wash over him, clearing his throat and scoffing the male replied to my response with a smart ass tone, "Of course I've been to other houses and I defiantly live in a home, do you think of me as a beggar, livin on the streets like a mutt?" gazing to his left quickly I noticed his cheeks lightly flustered, hmm interesting.
"Okay then, I apologize, I do not see you as some homeless freak." He smugly looked at me when I apologized, "I should be more polite," Jonathan said and I looked at him happily, quickly looking over to the clock I saw the time, 10:30 p.m shit he's been here for that long, oh crap and dad's gonna be home any minute now-
"Son." The front door swung open and I dove over to Jonathan in panic, I went to push him away but instead when I was in mid flight from the jump my foot caught onto something and I landed on him, knocking his taller figure to the ground.
"Evan- What th-" getting my mind back to focus I noticed by our position, it looked like I was pinning Jonathan to the floor.... "Kinky~" he smirked from under me causing me to grunt and look at him with disgust, unfortunately my cheeks were imprinted with that pathetic pink blush, "Shut the fuck up, my Father is home," I whispered in response to the smug looking male.
A loud coughing like sound arose from behind me, awkwardly looking to where the noise came from I saw my dad standing there, glaring down on us, "Good Evening son and. Friend." I swear I herd a hiss after the word 'friend' leaked from his mouth, "Yo, Wassup Mr F-Dawg." Jonathan cheered, staying completely relaxed under my tense stance, "Hm" my father snuck his nose up at Jon, "heh, D-dad I can explain." In a Panicky manor I got up and dashed over to the older man, "I- He was returning something of mine, then we talked for a few hours, and then when you go into the door it uh, scared me and I tripped, landing onto him in that awkwa-" my speed apology and explanation was cut short when my dad told me to stop, of course I obeyed.
"Name?" he shot a look over to Jonathans raising figures direction, "Jonathan. Jonathan Denis" He groans while rubbing the back of his scalp, must've bumped it during the fall, Jon walked over to my dad and they shook hands, "Well, Mr Denis, would you like to stay for a late evening meal?" he questioned to him, Jon looked at me with a pleading look for some reason, wanting to help his awkwardness I stepped into the conversation, "Jonathan and I have already had dinner dad, now if you don't mind I'm going to help him get on his way." Quickly stepping over and nudging my friend into a walking stance we waddled away from my fathers view.
Pushing him out the door I finally slammed it behind me, "uh, okay see ya." Jonathan waved as he started walking away, "Wait." He turned and folded his arms to face me, "How did you stay so chill and calm around him." I pointed towards the door still looking at Jon in disbelief, usually my friends are so scared or overly polite to my dad, but Jonathan wasn't?
"He seems like a cool dude." He shrugged, honestly he seems to have no stress mode, besides that one time that he went sprinting into the bathroom, but I'm sure that was nothing.
"Well.... Here's where we go our own ways." Uncomfortably speaking I stuffed my hands into the jean pockets, "you make it seem as if we are breaking up." He coughed out while sounding (mockingly) depressed, "Aw I'm sorry baby, need a huggie wuggy," teasing him I approached with my arms wide open and my lips pursing together while making kissing sound effects, "Ew no, just ew." He laughed while pushing me away.
"I'll see ya tomorrow man." Still laughing we said goodbye to each other and I watched him walk down the street, it's the least I could do to make sure he was safe in a way, "Love you babe!" I screamed out to him as I saw the blue hoodie disappear into the shadows, "Fuck off!" he shouted in response that caused me to die of laughter.
Tears rolling down my cheeks while a stupid smile was strapped to my lips as I entered the house, though that hysterical mood was practically shattered as I saw my father looking at me with disgust, "Mother dies and then my only son goes gay huh?" he solidly said while tapping his foot impatiently, "Oh hah him, no, what the shit dad I'm not ga-"
"Don't use that language with me." Father once again interrupted me with a glare, "Sorry." I lowered my head in shame, I thought dad would be more of a supportive person to be honest, even though I didn't confess anything to him, he certainly seem off about the whole me being 'gay' topic.
"I'm going to go retire for the night." Turning away from me he I walked down the hall and into his room, "Goodnight." I mumbled to him, even though I knew he wouldn't hear me.
Finishing up the homework and tossing my shirt and jeans off I leapt on my bed only in boxers, ever since mom passed dad has be distant, causing me to have more time to myself, to think about myself too.
Collecting all the thoughts I've noticed something particular of my sexuality, I've never been purely attracted to the female gender, like come on, every once in a while you wanna get da pussay, but who doesn't. (he's right)
Men have always seemed to catch my fancy, especially Tyler and Jon.... Wait. No. Delete that. Please brain.
Arghhhhhhhhhhhhh fuck me.
"BEEP BEEP BEEP TO YOU TOO MOTHER FUCKER!" I screamed as I was rudely interrupted from my sleep by some man made demon, slamming my fist down onto the plastic work I herd the sound die down.
Glancing outside my window I noticed that it was still very dark outside from the heavy rain clouds consuming the warm light that was trying to penetrate from the sun, hearing no rain bucketing down onto the tiled roof above me I arose from bed and headed into the bathroom to take a warm shower.
Turing on the shinny taps I noticed that the hot water wasn't working at all, so I had to take an artic shower to start of my 'happy' morning... "Fucks sake."
After the 10 minutes in hell I got changed into a white shirt and black skinny jeans along with a black wristband that matched the raven vans that hugged my feet, "It wont rain till I get to school, anyways I'll be catching the bus so I don't have to worry about a stupid umbrella." I said confidently as I finished combing my hair through, walking back into my room I sprayed on my cologne and headed to the kitchen where I grabbed an apple and my bag, "Bye Dad!" and like that I stepped outside.
"Ah so peaceful." Stepping out to my front gate I relaxed as a freezing breeze came from the clouds, sighing happily I allowed my body to mellow down peacefully but that's when I herd the bus speeding past, "Hey! Wait the fuck up bitch!" I squawked as my body had to lock up in a few seconds due to me sprinting after the bus, "Shit." I breathed out while panting like I just had eight hours worth of sex, easing my breath I lifted my head and slightly smiled again, trying to stay confident, happily stepping ahead I started on my long journey to school "Well at least its not rai-" before my sentence could be finished it started pouring down with the salty water, my body twitched with frustration as I stood there with my shoulders raised from the cold.
My stance was frozen; I glared off into the invisible distance that was shadowed by a grey like coloring, due to the "mother FUCKIN RAIN!" I shouted my thoughts as I started stomping my way to school with soggy shoes, shirt stuck to my body like a hookers attire on a Friday night, transparent and all, my jeans molded every inch of my ass too, "the fucking day just keeps on getting better doesn't it," I smiled insanely as my head and eyes twitched from rage, but still trying to keep calm.
Managing to hear footsteps over the rain I turned to see someone,
"Need an umbrella?"
[1696 Words | Unedited sorry]
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