+ Chapter Fifteen +
Chapter Fifteen
+ Evan's P.O.V +
I knew the whole 'drunk act' would work, but after what all happened what does that make us?
At first it was just a small desire of mine, but as the night went on it grew worse, and now that we are just here. Together. Lying down on the floor with our hands being the source of connection. I've lost my entire mind to his touch.
Though one thing is still printed on my mind.
Forcing my hand from his I sat up and faced the relaxed male, "What are we?" I questioned as he frowned, "what do you mean?"
"What are we.'' I repeated a little more loudly, he then sighed and sat up also, "Uh I don't know..." Jonathan's hand rubbed the back of his head while his eyes stayed glued to the floor below us, "um.... Well we did kiss and uh...." I knew this was all happening so fast but I just couldn't help it. I wasn't thinking at the moment.
"Can we, ya know.... Give us a shot?" After unconsciously saying that line I gulped and stared at him, only to have the taller male stand up and turn his back to me,
My heart broke, I've never been rejected before, and I guess that's what happens when you let your mind and heart take control of your actions so stupid. So so stupid.
"N-no?" repeating what he said causes him to turn his head slightly to look at me, "didn't you hear me correctly the first time?" Jonathan's voice was so low, so dark, so out of character for him.
A broken sigh left my lips as a single tear fell from my eye, (pussy. . . )
'Weak' (there we go.)
"Hey hey, don't cry," He lowered himself to my height and wrapped his arms around me quickly, "I didn't mean to sound so harsh...." Jonathan whispered warmly to me, his voice back to normal and warm touch cloaking me, "we just can't be together.... It's the whole, uh, werewolf thing."
Realization filled me when he said that, "oh, heh, I forgot that.." a slight chuckled rose from the other as he buried his face into my neck, "I noticed."
"Aye you fuckers!" an abrupt banging came from the lounge room window, as we turned our heads we saw Tyler and Craig standing there with the biggest smirks on their faces.
"Shit." Jonathan mumbled as he let go of me and walked up to the window. Harshly swigging the curtains shut and head back towards me to pull me up from the floor "Lets go, let em in," I said while smiling at him.
"So yeah, and then she was like can I call you daddy and that's when I was out," Tyler wheezed as he finished his story which wasn't that funny to be honest, but Craig was laughing away with him, "it's not that bad to call someone daddy..." I heard Jonathan whisper from under his breath and I turned to smirk at him, remembering what he'd changed his contact to on my phone.
"Yo! What do ya'll have for food," I heard Craig, who managed to escape us all and get into the kitchen, "Nothing you're aloud to eat!" Jonathan called back which caused the Brit to grunt and walk back into the living room.
"Games?" Tyler sighed out, everyone was obviously bored, so I grabbed out my PS4 and started up some group racing game, "Lets do this." All men in the living room jumped excitedly to my call while we went for the controllers.
"Oh for fucks sake Evan!" Tyler hissed and dropped the controller, "Aw I'm sorry little baby, I just rule to much~" cooing superiorly Craig posed a challenge with me - the round started and our characters zoomed around the course in their little vehicles as we laughed and stuck our tongues out in concentration, but something at the corner of my eye kept on distracting me, it was Jonathan, he's been watching me this whole time.
"Yessssss!" Craig screamed out, "Take that Evan!" Tyler and him synchronized, "Yeah, yeah, good game-" I spoke but I got cut off by the overly tall glasses man towering over my sitting figure, "We best get going now, thanks for the fun time Ev." He smiled and I grinned back, "good seeing you." And just like that I walked them to the front door and said farewell. Turning to face Jonathan I saw him still staring at me, "Why are you still looking at me?"
No response.
"I've seen your eyes on me this whole time . . ." I questionably loudened my voice at the male, who was lying across the couch. Walking up to him I got all up in his face, "dude, come on, fucking respond to my questi-" suddenly the overly warm Jon wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled my body against his, burying his face into my collar.
"I just can't get your smile off of my mind."
(REALLY REALLY) Short chapter. Shabby writing. Shit emotions.
I'm kinda a mess right now so please bare with me.
I love all you guys and I'll be sure to start writing again soon :)
Please don't worry about me – Yush
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