+ Chapter Eleven +
Chapter Eleven
+ Evan's P.O.V +
Waking up I had my eyes burn to the instant touch of morning sun, "ssk, fuck I thought I closed those." Getting up groggily from my bed I approached the dark brown curtains and tugged them shut "may as well get ready." I sighed while looking over to my bed.
Empty? Gazing around my dark room I noticed that it seemed to be missing a lot of items including the man that should've been resting by my side, "Brock?" I said and grabbed the sheets, tugging them away from the bed, all to expose no sleeping body, "huh?"
Snapping my head up to a sudden knocking on my front door I looked over to the digital clock on my bedside table, seeing that the time was only 6 am it made me curious to whose at my door, "oh, it must be Brock, he could've gone out to get breakfast."
I approached the wooden frame I opened the door and smiled while greeting what I thought was Brock, this mood was cut off when I noticed the man at my door, "heyo Evan, ooh cute boxers, is that Batman I see around your crotch?"
His finger swirled in front of the area where the fabric held a cartoon batman.
Gasping and covering my body up with my hands I growled at the crouching teen, he had his head right at 'blowjob' level, "Jonathan what the fuck are you doing here!?" scolding him I saw the male get up and step inside the house.
"Just felt like comin over that's all." Jonathan shrugged and scanned my body in an overly obvious manner, "at 6 a.m." I growled while shutting the front door and walking to my room, still trying to cover up as much of my bare body as I could, Jonathan followed me to my room of course.
"Where's Brock?" A smug chuckled escaped his lips as he said that, sighing I remembered that I am still unaware of where my newly broken off other was, "I don't know." Jonathan took a seat on my bed as I grabbed my clothes for today and headed to the bathroom, placing the needed items on the vanity I went back into my bedroom and pointed at the other male.
"You sit and stay, don't get up until I get out of the shower, okay?" Using my best dominant voice I could muster I saw Jon simply nod, that was easier than it thought, turning away from him I heard that sly comment I was expecting, "but what if I want to join you?"
"Stop being gay-"
"You're the gay one here remember?" I clenched my jaw as he said that, spinning around and facing him again I shot glares at the devious male,
"Shut up."
"Then let me join."
He started to get up and I sternly pointed my finger at him again, "STAY!" he seemed to cower and sit back down on my bed, "Good boy." I cheered and quickly petted his head then ran back into the bathroom to have my nice morning shower.
I just treated my friend like a dog.
What the hell Evan?
- *SpongeBob narrator voice* fifteen minutes later –
It was peaceful under the water as per usual, getting out of the tiled area and feeling the cold air hitting my still not dried skin sent chills down my spine, as I entered my room I shook my damp hair then wrapped a small towel around the thin raven fuzz, scrubbing it like a mad man I heard a shuffle, glancing up I saw Jonathan patiently siting on my bedside observing me once again.
Leaving the towel on my head I looked at him blankly, I could feel some water droplets run from my hair to down past my eyes, soon to finally drop of my jaw.
"You can go now. I need to get changed."
"Need hel-"
Pulling himself up from the mattress Jon excited my room by shutting the door and heading to what I guessed was the lounge room, I was questioned to why he was being so obedient this morning.
Tugging on my tee shirt and jeans I kept on speaking to myself, "I wonder where Brock is?"
Looking into my small wall hung mirror I started to comb up my hair into a small Mohawk like style
"Did I hurt him that much..?"
"you didn't, don't worry Evan." I heard Jonathan's (attempting to be) comforting voice, my door lightly creaked which symbolised that he was leaning against it, "How can you say that? You don't even know what happened." I grumbled while grabbing my shoes and putting them onto my small tanned feet, after finishing my morning preparations I opened the door to where Jonathan was standing, "Evan, don't stress, you did the right thing on breaking it off with him," the other male spoke softly while I just looked at him strangely due to being suspicious of him knowing about the whole thing, "how do you-"
"Uh.. um, well Brock told me last night. You see, him and I have actually known each other for a while, so he came over to my place to discuss things through. Brock understands completely and thinks you shouldn't feel bad."
"How do I know your telling the truth..." I sneered as Jon rolled his eyes, "dude, I'm your friend, I wouldn't lie to you about this shit."
Stepping past Jonathan, I grabbed my bag and hopped out the front door, waiting for the other to understand what I was explaining internally, "so I'm guessing you trust me aye," he grinned while exiting the house, allowing for me to lock is up and hide the key.
I'll trust him.... But I am still sus..
Its been three periods (classes) already and as the day progressed I started to feel a lot less guilty about the whole Brock situation, I know it makes me sound as if I didn't care but my friends always knew how to make me smile and laugh, I did care for Brock a lot, and I still do, "may all students attend to the school hall for a whole meeting." A female voice boomed throughout all the rusted hall speakers, grunting I finished my business (which seemed to take forever) and zipped up my flier, after washing my hands I stepped out of the restroom and into the now empty hallway.
"Shit, I'm late" after picking up my speed from a walk to a jog I made it to the large doors and entered the absolute student packed area, walking down the isle of my grade level I saw Jonathan, searching for a free space near him I grunted in annoyance when I couldn't find one, he looked up at me as I huffed and started to walk past in search for another area.
"wait-" my wrist got tugged at while my body fell backwards and into someones lap, "there's a free sear right here~" Jonathan purred into my ear, as my small body quivered with shock I started to climb away from him, "this isn't a seat, I will get into trouble," stressfully speaking I tried to escape, but that only seemed to irritate him more, "just stay, no one will notice."
I had lost this small battle. Jonathan's hands had snaked there way around my waist and his head leaned on my shoulder as I uncomfortably moved my back against his chest to get more relaxed, facing the front practically paralysed, not wanting to bump my ass onto his you know what, I listened to the head mistress start up with the needed information.
"Now lucky for you students this is only going to be a quick assembly, 20 minute session to be exact." After she said that Jonathan chuckled slightly, "oooh nice a 20 minute session, that's way better then my usual 5 minute ones." His eyes still facing the front and his head against my shoulder steadily, I started to laugh lightly from his response, "back at it again with the sexual innuendo's Jon." As I said that, light giggles came from me, I felt his jaw move indicating that the male smiled, he nuzzled his smiling face into my neck, "always at it with the sexual innuendo's bab-" before he could finish his line a scream was hear beside us, Jonathan's actions froze, "No contact!" the (unknown) teacher yelled loudly, capturing absolutely everyone's attention.
Being extremely embarrassed I shrunk myself further into Jon's lap, shortly I noticed that was a great mistake as I know I felt 'it', yelping I shot my back side forwards and away while blushing furiously from pure embarrassment.
The teacher kept freakishly spazzing her hands all over the place while trying to get me off of Jonathan, but he wouldn't let go, "Stop touching that little innocent boy in that way!" the lady squawked out, people around us started to gasp and giggle, "m-miss I'm not even touching him at all!" out of pure panicky rage for apparently thinking that Jon was some 'in school pedophile' she pulled out the booklet she had and started hitting him with it, "Argh shit fucks, stop that" he covered his head with his arms in defence even though that didn't seem to work, "Language!" she shouting again, the taller male finally gave up and groaned while letting go of me completely and picking himself up from the seat.
Jonathan and I followed the teacher out of the hall knowing that we are the laughing stock in this area now, we soon headed to her office to have a whole lecture on rape, touching, religion, age, etc.
Tyler, Jon and I all sat outside instead of going to the public shaming cafeteria, "soooo you dudes a thing?" Tyler tilted his head while eyeing us off, I simply glared at him while shoving some more of my home packed rice into my gob, "no we are not, I couldn't find a seat so I shared with Jonathan and then the teacher started shouting out random, embarrassing shit." I mumbled with a mouth full of the tasty food, "he wishes I was touching him though~" Jonathan cooed while laying himself against the soft grass below us.
"No I cunting don't!" huffing and quickly placing my plastic container down I elbowed the laying males stomach, "argh bitch, what was that for?" the man groaned while curling up slowly in pain, "your next if you make another sly comment Tyler, I swear to god." Placing my fist up near his face I waited until he nodded his head.
"Good." Happily chirping and grabbing my food again and dug in, happily humming like nothing happened, Tyler had dragged Jon to his side to give the overly dramatically sobbing male some 'heath care'.
Jonathan was obviously not hurting, he was just trying to get attention I know it.
Smiling in victory as I saw his curled self I 'hmfd' in superiority.
After lunch we headed off to our next classes, "see ya this arvo Ty!" I shouted while Jonathan and I went into once class while Tyler went into another, we all took our seats and many students kept on turning and laughing while asking questions to me about the whole assembly incident.
"Open up to chapter 11 class and read."
(Ayeee see what I did there, cause ya know, y'all are already on chapter 11..... not cool. Yeah I know, I'm sorry.)
Everyone sat down and opened up there books and started reading, including me, until I got every so rudely interrupted,
"I said what?"
"hey, Pssssssst"
"What the fuck do you want Jonathan?" turning in my seat I stared at him while whispering frustratingly, "can I borrow your phone?" he cheesily grinned while I questioned is intentions, "I just wanna send my roommate a message to ask him to buy some milk on the way home."
Believing him I grabbed out my phone and handed it to him, "take it and don't interrupt me again until the end of class." I said while Jon nodded and got straight onto my phone.
"See ya tomorrow Jon." Tyler and I synchronised as we waved Jonathan off, we continued to silently yet comfortably walk to my place, "Last one to the front door is a closet fag!" Tyler shouted and then started to run but soon to suddenly stop and turn to look at me, I personally couldn't be bothered to run, "why aren't you runni- oh wait I know now, your already one." The taller male smirked as my face filled with ragging heat, "you lil shit!" I started to run after him, Tyler also started sprinted up to the familiar building.
He made it up to the door faster then me though; quickly Tyler lent over and grabbed the key from its hidden placement soon to unlock my front door and step inside, "well off ya go, go into your fag room." He laughed, playfully punching me.
Tyler was a jokester, even though most of the time it sounds like he's insulting me, I always take it as a joke, its just our thing. Tease the shit out of each other.
"Hey Ty. What was the question we had to do for math?" I asked him while tapping the end of the pen against the desks corner, "I think it was question 5 in chapter 3," he called over the TV as he starred franticly at the screen trying to win against who ever he was versing.
Flicking through the textbook I answered the questions needed and then left my desk to sit on my bed with Tyler but before I sat down I asked if he'd like something to eat, "I need Doritos and Mounting a Dew, oh I mean Mountain Dew. Ya know, Gamers food."
We both started to laugh as I exited the room to go and get this 'gamers food', opening up the cupboard I grabbed out the chips and went to the fridge to get the fizzy beverage, "Hey Evan you got a text message!" Tyler shouted out from my bedroom as I shut the refrigerator door and headed back,
"Oh yeah, from who?" I entered the room to my friend standing directly in front of me and pressing the phone against my face, "So who's the 'Daddy' aye?" he chuckled as I scrambled my phone out of his hands and bluntly looked at the small screen that said,
One unread message from 'DADDY'
- Hey baby boy~
"I didn't know you were into that kind of stuff man." Tyler continued to question and mock as he grabbed the supplies from my arms and went back to his 'wildcat nest' on the bed, "I-I'm not into that shit! Shut the fuck up!" I squawked while reading the text.
While checking whose address (number) it was I silently chuckled to myself while replying to the message and changing the contact name back to his original contact, I settled my phone down onto the bed side table, smiling like an fool as I laughed at how much of an idiot he was,
"Oh Jonathan, what would I do without you."
[ 2555 words | unedited sorry]
grand apology's from me for updating this so late.
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