Terrible things
Before the story starts: Jordan is chilled's son in this story not Jordan from the creature but that is where the name comes from. Chilled decided to name his son after his best friend, and that's all.
Hey, dad! What are these?" I hear Jordan, my legal son call from the living room while I was in the kitchen.
"I can't see what you're talking about Jordan. What is it?"
"It's a photo album, and you and some other guys are in it."
My heart drops, how did he find that, I thought I put it away where he couldn't find it. Even if he is 15 i wanted to wait just a little longer before I told him about the old crew and about... Him.
"Dad, are you there?" He calls.
"Yea, just a second and I'll be in there."
I take a deep breath and go sit on the couch next to Jordan.
"So who are these people?"
"Well," I start as I look thorough the pictures that I haven't seen in easily 10 years or more. "These guys were some friends from before you were born."
"Dad, are you crying? You don't have to talk about them."
I didn't notice the tears rolling down my cheeks, all the memories of the guys distracted me. " No, I was going to wait until your 18th birthday, but I guess you'll get to hear the story early." I look over to Jordan and he smiles softly and I take another deep breath before continuing. "Like I said these were some of my friends from before you were born, we used to play games online together." I flipped through the pages, pointing out each guy saying their names as I did, "GaLm, Smarty, tom, and-" I was cut off by the last name, getting caught in my throat. I feel tears welling up in my eyes.
"Dad? Are you sure you're okay? You really don't have to tell me about all of this."
"Yes, I do. Jordan, there's something I need to tell you."He looks at me with concern in his eyes. " I'm not...your biological father."
"What?" He says quietly, barely adorable actually.
"Jordan, your father..." I could find a way speaking. "This is your father." I say pointing to the picture of chilled in the album.
He takes the book from me and examines it closely, as if to see if it's really what it seems. "what's his name?"
"His name, Was Anthony."
"Was?" He has tears developing in his eyes."
"I'm going to tell you everything at once. It's like a bandaid. Okay?" He nods, so I continue. " I met your father when we were in this group." I say pointing to the picture of me and the other four guys. "He and I were best friends. He told me from the first day that he could tell by my eyes that I was in love with him."
I pause taking a moment to let the beginning set in for him, before continuing. "Most of the time we would we'd have too much to drink, we were too young and dumb to care. One day, after being with him for 2 years I decided I wanted to marry him, we already So I said to him 'boy can I tell you a wonderful thing? I have made you a present from paper and string, open it with care please.' And he opened the box and found an engagement ring, and I asked him 'Anthony will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?'. He smiled so brightly
But the smile was short. Because he looked me and said 'I have some terrible news. It seems that I'm sick and I've only got weeks. Please don't be sad now, I truly believe you were the greatest thing to ever happen to me.' He had cancer. He had went to the doctor and they found a brain tumor and didn't have a chance to fight, it was too late. He passed away when you were one and a half."
He was so quiet for a few minutes after I finished and then he asked me "Why didn't you ever tell me?"
"He wanted me to wait. He thought it would be best for you to find out when you were older." I explained.
Then it hit me. "Hold on. He wanted me to give you something.Wait here."
He nods and I get up and go to my closet where I grab a box with the words 'For Jordan when it's time.' Written on the side.
"he made this for you before he passed away."
I handed the box to Jordan. He took the box and waited before slowly opening it. The first thing he picks up and examines is chilled's old Mario hat, my god I haven't seen that in so long. Next were a few other smaller items that didn't open the memory flood gates like that hat. While looking through the rest of it I take the hat off the coffee table and think of the man that I fell in love with, his perfect smile, amazing chocolate eyes, how I miss those beautiful orbs. I'm pulled out of my thoughts when Jordan calls for me.
"Dad. There's something in here for you."
"What? But the box is for you."
"Well, my names not Steven, so I think it's for you." He holds up a envelop with my name written on it.
"Let me see." I say softly taking the envelop from him, putting the hat down. I open it and read the paper inside.
'Dear Steven,
If you're reading this it means that you told Jordan the truth. I hate this had to happen. I want you to know, no matter what I want you to be happy. Reading this means that you have hopefully moved on from me. I don't want you to stay alone because of me. And remember keep Jordan safe.
I love you,
I pull the paper to my chest and let a out quiet sob. Then I get the feeling of a warm embrace, it's Jordan hugging me tightly. I just sit there and let the tears flow. "Jordan." I say in between sob
"There's one more thing I want you to have." He releases me from his hug and I place the letter on the coffee table by Anthony's hat and take off the ring on my finger. Holding it Between my index finger and thumb. "This was the ring I proposed to your father with."
I take his hand and put the ring in it. " I want you to have it."
"I can't, it's not right for me to do that." He protests trying to pass the ring back.
"Yes, you can. It's yours I want you to wear it so that whenever you're feeling sad, you can look at this ring and remember that he's watching over you." I fold the ring into his hand before kissing him on the forehead.
"I love you, Jordan."
"I love you too dad"
I'm sorry if this is bad I have just wanted to write something lately that's a little different and I feel like it's super jumpy but no matter I will edit it at a later point.
Anyway thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed if you did please leave a vote and maybe a comment on what you thought
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