One month later. | October 12th, 2021.
India was currently laying in her bed, watching Bad Girls Club on her TV as she ate her strawberry sweet tarts ropes.
"If somebody don't beat this bitch Winter ass, I bet I do." She mumbled to herself, not wanting to wake Von up who was asleep next to her.
She sighed in boredom, grabbing her phone and FaceTiming Kentrell.
The call connected on the first ring, making her smile.
"Hey baby." She sat up, watching him smile.
"Wassup pretty girl? What you doin' mama?" He licked over his lips as he stared at her.
"Watching bad girls club. Von sleep and I'm bored and I miss you." She pouted.
"I miss you too. When I wrap this feature up I'm coming back home to you fat ma." He told her, and she smiled.
"How's it going? You almost done?" She asked.
"Almost. It's Nicki so you know I gotta do my big one." He said, looking away from the camera at the engineer board in front of him.
"And you will. You talent comes naturally. You'll do good boo." She mumbled, and he smiled, grabbing his phone and standing up.
"Preciate you baby. You tired?" He asked, watching her look at herself in the camera.
"A little bit. I wanna wait on you though. You look so handsome baby." She laid back on her pillow, pulling her covers over her.
"You make my dick hard. I wanna fuck you til you scream." He told her, and she laughed.
"Why couldn't you just say thank you?" She smiled.
"Ion know. I wasn't loved as a child." He shrugged, and she laughed, rolling her eyes.
"You crazy as hel-you have to go?" She slightly frowned, hearing his engineer call his name.
"Yeah baby. I won't be long. I'll be home in like an hour, I promise." He said, and she lowly sighed before nodding.
"You sad fat mama?" He licked over his lips, watching her unintentionally pout.
"I miss you, and I want you home. But I don't wanna be a brat and make you miss work." She mumbled softly, and he smiled.
"You my brat, ion mind baby. I swear I ain't gone take long, and Ima bring you some food. You want some wings?" He asked, and she grinned, making him laugh.
"No, subway. Thank you boo. I love you." She kissed the camera, smiling as he did the same.
"I love you too baby." He waved, before hanging up.
She put her phone down, turning to lay on her side, facing Von.
She rubbed over his lips as he slept, pushing his dreads out his face.
"Baby wake up please." She held his face, softly pecking his lips.
"Baby." She pressed her lips against his bottom one, scanning her eyes over his face.
"Hm?" He mumbled in his sleep, making her bite her lip.
"Wake up. I'm bored." She rubbed his jaw as his eyes remained closed.
"I'm tired baby." He rasped, and she wrapped her arms around his body.
"I love you." He mumbled, and her frown turned into a smile.
"I love you too bae." She kissed his cheek, watching as he dozed back off.
She turned her attention back to her TV, waiting for Kentrell to come home.
20 minutes later, she heard a knock on her front door, and she frowned as she got out of her bed.
She pulled her boxers up, walking to her door and looking through the peephole.
She unlocked her door, jumping on top of Kendall, who laughed.
"Oh my god Amouri I missed you." She hugged around her neck as Kendall walked in, closing the door with her foot.
"I missed you too mama. Ya niggas here?" She smirked, and India laughed.
"One of them. You look good. Even with your crazy hair." India ran her fingers through her locs, and she laughed.
"Thank you. What you been up to?" Koda sat on her couch, and India sat next to her, folding her legs under herself.
"Nothing, bored as hell actually. My sister be in LA now, and you've been in New York, and Kesh haven't been talking to me." India mumbled.
"Why? Y'all beefin'?" Koda asked.
"No. Not that I know of. One day she just stopped answering my texts. I tried stopping by her apartment, and she took me off her visitors list, so." India shrugged.
"You want me to see what's going on?" Koda tilted India's head to look at her.
"No. I'm not going to force it. I know I didn't do anything wrong, so she can kiss my ass. How are you though? You been booked and busy, no time for me." India smiled, and she chuckled.
"You know I always make time for mybaby." Koda kissed her forehead, and she smiled.
"But I been everywhere. Vegas, Brooklyn, LA, Atlanta. Doing features and shows and shit. I been bringing in hella money. And I brought you some cause I ain't have time to buy you nothin'." Koda reached in her bag, pulling out a few stacks of money and placing them on her table.
"What's that for?" India laughed.
"A million dollars. For staying down. I wouldn't be where I am without you. You the one made me go to my first studio session, and been on my ass to be one of the best out of Brooklyn since. Everything I got, you got." Koda told her, and she smiled, wrapping her arms around her neck.
"I'm so proud of you Amouri. You're doing so good, I know your mom is proud of you too." India said, and Koda wrapped her arms around India, pulling her closer.
"Youn know how much I love you Nikani. You my baby for life." She mumbled, and India smiled.
"As I should be. Hold up." India stood up off the couch, jogging to her bathroom. She grabbed her hair bucket, and closed her room door, before going back to her living room.
"Come on cause yo shit look crazy." India sat on the couch, and Koda laughed, sitting between her legs.
"Why haven't you got them done?" She asked, pouring moisturizer in Koda's hair, rubbing it ing her scalp.
"Nobody do my shit as good as you. I just been letting my shit do what it want." Koda shrugged, rubbing India's feet.
"They look good messy. They getting long." India mumbled, parting out a few rows and tying the rest up.
"How yo love life?" Koda asked.
"Good. The happiest I ever been. I love my babies." India told her, retwisting her locs at the roots.
"That's good. I can't believe you got two boyfriends. Never though I'd see it." Koda said, making her laugh.
"Me neither. And it's surprising how cool the both of them are with it. They was friends before, but now they like best friends. It makes me happy to see their bond grow." India mumbled, pulling another row of her locs out.
"They gay?" Koda asked, and she laughed again.
"No. Although that would be fun to see, they not into that. Especially Kentrell. He do not play that shit at all." India chuckled, twisting a loc between her hands.
"If they fuck you at the same time that's pretty fruity. Not that I'd complain if I was you." Koda said, making her laugh.
"Why you all up in my sex life? What you doing with yours?" India retorted, and she chuckled.
"Same ole same old. Fucking and ducking the same hoes." She shrugged.
"You a damn fool. Rhyming and shit." India shook her head, and Koda laughed.
"Nah but I really ain't found nobody new. I ain't looking either though. Ain't came across another you yet." Koda told her.
"It's your fault we didn't work Ko." She mumbled, putting hair growth oil in her scalp.
"I know. I'm sorry." Koda said, and India didn't say anything as she ran her fingers through her scalp, pulling her edges out for her barber to cut around.
India put her products back in her bucket, standing up as Koda did the same.
Koda grabbed her arm before she could walk off, and India avoided her gaze.
"I'm not here to try to manipulate you or nothing like that. I really did miss you, that's why I'm here. And I wanted to apologize too. Seeing you happy in a relationship on Instagram, made me realize what we could've been if I wasn't so fucked up. And even though I am, you still wanted to stick by my side. I didn't, and still don't deserve you Nikani. Seeing how happy they make you, makes me happy. I like seeing you happy. I'm sorry I couldn't be right for you mama." Koda held her face, watching tears brim in her eyes.
"I wanted it to be us so bad Koda. And I still don't understand why it couldn't be. I used to cry, thinking it was me. But I don't regret any of it. I'd do it 100 times over with you, my first love. You don't have to apologize baby. We young and we make mistakes. Just don't do your next girl like you did me. It wasn't cool Kendall." India sniffed, tears flowing down her face, and Kendall wrapped her arms around her.
"I'm so fucking sorry Nikani. As your first love I was supposed to paint the picture of what a relationship is supposed to be like, and I didn't. I'm sorry. I regret everyday the way I flodged you. But know that it wasn't because of you, and had nothing to do with you. You so perfect, and I knew that I couldn't handle you the way you're supposed to be handled. You got that now though baby. And I'm so fucking happy that you got what you deserve. I love you for life. You my baby forever, and I'm here for you forever, no matter what." Koda held her face to look up at her, and India nodded, wiping her face.
"I love you Kani. So bad." Koda mumbled, rubbing her face as they stared at one another.
"I love you too. Forever." India pulled her face down to her level, kissing her cheek. India closed her eyes as she hugged around her neck, Koda hugging around her waist.
"I missed you mama." Koda rasped, laying her head on top of India's.
"I missed you too Amouri. Thank you for coming to see me. Come back soon. We still best friends, and I be missing you." India pulled back, kissing her nose, making her smile.
"Ima be back more often. I love you baby." Koda leaned down to kiss her cheek, and she smiled.
"I love you too. Call me." India held her front door open, just as Kentrell was about to use his key to unlock it.
"Who the fuck is this?" Kentrell furrowed his eyebrows, and India shook her head at him.
"Kentrell, this is my best friend Kendall. Kendall, this my baby. Chill out Ken." India leaned against the door, and Koda chuckled.
"Wassup." Koda held her hand out, and Kentrell hesitantly dapped her up, keeping his eyebrows furrowed.
"Bye Nikani. Ima call you mama." Koda kissed her cheek, nodding her head at Kentrell before walking out.
India closed her door once Kentrell was inside, locking it. She turned to face him, seeing the mug on his face, and she laughed, wrapping her arms around his neck.
"Nah get off me. Ain't that the bitch you used to fuck on? Why she hea' fa'?" Kentrell frowned as India kissed his lips.
"She just came to talk. And apologize. Is that a problem?" India let him go, walking away.
"You want me to call a bitch I used to fuck on and go over her house, kiss her face and 'apologize'?" Kentrell followed her to the living room.
"I'm sorry if that made you uncomfortable. I didn't mean to upset you. I'll set some boundaries." She mumbled, and he grabbed her arm, turning her body to face him.
"I ain't mean for it to come out that harsh. I'm sorry baby. I just don't like people knowin' you." He held her face, softly kissing her lips. She smiled, holding his as she kissed him back.
"It's okay mr.possessive." She chuckled, pulling away.
"I'll be dat. You belong to me and Von. That's it. Ion even want yo sister to know you." Kentrell told her, and she laughed.
"Mhm I do. And I missed you daddy." She looked up at him, and he bit his lip.
"You ain't said that in a while. I missed it." He slapped her ass, gripping it in his hands, making her smile.
"That shit cringe lowkey. But I like it if you love it." She reached down, gripping his dick, and he smirked.
"Mm, you so fucking nasty." He put his head in her neck, rubbing her ass.
"For you." She mumbled, a smile on her face.
"You smell so good." He lowly groaned, now aroused. Without warning, he bit down on her neck, and she hissed, her nails digging into his torso.
She tilted her head to give him more room, moaning as he sucked the small amount of blood.
He grabbed her face, kissing her and sliding his tongue in her mouth.
She moaned, the unfamiliar yet savory metallic taste filling her mouth.
"You is so crazy." She mumbled once she pulled away.
"You like that shit." He pecked her lips twice, and she smiled.
"It hurts but it's a good pain." She told him, turning around and grabbing the money off of her table.
"How much is that?" He furrowed his eyebrows, following her to her room.
"A million." She mumbled.
"Mane fuck that hoe. I'll give you 5 million right now. Matter fact." He pulled his phone out, and she took it out of his hand, throwing it on the bed as she laughed.
"You don't have to one up her. You already have. You treat me good, you fuck me real good, and you my baby. You beating her without even trying." India reassured him as she put the money in her safe where all the other cash Von and Kentrell gave her was.
"Mhm sure whatever. Hoes say whatever t-shit girl." He frowned once she popped him in his mouth.
"Kentrell you know I don't play like that. No, get off me cause you play too much." She smiled as he laughed, wrapping his arms around her.
"You know I was just fucking wit' you." He raised his arms as she pulled his shirt from over his head.
"You look good as fuck." She told him, unzipping his jeans and pulling them down.
"You finna let me fuck yo face?" He smirked, and she laughed.
"You wish. It's bedtime nigga." She mumbled, making him laugh as she pulled him to the bed after cutting the fan on and the light off.
India laid next to Von, and Kentrell laid in front of her, pulling her leg around him.
He reached up to rub her ear, and she smiled feeling Von wrap his arms around her, laying his head on her back.
"I love you Ken." India mumbled, and he felt like his heart had swelled.
"I love you too baby. So bad."
Kesha now what is you doing girl? Lol. < Sarcasm.
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