Chapter 09:
It was the time of night, the moon was shining in the sky and the stars were twinkling. Avni was standing on the terrace and she was smiling while joining her hands. Avni was excited, nervous, worried, and happy. She was experiencing mixed emotions.
Avni was waiting for someone and she heard the sound of footsteps. Avni got nervous and took a deep breath. Neil came to the terrace and looked up. Neil was facing Avni’s back. Neil stopped and then he slowly came forward. Avni had no courage to look back because she was feeling shy and nervous. Neil stopped and his eyes were on Avni. They didn’t see each other since morning. Neil even didn’t come for lunch and he made an excuse that he is tired and after that everyone got busy in the preparation for the wedding
Neil cleared his throat.
Neil: you called me, Avni?
Avni took a deep breath and she turned to Neil who saw her.
Avni: Ab, yes, I want to talk to you about something important.
Neil nodded while looking down.
Neil: I know, what you want to talk about.
Avni was surprised.
Avni: you know?
Neil nodded and he was not looking at Avni.
Neil: yeah. You want me to refuse for this alliance.
Avni was amazed.
Avni: how did you know?
Neil smiled slightly.
Neil: Because you said in the morning, you are not happy with this alliance.
Avni smiled. Neil sighed.
Neil: don’t worry, I will say no to my parents for our alliance.
Avni got happy but soon her smile faded when she understood what Neil said.
Avni: what? What did you say?
Neil looked at Avni who looked shocked. Neil looked away. Avni was looking at Neil.
Avni: Our alliance?
Neil looked at Avni who looked confused.
Neil: Avni, please, don’t act innocent. You and me, we both know that our parents are talking about our alliance.
Avni was surprised.
Neil: but you don’t worry, I…
Avni: hold on, hold on, Neil. Hold on.
Neil looked at Avni.
Avni: what are you saying, I am not understanding anything. Our parents are talking about our alliance?
Neil: Avni, why are you acting like you don’t know anything. In the morning. You…
Avni again interrupted.
Avni: Neil, I have no idea about it. No one talked to me about our alliance.
Neil was shocked.
Neil: what?
Avni: yes.
Neil was looking at Avni confusingly.
Avni: I wanted you to say no to your alliance because I thought that your parents are fixing your alliance with Juhi.
Neil was shocked.
Neil: What?
Avni: yes.
Neil thinks.
Avni: I had no idea about our alliance.
Neil looked at her and then he thinks.
Neil: one minute.
Neil looked at Avni.
Neil: you didn’t know about our alliance? Right?
Avni: no.
Neil: then why you wanted me to say no to the alliance?
Avni: I wanted you to say no to your alliance because I lo…
Avni stopped and Neil was stunned. Avni looked at Neil angrily.
Avni: no, now I will not tell you.
Neil was shocked. Avni was looking at Neil then she start going. Neil was shocked. Neil stopped Avni.
Neil: Avni.
Avni stopped.
Neil: Avni, please, say, what you were going to say.
Avni turned to Neil.
Avni: No, I will not say.
Neil: Avni, please.
Avni: No. no. no.
Avni turned to go but she stopped. Neil got a ray of hope. Avni turned to Neil who smiled.
Avni warned Neil: and don’t you dare to come behind me else I will never say those words.
Neil was shocked. Avni glared at Neil and then she turned. Avni was going.
Neil: Avni, Avni, Avni, yaar, please. Avni.
Avni goes. Neil tapped his foot on the floor.
Neil: shit yaar.
Neil got angry on himself.
Neil: Neil, you are an idiot, duffer, stupid.
Neil was panting and he turned. Neil looked in the direction where Avni went. Neil got sad.
On the other side, Avni came to her room and she stopped near the bed. Avni was angry.
Avni: Idiot, stupid, duffer. He is a bull-headed brainless man. Don’t know how he became an ACP. He, himself assumes things. I mean, when I said that I don’t want our alliance. I didn’t even know about it and what he said that he will reject our alliance. … is Neil Khanna ki to main.
Avni looked here and there and she saw a vase on the side table of the bed. Avni picked up the vase and she acted to hit Neil with it. Avni kept it on the side table and set it. Avni turned and she huffed. Suddenly, Avni realized something.
Avni: but I never showed him that I like him, I feel something for him then how would he get to know that I feel something for him.
Avni thinks but she again came back to her preview mood.
Avni: No, the mistake is his. He can talk to me, he can ask him but no he, himself assumed everything. He didn’t only assume but he decided that he will reject our alliance. Idiot. Now, I will also not confess my love to him, hmm.
Avni nodded and then she huffed by keeping her hand on her head.
Later, Avni came to her room after changing her dress into a night dress. Avni came to her bed and she picked up the duvet but she heard a sound and she turned her face. Avni was shocked to see Neil who was coming from the window.
Avni: Neil, you?
Neil came inside and he saw Avni. Neil showed his hand while smiling.
Neil: Hi.
Neil was nervous but he was not showing it to Avni. Avni got angry to see him. Neil came to Avni.
Avni: what are you doing here?
Neil: I came to get the answer to my question.
Avni: I am not going to say that so go from here. Get out.
Neil: Avni, please na yaar say those three magical words I am dying to hear them.
Avni looked away.
Neil: I am sorry na yaar, please say those three magical words.
No reply.
Neil: Please, Avni, say. See, you prohibited me to come behind you and I obeyed you. I didn’t come behind you now you also leave your anger. Please, forgive me and say what you wanted to say on the terrace.
Avni looked at Neil who made an innocent and cute face.
Neil: Please.
Avni melted and she smiled but the next second, Avni again made an angry face.
Avni: why? You wanted to say no to our alliance. You were going to refuse it.
Neil looked down.
Avni: now, what happened? Go. Go and say no.
Neil held Avni’s hand. Avni looked at the hands then she looked at Neil.
Neil: I am sorry, yaar. Actually, I was upset and I misunderstood things.
Avni looked away.
Neil: I am saying sorry na.
Avni looked at Neil. Avni was about to say something but they heard a knock on the door. Avni looked there and Avni was shocked.
Avni: who can come at this time of night?
Avni and Neil looked at each other. The door again knocked. Avni took her hand back.
Avni: Neil, go from here.
Avni was about to move but Neil held her lower arm. Avni was shocked, she looked at her arm and when Neil talked then she looked at Neil.
Neil: no, first tell me what you were going to say on the terrace.
The door knocked again. Avni looked there and then she glared at Neil.
Avni: Neil, stop this madness and go.
Neil: No.
Avni: Neil, go.
Avni tried to go but Neil didn’t let her go and stood close to her. Avni was surprised.
Neil: first say.
Avni glared at Neil.
Avni: Neil.
Nm: Avni?
Avni was shocked. Neil was looking at Avni.
Avni: mamma?
Avni looked at Neil. She tried to free her hand.
Avni: Neil, leave my hand and go.
Neil caught Avni in his arms by holding her waist. Neil was holding his wrist at Avni’s back and he was catching Avni in his arms. Avni was shocked and she looked at Neil.
Neil: I will not let you go until you will not confess your love.
Avni was surprised. She again heard Neela maa and she got nervous.
Avni: Neil, please go, if someone saw you here then there will be a very big problem.
Neil: nothing will happen, in fact, they will get happy because they also want the same what we want.
Avni got angry.
Avni: Neil.
Nm: Avni, is everything alright?
Avni: Neil, please go. Please.
Neil: ok, relax. I am going but first promise me that you will come to the terrace at 11 o’clock.
Avni: never.
Neil: ok, fine then I will also not go.
Nm: Avni?
Avni: ok, ok, I will come.
Neil: promise?
Avni: yes, promise, now leave me.
Neil left Avni and pulled Avni’s cheek slightly.
Neil: good girl.
Avni was surprised and Neil smiled. Neil turned and goes. Avni was looking at him. Neil moved out from the window and then he signed that he is going to the terrace. Avni was looking at him. Neil waved his hand and then he goes. Avni sighed and then again the door knocked. Avni hurriedly goes there and she set her dress and hair before opening the door. Neela was looking at her confusingly.
Nm: Why did you take this much time? What were you doing?
Avni was shocked.
Avni: woh, woh. Iiii…
Nm: what is this woh, woh.
Avni was looking at her and then she thinks.
Avni: woh.
Avni got an idea.
Avni: yes, I was changing my dress. Yes.
Avni sighed. Neela maa frowned.
Nm: what?
Neela maa was looking at her.
Nm: I heard some sound from there.
Avni was shocked.
AvnI: sou, sound?
Neela maa nodded.
AvniL: n, no. I was in the bathroom.
Neela maa confused.
Nm: really?
Avni nodded.
Avni: yeah.
Nm: ok.
Avni: by the way, mamma, you here? Do you have some work with me?
Neela maa remembered something.
Nm: yeah, I want a tablet for a headache.
Avni: oh, come, I give you.
Neela maa smiled and they went inside. Avni came to Neela maa and she gave medicine to Neela maa and they smiled.
Avni: Do I massage your head?
Neela maa smiled.
Nm: no, I am fine. Actually, Shweta Ji wants it.
Avni: oh.
Nm: yeah… I am going.
Avni nodded and Neela maa goes. Avni thinks.
On the other side, Neil was standing on the terrace and his eyes were on the direction from where Avni will come. Neil saw the time on his watch and it shows 11 o’clock. Neil looked down and then again he looked for Avni. Neil turned his face and he saw the moon. Neil sighed.
Neil: you are shining in the sky but when my moon will come.
Neil turned his face and he looked for Avni. Neil saw the time in his watch and it shows 11:03pm. Neil thinks. His heart was saying that Avni will come but his mind was saying that he is wasting his time Avni will not come. The wind blew and Neil felt something. Neil closed his eyes and his heartbeat increased. Neil opened his eyes and he turned his face. Avni came there and she had changed her dress. Avni saw Neil and their eyes met. Avni slowly came to Neil and she stopped. Avni broke eye contact and she looked away. Neil smiled.
Neil: thanks for coming, Avni.
Avni: say, why you called me?
Neil: you are still angry with me?
No reply.
Neil: I said sorry na.
Neil cupped Avni’s face who looked at him.
Neil: Avni, I misunderstood. I thought, Mom wants to fix my alliance with Juhi and I was upset because of that and then you said that you are not happy with my alliance and I got happy. My happiness was on cloud nine and I immediately went to talk to mom about us because I don’t want any hurdles now. I wanted to tell her about my feeling before it get too late and when I went there, I heard our mothers talking about our alliance and I felt like today is the day of acceptance of my prayers. Our parents also want us to get married. I felt like I will go crazy today but then I remembered that you said, you are not happy with this alliance and my all happiness turned into sorrow.
Neil and Avni got emotional. Neil licked his lips.
Neil: And…
Avni: and you decided everything yourself without talking to me.
Neil looked at Avni sadly.
Avni: do you have any idea what would happen if I had not called you on the terrace.
Neil looked down and then he looked at Avni. Neil licked his lips and then suppressed them.
Neil: I am sorry.
Avni sighed.
Avni: it’s ok. Let’s just close this topic.
Neil smiled slightly.
Avni: but remember one thing, things are only sorted by talking so talk before making any decision.
Neil nodded.
Neil: I will be careful next time and I will keep this in my mind.
Avni smiled.
Neil: I also believe in it but don’t know what had happened to me today.
Avni smiled.
Avni: now leave this topic.
Neil: ok.
They smiled and remained silent for some time. They looked here and there. Neil looked at Avni and then he thinks.
Neil: ab, Avni.
Avni looked at Neil.
Neil: say, what were you saying earlier?
Avni was confused.
Avni: me?
Neil: yeah, you were saying something when you called me on the terrace.
Avni felt shy and awkward.
Avni: ab.
Neil cupped Avni’s face. Avni looked at Neil.
Neil: say, Avni, I am dying to hear those three magical words.
Avni looked down and she was feeling shy.
Avni: Ne, Neil.
Neil got hurt and disappointed but he managed to smile.
Neil: it's ok, Avni.
Avni looked at Neil.
Neil: I think you are not ready for this. I understand. It’s ok. You take your time, I will wait for the right time when you will be ready for it.
Avni was looking at Neil who smiled.
Neil: go, it is too late now. Go and sleep. Good night.
Neil smiled and then he looked down. Neil turned and Avni was looking at him. Avni’s eyes were on Neil and she was facing his back. Neil was sad. Suddenly, Avni hugged him from behind and Neil was surprised. Neil closed his eyes and Avni’s eyes were closed. Avni opened her eyes and Neil too opened his eyes. Avni moved to Neil’s ear.
Avni whispered: I.
Neil closed his eyes.
Avni: love. You.
Neil was surprised and he opened his eyes. Avni tried to run but Neil turned and he held her arm. Avni was feeling shy and she was trying to free her hand. Neil was smiling and he pulled Avni to him who landed in his arms. Neil held Avni’s waist with one hand. Avni looked at Neil.
Neil: what did you say?
Avni looked down and she blushed.
Neil cupped Avni’s face.
Neil: please, say, my love. Say it again.
Avni looked at Neil who was looking at her with hope and love. Avni was lost in Neill’s eyes.
Avni: I love you.
Neil got happy and he felt like he won the world. Neil hugged Avni.
Neil: I love you too, Avni. I love you too.
Avni smiled and tears of happiness came into her eyes. Neil sighed and he also got emotional. Neil hugged Avni more tightly. They broke the hug and Neil cupped Avni's face and sighed happily. Avni smiled with teary eyes.
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