5 days
It felt strange being surrounded by everyone I formerly knew so well. I almost felt like I was hallucinating again. "What was it like?" I finally asked once I overcame the majority of my shock. Everyone looked. Fine.
"It hurt at first but eventually it was peaceful and we just lived our lives there...for like five days so it wasn't that awful." Benny said in reassurement but it just hurt more.
I was in pain for so long worrying if they were okay...wondering if they were in pain but in that moment it felt that all of that pain and trauma was futile.
"It uh- it was five years for me...five very long years." I stuttered. I was trying so hard for my voice not to break but I was failing very miserably. "I just missed you all so much." A solitary tear floated down my cheeks but I didn't want to wipe it away because that would bring attention to it.
"Well you don't look like you have aged a day." Laura joked with a warming smile from across the table. We were all sat around it. Like how we used to. With 4 more additions who I introduced them to.
"Well you guys missed alot."
"Who brought us back?" Little Via asked. Her massive eyes stared into mine curiously and I felt my heart swell.
"On the news they are saying Bruce but we don't know ye-"
Breaking news Avengers compound destroyed from battle with Thanos and a new avenger is confirmed dead.
My ears pricked up slightly when I heard that from the radio in the background. I got up from my place and turned it up.
Carol Danvers otherwise known as Captain Marvel has sacrificed her life to end the mad titan Thanos and has brought a new hope to everyone waiting in fear. A vigil will be held at Carol's rumoured birthplace in remembrance of our hero.
My mouth frowned slightly when I heard about this. I had heard about her before. She seemed really nice so I was slightly upset when I heard of her death.
"We owe her alot...and Bruce if it wasn't for them we wouldn't be here." Benny spoke. I couldn't agree more they brought my family back to me and that was something I was eternally grateful for and was something I wish I could thank them for. But having my family back also ment that the new kids would be reunited with their families as well. And I was happy for them... I really was but I couldn't deny the bond we had formed over the span of 5 years. It would be hard to let them go... But it's the right thing to do so....
"Are you guys hungry...I can imagine you are...i was going to order pizza if anyone wants any?" I knew they would all jump at the offer since pizza was an all round favourite.
Of course I was right because a chorus of yeses erupted from around the room. "I'm guessing everyone wants the usual?" And yet again I was right because there were more agreement.
Slowly I moved from the radio and to the phone because yes we still had a landline. I punched in the number for Lazios and ordered 10 of their beautifully greasy pizzas. 4 margarita, 3 pepperoni, 2 vegetarian pizzas and 1 meat feast. The man at the end of the line was an old friend of mine because I used to order from there all the time so it was safe to say he was shocked when I placed in my old order.
"Pizza is ordered." I announced and the room erupted into cheer. I missed this. The happiness, the excitement I almost forgot those feelings.
"As you are all somehow back with me...what do you want to do this evening?" I asked hoping it would be something that would keep us all together.
"Movie?" One of the younger kids suggested and everyone agreed.
"I think I have done snacks and drinks somewhere in this house...so you all go into the lounge and I'll be right in." Slowly all of the kids filed into the lounge and I was left. Alone again.
Even though I knew that they were all in the next room, I felt lonely. I don't think I had fully come to terms with everything that had happened yet so I decided to ignore my feelings and go to the kitchen to collect the snacks.
However by the time I had done that the bell went for the house. "The pizza person got here first." I whispered to myself before making my way to the door but when I opened it I was in for a suprise.
"Hey man! "
this is a filler chapter so there will be more interesting things to come... Who is this mystery person?
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