On his way to the swimming pool, Hyunjin got a phone call from one of his teammate who was also his best friend, Minho. That annoying guy whom had always managed to make his day miserable with his smart mouth. "Buy me a pack of marshmallow on your way, please"
An angry vein popped on Hyunjin's forehead. "Why should I?!" He angrily asked. This senior of his only knew how to ask for favours like this but never bothered to treat his juniors. "Because if not, I will tell Chan you're working too hard again..." Hyunjin reluctantly ended the call after saying a small 'yes'.
If this wasn't bullying, what was?! Lee Minho. Lee Minho. Lee Minho. Saying his name three time was equivalent to chanting the demon's name.
Hyunjin really didn't want to hear Chan's long lecture. He had rather poke his ears with nails than sit in the changing room while listening to his scold about taking care of oneself.
Actually Chan couldn't be one to talk since be always stay up late at night to make songs. Even if it was a hobby, wasn't he taking his hobby a bit too much?!
Hyunjin bit his lower lip and clenched his fist as he cycled to a convenience store. He will get Minho one day for doing this. He could be swimming right now but he was going to a store to buy a freaking pack of marshmallow!
But again, remembering Chan's scowl, he cycled with no complain and arrived at the store.
He walked inside and smiled at the cashier that wasn't foreign anymore. Hyunjin practically knew everyone around the campus because he was very social.
"Sweets...sweets...sweets" He mumbled as he walked from shelf to another until he saw one shelf at the further back where they arranged all the sweets at. The products in the convenience store kept changing places and sometimes there would even be some products which had the wrong price tag. Hyunjin couldn't blame the cashier because he was also a student. He always had this black circle under his eyes.
He marched towards the end of the shelf and found the marshmallow Minho deemed on the middle shelf. In front of the shelf was a girl tip toeing to get a pack of cookies at the top.
Hyunjin waited until the girl walk away but it took her longer to do so because she couldn't reach the cookies at all. He rubbed his temple, looking at his watch. He would be late if he didn't go now. His teammates would start entering the pool soon and he disant be able to practice alone. He just wanted some times alone before his teammates come.
With a heavy sigh, he stepped forward and grabbed the pack of cookies for the girl who flinched. She stepped back, hitting Hyunjin's chest. She looked up and hiccupped when she saw Hyunjin.
Hyunjin had an obvious angry look on his face but it went away when he saw her. Two big innocent eyes which frustratingly reminded him of Jisung. He didn't know it was possible for someone to posses the same look. "Can you move, please?" He asked gently, giving the pack into the girl's hand. The girl blinked at the realization she was staring and bowed at him. "Thank you so much!" She squeaked.
Hyunjin nodded, grabbing the marshmallow pack as the girl went to pay for her cookies.
Hyunjin walked to the counter as he watched the girl's back disappearing from his sight.
He quickly walked towards his bicycle and cycled to the pool while still cursing at Minho in his head.
When he arrived, Minho was sitting idly with the other members, chatting and eating some snacks. It didn't seem like he needed his marshmallows at all.
Hyunjin slapped the pack onto the table and smiled. "Don't seem like you need this, do you?"
"Ah! Hyunjin! You're here!" Minho welcomed, not one bit intimidated by Hyunjin's glare.
"Yeah, I'm suddenly not hungry because Changbin bought some chips for us!" Minho handed a pack to Hyunjin which the taller rejected. He walked into the changing room angrily.
"Stop teasing him, Minho" he heard Chan when he walked out from the changing room. He didn't pay any attention to them as he jumped into the pool and started swimming, freestyle. Then he calmed down. As expected, only the water can calm his anger down.
"Guys! I'm back!" A cheerful voice said as she ran into the court, hand filled with junk foods. "Mrs.Lee!" The basketball team yelled in harmony before running to her. "You're really an angel!" She tilted her head, wondering what could have happened while she was away.
"Coach Lee is bullying us again" Jeongin said, blinking his eyes innocently when an angry figure approached them. Standing rather proudly with his hands holding his waist, Coach Lee grinded his teeth as if he was chewing on something. The boys who were crowding his niece immidiately took few steps back from her.
"Uncle! How many time did I say to not be mean?!" She scolded, pointing her finger at him. Then uncle quickly melted into a puddle when he saw his cute niece's mad face. "You too, Nana...how many time did I say to not buy junk foods for them? Its not healthy"
Na-Eun pouted, scratching the back of her head. "I know but only this time around, okey?" She raised her hand and showed an okay sign. The coach gave up right away. How could he say no to his niece?
"Okey, take a rest, you fools! We have a match in an hour!" The coach said. All of them scurried away. Some going to the toilet and some went to get food from Na-Eun.
"Seeing how you can hold that much food in your hand...I'm sure you can hold my hand too"Jisung coughed out, seeing how he got a golden opportunity to get close to Na-Eun.
Na-Eun laughed shyly. She probably had never meet such straightforward person like Jisung. Well, the moto for Jisung was 'what Jiung want, Jisung gets' and that was why he always ended up fighting when he couldn't get what he wanted.
"Na-Eun" Jisung suddenly said, sitting next to her with a comfortable distance. Despite his forward advances towards Na-Eun, he still wanted her to be comfortable. He knew how easily he annoyed people. He didn't want Na-Eun to be one of those people. She hummed, lifting her head up after throwing the plastic which was emptied. "Can we exchange phone number?"
Na-Eun stared at him for long time before she eventuallly agreed and nodded her head. She fished out her phone and gave it to Jisung. Jisung smiled and took the phone, saving his phone number as [Basketball prince, Jiji]. She laughed at the saved name and jokingly said, "What kind of name is this? So cheesy"
"But it's true. Have you seen anyone play better than me in the team?" She nodded, leaving Jisung confused before she pointed at her uncle. "My uncle is"
"My uncle is so good at basketball that my aunty fell in love with him."
"Just because he is good at basketball?" Jisung asked, Na-Eun shaking her head. "I think...maybe because he gives it all to what he likes. I do, find that charming" Na-Eun confessed, her eyes once again turned into crescents before she suddenly stood up. "I have to talk to my uncle! See you later, basketball prince, Jiji" She chuckled.
Jisung melted on the bench. Na-Eun was really an angel and being able to interact with her was lucky enough for Jisung. When Na-Eun said she found man like his uncle charming, there was this unknown drive in himself that made him so energetic.
When the neighbourhood university finally came, he showed exceptional movement and was able to show off his skill. They won without a hitch.
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