As Kevin promised, he came to the game but so did Hyunjin. He refused to believe Jisung would leave him for Kevin. He wasn't dumb, he knew something was off. Especially when he heard the rumours about Kevin and Jisung dating. It didn't sound right and he didn't think Jisung was gay in the first place.
He swore if Kevin was threatening Jisung behind his back, Kevin won't have a good ending.
He knew how Jisung hated being the talk of the town. Jisung always tried to stay low-key if it was something unrelated to basketball.
Plus, he saw Jisung this morning and he didn't seem to be himself. He had eye bags and he seemed wary. Hyunjin came to the game to make sure Jisung was alright.
Hyunjin sat among the spectators and saw Na-Eun giving out water bottles to the basketball team. When he saw Na-Eun handing the bottle to Jisung, he realized something.
He didn't feel like someone who had been rejected at all. Weird enough, he felt relieved that Na-Eun rejected her.
Only then did he realized, he was forcing it all. Everything wasn't right from the start.
The whistle was blew and all the players stepped into the court. The court was filled with two basketball team yet he only had his eyes on one— Jisung who seemed to glow as he played, passing the ball to Seungmin then running to the front, waiting at the net.
Hyunjin turned around, he saw Kevin walking into the court and gritted his teeth. The smile on Kevin's face, he wished to remove that smug on his face.
He hadn't done anything but Kevin's expression darkened, terror in his eyes while staring at the boy on the court.
Hyunjin's heart thumped when he heard a familiar groan and the sound of the spectators gasps. He snapped his head to the court and saw Jisung hugging his leg as if he was in pain.
"Ji-", Kevin rushed down, reacting faster than Hyunjin and rushed to Jisung.
Hyunjin saw red, everything was red and he felt useless. He didn't even care if Kevin was the one carrying Jisung out, all he cared about was if Jisung was fine or not.
When Jisung left the court only then did he snapped out of his trance. He looked around , confused. "Did you see? That guy did it on purpose...I saw him hitting the player's leg", Hyunjin's chest rose up and down before he ran to the court, holding the guy by his shirt.
Jisung's teammate tried to split them apart but Hyunjin didn't budge, instead he lunge at the guy, punching his face.
"Hyunjin!", The voices around him faded as he received a punch on his face. The fight lasted for a few minutes until the both of them came back to their sanity.
Felix and Seungmin pulled Hyunjin back, telling him to calm down but how can he calm down? He knew this game was important to Jisung, on top of that, Jisung was injured. "I'll talk to him", Na-Eun patted Seungmin's shoulder and smiled at Felix.
Jisung laid on the hospital bed, eyes blank as he stared at the ceiling. He covered his eyes with his arm, the incident playing again and again in his head. He didn't even know if it was the opponent's fault or his but he knew he was partially wrong for slipping.
"Hey, are you alright?, Kevin walked in with a glass of water. "I saw your friend, Jeongin? He said he will be here in a minute", Jisung hummed.
Kevin sighed, setting he glass next to Jisung. "I know I'm not really a good person but hey, cheer up?" Jisung scoffed, Kevin? A really not good guy trying to cheer him up? Not even Hyunjin came rushing to him like Kevin did. How was he not good?
He really started thinking Kevin wasn't that bad. He was just annoying and too jealous. "You know, you should stop trying to compete with Hyunjin",
"He's not everything you know?", Jisung couldn't believe he would be saying this to Kevin but he did. It did disappointed him a bit that Hyunjin just stood frozen like a deer caught in daylight. He was a bit mad.
"You're such a pain", Felix told Hyunjin. This was the first time he ever seen Hyunjin acting impulsive. He can obvious do other thing than punching the hell out of the other basketball player...like for an instant maybe scold him? But beating him? That was just a big no no.
"Are you becoming Jisung now?", The Aussie asked, dabbing a soaked towel on his bloodied corner of lips. Hyunjin winced in pain but he said nothing. Knowing that he was at fault, he couldn't say anything but the satisfaction of punching the other guy was there. However, the satisfaction disappeared when he remembered Jisung's body on the floor and Kevin picking him up. He said it thousands time in his head, he could have been the one carrying Jisung but he stood there like a statue overwhelmed by his stupid thoughts again.
It's not a good combination, overthinking and insecurities were.
"Am I even at the level of helping him anymore?", " Will he hate it if I touch him?" , "Did he hear what I said to Na-Eun?" , "Will he scream at me if he wakes up?", "Will he be disgusted if I touch him?" Among those questions there was one question that alerted him, "what if Jisung won't wake up?", It was a stupid question which he knew wouldn't happen and it was also the question that woke him up from his trance but Jisung had already left with Kevin.
Na-Eun walked into the infirmary with a bottle of mineral water, she handed it to Hyunjin and nodded at Felix who understood the signal and left. Hyunjin smiled at her, "hi- ouch!" and hissed when the cut on his lips widened.
Na-Eun shook her head, "just stay silent. I will talk", Hyunjin sighed. He couldn't believe he was going to get a talk from Na-Eun.
"The game is continued and Felix is playing. It will probably start in another few minutes?", She looked at her watch and nodded, pulling out 6 fingers, "6 minutes from now".
"I'm not going to ask why did you punch the yonsei guy. I just want you to be calm and not to worry about it much", Na-Eun bit her lips, get my to find the words to explain to Hyunjin. Her hands were moving everywhere as her brows were knitted, it was really a lovely sight of her but Hyunjin felt nothing. Not even his heart was beating as fast as before.
His mind was filled with Jisung.
Na-Eun cleared her throat, "anyway, it's not the right thing to use your fist but Chan is already here and he's having a talk with my uncle and the other team's coach", Hyunjin raised his head from looking at the floor. Na-Eun shook her head, "I'm telling you this for you not to worry about the whole punching thing because even the player punched you back"
"Yeah, in defense", Hyunjin groaned. Will he be kicked out of the group? Will he be kicked out of the final line up this year?
"They're discussing and I'm sure Chan can handle it. My uncle might be a bit helpful but you will be fine. You don't have to meet him. Now, focus on Jisung alright?", Na-Eun was trying to tell him not to worry about what he did and focus on Jisung. Jisung was the priority.
"He's being treated at our university hospital. Why don't you go and take a look at him?", Hyunjin pressed his palm on his face. He didn't know what to do in this kind of situation. "Hyunjin?"
"No, I will meet him"
Jeongin walked in with a crutch, an unamused expression on his face when he saw Jisung eating cheesecake on the bed. "Hey, innie", Jeongin almost threw the tissue box next to Jisung at him. "What do you mean 'hey, innie' after you broke your leg?"
Jisung laughed and shrugged. "What you broke your leg too and out of playing too much," Jeongin avoided Jisung's gaze, not taking in what Jisung said. He cannot be bothered.
Jeongin sat down, taking an orange from Jisung's plate. He started peeling it," I shouldn't have asked you to play for me if I knew you would be like this", he said chewing on a piece of orange.
Jisung scrunched his nose, "are you that upset with me?", Jeongin threw an orange peel at Jisung. "No! I mean...if I hadn't ask you, you wouldn't be I hired like this", Jisung cooed at the scene, pinching Jeongin's cheeks. The younger was worried about him. How sweet of him.
They had a talk until the younger felt sleepy and Jisung told him to go back to his room. After Jeongin left, the smile on his face dropped. His eyes vacant as he laid back on the bed.
It would get tiring from this on. He didn't know how Jeongin managed to stay cheerful when the probability of them playing basketball normally again was only up to 40%. That was a nonsense talk, he didn't even know if it was 40% or not, it could be 0% all he knew.
The incident kept replaying in his mind like an old broken video but there was particularly one scene he had remembered, Hyunjin standing among the crowd and looking at him with widened eyes. When he was carried out, he has really thought it was Hyunjin and fell completely out because since it was him, he could trust him. When he woke up, he couldn't be more disappointed to see Kevin peeling oranges for him. "What? You don't want orange? Then I have cheesecake", now that he somehow became friends with Kevin, he really didn't know how to get rid of him. They only knew each other at this level for what? 2 to 3 days?
Jisung sighed again, how was he going to smile every time someone come to visit him? Not to mention, he got a text from his parents that they were coming tomorrow. Couldn't it be anymore worst? The only person he really wished to see at the hospital was Hyunjin.
I totally forgot I didn't post this chapter actually 😋. I was supposed to post it a week ago but I forgot 😘😘😘
Btw stream hands up by cherry bullet or perish. -hunny
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