Chapter Eight : Neverland
Kill an angel?
How can I just kill an angel?
That woman is insane. No wait, maybe I'm the insane one. Talking to a voice in my head.
Agh, but what should I do if she was telling the truth? Then I'll die?
I thought I was finally free. I thought I could start over. But I was fooled. It's never that easy, I should've known.
I grabbed my dress and clenched it tightly to me.
But I'm not going to let Anon Guderber die when she's the only me that's ever tasted freedom. I will find an angel, come hell or high water and I will kill it.
I went downstairs and out the door, to the front yard and immediately spotted Finny tending to some flowers. He had a nostalgic look on his face and seemed to be in another world.
I walked up to him and tapped his shoulder.
"Hey, Finny? "
He snapped out of his daze.
"Um, yes, uh... Oh, it's you Anony! " Finny said.
I smiled and got down on my knees like him.
"It's not Anonymous anymore. My new name is Anon Guderber. " I said, like I had found buried treasure.
"Anon... It's pretty!" Finny said.
"Y-You think so? " I said neverously.
He nodded his head yes then he looked down at the flowers.
"Do you have a favorite flower, Anon? "
I looked at all the flowers in the garden.
My favorite isn't here.
"White Lilies but Snapdragon's are a close second. "
"Why are they your favorite? "
"I've loved White Lilies ever since I was a little girl and Snapdragon's... They were my sister's favorite. "
"You have a sister! What is she like? " Finny said.
"She was a very kind person and would've done the world much good if she hadn't... Hadn't died." I said.
Finny suddenly looked guilty.
"I'm sorry-"
"Don't apologize. She died a long time ago. " I said.
Finny picked one of the flowers and it crumbled to pieces in his hand.
"I'm scared of being a gardener sometimes, Anon. I try my best to make everything look good for the young master but Sebastian usually ends up doing most of my job. I touch flowers as gently as I can but they always seem to break. " Finny said solemnly.
I grew angry very quickly, surprising myself.
"Stop it! " I shouted making Finny jump.
"Your hands are a part of you and you're a very important person to me so don't act like that! If you can't pick them up without breaking them then..."
I picked a flower and put it in Finny's hands.
"I'll pick them for you. So don't act like that. Act like Finny because Finny is really... Kind." I said.
Finny started to cry and suddenly hugged me tightly.
Agh, I think he's crushing me...
"Thank you so much, Anon! " he said.
I wanted to say "No big deal" or something cool like that but Finny was busy breaking my ribs.
"Finny... Can't... Breathe... " I coughed out.
He let go of me.
"I'm sorry, I-"
"What did I say about apologizing to me? If it's something related to your strength then don't say your sorry. " I said.
He nodded his head.
"Okay. " he said with a big grin on his face.
Ahh, my ribs...
"Miss Anon! Miss Anon! "
I heard a female voice say and turned around.
A woman with purplish looking hair and giant glasses was running towards me.
Before she reached her destination though, she tripped over her own feet and fell to the ground.
"Ahh!! "
I jumped at her screaming and went to help her up.
"Are you... Okay? " I asked.
She stood up and wiped the dirt off of her uniform.
"I'm just fine, Miss Anon. Thank you for your concern. " she said.
"What's your name? " I asked, trying to act normal.
"Oh, you can call me Mey-Rin!" she said bashfully.
First Finny, now her.... Does Ceil specifically search for the weird ones?
"Oh, that's right! The young master said you're invited to the party tonight! "
"Party? "
"Well, more specifically, he said you're only coming to do your job. The young master can be a little blunt at times... " she said.
I frowned.
"I've noticed. What crawls up his ass every day? " I said.
Finny stood up with a confused look on his face.
"You mean, you don't know? " he said.
"Know what? "
What happened to make that boy so... Unlikable. Rude. Annoying. Coffin-bait. Just anything negative in general.
"You don't know about what happened to the Phantomhive estate?!" Mey-Rin shouted.
"What? You sound like whatever it was, was freaking national news or something! " I said.
"But it was pretty big... " Finny said.
They keep alluding to something so why can't somebody just spit it out already!
"But, should we really be the ones to tell you?" Mey-Rin said sadly.
Finny also looked downcast.
What happened to you Ceil?
"It's okay guys. Don't worry about it. Mey-Rin. " I said.
"Yes! " she said and saluted me like I was some type of war hero.
I sighed.
"Can you take me to Ceil? "
"You don't call him young master? " she asked.
"He's young - a kid really. But he's not my master. He's Ceil or grumpy but. Or anything else that I happen to come up with. "
Mey-Rin giggled a little and I smiled.
"This way Miss Anon. " Mey-Rin said and we started walking away.
I looked behind me and waved goodbye to Finny.
"See ya later! " I shouted and he grinned.
"Ceil, you're wearing a dress! " I said in between gasps for air.
Ha, he looks so cute! And he's even blushing!
"You are too! " he said.
Yeah, but at least mine doesn't look like a pink fairy puked on it.
Ceil informed me a little while ago that he would be dressing up as a girl to conceal his identity at this party we're going to. I don't really know the specifics but Ceil thinks that someone at this party has been kidnapping young women and selling them off. He's going to use himself as bait and uncover this guy. By order of the queen too. Impressive.
Ceil also told me all about the Phantomhive business and about being "the queen's guard dog". I'm a little worried for him. He's just a kid... and being the queen's guard dog?
But... If there's one thing life so far has taught me, is that kid's are flexible. It's harder to break them than adults.
Still don't know why. Innocence? Stupidity?
I think in Ceil's cause though, it's... Responbility.
And the fact that he takes care of that responsibility gives me some respect for him.
Only a little though. He still ticks me off too much for me to ever look up to him...
Then I remembered a question that had been bugging me.
"Hey, Ceil? Why does this dress fit me so well? And the other one too? "
"Oh. Sebastian measured you while you were sleeping. " Ceil said nonchalantly.
"What?! " I shouted.
I jumped up.
"You... "
"What? Are you embarrassed that a man has had his hands all over your sleeping body without you knowing of it? " Ceil said.
I glared at Sebastian.
"Pervert scum. " I said.
Sebastian pointed to Ceil.
"I was merely instructed by my master to take your measurements, Miss Anon. "
I looked to Ceil.
"Short ass. " I said.
He pointed to Sebastian.
"It was his hands. " Ceil said.
I looked to Sebastian again.
"Flaming pedo-butler. " I said.
Sebastian pointed at Ceil.
"His orders." he said.
I looked at Ceil again.
"Such a pretty girl. " I said.
"That dress does suit you most well. " Sebastian said - so jumping on the bandwagon.
"I agree. Doesn't it just bring out his inner cute? It's a miracle actually, that that's Mr. Moody Prick. "
"The young master does tend to keep a rather gloomy exterior. "
"Maybe we should dress him up more often. " I said.
"That's enough, you two! " Ceil shouted.
"But we were just getting to the good part. I was thinking arranged marriage would be the next step. The lucky guy... I wonder who? " I said.
Man, I am enjoying this.
Ceil glared at me harshly then turned his head to the side as to say, "Such a pain. "
I started laughing.
"What's so funny? " Ceil said with an irritated tone in his voice.
I stopped laughing and looked out the window wistfully.
"Oh, it's nothing... I just thought that back in my time, you wouldn't have survived. "
He looked a little taken aback but then smirked.
"If anyone tried to harm me I'd just have Sebastian take care of them. " he said confidently.
I glanced at Ceil's face and then Sebastian's amused look.
"Whatever. But take some advice from me, Ceil. Don't place all your trust in just one person. *cough* Especiallysincehe'spervertscum *cough*-"
"I heard that. " Sebastian interjected.
"I wanted you to!....The thing is I don't care how reliable he is. I don't care how strong he is either. There's still a chance that he won't be there to protect you one day. "
Ceil frowned.
"You need a net of people around you, that you can trust. And you can't just trust them, they have to trust you too. People are fragile, Ceil. They break and are easily damaged. Treat them right to gain that trust. Even... Even treat Sebastian right too. "
Sebastian looked a little surprised at that.
Ceil laughed dryly.
"And who are you to talk down to me? You're my servant. You know virtually nothing about this time. You're not a part of this- " Ceil said.
"Don't make me do it, Ceil. " I interrupted.
"Do what? Were you going to hit me? Chastise me some more? "
"Don't make me tell you how pitiful you are. " I said.
Ceil stopped talking after that.
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