It's near dinnertime and Bambam is getting hungry, dragging Jungkook into a small but cosy restaurant with dimmed orange lights and wooden chairs. It looks like one of those family-owned restaurant, with a space only big enough to fit 5 tables. The owner, who looked as old as Jungkook's father, had greeted them with a warm smile and more-than-friendly welcoming hospitality. He was skeptical at first, thinking it's probably because they man recognized who they were, but after looking around, it's probably because there were no other customers.
After making their orders and the man left them to disappear behind the curtain of the kitchen, Bambam took off his mask and placed it altogether with his phone on the table.
"Why are you so hungry? You sure this place isokay? The place is only a few blocks away Bam," Jungkook takes off his maskwith caution, looking around and out the window, afraid of being followed. It'snot that he couldn't tolerate the fans, but the point of meeting Bambam tonightrequires a private space. He couldn't risk having being eavesdropped by anyone,especially his fans.
"Relax, Kook. I always come here –"
"Really? How come I've never known about this place?"
"Well, you're rarely in town – number one. Two, it's just not big enough for the whole gang. The owner – ahjussi just now, he's a nice guy, but he doesn't like loud customers around. I once saw him kicking out a bunch of guys without them even paying, cus they got a bit rowdy after having drinks. I think that's why his business is slow around here,"
Jungkook nods at Bambam's explanation.
"Speaking of which, I got to know this place from Lisa," Bambam sat back and crossed his arms, smirking at Jungkook – who's now wide-eyed at the mention of the name. "That's why you wanna hang out with just me tonight right?"
Jungkook sighed and smiled, looking down in embarrassment.
"She asked me if I was the one who gave you her number. At first I wasn't sure, you know. I kept asking her if she's sure that it's really you, cus I kept thinking why the hell would you – out of all people –" Bambam raised his hands in the air and held it there, pausing while trying to read his friends reaction. But all he got was still an embarrassed little smile, making him sigh and leans forward. "Kook,"
His words are left hanging when the owner came out from the kitchen and towards them, carrying a tray of glasses and two bottles of soju.
"Thank you, ahjussi," Both of them said in unison and bowed their head a little as the man placed the items on their table.
"Where's Lisa? Is she well?" The man smiled at Bambam.
"Aah, she's around...and well," Bambam answered politely.
"Tell her to come by next week. My grandson will come next week, he'd be happy to see her again!" He beamed, then turned to Jungkook. "Have you met his girlfriend? She's so delightful to have around! She played with Chin-Mae for hours last time, the boy was so happy he couldn't stop asking his mother, 'When are we going to see har-abeoji again, I want to play with Lisa-unnie!',"
"Ahjussi, she's not my girlfriend," Bambam laughed, shaking his hands to the man.
"She's not? Aahh, I thought she's your girlfriend! You always come here with her. She's a very nice girl, I can tell. You should make her your girlfriend!"
"No, he's her brother!" Jungkook found himself butting in. Both Bambam and the owner turned to him, probably wondering why he's suddenly shouting. Damn it!
"Yeah, ahjussi. I'm her brother," Bambam spoke after a second, but not before giving Jungkook a I-caught-you-red-handed smirk.
"Aahh...that's why you look very comfortable with each other! I'm sorry," The man smiled apologetically, making Jungkook feel bad at the aggression he displayed just now. "Help yourselves, I'll prepare your meals!" He nodded a few times and heads back to the kitchen.
"So," Bambam leaned forward again. "Care to explain, Kook?"
Jungkook pursed his lips. They'd been friends for a very long time – way back since he was still a trainee. Among his 97 liner friends, Bambam is definitely one of the boys he could trust and known to have a wise character. He's a foreigner, and he had to work twice as hard and shaped to be diligent to get to where he is now. And used to his tone so well by now, Jungkook knew better than to lie.
"She was there...you know, the night of the break-up,"Jungkook waited for his friend's reaction, but Bambam only tilted his head to aside. So he took a deep breath before he continues.
"She heard us, I mean, she heard me getting dumped. I thought no one was there. And I bet she thought we had left when she passed through. She could've just walked pass me or greeted me, pretend to never heard anything – that's what I expected anyway. You know what was on my mind that evening? I thought, fuck – it's so painful to hear my girlfriend cheated on me and to get dumped, just like that – on a text message, then at the stairs, in the middle of an event! And you know what would be worse that that? If someone found out and tells about it to everyone, creating a drama out of it just for the benefit of themselves or a few months of bragging rights of 'I was there, I heard the whole thing of how Bangtan's Jeon Jungkook got dumped and begged his girlfriend not to leave him'," He sighed down with a pained smile, shaking his head at the possible scenarios that ran across his mind that night.
"What I didn't expect, though – was for Lisa to sit beside me, asking if I'm okay, then dragged me up the stairs to the fourth floor to an empty room, so that I could wallow in the misery without any interruptions. What I didn't expect is for her to be so blunt and tell me that she heard everything and dared to judge my ex by saying how it's not my fault, and had the cheek to convince me that she won't tell anyone – for God's sake, she did and said all these things like I'm her friend when I've never even spoken to her!" Jungkook couldn't stop himself from blabbering out everything on his chest. He had kept all these thoughts by himself and now he couldn't simply stop!
"Like, who the hell is this girl? How – like, how is she so damn naïve and nice, to not just leave me alone at the stairs and do whatever it is that other normal idols do, go gossip around or something! I mean, that's what I'd probably do and don't lie to me Bam, you'd do the same thing too –" He pointed a finger to Bambam when he caught him laughing.
"I knew...I knew the moment she sat beside me at the stairs, I knew she heard us, and I was hundred percent sure that she wanted something out of it – like, oh, I don't know – blackmail me or something, ask for something – anything, in return to keep her mouth shut, but hell – she just said it wasn't her story to tell! She made it sound so simple too. And you know what? I looked at her...and I believe her. Like, she just have this look in her eyes – I can't say..." Jungkook's words trailed as he noticed a presence appearing beside their table.
"Here you go, two rice, beef stew...and kimchi," The man placed the bowls and plates in front of them. It's only now that Jungkook realized how his right hand is clutching the shirt on his chest – and Bambam's staring at him intently.
When the man left them to their food, Jungkook cleared his throat, waiting for Bambam's response. A part of him was relieved to have let everything off his chest, but he can't help but feel embarrassed that he had said all these things.
"Okay," Bambam shrugged after a while, then proceeded to grab the food and starts eating.
"That's it?" Jungkook was left confused. As close as they were, it wasn't often that they talk about women. In fact, this is the first time he found himself muttering about a girl.
"Yeah, I mean," Bambam take a spoonful of noodle and blew on it. "That sounds like Lali,"
Jungkook nodded slowly. That's it? That's all he have to say?
"Still doesn't answer from where and why you have her number though,"
Jungkook paused, wondering whether he should tell the whole truth. Lisa and Bambam seemed really close with each other, so he decided not to.
"I just asked from my hyungs," He shrugged whileplaying with the chopsticks in his hand. "I was just curious, you know...and Ifeel like I owed her for trying to help,"
"Liar," Jungkook looked up instantly to his friend. "Just tell me the truth. You've gone that far just now," Bambam smirked again, rolling his eyes before taking another mouthful of noodles.
There was an awkward silence as Jungkookgathered up the words in his mind. Earlier he thought it would be a good ideato talk to Bambam about Lisa. He was ready with a set of questions to get toknow her better. He was confident that Bambam would somehow provide answersthat would put his heart at ease.
But now, sitting in front of his friend, hecan't seem to shake off the nerves. It's like one of those movies that he'dseen, where the man meets the girlfriend's best friends or family or justsomeone important enough for the first time. Granted, she'd not his girlfriend– and probably would never be, and he's never been in that situation before toeven know what it would feel like, but it's close to that situation he guessed.He's scared of being judged.
"Kook," Bambam stopped eating and puts aside his cutleries. "How bout this, I'll be honest with you, and you'll be honest with me, kay buddy? This conversation, wherever it leads, it won't leave this table," He wiped his mouth with a napkin and leaned back to his chair, while Jungkook gave a small smile.
"Lali and I, we practically grew up together. You're right, she's like my sister. Her mom would even call me up some time to ask if everything is okay with me, if I needed anything, and if I do – she'd send it to me almost immediately. Now I'm not trying to act like a protective brother, but her mom did ask me to look out for her. She doesn't have that many friends here. She might seem bubbly and cheerful on-screen but in real life...well, she's friendly, but you wouldn't find her going up to people making friends, you know?"
"Back to what I was saying, it's not like what Mingyu said. The boys, they thought I'm being a prick by not introducing Lali to them. They said I just wanna keep her to myself. I'm fine with them talking shit like that to me, as long as it keeps Lali safe. She's a nice girl – a sweetheart even. She worked hard, she's constantly learning to be better, kept herself on the ground no matter what – she's never even been in a relationship, like, ever! I think she'd gone on one date during her trainee days, I remember she told me about it. And it's a double date!" He laughed.
Jungkook pursed his lips with a small smile. It's heart-warming to hear the way Bambam speaks about Lisa, but he can feel the growing pound in his chest as he waits patiently for the guy to tell him to back off.
"Now, I know how easy it is for people, especially guys, to like her. She can be pretty, charming, adorable, funny, kind – all the complete package you want in a girl. I'm not saying this only cus she's my friend, or cus you're my friend. In all honesty, if I had to pick a guy for her, you'd definitely be on my top list. And with the way you spoke just now, I know something's up. The only thing though, you just broke up. So I'm asking you to be honest with me now, is this curiosity of yours legit or is it cus she was there, she helped you, and you –"
"It's not like that, Bam – I –" Jungkook sighed and leaned forward, shaking his head. "I don't know what it is. I just can't get her off my mind since that night, it's frustrating! I thought I should be devastated, you know. I should feel like shit and miserable and I should be stalking my ex to see who she cheated on me with, but you know what? I can't do all these things cus I'm not even bothered about it! Do you know that I had to purposely open and stare at old pictures of us just to feel something? But the more I looked at it, the more Lisa came into mind. It's driving me crazy cus I can't just talk to anyone about it, no one would believe it, I wouldn't even believe it –"
"What is 'it'?"
"I don't even know! It's not like it's the first time I saw her, but, I don't know!" Jungkook heaved a heavy sigh. "She was just standing in front of me, mumbling shit out, and all I heard and saw was her. It's scary, but her voice...and everything she said, and the way she looked at me, it felt wonderful,"
"Wow, Jungoo said 'wonderful'!" Bambam laughed loudly.
"No joke, man! I swear, nothing's like that had ever happened to me! Stop laughing!"
"Aishh, stop saying all these cheesy things Kook! I'm tempted to call her up and tell her what you –"
"Don't you dare!"
"Okay, okay," Bambam continued laughing. "So then what? What do you need me to help you with?"
"Nothing. I just wanna talk to you about it, you know. Get some perspective,"
"Or approval?"
"That too," Jungkook whispered with a pout.
"Look, you don't need my approval. We're buds, you know I got your back. I trust you enough to put you on my top list, right? I just hope you won't break that trust. Be her friend. Take it slow, get to know her better, see where it goes. Who knows, she might not feel the same way or maybe you'd realize that she's actually not your type after all,"
"Why do I keep hearing that?"
"Hear what?"
"People saying she's not my type,"
"Cus she's not, right? I mean...she doesn't look like your type,"
"But I don't even have a type –"
"Yes you do, you've been showing it –" Jungkook blinked and leaned back in confusion. "Someone like IU sunbaenim, just like you said! You like a girly girl, one of those that acts all feminine and lady-like...even your ex is like that. Someone beautiful,"
"Lisa's beautiful,"
"There you go, being a cheesy fucker again! Yahh...I'm not saying she's not, she's just...a different type of beautiful. You always ended up falling for one of those matured-looking women. Lali's not like that at all. She's a bit of a tomboy in fact,"
"I know, I've seen their shows,"
"Pftt, of course you have!" Bambam rolled his eyes, suppressing a laugh. "I'm just saying, that this infatuation you have for her now...it might not last. I just don't want you to hurt her. So just be cool, be friends, don't pressure yourself, and especially her – don't pressure her. And most importantly Kook, figure out what is 'it' before you decide to jump into anything with her, please. I hate to be cleaning up your mess and hate you for it."
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