Lisa took one last look in the mirror, still contemplating whether she should change again. She had tried on six different ensembles before finally decided on black skinny jeans, crop top, and denim jacket. No, Bam's almost here! She shook her head, convincing herself that the outfit is good enough.
She's nervous about tonight as it's the first time she'll be meeting Jungkook's friends - on top of seeing her boyfriend after a week of not being able to! - but as much as she wanted to present her best, she also has to keep it low key in order to not draw any attention to herself. Not that it would bring much anyways with a dress or this, but she took her members' advice nevertheless. They're all excited for her and tried their best to help her about tonight.
She felt bad lying to Jungkook about not coming, seeing how excited he was when he asked her to come. But she wanted it to be a surprise. With the small gift box on her lap, she fidgets and play with the ribbons nervously – untying and tying it back together. The restaurant where they're having the party for him is not that far from her place but the ride felt long.
Will he be happy when he sees her? Will he like the gift? It's the first proper birthday present from her and Lisa had put a lot of thoughts into it. Yes, she had bought him the jacket at the airport in LA, but that was more like a treat – with Jungkook choosing it himself. She wanted to give something personal – something that only belongs to him. Something that's from her heart.
After a hard brainstorming session with her members and a couple of private visits to Cartier, she finally gets to tell Jungkook how she feels about him. She just hope Jungkook will be happy with it. He'd been understanding while they were in L.A – being the naïve and nervous wreck that she was. She wasn't quite sure if he knew how much he meant to her, so of course she wanted the gift to be special!
"You nervous?" Bambam glanced at her. "Don't be. The boys are all friendly,"
"You say that cus they're your friends," Lisa rolled her eyes.
"Well...yeah, but also cus I know they're gonna be nice to you. I mean, I'm pretty confident that at least half of them have had a crush on you,"
"No they don't, Bam –" Lisa laughed.
"I'm serious! At least three of them have been nagging me about giving your number,"
"Really? Who? And how come you never mentioned this to me before?" She smirks at her best friend.
"Mingyu, Yugyeom – before you guys did that performance together, and Jaehyun,"
"So you're the one who gave my number to Jaehyun!" She punched his shoulder, making him flinch.
"No I didn't! I never gave out your number to anyone, I swear! Wait, Jae has your number?"
"Yeah! He's been messaging me since the beginning of the year. I hardly reply though,"
"I don't know...he's always trying to be sweet and stuff but you know me, I like to stay away from these kinda things. I don't wanna give the wrong impression and I don't want any more hate –"
"You didn't stay away from Jungkook –" Now it's his turn to smirk, earning another punch from her.
"That's –" She blushed and look back down to the gift box. "That's different –"
Bambam laughed. It's always amusing looking at how adorably flustered his friend gets whenever he teased her about Jungkook.
"Anyways," He focused back on the road. "I'm happy to see you like this. You've worked hard for so long, Pokpak. It's about time you live a little,"
Lisa stood behind while Bambam approached the hostess to ask on the reservation. She looks around in awe, admiring the foyer's grand décor. She didn't notice the restaurant's exterior before as there weren't much lights from the valet to the entrance - but the moment she walked in, she can see the luxurious Baroque-style walls and details. She'd been to a lot of nice fine-dining places before, but this has got to be the most expensive-looking in Korea so far. And there wasn't anyone around as well, except for the staff. No wonder Bambam asked her not to worry about putting on a mask when they arrived.
Her phone buzzed and she looked to find the text messages.
JK ❤️:
What are you up to?
I wish you're here with me
I miss you so much!
She typed a reply with a smile on her face, giddy at the thought that in a few minutes, she'd show up and surprise him.
Are u drunk already?
She included a wink emoji after. He'd been here for the past 2 hours. She didn't want to come earlier, thinking he should spend time with his friends since they had initiated the party for him in the first place. Also because she's scared she won't have much to talk about while hanging around for so long. Thankfully, Bambam had a recording and had to come late as well, giving her a good opportunity to tag along. Plus, with Bambam being there with her, she won't feel so awkward walking in there alone.
JK ❤️:
A bit, they've been pouring drinks for me non-stop
But that's not why I text you
I really miss you
I feel like taking you back to LA just so I can kiss you
And hug you
It ended way too soon
Her breath hitched upon reading the text and she can feel her cheeks burning, recalling back the way he kissed her on that last night at his room.
how can I resist u like this?
I miss u too btw
All of u
The butterflies in her stomach are roaming wildly as she sent the replies. She'd never say this out loud to anyone, but this 'drunk-and-forward-Jungkook' can definitely ask her to do anything he wants, and she'd do it whole-heartedly! She can already imagine his sexy stare and husky voice while saying these things to her. How can he makes her squirm with need with just texts, it's unfair! They haven't even done anything much!
JK ❤️:
Lalisa...you're driving me crazy!
I'm tempted to break all the rules and go to you right now
You'll get all of me then
Don't say I didn't warn you
"Lis, you okay?" Bambam's voice brought her back to reality.
"Mm-hmm!" She immediately locks her phone and put it back in her purse, scared that he might catch whatever on her screen.
"You sure? You seemed...red," Bambam raised an eyebrow, genuinely concerned of her.
"Yeah, I'm just nervous," She tapped her cheeks a couple of times and hide it with her palm. Damn you, Jeon Jungkook!
"Don't be. Come on, they're at the private suite upstairs," He walked ahead behind the hostess, and Lisa followed suit.
The elevator opened on third floor, revealing a narrow and dimmed corridor with marble flooring all the way to the end. The hostess pointed her hand politely, gesturing them out and she muttered a quick 'thank you' before she disappeared back into the elevator.
"Bam, why is it so quiet here? Are we at the right floor?"
"Yeah, the walls are sound-proof. Wait till you get inside, you'll wish you're back out here," He laughed. The walked until the end, and stopped at the sliding door.
"You okay? You ready?" Bambam placed one hand on her shoulder. She takes a deep breath and nods. "Don't worry, they love Jungkook like their own brother. They'll love you too," He gave a big, reassuring smile and push it slightly to peek inside.
He's right. The music and laughter blares from inside the moment he slides it a few inches open. Bambam was ready to open it fully when Lisa's name been called from inside. The two stopped their tracks, confused as to why. Lisa - who can't see anything from where she's standing, tiptoed a little to press her ear closer.
"You guys fucking serious? You actually put money on Lisa?"
Her scalp prickled when she heard it and she stopped breathing for a second. Whatever she was feeling before had vanished immediately.
"When was this? How come I'm not on it?"
"Does Bam know about this?"
"Hell, no – are you crazy?!"
She couldn't tell whose voice belongs to who. She doesn't even know who's in there. But one thing's for sure, Bambam's hand had formed into a fist on the door. A sick feeling washed over her, and her stomach felt like it's folding in on itself. Calm down, Lili. Maybe they're talking about someone else. A different Lisa.
"So now you got her Kook? For real?!"
"Damn, how much are you losing Jae?"
"Hey, let's just call off the bet Jae," One familiar voice finally rings to her, and she felt her heart beat pacing all over her body at full speed.
"You're gonna rub it in my face, Kook?" A group of cackles echoes the entire room and out. "A bet's a bet Kook! I'll be a man about it,"
"No, seriously. I don't want your money,"
"Huh? Kook, I know you're damn rich than all of us –"
"You're saying you're gonna be happy with just bragging rights?"
"I'd take it over your money," More laughter.
"But damn! Lisa, man! I can't believe it!"
"Just take the money, I don't wanna hear more bout it –"
"Lisa's damn hot, Kook! You're one lucky asshole,"
"Hey, don't talk about her like that,"
"So, how is she man? Have you guys – you know,"
The loud bang of the door as Bambam slid it open all too sudden had her eyes shut for a moment, and tears that she didn't notice had welled up her eyes before fell all at once. The room fell silent, with only the music still blasting through her ears. Lisa braves herself to turn and look up to them. Her eyes landed directly unto Jungkook's. His face is red from the alcohol. He squinted his eyes for a second, as if he's trying to distinguish between reality and imagination. When it finally dawned on him that she's really there, he immediately stood up and started to move towards her.
"You fucking – how dare you! Both of you!" Bambam shouted as he barged in and stopped Jungkook, pushing him back with all his might. He fell on the floor but quickly got back up again to go to her. He looks terrified.
"You stay the fuck away from her!" Bambam pushed him again and Lisa knew he's flaring with anger. It's only a matter of time before he starts throwing punches. She wanted to move to stop him as he kept pushing Jungkook away. She wanted to say it's okay but felt a huge lump catch in her throat. She didn't want Bambam to get in a fight just to defend her. But she also couldn't take her eyes off Jungkook, who seemed to lost his words and just looking at her desperately.
It was a bet. She's just a bet.
Everything that she had heard just now repeats itself loudly in her head and the revelation began to sink in. Jungkook...the first man I've ever loved...it was all a lie and I was just a game...all the while -
Lisa felt a sharp pain in her chest and she dropped the gift box from her right hand to press on it. The pain is nothing like she's ever felt before. It's like someone had taken a knife and slowly push it into her heart.
"Hey Bam, calm down," Jaehyun stood up and tried to pull Bambam away but he ended up getting the first hit on his face, falling across towards the other boys.
"Bam!" Lisa screamed and all heads turned to her. It seemed that the punch had brought her back to her senses, and she wipes away the tears on her cheeks. "Let's go, please,"
"Lisa," Jungkook breathed pleadingly. Lisa took one last look at him. There are no anger in her. It's just heartache...and love. So much love. What do I do with it? My love...
Her lips curved into a small smile as she sighed at the ridiculousness of the word. Taking a deep breath, she lowered her head slightly in a bow.
"We're sorry to bother you, sunbaenims. We'll go now. Bam," She calls out for him softly.
When everyone stood frozen at the sight and sound of her, Bambam pushed Jungkook out of his hold one last time before storming out the room, following behind the broken-hearted girl.
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