t/w some implied abuse
Danny and Mae helped carry in the boxes, Danny more so than Mae. "Do you girls like your new house?" Varvara asked. "Yeah." Danny shrugged. "It's small." Mae said. "I know, I know." Sergey shook his head, lifting Mae onto his shoulders. "Alright. You deal with Danny's room, I'll deal with Mae's."
Danny held her mother's hand and the two walked up upstairs, the father-daughter duo behind. Varvara pushed open the door. "Wanna help me set up the bed?" She asked and the brunette girl nodded. The bed didn't take long to set up, only a little over an hour. They put the pillows and comforter on it and went downstairs to see Mae and Sergey sitting at the kitchen table.
"So, should we go meet our neighbors?" The blonde haired woman asked. "They seem nice enough."
"Well...I suppose so." Sergey shrugged. "What do you think, Mae-Mae?" He asked. "Yeah!" She said excitedly. She hopped of her chair, her pink dress swaying as she walked. She ran up to Danny and grabbed her hand, running out the door. "Wait up girls!" Varvara called, grabbing her purse and walking beside the girls. The sun was setting now.
Varvara and Sergey walked up the steps of the house Danny had noticed the brunet and blonde sitting outside. They knocked on the door and older woman soon answered. "Well hello, you must be our new neighbors." She greeted. "I'm Nora Copeland. This is my husband, Gilbert." Nora gestured to the older man beside her.
"Pleasure to meet you, Nora. My name is Steven and this is Vivian, my wife." Sergey said, with a happy smile on his face. "These are our daughters, Harley and Mae."
"Danny." She soon corrected. It felt strange to the seven year old; how casually Sergey had said 'our daughters'. "Why Danny, sweetheart?" Nora asked. "She goes by her middle name. It's Daniella but we shortened it to Danny." Varvara quickly answered for her daughter. "Oh, alright. Do come in. We have the Matthews visiting so that's more neighbors you'll be meeting." Nora walked over to Gilbert's side and led the 'family' into the kitchen.
The brunet person and blonde girl sat at a table with a man and a woman. They looked like Mae and Danny. "This is our granddaughter, Georgia." Gilbert said as he gestured to the brunet. "The blonde is her friend, Aurora."
"Like the Disney princess?" Mae looked up at Gilbert with awe. "Exactly like the Disney princess." He smiled at the five year old.
"Aurora, Georgia, say hi." The man sitting at the table said and both people waved, Aurora putting on a stiff smile. They looked to be about ten. The 'sisters' sat down at the table, with the instruction of their 'parents'.
"My name's Mae!"
"And I'm Danny."
"Isn't that a boy's name?" Aurora tilted her head to the side.
"It's short for Daniella."
"Oh okay."
Aurora's parents stood up and walked over to the Lewis'. "Pleasure to meet you. I'm Arthur." The man smiled, firmly shaking both their hands. "I'm Vivian, this is Steven." She smiled. "I'm Iris, it's also nice to meet you." She soon took her place next to Arthur.
"That's my middle name!" Mae jumped up. "Mae Iris P- Lewis!" The five year old managed to play her role perfectly, with a very slight hiccup. "Well, you have a very pretty middle name." Iris smiled. Everyone was loving Mae.
The night continued on with the Lewis, Copelands and Matthews talking and sharing dinner. The kids ran around in the backyard. "Wow, you have a lot of bruises." Mae said when Georgia came outside in shorts they had just changed into. "You must be really strong." Danny finished. From a young age they had been taught that pain makes you stronger.
Georgia said nothing, only smiled, and the four went back to playing knights. The two brown haired people instantly hit it off. Mae and Aurora...well they got along. Mae eventually curled up on the Copeland's back porch swing, half-asleep. The remaining three sat in the grass, just talking, chilling, vibing, until Varvara said it was time to go. Sergey lifted Mae into his arms and Danny skipped down the sidewalk, not being tired in the slightest.
Despite that, she soon fell asleep in her new bed, in her new room, in her new house, in her new town, in her new country.
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