so because I'm lazy, I threw various life events into this one chapter
not proofread
Over the next year, Danny tried to distance herself a bit. She knew they couldn't bring herself to push away the few friends she had so she just decided that if anyone knew came along, to not engage. And she'd only hold that promise so well.
The library was nearby, only a fifteen minute walk , so Sergey and Varvara trusted her to walk on her own there. Because this was Felicity Valley, nothing ever happened here.
Okay that was not exactly true at all. So more accurately; this was Felicity Valley, kids don't really get kidnapped here. That's better.
On one particular day, Danny was walking back, a book in hand titled The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo. It sounded interesting enough. Probably not something an eleven year old should be reading but an eleven year old also shouldn't be wrapped up in an espionage plot. Anyway, Danny was walking down her street, holding her book and they stopped when they saw Clover packing things into some boxes. They're recently turned fourteen.
"Hey Toilet, whatcha doing?" She asked. Nickname context; Danny knows German and Klo is the German word for loo which means toilet or bathroom and Clo is short for Clover.
Danny had a general idea of what Clover was doing; they'd heard about the court trial thing going on between them and their grandparents who had apparently been abusive. Were they going into foster care or to live with another family member?
"Hm? Oh, right. Sit down, it's a bit of a story." Clover patted the concrete in front of them and Danny plopped down, criss-cross-applesauce.
"So uh..I'm an adult now." The brunet shrugged. "You're fourteen, four-leaf." The blue haired demigirl tilted her head, earning a humorless chuck from them. "Yeah, legally at least. I won I guess. Rory's parents helped me get an apartment. I've now been emancipated." Clover taped a box.
"Oh. Cool?" Danny wasn't sure how to approach this.
"Hey, maybe me and my family could send you, like, a care package or something?"
"I mean go for it if you want. And Blue, just so you know, you're welcome any time. And Mae, too. I just do not know how that girl is so energetic." This time Clover chuckled with humor and Danny smiled.
For a few seconds, the two were silent. "So, you get a new book?" Clover knew them well enough. "Oh, yeah!" Danny said excitedly, lifting up their book. "It's about a silver screen actress and her seven marriages, as you probably guessed from the title. Also something about a forbidden love so I'm excited to here about that." Danny smiled.
"Cool, cool, cool. I might read it after you finish, of course depending on if you like it."
Standing up, the demigirl wiped her hands on her shorts. "I'll report back. Anyway, see you later." They waved and smiled, walking back down to their house.
So, every now and again, the she'd go by Clover apartment and I don't know, raid their fridge or something.
Danny was half-asleep in the back of Amelia Harrington's van. It was confusing as to why Mrs.Harrington had a fan considering she was single and she didn't have any children, if you don't count her students. In the van were her, Sergey, Varvara and Emma Pang. Everyone knew the Pang family; they had come here from South Korea several years ago and then opened up a restaurant. Mae knew their daughter, Selena.
She was vaguely aware of Sergey saying something about some guy named 'Smirnov' and how the other day they had pretended to talk shit about one of the agents there. It was early December, Thanksgiving had just happened. Thanksgiving made no sense to the Lewis family. Or more accurately, Danny and Mae.
Emma, Amelia and her parents had agreed to decorate the local church for Christmas this year. Emma's husband , Sung-Ho , was in Korea with Selena and Gael and wouldn't be back until next week, but when he did come back, he'd also be helping out. Just what Danny and Mae didn't understand is why they had to be there at eight in the morning on a Saturday.
Walking in with their parents, hand in hand, Danny and Mae stepped inside the church. Varvara looked back at them. "I can tell you girls are still tired. We probably shouldn't have taken you out this early. Here, you guys can sleep in the pews, okay?" She gestured and went into the storage room with everyone else.
Danny pulled down the hat that cover so it covered their whole face. She felt around on the pews for the blanket that was normally there but when she couldn't find it, decided 'screw it' and just laid down. After a few minutes, Mae walked over to her.
"Uh, Danny?" She whispered. "What do you want, Mae?" Danny whined, rolling onto their back and lifting their beanie off their eyes. "There's some lady sleeping under the pews over there." She said. As the blue haired demigirl sat up, she could see that there was a bit of fear in her sister's eyes.
Standing up and walking over to Mae, Danny placed a hand on the blonde's shoulder. "It's probably just a homeless person who needed a place to crash tonight. Nothing you need to worry about, especially with me here." They assured her and it was of comfort to the nine year old. She knew that Danny could fight, so they felt safe enough.
Danny approached cautiously and bent down, seeing a girl who must've been around Clover and Aurora's age. Fifteen, sixteen-ish. So does Danny bother her or get her parents? She choose bother her.
"Hey." Danny said, not too loud but loud enough to make this girl wake up and look at the sisters with a wide eyed expression. She looked about ready to fight but then relaxed when she realized they were only children.
"Hey. Sorry, that was kind of rude of me. Are you okay?" Danny asked, backing up and sitting on the pew so the girl could get out. The girl said nothing. "Okay, you're the silent type. That's fine." Danny patted the seat next to them and after a few seconds, the girl sat down. After a couple of minutes, they heard groaning coming from the pew that Danny had been in. They watched as a boy , seventeen or eighteen , rolled out from under it. He stared at the three girls for a minute.
A solid minute.
"Hi." He awkwardly said. "Hey." Danny and Mae said at the same time. "Uh, sorry about this." He waved the girl over and she stood up, walking over. The Lewis sisters looked at one another.
"Hold on, our parents and a few others are here. Wait here- we can help you guys. Are you homeless?" Mae offered. "You could say that." The boy gave her a smile. "You seem nice. I'm Jason, how about you?"
"I'm Mae." And once again hand in hand, she and Danny walked down to the storage room. The adults were sitting there, sorting through the Christmas decorations, trying to figure out what to do first. "Hey, guys?" Danny poked her head in. "There are some homeless people here." She pointed her thumb in their direction. That got their attention so they all filed out in the pews to see the two teenagers standing there.
Quickly, some introductions were made and they got the girl's name. Samantha.
After a few hours, the Ansons, as they had learned, had finished their soup and coffee and Jason had managed to talk his way into staying at Amelia's house. "Of course, for a little bit anyway. We'll help get you an apartment and also, I've recently moved up to the high school. We promise we'll get Samantha here a fresh start there." She smiled.
Samantha didn't talk for awhile and nobody could quite figure out why. She'd seen Jo at a local coffee shop the other day and talked to her for a minute. Apparently, she and her boyfriend , Chris , had driven Jason and Samantha into Felicity Valley.
It was this one time when the Lewis family went down to Ms.Harrington's house to help around and see how the Anson siblings were doing. The two were sitting down on Amelia's couch, watching some kid's show called Chloe's Closet. They didn't actually seem to be watching it, just playing it for background noise.
Mae sat down on the couch and began talking to the two. Jason gave her attention, talking to her. Not necessarily animatedly by fairly happily. Samantha continued to say nothing. Once Mae seemed to run out of things to say, she asked if she could use the TV and Jason nodded in response.
"God, it's hot in here." Danny thought aloud and removed her beanie, leaving her blue hair on full display. The Anson siblings looked at her and just kinda...stared. "What?" She asked. It took a second before she realized.
"Ah, it's the hair." They said, running their hand through it. "Thanks for the stares." She plopped down next to Mae.
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