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Danny held her mother's hand as the plane landed. "It'll be okay, Danny." Varvara whispered to her adoptive daughter. "It's gonna be fine. You'll do great here." She said it in English and Danny felt proud of herself given how she understood it perfectly. She looked over across the aisle at Mae Pavlova who had her head buried in her father's side. Danny had only known the two for a week. She and Mae had hit it off instantly and Sergey...he was an adult. I guess he was cool. It felt a little weird that she had to call him dad and pretend that Mae was her sister but it's no big deal.
The 'family' walked off the plane and Varvara went with the two girls into the bathroom.
"Alright girls, I need you to listen very carefully to me, okay?" She spoke to the five and seven year old in a gentle tone. "Your last names are now Lewis, not Pavlova and Ivanova. Me and daddy will be going by the names Vivian and Steven. Danny, you'll be going by Harley. Or, that'll be your new first name. Your middle name is still Daniella so we can still call you Danny. Mae, you can keep your name." Varvara paused for a moment to make sure they were paying attention. "We'll have to be speaking English because we're in America but you're both very smart girls so I'm sure you remember that. Do either of you have anything you need to ask me?"
Both girls shook their heads. "Thank you girls. I know you'll do great." What exactly she meant by that, both girls have yet to figure it out.
Sergey , or Steven , placed their bags in the trunk of a rental car and the two girls climbed in the back. Danny raked her hand through her brown hair as she watched the houses pass.
She saw a few characters. A blonde girl and a brunet person standing next to one another on the sidewalk, talking happily to one another. A blonde girl and black haired boy walked into a house, carrying in groceries.
This was Felicity Valley.
"This town seems nice." Varvara , or Vivian , said in Russian. "It really does, doesn't it? I can see how it'd make someone want to settle down." Sergey said before switching to English when he turned to the girls. "What do you little ladies think?"
"Pretty!" Mae yelled excitedly. "Yeah, pretty!" Danny agreed with her now younger sister enthusiastically.
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