I walk over to Lydia's backpack, and dump the contents on the bed. I see some duck tape and sigh in happiness. I walk over to the knocked out man, not before sliding my shirt back on.
I wrap the tape around his wrists and ankles, once he is secure on the floor, I go back to the bed. I study my materials, a very sharp knife, a toothbrush, a saw, pilers, and rope.
"I'm giving you one last chance, let me go and we will just forget about this." Lydia warns but I chuckle.
"You talk to fucking much. Keep that mouth shut before I pull your teeth out." I threaten her. I grab the knife from the stash and grab a fistful of her hair. I cut it off swiftly, the blade could slice through iron like butter.
I let her blonde locks fall to the floor in front of her. I don't feel any satisfaction.
It's been so long since I've murdered anyone, I couldn't help the excitement that bubbled within me. I should drive right over to Mole's house and kill her and her parents after this.
I grab her chin and force her mouth open. I shove my fingers down her throat and she gags. She tries to bite my fingers but I ignore it. Soon she gags for the final time, a puddle of vomit follows. I see chucks of chewed of fries and burgers.
"Eat." I demand pointing to the puddle. She looks at me as if I'm crazy, and shakes her head.
"You're out of your damn mind." Lydia disagrees. I almost stab her big blue eyes but a groan in the background gives me a bright idea. I ignore my bloody fingers, Lydia will pay for that later.
I walk over to the man, he seems to be wide awake. I drag him over to the puddle of vomit, I grab the toothbrush from the stash and shove it down his throat.
He tries to scream but this sends a spray of vomit into the pile. I notice bigger chucks from him, even part of what I think is meat.
"Let's play a game." I announce with an evil smirk plastered on my face.
Usually I wouldn't really play around with things like vomit, the smell is making me sick but the look of disgust on Lydia's face makes it worth it.
The man is too afraid to speak, only looking at the vomit in fear. "Each of you will consume a chunk. If you refuse, you lose a finger."
"Please...let me go. I won't tell anyone just-" Brendon, as he introduced earlier, tries to beg but I grab a fistful of his hair.
"Why don't you go first, big mouth?" I suggest but I see a tear slip from his eyes. I feel nothing, it's like I'm waiting for my favorite show to start.
"No..." He says in sobs. I roll my eyes and grab his pinky finger. He tries moving it away but I grab it firmly and quickly chop it off. He screams and cries however his pleads mean nothing to me.
"I have a wife at home, she's pregnant." He pauses to sob. "S-She must be worrying so much. Please let me see her one more time." Brendon begs me as if I would feel bad for him. I only let his finger fall to the floor, it's unrecognizable, it looks like a bloody chunk of meat, he stares at it with silent tears.
"Your turn dear." I say to Lydia. I don't let her bend over to it, I grab her head and press her face into the puddle. She gasps but this causes a chunk to enter her mouth. She tries spitting it out but I grab the toothbrush and force it down. Once I see her swallow, I let her go. She coughs wildly, I ignore her and turn to Brendon with a wide smile.
"They always beg in the beginning. I want you to be smart and listen so you could leave with every finger." I advise him, his tear-filled eyes fill with some hope. I try to keep back my laugh.
He snaps his eyes shut and bends towards the puddle slowly. This is taking way too much time, I force his face down and he quickly swallows a chunk.
"Ah...now that we've had our appetizers. It time for the main meal." I giggle in excitement. I reach over to the stash and grab the small saw.
"You're lucky I hate Lydia with a burning passion." I say to the man, I look to Lydia and grab her leg.
"Get away from me." Lydia shrieks. Her eyes widen in fear and deep down I feel accomplished. She tries getting her hands loose from the heater but she's stuck.
"Stop moving or it'll hurt more." I coo to her. I sit on top of her leg as the man looks at me in panic. I think he's caught on as well.
I line up my saw under Lydia's knee and begin sawing. The man cries more as he turns his head away but nothing will be as exciting as Lydia's screams...oh her screams were so delightful. I couldn't wait to see her face.
I feel a drop of sweat run down my forehead. I'm ninety percent of the way through her leg when Brendon swings his taped hands into my jaw.
I stumble and fall to the floor. He quickly grabs my knife from earlier and grips it between his hand. He brings it down to my face but I quickly grab ahold of the knife. It slides across my skin, my iron grip causes it to cut deeper. I kick him swiftly and he falls back, dropping the knife.
"Fuck." I curse, the amount of blood dripping from my fingers is alarming. I feel the sting as I clench my fists, the gashes split even further. I ignore it.
I walk to the panicked man, making sure to step on Lydia half-cut leg. She cries out in pain, she seems too in shock and I hope she doesn't pass out from all the pain.
"I've had enough of you." I yell at the man. I grab a fistful of his hair and drag him across the floor. He tries to fight, trying to wiggle out of my grip. I drag him to the bed and throw the supplies off of it. "Get on the bed or else you lose your eyes." I threaten. He cries softly but he still listens, I grab the tape and quickly tie his hands to the bed.
I grab the lamp, feeling the bulb quickly. It slightly burns me and I snatch my hand away. Oh how perfect! I remove the lamp shade and and unscrew the light bulb gently. The room becomes dark, only one lamp remains of the three.
"Please let me go." He begs with his eyes shut. I lift his shirt and press the hot light bulb to his stomach. I hear his skin sizzle if that's possible. He shakes his head violently, screaming out in pain. I press harder and harder until it breaks. The shards of glass cut into his stomach, ripping up the forming blisters on his skin. I grab my knife, slicing him open until the familiar array of organs appear with a puddle of blood. I dig around for some sort of solid.
I grab ahold of what I think is the intestines and pull. The familiar tug makes me feel annoyed but blissful. I dig my knife in and try to rip them it out. After cutting for a while, an intestine about the size of half my forearm comes out. I quickly shove it into his mouth but he spits it out.
I angrily clench my teeth, I open his mouth and angrily put my knife in and violently stab his tongue. I'm in a fit of rage and I don't notice that I begin stabbing his face as well. I quickly withdraw the knife and see what I caused. His face is unrecognizable, he isn't breathing.
Damnit, I haven't had all my fun yet.
I run to Lydia after hearing her cries, I'm surprised that she hasn't passed out from shock yet. I grab her cheeks and look into her tear filled eyes. She looks at me with pure rage as life slowly seeps out from her. I press a gentle kiss to her forehead, I could have done worse to her but I couldn't deny something about her is intriguing to me. I'll truly miss her.
I look into her mischievous eyes again only to see sadness within them as she realizes that she isn't going to make it. She chokes back a sob.
"Am I going to die?" She asks me. My mind flashes back to the night Anne died, I can't help but notice the similarity.
"Yes love, I think you are." I admit to her and she cries a bit before she looks at the ceiling.
"I'm sorry for being so awful to you. I couldn't help it, I thought...I really thought I was in love with you." She confesses to me, her voice reflects her sadness. "Can you kiss me, please? I've never been kissed before." She pleads giving me a hint of how much of life she hasn't lived yet.
I don't question it, I quickly press my lips to her in a sweet kiss. The taste of vomit is vile but I don't care.
She cries a bit more as she blinks. "My little brother's birthday is in a week. I'm...I'm suppose to be there, Dan." She informs me with a sniffle. I couldn't help but let my heart hurt a bit. A silence falls between us, I put my hand on her thigh and she doesn't move it.
"I'll never forgive you, Dan." She whispers as she lets a final tear escape her eye. "Never."
I look into her mischievous eyes for the last time as she blinks them close. I can't help the beauty of this all. I kiss her forehead. "I won't forget you." I whisper as I get up, I take a lock of Lydia's hair as a way to remember her.
I take one last look at the mess I made and leave.
69% edited.
Idk if this is as gross as my first torture scene. Let me know
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