Kitty (고양이 새끼)
Nari groaned and pressed her eyes shut to avoid the strips of light flooding in. Was it morning already? She couldn't even remember falling asleep in the first place. The girl rolled over in the bed, however she found herself already at the edge with the only place to go being down, landing with a thump on the hardwood floor.
"Hng? What?" Taehyung shot up in the bed across from her, "Nari?"
"Ouch." She mumbled and rubbed her head, "That hurt."
Taehyung bit back a smile, "Aw, did you fall off?" He let out a yawn and sat on the floor beside her, "You okay, princess?"
Nari nodded, "Yeah. I think so. Wait! Why are you in here?" Her voice trailed off, "...Oh. This isn't my room."
"Yeah, this is the room that Namjoon and I share. You fell asleep in his bed last night, remember?"
"Uh huh." The girl could feel her face turning a light shade of red, "I remember now. I'm sorry."
"It's okay! Don't worry about it." Taehyung assured her, "We don't mind, really. Namjoon just slept in the extra bunk in the other boys' room. Besides, you're welcome here anytime you like. No matter what."
Nari nodded bashfully, "Thank you."
"So now that we're both awake, well more or less, you wanna head down to the kitchen?" Taehyung stretched and reached his arms to the sky, "I'm hungry and Hobi said he needed you like first thing in the morning but I don't want to let him steal you away just yet." He nudged Nari's arm with a bright smile, "So let's get some food, okay?"
She nodded and stood up, eager to fill her own grumbling stomach. However, just as Taehyung had said, J-Hope intercepted them not long after they got downstairs.
"Heya Nari!" He grinned, overflowing with energy, "You're just in time, I was about to come and wake you up. It's time for our adventure to begin!"
"Shouldn't I eat firs-"
"Nope! We'll eat there!" The energetic boy proclaimed and reached for her hand, meeting the girl's eyes to ask for permission first. She nodded slightly and his face lit up into a bright smile, "Bye bye everyone! We'll be back soon!"
Without even waiting for a reply from the rest of the boys, J-Hope rushed out the door with Nari in tow. Taehyung shook his head, "I really wish he wouldn't do that."
"I completely agree." Namjoon said between bites of kimchi, "Does anyone even know where he's going with her?"
No one answered
He sighed, "Well, I hope they have fun at the very least."
"Ta-da! Here we are!" J-Hope exclaimed and let go of Nari's hand, "What do you think?"
The girl squinted to read the English words that lit up in the large sign above the door, ""
"Yes! Cat cafe!"
"I've never been to one of these before." Nari said. She'd heard of cafes like this before but never seen one, nevertheless been in one.
J-Hope grinned and held open the door for her, "To tell you the truth, neither have I. But it'll be more fun if we experience it for the first time together, don't ya think?"
As soon as they were in the door, something soft and fluffy twisting against her legs. A cat. She bent down to pet the small black and white animal, cracking a smile as it rubbed up against her hand.
"Aren't they cute?" J-Hope was in a similar position, crouching on the floor and surrounded by furry friends, "I knew that coming here would be a good decision."
Soon enough, a waitress came and took them to a table, providing them both with menus. Nari skimmed the thin booklet and ordered the first thing she saw: chocolate chip pancakes. J-Hope took a bit more time and eventually decided to go with coffee and some kind of pastry. However, Nari wasn't very interested in the food.
"You want to play with them, don't you?" The waitress chuckled, noticing Nari's detached expression, "Don't be shy, it's what they're here for." She opened a small bag of something that looked like tea and dumped some on the ground, "Here's some catnip to get you started."
Almost instantly, cats surrounded them from all sides and playfully batted each other. Nari giggled. They're so cute.
"Here," J-Hope handed her a small toy mouse on a string, "Go and play with the kitties, Nari."
The girl eagerly took the mouse and dangled it just above their heads, laughing as they jumped for the toy at every angle. Once in a while she let them catch it but it was much more entertaining to play a game of keep away. However, they eventually got bored and went off to other places, leaving Nari to do the same.
Aside from the eating area, there was another special little place filled with boxes, scratching posts, and other things for the cats to relax. Everywhere you looked there cats of all shapes, sizes, and colors to pet and love.
"Have you ever owned a cat?" J-Hope crouched down and asked her as she petted a large orange cat in the windowsill.
Nari shook her head, "Nope. The orphanage doesn't allow pets. There were some strays that I liked though."
"Really? Tell me about them."
"Okay," She agreed shyly. The girl still wasn't used to people wanting to hear what she had to say, "In the very back of the courtyard at school there was a hole in the fence and sometimes there were these two little cats that used to come through. I always gave them some of my sweet bread at lunch if we were allowed to eat outside."
"That's so cute!" He exclaimed, "Did you name them? What colors were they?"
Nari smiled, "I didn't name them, but there was a black one and a tabby." Her voice softened, "I hope that they're doing okay even though I'm not at school anymore."
"I'm sure they're doing alright," J-Hope replied reassuringly, "What about when you lived with your family? Did you own any pets? Or do you not remember anything from then?"
"I've never had a family." She paused, causing the cat she was petting to purr louder in hopes of getting the attention back to him, "I've lived in orphanages ever since I was a baby. I've never had anyone."
The boy bit his lip and silently cursed himself, realizing the mistake he'd just made, "It's okay! Don't worry! Don't worry at all!" He said quickly, "You have us now. We're your family and we can have all the cats you want!"
"It's okay." Nari laughed, "I don't need any cats. I think you guys will be more than enough to keep me company."
"Are you happy here, Nari?"
"Yeah. I am."
"Good," J-Hope let out a sigh of relief, "So, Namjoon's bed was pretty comfortable, hm?"
The girl's face flushed bright red from his teasing as she managed a small nod, "Uh huh."
"Don't hesitate to tell us if you're feeling lonely, okay?" He replied softly, "We're family and we're here to help you."
"Thank you, Hobi," Nari replied gratefully and looked out the window, a small frown stretching across her face, "Aw. It's raining."
J-Hope smiled, "You know, the rain isn't all bad." He grabbed her hand again, "Just trust me, okay?"
Not exactly left with another option, she allowed J-Hope to lead her outside into the rain. He let go and then stepped back a meter or two and held out his hand, "May I have this dance?"
"Dancing? In the rain?"
"Uh huh! Dancing in the rain."
The girl nodded shyly, "Okay then. You may have this dance, Hobi."
He smiled and took Nari's hand, bringing her closer and gently guiding her through the motions.
"Right, left, right, back, and twirl." J-Hope held the girl's hand securely, "There, you've got it!" He chuckled, "Maybe I'll let you be my backup someday, huh?"
"Hey! You guys!" A sudden shout broke the atmosphere, "Your food is ready!" The waitress yelled from the open door of the cafe, "C'mon! It's getting cold!"
The two of them suddenly burst into laughter, making the dreary Wednesday morning seem so much brighter.
"Let's go in." The dark haired boy smiled, "Now Nari, do you feel better now?"
Nari nodded enthusiastically, making the rain on her bangs drip onto her face, "Much better."
since i've started this fic i've really grown to love hobi. hes so positive and passionate and i love the energy he brings to the group :)
i hope all is well with yall. ily
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