Friend (친구)
"My Nari!" The boy kneeled and welcomed the girl into his strong arms, "I'm so happy you're here!"
Nari grinned and eagerly kissed his cheeks, "I've missed you so so so much! Don't ever make me leave like this again!"
"You're spoiled, you know that?" Namjoon laughed before lovingly placing a kiss on the tip of her nose, "But I won't. I missed you very very much." He let go and nudged the girl's shoulder, "How about you invite your mom and Kyong in to meet the rest of the boys? They've been missing you too."
"You're right," She nodded and waved to the older couple, who were still standing by the security guards at the car, "Hyo! Kyong! Come meet my family!" Nari looked to the door to the building, "Is everyone else in there?"
Namjoon nodded, "Yup."
"Can I go see them?"
"I won't stop you."
Nari hastily gave the older boy a quick peck on the cheek and made a beeline for the concert hall. Namjoon smiled. He didn't tell the rest of the boys that she was coming. Some things are better left as surprises.
He turned to the older couple beside him, "It's always nice to see you again," Namjoon shook Hyo's hand when they got to the door, "I hope that you got to love her as much as we do."
The woman nodded, "Yes, I did. I would tell you to take good care of her," She glanced over at Nari and the rest of the boys with their voices indistinguishable from one another as they greeted her excitedly, a small smile stretching across her lips "but I already know that you will."
"Of course," He replied firmly, "Nari will always be loved here.
"You two really are kindred spirits," Hyo said softly, "Thank you for everything that you do for us, Namjoon. Because of you, I finally found my daughter." Her voiced choked up as she wiped a tear from her eye, "She's so beautiful and kind and I'm so proud of the person she's become. I'm happy that she has a family that she loves."
Namjoon smiled fondly, "I'm very proud of her too. Nari is very special and I'm not a day goes by where I don't think about how lucky I am to have her. I promise that I'll keep in touch. I'll send you pictures whenever I can too, god knows we take a lot of them," He chuckled, "Oh, and keep me updated on the baby too. Is it a boy or a girl? Have you picked out a name?"
"It's a girl," The woman answered, placing a hand on her round stomach, "But don't tell Nari yet, we want it to be a surprise."
Kyong spoke up, "And as for a name, we like Areum."
"I love it!" The boy replied, "Nari and Areum. They'll be beautiful sisters."
"Thank you so much," Hyo smiled, "Now, we should be leaving soon. I don't want to take up too much of your day."
"No, it's okay!" Namjoon insisted, "You're welcome to stay if you want to."
She shook her head, "No, no, it's okay. I don't think a concert would be good for the baby."
"Oh, that makes sense. Nari!" He called over his shoulder, "Come say goodbye to your mom."
Nari skipped over to where they were standing, a bright smile spread across her face. She shyly wrapped her arms around Hyo, "Thank you for taking care of me." The girl said quietly before letting go and bowing respectfully to the both of them.
"You're welcome, Nari," The woman replied, "I hope that we see eachother soon. Text or call me anytime, okay?"
The couple waved goodbye and headed out the door. Nari looked up at the older boy beside her, "I'm glad that I got to go spend time with them, but I'm so much happier now that I'm here."
"I'm happy that you're here too!" Jimin exclaimed, hugging the girl from behind, "Did you like the scrapbook that Jin and I made for you?"
"I loved it!" Nari nodded enthusiastically, "It was so thoughtful and pretty!"
The boy smiled, "I'm so happy that you think so. I love giving presents." He turned to Namjoon, "Oh also, Ashley just got here. I know you wanted to talk to her before the concert."
"Thanks Jimin!" Namjoon replied and took Nari's hand, "Darling, there's someone I want you to meet."
The two of them made their way through the crowded venue, through stylists, makeup artists, sound techs, managers, and countless other people whose jobs Nari couldn't even recognize. She never knew it took this many people to put together a concert. Finally, they ended up in front of a dressing room. The nameplate on the door said 'HALSEY'.
"Hey! Ash!" Namjoon called and opened the door to greet a woman unlike any other that Nari had ever seen before. She had short brown hair with shaved sides, lots of tattoos, and she was wearing an almost translucent pantsuit. Nari could feel her cheeks turning red as she timidly leaned against the doorframe.
Namjoon and the woman did a special handshake and hugged. They spoke words in English that Nari didn't quite understand. The woman didn't look Korean, and since Namjoon was talking in English, she definitely didn't speak the language. Nari racked her brain for English phrases. Memorizing them in class had been so easy, but her mind seemed to go blank as soon as she stepped into the room.
"Nari, this is Ashley," Namjoon turned back to the girl, speaking in Korean, "We're close friends and she even wrote a song with us."
"It's meet you," Nari shyly acknowledged the woman in front of her, trying her very best to speak in English, "You are...beautiful." She said and bashfully hid behind the older boy as she felt her cheeks turn crimson. Namjoon gave the girl an encouraging nudge, prompting her to continue, "I'm sorry," She mumbled, but in Korean this time, "I just didn't know that girls were allowed to look like that. You're really pretty."
Namjoon burst into laughter and said something in English to Ashley, who giggled as well. Nari's gaze shot to the floor and she desperately hoped that she didnt embarrass herself beyond repair.
"Thank you." The woman replied cheerfully and kneeled to Nari's eye level, saying something that the girl didn't understand. She looked to Namjoon, who was more than happy to play interpreter.
"She says it's nice to meet you too," He explained, "and that she thinks you're very sweet. Also she heard that you like tattoos. Lucky for you, she's got a lot of them."
The woman pointed out various pieces of ink on her body while Namjoon translated her words as quickly as he could, omitting nothing as he tried to keep up, "There's the number 17 on my knuckles, that's my lucky number, and I have barbed wire on my wrist. You might not be able to see it, but I have roses on my shoulder. They're one of my favorites. Namjoon said that books are important to you, they're important to me too. I have a Romeo and Juliet quote on my arm and some symbols on my thigh from a book called The Little Prince. There's a lot more, but they're in places that are a little more difficult to show. In a couple years I can even take you out to get your first tattoo, if you want-" The boy paused, realizing the words he just translated.
"Ash! She's 12!" Namjoon scolded the woman in English, playfully hitting her over the head, "Nari is way too young for a tattoo!"
"That's why I said in a few years," Ashley said smiled as she tapped a tattoo on her foot that peeked through her sandals. She looked up to the girl and spoke slowly, "I got this when I was 15. Not much older than you."
"Really?" Nari asked in disbelief, "15?"
"Uh huh," The woman nodded with a smile, "15. My mom took me to get it. Maybe Namjoon will let me take you-"
"You are not getting a tattoo!" Namjoon repeated sternly, "Nari is not allowed to get tattoos until she's 18." He shot Ashley a dirty look, "No exceptions."
Ashley just laughed and rummaged around in a suitcase near them, saying words in English that Nari didn't understand. She took out a drawing on sketchbook paper, with a note attached to it, and held it to the girl, "For you, Nari. Happy birthday."
Nari gently took the paper. It was a colored pencil sketch of her surrounded by flowers, lavender and white lilies to be exact. She smiled widely and bowed, "Thank you thank you thank you!"
"You're welcome," Ashley offered her hand, speaking more English words beyond the girl's comprehension. She looked to Namjoon once again as Nari eagerly accepted her handshake.
"Ashley wants you to know that she's sorry that she missed your birthday," The boy relayed, "and she hopes that you like the drawing, even though it's not much of a present. She says that your name is beautiful and that lilies are her favorite flower."
The woman firmly placed her other hand on top of the girl's and spoke softly, but with conviction. Namjoon automatically translated her words, "Ashley says that it explains more in the letter, but she wants you to know that she can tell that you're a fighter. You've been through some tough-I'm not saying that because it's a bad word-but you still treat the world better than it treated you, and she's very proud of you for that. She wishes that language wasn't such a barrier, but she hopes that she can be your friend anyway."
"You....can friend," Nari shyly met her brown eyes as she stumbled over the English words, "Thank you."
Ashley reassuringly squeezed her hand, "You're welcome, Nari."
"Hey! Bunny!" J-Hope popped his head into the doorway, "This isn't fair! I didn't get to hug you yet!" He swiftly picked the girl up, pressing a kiss against the side of her head, "Mwuah! You're mine now! I want to show you all the pretty lights!"
Nari giggled and threw her arms around his neck, knowing that she wasn't getting out of this one. But that's okay. She didn't mind. "Bye Ashley!" The girl managed a wave before being ushered out of the room by a very excited J-Hope, "Bye Namjoon!"
"Bye bye!" Ashley laughed and waved goodbye before turning to the taller boy, "What a cutie. I love kids."
"Nari is special like that," Namjoon agreed, "Oh, and Ash, thanks for all your advice. I've been so worried about her these past few months, but I trust your words. Thank you."
The woman nodded, "Of course, Joon." Her voice softened, "I see so much of myself in her. I see the same fire behind her eyes that I had when I was her age, but she's not angry like me. Her flame burns, but it doesn't hurt at all."
"I love that about her," He said quietly, cracking a smile, "She's never bitter. Nari's warmth comes from her passion and her love, never her anger."
"I've been talking to Suga too. I guess she's pretty important to all of you, hm?"
The boy chuckled, "Definitley, to Suga especially. Deep inside, he's actually quite nurturing and I think that being with Nari gives him a sense of peace. I never knew love could be this unconditional, you know?"
"God, I can't wait to be a mom," Ashley sighed longingly, "But I don't think that will happen for a while, so I'll have to settle for living vicariously through you. Are you sure that I can't take Nari out for some Aunt Ash time?"
"Not until every tattoo parlor in Seoul is on lockdown," Namjoon shook his head, "Ashley, I love you to death, but I can't trust you not to get my kid inked before she turns 16."
i've been listening to halsey ever since her first album was released bc before i got into bts i was extremely emo. her music has been such a big part of my life and yall have no idea how happy boy with luv makes me. also their friendship is so fuckin cute. imagine having a special handshake with namjoon. god i wish that were me.
thank you guys for getting this story to 1k!!! i love all of you guys sm!
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