Comic Con (코믹 콘)
"How come Nari gets to come with you and we don't?" Jin stuck his head in the doorway and threw a stuffed bear on to the bed, jostling the laptop beside Namjoon and the girl beside him, "I wanna go to Boston!"
The other boy shooed him away, "Dude! Go away! I'm trying to talk to my girlfriend!"
"It's okay," Chelsea laughed, her image pixelated through the computer screen, "I don't mind."
"I do!" Namjoon complained, "Go awaaaaaay!"
Nari laughed and pulled Jin onto the bed, "Come on! Ms. Bradley said that she didn't mind. Let him stay."
"You don't have to keep calling me Ms. Bradley," The woman reminded her, "You can just say Chelsea. It is my name, after all. And Joon, if Jin or anyone else wants to tag along that's fine with me. I'd be happy to show them around too."
Jin's face broke into a bright grin, "That's great! I gotta tell the rest of the boys!" He grabbed Nari's hand and dragged her out the door, eager to spread the good news.
"You don't have to do this, Chels, " Namjoon groaned and turned to the laptop, "If you're hoping for romance, I'm afraid that I can't really deliver when there's seven other people watching."
Chelsea shook her head, "Don't worry about it. I'm sure that we'll find time. Besides, just being with you is enough."
"Namjoooooooon!" Taehyung slammed open the door to the hotel room and threw himself on to the bed, barely avoiding the computer, "Can we really come to Boston with you? Is that true? Oh, hi Chelsea!" He waved, "How are you?"
"I'm good!" She waved back, "And yeah, if you want to! There's an anime convention tomorrow actually, if you'd like to go."
His eyes lit up, "Really? I'd love to!"
"Well, if you're going to crash my date, you might as well bring everyone," Namjoon sighed, "You guys can come in."
Moments later, all five remaining members of BTS, as well as one 12 year old girl, piled on top of them...which finally knocked the laptop to the ground. Namjoon grunted as he tried to catch his breath, "Get. Off. All of you."
"You were going to Boston and you didn't tell us?" Jungkook whined, "And there was even anime convention? Dude, you suck."
"GET. OFF." The older boy shoved Jungkook off of him, "Yes, fine, you can all come. You have to behave though and you can't get recognized." He rescued the laptop from the floor, breathing a sigh of relief when he saw the screen intact, "Chels, is that okay?"
"Yeah, that's great actually! Also, just saying, but if you decided to cosplay then you'll probably have less of a chance of being recognized in public."
Suga let out an excited gasp, "Yeah! It's been forever since we did cosplay! I'm bringing my Naruto costume back."
"I'm going to be Hinata from Haikyuu!" The youngest boy exclaimed, "Tae, Jimin, Jin, what are you guys going to do?"
"I want to be Todoroki," Taehyung replied and ruffled the girl's hair, "Nari, you'd be the cutest Ochaco. Please cosplay with me."
Nari shook her hand off of her head, "But I don't watch My Hero Academia. I want to be the girl from Spirited Away." She looked to Namjoon for permission, "Can Iris come too?"
"Yeah, they might as well." He sighed.
"Yay!" The girl eagerly pulled out her phone, "I'm gonna text them right now!"
"I don't really care about anime that much," J-Hope stated, "Can I just not dress up?"
"No way!" Jin grabbed him by the shoulders, "This is a family event! You're going to cosplay Attack On Titan with Jimin and I and you're going to like it. I'll even let you be Eren."
Jimin piped up, "Hey! I wanted to be Eren! If I'm not Eren, then who am I supposed to be?"
"Isn't it obvious?" The oldest boy exasperatedly replied, "You're Levi and I'm Armin. Duh."
Namjoon took the laptop and retreated to a corner of the room, as far away from the chaos as he could. "Sorry," He apologized to the woman on the other side of the screen, "This is getting a little out of hand."
"It's fine," Chelsea laughed, "So, who are we going to cosplay as?"
"I don't know, I don't watch a lot of anime. What do you think?"
"Well, you'd make a good Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul," She suggested, "You already have bleached hair and the costume has a mask on it so I don't think you'd get recognized. I can throw together a Touka costume too. I think that we'd be a cute pair."
He nodded, "Okay. Sounds good." Namjoon pulled out his phone, "I wonder how mad Rika is going to get once I tell her that we're all going to Boston tomorrow and that we can't leave without cosplays."
12 hours later, at the ripe time of 10 AM, all nine of them stood outside the convention center eagerly anticipating the final member of their group. Taehyung adjusted his bicolor red and white wig, "Nari, do I look okay?"
"You look great!" The girl said encouragingly, "The stylists did a really good job. I can't believe they got all of this is less than a day."
Jungkook tossed his volleyball into the air, "They really do work miracles, little Nari." He turned to the taller person beside her, "And you look great, Iris. Haku was a good choice. You know, I used to want to be a dragon when I was little."
"Really?" Iris laughed, "Me too! I remember being really really sad when I found out that they didn't exist."
"I'm sorry that I'm late!" A familiar voice hurried towards the group.
"Chelsea!" Namjoon embraced her tightly, "I'm sorry, I cant kiss you through this stupid mask."
She shook her head and laughed, "Don't worry about it, Joon. You look really handsome." The woman turned to the rest of them, "Hi guys! Welcome to Anime Boston! Let's get our badges and I'll show you around."
However, after registering the boys instantly split up before she could even say a word. Taehyung, Jungkook, and Jin grabbed J-Hope and the two youngest members of the group and made a beeline for the dealer's hall while Suga and Jimin went in the direction of the bar. Namjoon sighed, "I guess it's just us now."
"Looks like it," Chelsea laughed, "Let's go to the courtyard. It's not as busy out there."
So, hand in hand, the two headed outside and sat on the ledge of a large fountain. The boy rested his head on his girlfriend's shoulder as they watched people in bright and colorful costumes mill around the courtyard. He looked to her and took his mask off, grateful for a breath of fresh air, "Are you sure that this is how you want to spend today, Chelsea?"
"Yeah, of course," She answered, "Everyone looked so happy to be here. Are you happy, Joon?"
"You know I always tell you that I'm happy when I'm with you, " Namjoon started, "But the truth is, I spend so much of my time looking out others, that when I'm with you I can't help but want to be a little selfish. When we're together I don't want to share you with anyone else. Sorry, I know it's a little rude of me."
Chelsea couldn't hide the blush spreading across her face, "Oh Namjoon, there will be plenty of time for that. I talked to Rika and she said it was okay for me to fly back to New York with you guys tonight for the concert tomorrow, and since your flight back to Korea doesn't leave until 4 PM the day after that, I think we can fit a date or two in there."
"God, I don't think I've ever been more in love," The boy mumbled, "I cannot wait to kick Suga out of our hotel room." His voice softened, "I wish that I could meet your parents though. After we get back to Korea, I'm going to take Nari to meet my family. Maybe you can come too, if you want to."
"Joon, we both know that can't happen," The woman said sadly, "We're walking a fine line already and I don't want to get you in trouble. I need to stay in Boston for the rest of the week. We will have our wine and cheese night as soon as I get back, okay?" Her face flushed bright red, "Oh my god. I just realized something."
"Hm? What is it?"
Chelsea rigorously shook her head, "I can't tell you! It's embarrassing."
"Awe, nothing is too embarrassing for me," Namjoon replied earnestly, "You remember who I live with, right? Trust me when I say that I've seen it all. Come on baby, won't you please tell me?"
"Okay, fine," She gave up, he was just too cute when he begged, "I still have a bunch of BTS posters in my room at my parent's place. I have all my photocards hanging up too. Agh, it's so embarrassing!"
The boy laughed, "That's not embarassing at all! I think that it's quite cute, actually," He gently tilted her chin so that her gaze met his deep brown eyes before a kiss, "So, how does it feel knowing that you've got the real thing now, hm?"
"Every day I fall deeper in love with you," Chelsea whispered breathlessly before leaning into the kiss. When they separated a moment later she couldn't help but smile, "You're going to have to wear your mask for the rest of the day, babe. I may have gotten some lipstick on you."
"You wore the cheap kind on purpose, didn't you?"
"Of course. How else am I supposed to make sure that you keep your cosplay on?"
Namjoon chuckled and shook his head playfully, "Between you and Nari with her tattoos, I always seem to pick the girls that spell trouble." His eyes glinted mischeviously, "But that's okay. I don't mind a bit of a wild side."
"I want it."
"Are you sure? I told you that I'd buy you one thing in this whole vendor's hall, and that's what you want?"
Nari nodded, completely deadpan, "Yes. I've never wanted anything more in my entire life."
"You're sure?" Jin questioned her as they talked in Korean, "You're absolutely sure? There's no takebacks on this. This is the one thing that I'm buying you."
"Yes. I'm sure." She repeated, "This is the one thing that I want. Unless it's too expensive, of course."
The boy shook his head, "No, the price isn't an issue. I'll buy it." He turned to the dealer at the booth and spoke in English, "Alright. Uh, can I get the big totoro? The one that's like, massive."
"Sure!" The seller answered enthusiastically, "He's over 4 feet long and 3 feet wide. If you want, you can pay for it now and I'll keep him in the back so you can just stop by before you leave today to take him home."
"That would be great, actually," Jin agreed and handed over his credit card, "Thank you."
"You're the best!" Nari hugged him, "I love you, Jin! You can stop by my room and see him anytime!"
He laughed and patted her head, "Good. If I paid 250 dollars for a life size totoro for you then I better get some use out of it."
"Nari! Iris!" Taehyung bounced over to the trio, holding more plastic bags than they could count, and spoke excitedly in broken English "Look what I got!" He opened a bag to reveal a mountain of heart shaped pins, "I bought all the artists that were selling BTS. I don't know what I'm going to do with 300 pins of myself, but that's okay. I got lots of prints too. Our fans are so talented, I love them so much."
Jin shook his head, "The amount of money you spend on a daily basis amazes and horrifies me."
"I can take some of the extras back to New York," Iris offered, "I have a lot of ARMY friends and I'm sure that they would appreciate them."
"Great idea!" Taehyung exclaimed, "I got business cards from all the artists, take those also. We'll start organizing on the plane. Ooh, we can hand some out at the concert tomorrow too!
Suga and Jungkook popped up from behind Jin's shoulder, "Hey guys!" Suga waved, "Did you get anything good? I tried to buy from all of the booths that were selling BTS artwork but for some reason they were all sold out."
"I think that's because of Tae," Nari giggled, "And Jin got me a big totoro."
Jungkook's eyes widened with excitement, "That's awesome!" He noticed a stand that was selling Spirited Away keychain blind boxes and grabbed the two kid's hands, "Okay! My turn to be a big brother! We'll each pick out a box. Nari, Iris, what characters do you guys want?"
"I want Chihiro." Nari said immediately.
Iris shrugged, "I'll take Haku then."
Jungkook nodded and paid for three of the blind boxes, "And I want No-Face. We're gonna open these at the same time and see what we get! If either of you get your characters first then I'll buy you whatever you want. But if I get No-Face first, then I want both of you to sing karaoke with me."
"You're on!" Iris laughed, "Ready? One, two, three!"
They eagerly tore open their boxes to reveal what character they had gotten. Nari disappointingly held hers up as she spoke in English, "I got frog."
"I got the witch." Iris said.
"And I got a coal sprite," Jungkook sighed and handed over the bills for another set of boxes, "Okay, let's try this again! One, two, three!"
However, this time when the three of them opened their boxes, a winner was crowned. Iris eagerly held up their keychain, "Haku! I win!"
"Damn!" The boy swore, "I got another coal sprite."
"It's okay, Kookie," Nari laughed and pressed her figure into his hand, "You can have my No-Face."
"You're just the best, little Nari," Jungkook smiled, "Now Iris, what do you want?"
They thought for a moment, "Hm, I think I'll just get some Pocky. Strawberry, please."
"That's it? You just want Pocky? I can get that for you literally anywhere, you know."
"I'm sure," Iris nodded, "Just the Pocky."
Jungkook shrugged, "Alright." He handed her the light pink box of treats and paid for it, "If that's all that you want, I can't take it from you." He checked his phone, "Hobi just texted me, he said that they've got a Dance Dance Revolution machine upstairs and he and Namjoon are gonna go against eachother. I've gotta try that out. I wonder if there's any of our songs on there. Do you guys wanna come?"
Nari shook her head, "No thank you. I can watch you all play video games any day. I want to relax a little."
"Me too," Iris agreed, "We'll take a break for a bit and then we'll find you and the rest of the boys in the gaming room."
"Alright, sounds good! I'll see you soon!"
Jungkook bolted for the escalators, leaving the two alone for the first time that day. Iris gently took Nari's hand, "Let's go outside."
"Okay." The girl blushed and allowed them to lead her to the courtyard. They ended up sitting on the ledge of the very same fountain that Namjoon and Chelsea were at just hours before. Butterflies congregated in her stomach as they sat in silence for a little.
"Thank you for bringing me, Nari," Iris spoke with a grateful smile, "It's been a while since I've been to a con and this is so much fun. Thank you for this whole week, actually. I don't think I've ever been happier."
Like always, Nari's face flushed pink as she tried to find the words caught in her throat, "You're welcome, Iris. You make me happy too. I you."
"I like you too. A lot." Iris opened the box of Pocky that Jungkook bought them earlier, "Nari, have you ever played the Pocky game?"
"Pocky game?"
"Yeah!" They smiled,"It's like-you know that Disney movie, The Lady and the Tramp?"
Nari spoke slowly and hoped more than anything that her words came out right, "Lady and Tramp? The one with the dogs and the noodles?"
"Exactly like that!" Iris laughed, "You're adorable, Nari. You know the scene where they both have the same noodle and their noses touch? It's like that, but with Pocky." Their voice lowered and for the very first time, Nari could sense their confidence dropping, "So, do you want to try?"
"S-Sure." The girl felt her face get redder as she took a slender biscuit, holding the chocolate end inbetween her teeth, "Like this?"
Iris blushed deeper than she had ever seen before and leaned in, gently biting the other end of the Pocky, "Close your eyes. Ready?"
Slowly their lips inched closer until they connected, only for a split second. Nari's felt the butterflies in her stomach take flight and spread throughout her whole body. She opened her eyes to see that her smile matched Iris's, who pulled away to hide their flushed cheeks, "S-So how's that?"
"Good," Nari answered immediately, "Do you think that maybe we can do it again?"
i really liked the parallels of nari and namjoon both having a kiss on the fountain....although the dynamic between nari and iris is very different from the one between namjoon and chelsea haha.
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