Anastasius - Anastasia: resurrection ( sự hồi sinh )
Athanasius - Athanasian - Athanasia: immortal ( bất diệt)
Aelius: sun
Astra: star
Asteria - Asterin: star, starry one
Amyas - Amias: beloved
Anwir: liar
Argenis: Prince or noble warrior
Alastor: avenger
Acheron: river of sorrow
Arnold: eagle power, bright eagle
Alain: little rock
Aristides: best, superior, noble
Blodwyn - Blodwen: white flower
Brian: hill, high, noble
Bruno: to be tanned, brown
Blake: black
Blanche: white, pure
Burton: fortified settlement ( khu định cư kiên cố )
Baron: boss
Brandon: broom-covered hill
Bernard - Berne: strong as a bear, brave as a bear
Brigitte: exalted one
Pluto & Charon <3
Curtis: courteous ( lịch sự )
Claudius - Claude: lame ( câu thơ không hoàn chỉnh )
Callista: most beautiful
Cyro - Cairo: the vanquisher ( người thắng trận )
Cyrillus - Cyril: lord
Cyrus: sun
Ceno: new
Charles - Charlotte: free man
Castiel - Cassiel: shield of God
Chantelle - Chantal: song
Cheryl - Sheryl: beloved
Camille: helper to the priest, attendant for a temple
Colette: victorious
Celeste - Celine: heavenly
Dante - durante: enduring
Doyle: dark stranger
Devin: poet, bard
Derick - Derrek - Derrick: people ruler, the path, power of the tribe
Drucilla: Mighty, strong
Damien - Damian: to tame, subdue
Elias: the Lord is my God
Ernest: serious
Eugene: noble
Estevan: crown
Eryano : Color
Elysian : blissful
Eligius: to choose
Eriol : One who dreams alone
Eirlys: Snowdrop
Eira: snow
Erasmus: beloved
Elvis: all-wise
Eiran - Eran: watchful; vigilant
Emrys: Immortal
Emery: Industrious; Powerful; Ruler
Estelle: star
Fleur - Flora - Fleurine: flowers
Florence: blossoming, flourishing, prosperous ( hưng thịnh )
Fortis - Forte: strong
Faust - Faustina - Faustino: Lucky, auspicious
Forsythe: fairy meadow, fairy mound
Georgia: agriculture
Giselle: Pledge
Gervais: spear, spearman
Harold: army ruler
Harvey: battle worthy
Hadeon: Destroyer
Hael - Leah: Generous - weary
Hesperia: evening star
Ian: God is gracious
Ignacio - Ignatius: fire
Isolde - Iseult: fair lady, iron ruler, ice ruler
Irene: peace
Isaac: laughter
Ina: to entertain, home, lover of horses, strong, the sun, illuminate.
Istina: truth
Joyce: joy
Jocelyn: happy, joyful
Julian - Julius - Jules: downy, sky father, youthful
Justin: just, upright, righteous.
Jeannine - Jeanine- Jeans - Janes: God is gracious
Kyle: narrow, strait, confidence, reliance, trust
Klein: small
Koray: a moon in the colour of ember
Killian: church, bright-headed, war, contention, strife
Lucius - Lucian - Lucas - Lucy - Luz - Lux - Luke - Lumina - Lumian: light
Luna: moon
Lambert: bright land
Lawrence - Laurence - Laurent: laurel
Lysander: liberator (người giải phóng)
Lanette - Lynette: nymph (nữ thần)
Leviathan - Levi: to twist, turn, wind, or coil
Lancelot: Servant
Linette - Lynette: Idol, Little lion, A small songbird
Leif: heir
Loryn - Laura - Loren - Lorian: laurel, sweet bay tree, symbol of victory
Maximilian: greatest
Mallory: unlucky
Merlin: sea fortress
Melantha: Dark flower
Melany - Melinoe - Melania: blackness, dark
Margarita: pearl
Monique - Monica: Advisor, One
Montague: pointy hill
Mirielle: miraculous, to admire
Natalie-Natalia: birth of the Lord,Christmas Day.
Nastaran: Wild Rose
Nolan: famous, champion
Nevan: little saint
Nymeria:A warrior queen
Noctis: of night
Otis: wealthy
Oswin: God's friend
Odette: poem, wealthy
Otello - Otto - Othello: wealth, prosperity, fortune
Perseus: Destroyer
Percy: pierce the vale
Phoebe: Bright, radiant, Pure
Priscilla: ancient; venerable
Quentin - Quincy: The fifth
Quiterie: the red one
Quella - Quilla: pacify, quiet, to stop something
Quain: clever, quick
Quillon: Crossed Swords
Ryan - Rian - Regis - Regan: king, sovereign ( tối cao )
Regulus: heart of the Lion
Rosette - Roseline - Ruze: rose
Rena: reindeer
Rune: secret
Remi - Remy: oarsman, rower
Rory: red king
Rita: brave, honest
Raul: Wolf counsel
Regina: queen
Rudolf - Rudy: famous wolf
Russell: little red
Reginald - Reinald - Raynard: counsel and rule
Renata: reborn
Sullivan: dark eyes
Shawn: God is gracious
Seraphine - Seraphina: burning ones, flaming, glowing
Sol - Solasta - Solari: luminous, sun
Silvester: woodwd, wild
Sylvain - Sylvana - Sylvan - Sylvie: forest, woodland
Tristan: sad
Tracy: fighter
Travis: toll collector, to cross, traverser
Thalassa: sea
Theresa - Teresa: Huntress, Harvester, Summer
Uriel - Uriah: God is my light
Uranie - Urania: heavenly
Vincent: to conquer
Vangelis: good news
Vesper: evening star
Vito: life
Verne: from the alder tree grove
Valentin - Valentine: strong, healthy
Vladimir: ruler of the world, glorious rule
Vasco - Velasco: Little raven; Crow
Venceslas: Greater glory; Praised with glory
Voltaire: Determined little thing, to leap, to fly, volunteer,
Walter: commander of the army
Warren: Animal enclosure, To protect, guard
Whitney: white island
Wayne: Wagon maker, Wagon driver
Wynne: white, blessed
Xavier: New house
Xenia: guest or stranger, hospitality
Xiana: youthful
Xanthia: yellow, blond, blond-haired, fair-haired
Yael: mountain goat
Yves - Yvette - Yvonne - Yveline: yew
Yolanda - Yolande - Yolaine: violet flower
Yonah - Younes - Younis - Yunus - Younous - Yonas: dove
Yvaine: evening star
Ziven: radiance, brilliance, light of God.
Zayne - Zayn - Zane - Zain: God is gracious
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