Another Tag
Thanks to sun_angel_ for tagging me. I'm yet again doing another "About Me" tag. I feel so special being tagged so many times.
1. Favorite fictional character and why?
Ooh, this is hard. I gotta say... Percy Jackson... he had to go through a bunch of stuff and still he managed to overcome and help millions of people. There's a bunch of other reason but I'm too tired to list them all.
2. Have you ever had a crush on somebody of the same gender?
No actually. I'm boringly straight.
3. What's your least favorite food and why?
Anything with onion in it. They're just plain gross tasting and they stink. It's the Devil's vegetable, I swear.
4. What do you consider to be the most annoying thing on the planet?
What I consider to be the most annoying thing on the planet are people who are just plain rude for no reason. They're life could be completely wonderful and still they have to go around and kill everyone else's happiness.
5. Worst fear?
My worst fear is not being loved. I constantly need reassurance and sometimes I feel like I'm not good enough and that no one could ever love or care about me.
6. Favorite animal and why?
I have two answers actually. I know, I know. I'm breaking the rules. Shame on me. *puts on Dunce cone*
1. Sloth- They're extremely cute and slow and cuddly (like me... Not really...) and yet they've managed to stay alive for years even if they don't do much.
2. Wolf- They're strong and powerful. And they're like extra large puppies. Plus, when I was in forth grade, my mom convinced me that I was a werewolf and ever since I've had a close attachment to them.
7. Favorite song and why?
Lordy, lordy. I have to choose only one!?!??!?! Ugh... fine. One of my favorite songs is "Wrapped Around Mt Finger" by 5 Seconds of Summer because it has a soft sound, I absolutely love slow songs (I know, I'm weird), and I can just imagine a story of me (because it's my story) and Luke (because I'm a hardcore Luke girl) or Michael (considering he does most of the vocals in that song) going on a long, spontaneous adventure in the middle of the night to the beach or to like a McDonald's or something.
8. Favorite celebrity and why?
Why do you do dis to me? One of my favorite celebrities is Luke Hemmings (because like I said I'm a Luke girl) because he's an awkward penguin who's really sweet and kind and goofy and *fangirls* I just... can't. My ovaries will explode.
9. Would you kill said favorite celebrity for 5000 dollars?
NO! WHY WOULD YOU EVEN ASK THAT. Number one, $5000 isn't even that much money, I love him too much to hurt him, and I don't want to have death on my conscience (especially his).
10. OTP?
Well duh. Solangelo. Phan. Percabeth. A million others...
11. Do you have braces or glasses?
I have braces. Fortunately I have good eyesight but sucky teeth.
12. Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend?
I have neither because I'm a socially awkward potato, but I am "engaged" to my fiancé Yanakai (you guys should check her out btw).
13. What would you do if you owned me for 24 hours.
(By me, it means sun_angel_)
If I were to own sun_angel_ for 24 hours, I'd probably just talk to her about writing and go to my nearby mall and get some froyo and buy merch at Hot Topic.
Alright, that's it of the questions. Time for me to tag.
Roxiebixtch5SOS and anyone who wants to do the tag.
Alrighty. Now for my questions.
1. If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?
2. What's your favorite movie and why?
3. Who's your favorite celebrity?
4. Favorite song.
5. If you could go to dinner with one person that's alive and one person's that's dead, so would you go to dinner with?
6. Who is your favorite band?
7. Who's your favorite fictional person?
8. If you could marry anyone in the world (real or fictional), who would it be?
9. What magical world would you like to travel to?
10. Who's your OTP?
11. Would you rather get your Hogwarts letter or have a Jedi come up to you and say to you, "I will teach you the ways of the Force"?
12. If you could only eat one meal forever, what would it be?
13. Would you rather be able to talk to animals or be able to speak all languages?
Alrighty, those are your questions. Don't forget to tag me so I can see your answers.
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