Tem's shop
I looked at the sign, then headed towards a place that was scratched off the sign, but what I could get out was "tM". Apparently that is a town.. I headed down the glowing grass path and reached a door in the cave wall. I slid it open and walked in. There was a bunch of tiny voices speaking quickly, and when I looked over to where they came from, I saw tEMS. Hundreds, of tEMS. They all stopped there conversations and slowly stared at me, then started shaking furiously! They just sat there and shook. The only noises I could hear was shaking... I slowly walked past a group of tEMS, each of them with little stickers on the sweaters saying there names. tEM tEM tEM and... Bob. All the tEMS were shaking, but the one with bob on his sweater was reading a book and drinking tea, with tiny glasses on his nose. He stared up at me and folded his glasses closed, the set down his book, and the tea on top. He sat back on a rock and crossed his legs. "May I help you?" He said in a very deep, safisticated voice. "I-I'm good." I said, then he slid on his glasses and read some more out of the upside down book called "a tEMS hISTORY,". I kept walking forward, until I saw a tiny shack, and when I looked in I saw a tEM sitting behind a box, shaking... I stared at it. The box said "TEMS ShOP". It had a cup of coffee that said TiPz on the front. It was filled. It carefully followed my eye movement as it sat and shook... I looked up and saw a sign. It said tEM repeated over and over again. The tEM behind the box tilted its head. "rOCK!" Said the tEM in hyper speed! It held out a rock and I reached at it, but the tEM closed its hand. It held out the other hand and slid its thumb and finger together. I pulled out 5 G. It shook its head no. I pulled out 25 G, it said no. It held up a marker board that said "10'00 mUNEES FOR cOLLEGE AND ROCK." . I pulled out 1,000 G and it shook yes. It gave me the rock and took the G. I slipped the rock in my pocket, and tEM disappeared behind the box! It came back up with a sweater with terrible stitching that said "tEM IS bACK FROM cOLLEGE!". I stared blankly.
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