Mettaton himself
"WELCOME BACK DARLINGS! TODAY IS A VERY SPECIAL EPISODE MY SWEETS!" came a voice from nowhere. I was walking alone in Hotland when I turned around and I saw a box with color cubes... "Um... Are you talking to yourself?" I said to the box on a wheel. "WHY OF COURSE NOT DARLING! IM TALKING TO THE 5 CURRENT VIEWERS!" *There were no cameras to be seen.* we stared at each other blankly. "DO-DO YOU ACUALLY NOT KNOW WHO I AM? ITS METTATON! THE BEUTIFUL CHARMING SHOW OWNER!!" He said. "Ohh! Your the MTT brand guy! That steak in your shape is great by the way! But you should probably fix that statue fountain. The carpets pretty wet." I said in response, and he stared at me glumly. " WELL THAT DOSNT MATTER BECAUSE WE HAVE A HUMAN ON CAMERA! WELCOME DARLINGS TO THE SLAUGHTERFEST! THERE WILL BE DRAMA, ROMANCE, AND BLOODSHED!!!" He said, as he started raising up in the air on a lifting platform! "CAN THE HUMAN SURVIVE THE DEATHRUN!?" He said, all of the sudden wairing a princess outfit..? A rope drop down on him and he tied it around himself and held the mic close. He started floating above me, moving to the right. "LET US BEGIN!" He yelled, when a bunch of lasers came up in front of me! Orange and blue beams shot out in front of me. They started shuffling back and forth! "Blue is stay, orange is move, I got it." I said in memory. I took a step forward... BLING BLING! BLING BLING! I pulled out my phone and Alphys was calling! I put it to my cheek. "Hello?" I said. "Hi.. Uh... So Mettaton kinda just wants to get some views.. Oo! I know what would work! You should cheat! It would make this episode unforgettable! I installed a Sapper on your phone! You see that antenna on top? Pull that out and there should be a cord connected to it! Touch the tip against the orange laser beam, but be careful it doesn't hit from moving. Then press the white button on the bottom of your phone on the right. It should disable all of the orange lasers, and you can just hold still when a blue laser comes! Good Luck!" She finished, then hung up. I looked at the antenna and then at the lasers. "Huhh. Let's do this." I said, then yanked out the antenna and pressed it against the laser. CHK! They were defused! I ran up to the blue lasers and held still, then walked past. " OK DARLINGS. NOW THE HUMAN WILL ESCAPE MY FIRE TRAPS! IN THE PIT OF FIRE!" A giant hole broke open and a big unjumpable pit of fire opened up. BLING! "Alphys here again! That wire you used also works as a grappling hook!" She hung up afterwards. I pulled out the antenna again and through it at the ledge on the other side of the pit! It flung me straight to the other side! I front of me was Mettaton in his princess suit again, with his microphone. "THIS IS VERY AWKWARD... YOU WERE T SUPPOSED TO CHEAT! BUT HEY! I GOT 10 MORE FOLLOWERS FROM THIS EPISODE! SO THIS IS ALL I HAVE BECAUSE YOU WERENT SUPPOSE TO MAKE IT PAST... BUBYE!!" He finished as he flew away on the rope. I looked ahead and saw the man with the boat.
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