Is there really any value to this thing we call living?
Dazai? Why is it you wish to die?
Let's turn that question around,
Is there really any value to this thing we call living?
So the suicidal bastard wants to live
I haven't fulfilled my promise to us you as my dog yet.
Dazai stood up and walked over towards the edge of the alleyway, unsure of what to do, it would be dangerous to just waltz out into view, he didn't know what time they were in, things could be different in the future, the future is something you can't predict, it holds so many mysteries and Dazai found them all scary, he found them all incredibly frightening. He didn't want a future. He was sure he didn't have one, Chuuya though, most definitely did.
And if this happened to be the past, he and Chuuya would both be suffering anyway. If they were both spotted, it could mess up their current selves' lives, they didn't need any more of that.
Dazai, for once, had no clue what to do, where were they supposed to go? How would they get back to their time?
No, he had to find the answer to the most important question, what time were they in?
It seemed the Gods had heard him.
"Is-Isn't that Akutagawa?" Chuuya whispered, placing a hand on Dazai's shoulder, leaning forwards, Dazai turned his head from the art store over to the convenience store, and sure enough, there stood Akutagawa, he looked older, maybe in his early twenties, he wore his usual expressionless face, though it lit up ever so slightly when another boy emerged from the store, he had white hair with one black streak running through it close to his unevenly chopped bangs and almost inhumane yet stunning multicoloured eyes. "Who's he?" Chuuya asked, having never seen him before.
Dazai shrugged, "I don't know, but they seem close," he then relaxed and allowed himself to concentrate, leaning in to listen closely.
"-uya said not to buy too much canned crab, you bought an entire bag! He's going to hurl it all up by the end of the week," the boy neither of them knew scolded.
Akutagawa pursed his lips then shrugged "The week is nearly over Jinko," looking at the other man lazily, there was an air of calmness around Akutagawa that hadn't existed before like he didn't have any burdens on his shoulders, it was odd to see him like that but not unpleasant.
The boy looked at him dead in the eyes "exactly!" he cried exasperated.
Akutagawa didn't seem phased in the least "He's a grown man he can handle himself," he replied, only to smile slightly when the other boy stared at him as if he had a few screws loose in his head.
"You're talking about the man we had to fish out of the river a week ago," The silver-haired man spoke, not amused in the slightest by the other's response. Dazai on the other couldn't help but beam.
"I like that man." He whispered, causing Chuuya to peer up at him and exhale with the smallest of smiles.
"Yeah cause he's a suicidal mental case just like you," Chuuya, even in his state of uncertainty felt a tad bit of relief that Dazai was being his usual self, it eased his nerves ever so slightly.
Akutagawa and the other boy stood by the store and peered over to see what magazines they had on display as if they hadn't been in the store some minutes ago. "Yo! Atsushi! Akutagawa!" Both Dazai and Chuuya snapped their head in the direction of the voice, it was all too familiar, a little deeper than they knew, but still, the same one they knew.
Dazai felt like he had just been punched in the stomach, it was Chuuya.
He couldn't figure out how old he was, he didn't look a day over Twenty at least, but he had to be older considering Akutagawa looked twenty as well.
His hair was odd yet somehow very beautiful, it was cut shabbily at the back on one side, the other was grown out and reached over to his chest. His eyes were just a tad bit sharper than they were now, but also a lot less abysmal. He was clad in much more refined clothes than he had now, they didn't look tacky anymore like he couldn't decide whether he wanted to look like a Gangster or a Mafioso. Dazai couldn't help but stare, how was it possible that Chuuya looked so good? He looked both feminine and masculine yet still had that confidence and coolness he had now.
Dazai was without a doubt questioning his sexuality.
Chuuya on the other hand couldn't believe that this was him. He had half the brain to say he looked stupid, what was it with that hair? But he had to admit -as strange as it was- it suited him well.
Dazai swallowed harshly, he felt Chuuya turn to look at him, probably expecting him to say something, but he couldn't just say 'wow, Chuuya you look so hot that I'm actually thinking that I might be bisexual!' So instead he picked out one important flaw -which wasn't even a flaw because, even now, he really liked this aspect about Chuuya- his height, and much to his glee, it was still lacking.
"How is it possible for you to have not grown at all?" he murmured, watching in delight as Chuuya's eye twitched before he was punched quite weakly in the face.
And the bickering began, insults, threats, if they were trying to be discreet, it wasn't working. You could hear Chuuya's high-pitched yelling, Dazai's lame comebacks, and the occasional howl of laughter or yell of (fake) agony.
Now of course if it was you in future Chuuya's shoes (who for the sake of easiness we'll call Nakahara) you would have recognized the sound of your own voice first, but Nakahara didn't. He recognized that irritating and overused insult of his height, he recognized the sound of the voice he had wanted nothing more than to hear, especially after he had left, how could he not? So immediately he strutted over to see what he was hearing, to see if he had really gone insane.
When Dazai and Chuuya were discovered, Chuuya was on top of him, strangling him whilst Dazai was tugging at his hair, not an unusual sight to anybody else, unless it was the younger version of yourself and the person you held most closely to your heart. "What the hell?" Both Dazai and Chuuya glanced up at Nakahara, somehow Dazai had affirmed to himself that Nakahara looked even better up close, he looked like a King from far away, but up close? He looked like a God.
Chuuya on the other hand didn't care what he looked like, yeah he looked good, but he shouldn't be surprised, he was always attractive, even if Dazai said he wasn't. He was more concerned about what Nakahara would do next, Chuuya was rash and quick on his feet, he couldn't imagine how he would react now that he had a few more years on his shoulders.
But if Chuuya could use what he knew about himself to an advantage, he'd have to guess that he'd probably point the gun at Dazai (seeing as he's probably dead anyway), he also probably wouldn't want to kill himself, and then demand an explanation in around ten to fifteen seconds.
But he was wrong, before he could display a proud smile that he managed to predict something before Dazai did, the gun was already pointed at him.
Nakahara had a sharp and concentrated look in his eye, Dazai recognized it, he was thinking carefully about what to do, it wasn't often he did that, after all, Dazai had been his brains whilst Chuuya had always been his brawns. It was clear confirmation that he was dead.
Akutagawa and Atsushi immediately reacted to Nakahara pulling out his gun, shielding him from anyone in the public, probably not to create a scene.
The older ginger then turned his sharp gaze from his younger self over to Dazai, Dazai noticed something, Nakahara's gaze had softened. "Dazai -if that is who you are- you have fifteen seconds to explain what the fuck is going on and if you explain in a way that I think isn't...Dazai-esk I'll shoot him," He threatened, pushing the gun into Chuuya's forehead, Dazai's eyes narrowed as Chuuya threw him a threatening glance, he couldn't help but roll his eyes at him, did he really think he was just going to let him die, especially in the future.
"It'd be pretty stupid to shoot your younger self Chuuya."
The gun lowered ever so slightly.
Dazai sighed and began waving his hands around as he explained "We were sent on a mission to look over some disappearances. When we got there we found a part that seemed like it was detached from the rest of the world's time, when I stood in it, there was no wind, no sound, nothing, it was like time had stopped, then when Chuuya joined me in it the wind picked up, we felt like we were flying or something of the sort and then the next minute we found ourselves here."
The older Chuuya lowered his gun and stuffed it back into his coat with no further word, seemingly satisfied. Atsushi and Akutagawa glanced over at each other with confused expressions, Akutagawa ended up shrugging, not wanting to say anything out of place. Atsushi ended up taking the initiative instead.
"You're just gonna believe him like that?" the white-haired male asked, somewhat nervously, Nakahara turned to him and ruffled his hair with a big grin, Dazai found that his heart was doing a strange thing, beating. Beating rapidly.
"I know when that bandaged idiot is lying. And I remember being sent on this mission," he replied, crossing his arms as he reminisced.
"'ve gone through this?" Chuuya asked, not being able to hold his hopefulness back from his voice, maybe they could get back quicker than anticipated.
Nakahara blinked and then paced his hand on his chin "No... which is odd.."
Dazai thought about it carefully, if future Chuuya hadn't experienced this, it most likely meant he didn't know how to get back, Dazai didn't think it was worth asking but of course, Chuuya didn't hesitate.
"So how are we supposed to get back? Are we just stuck here?" Nakahara looked at them both and then flashed them a reassuring smile, Dazai wasn't sure if it helped Chuuya but it most definitely put his nerves at ease.
"No, fortunately for you, all of the people who went missing just reappeared again after two weeks. All of them claimed to have been to the past or future. Specialists went to check it out but they couldn't find anything, people still went missing and claimed the same thing so in the end they just barricaded it off."
"So we'll be returning in two weeks?" Chuuya asked his older self, who crossed his arms with a sigh.
"Seems like it."
"Should we go to the Mafia then?" Chuuya suddenly asked, grabbing Dazai by the coat and tugging him next to him, Nakahara and Akutagawa peered over at each other and then toward Atsushi who just gave a nod.
"No, it's best if you go somewhere else, somewhere less...less Mafia I suppose," Akutagawa muttered, Dazai glared at him, what was wrong with going to the place they call home? Even if it was in the future, Chuuya still looked like a Mafioso and Dazai thought that he was probably dead anyway.
"What's wrong with going to the Mafia? We work there." Chuuya asked, it seemed he was taking the lead since Dazai was unusually quiet.
"Shut it, shorty come on, just follow me." The older Chuuya spoke as Dazai began to snicker
"Imagine being called short by your older self," Chuuya ignored him though and instead focused on insulting himself, rather than Dazai.
"I don't know why you're saying I'm short when you're shorter than Akutagawa and he's younger," Chuuya shot back smugly.
"I'm younger too!" Atsushi chimed in with a smile and Dazai found himself staring, that boy's smile was almost contagious.
Nakahara turned to Atsushi with a look of fake betrayal "Hey! You're supposed to be on my side!" he shouted and Dazai finally saw a part of Chuuya that hadn't changed.
"Hehe sorry, sorry!" Atsushi replied, ripping Dazai's attention away from Chuuya. He couldn't help but stare at Atsushi, who seemed to notice, he turned his head toward the young brunet, and for some reason, Dazai's eyes widened in surprise and then he shifted his gaze towards the floor, he felt...he felt shy? Now that was very out of character.
Atsushi smiled and then slowed his pace so he could walk next to Dazai. "Hey, Dazai," Dazai's head shot up in surprise, Atsushi knew him? But how? Did he join the Mafia? But he seemed like too much of walking sunshine to be showering himself in Mafia black.
"Hi? I don't want to sound rude but who are you?" Dazai questioned, even that felt wrong because he had admitted to not wanting to be rude; since when did he care about that?
"No, no, it's fine. I don't know what I shouldn't and should say, so I'll just say that I consider you my best friend," Dazai looked at him with wide eyes, and Atsushi couldn't help but smile sadly at him.
Dazai looked so young, but somehow so much deader, he looked like he was constantly on the verge of crying, he looked broken and beat, like he had been ripped piece by piece and was being held together by all his bandages. Chuuya too didn't look any better, he looked like the very definition of an angsty teen, irritated, tired and depressed, just sick of life. Atsushi knew that present Dazai and Chuuya were a lot happier now, but he didn't know just how much happier they had become.
"I'm your best friend?" Dazai whispered in disbelief, looking at Atsushi with wide watery eyes.
"Yup! You're also kind of like my mentor, but... you get a little off track." Atsushi dismissed only to have Nakahara scoff
"A little?"
"Okay, a lot," he then admitted sheepishly and Dazai stopped in his tracks, his whole body felt weak, did this mean....?
"Yeah?" Nakahara replied, turning to look at him "what?!" The younger snapped at the same time, also turning to look at him as well.
Dazai noticed it then too, how different older Chuuya and current Chuuya acted towards him, but why? He didn't know.
"Am I alive? Chuuya." Dazai made eye contact with Nakahara, his voice dangerously emotionless. Chuuya recognized that look, it meant Dazai's head was spinning with bad thoughts and he suddenly felt the need and want to go and stand next to him, try to snap him out of his headspace. It made him uncomfortable whenever Dazai got like this, he had improved since they'd met, but it still occurred now and then when things got ugly. Chuuya didn't move though, his older self was giving Dazai a stern look.
"Yeah, you're alive," Nakahara walked up and looked up at him.
"Why?" Dazai asked, trying to keep his composure, trying his best not to scream at everyone, even if it wasn't their fault.
Nakahara sighed, Dazai noticed him licking his lips in nervousness before he presumably decided on what to say, "In your eyes, you made a promise. In my eyes, you were cursed and told to do something that would end up hurting you. Over time I think that's changed. I think maybe your reasonings have changed now that some time has passed." Dazai looked at him with uncertainty swimming in his eyes, Nakahara reached his hand upwards to Dazai's hair, ruffling it. "Don't worry about it, you'll see with time what I mean," Chuuya watched this interaction and felt slightly off-put by it, what was it with this weird affection his older self was giving Dazai? It was odd, maybe he just took pity on the fact Dazai looked so lost right now? But even then it didn't make sense because earlier he had pointed the gun at him and not Dazai.
Chuuya would ask Dazai what he thought but he looked just as lost as he was, if Dazai didn't know what was wrong there was no way he could figure it out.
Chuuya expected Dazai to say something, to complain, to demand answers, anything but just obediently sit and take head pats. But Dazai, Dazai found comfort in the fact that Nakahara was able to soothe him with just a few words and a little ruffle of his hair, he would have said something if his heart wasn't drumming loudly against his ribs.
"You should stop staring, people might end up thinking you're into me," Nakahara spoke with a cheeky grin.
Dazai's eyes sparkled again for a moment, he felt his cheeks warm, he turned his head away and broke eye contact. "Right, sorry," Chuuya's mouth was hanging open, which made Akutagawa, who was standing next to him, chuckle, Dazai had not only gotten flustered but had gotten shy?!? There was something seriously wrong with this.
Nakahara turned around and began walking away, with Akutagawa and Atsushi following behind him. Chuuya turned to look at Dazai, his eyes widening as he saw the red that coloured his cheeks and the perplexed look on his face, so he crept next to him and the two began to walk side by side. Though Chuuya couldn't help but throw the brunet sparse side glances.
"I can see you looking at me you know?" Dazai spoke after finding himself getting more and more irritated.
...or was it flustered?
"What was that? You look like you melted when he or- or I touched you." Dazai shot him a glare.
"I did not melt."
"Did too."
"Did not."
"Did too."
"Did not."
This went on for a while.
Atsushi and Akutagawa looked over to Nakahara who was smiling softly to himself "melting huh?" the older whispered to himself, Atsushi and Akutagawa looked at each other then looked away with knowing smiles.
Chuuya and Dazai continued to linger at the back of the group, walking in silence, and for the first time ever in their relationship, it was awkward. Neither knew what to do, Chuuya's brain was doing backflips, meanwhile, it was Dazai's heart that was doing backflips, it didn't help that he was walking directly behind Nakahara and for some reason whenever he glanced at Chuuya, he somehow found himself thinking parts of Chuuya weren't actually as ugly as he had told himself they were. Dazai didn't know what he was thinking, maybe he ate something weird?
"We're here!" Nakahara announced and turned to look at the two teens, who looked completely stumped.
"The armed detective agency?" Chuuya asked, looking up at the building in confusion, then back at Dazai for some sort of explanation but timing was not on his side, because when he looked at Dazai he found him swallowing nervously. "How is this safer than the Mafia, this is the complete opposite of where we're supposed to be! We'll be arrested! Why are we here?" Chuuya asked, his voice cracking, nothing made sense, why was everything so different?
"Let's just say, my other half is here," Nakahara replied and then waved at them to come inside, Akutagawa and Atsushi already striding inside.
Chuuya and Dazai looked at each other, subconsciously shimmying next to each other as they followed inside.
When they made it to the top, Chuuya opened the door to where the Agency offices were "Alright you two wait outside, I'll need to get someone."
"Wha-" Chuuya was about to demand an explanation but Dazai cut him off.
"Okay." Dazai didn't know why, but he was sure that listening to Nakahara rather than figuring out what to do on his own was better for him and Chuuya, or maybe he was just being selfish. Chuuya yet again shot Dazai a look of complete and utter confusion.
"Why are you being so damn obedient?! Are you some dog?" Chuuya snapped angrily, Dazai wasn't surprised, Chuuya was good when dealing with overwhelming fighting scenarios but with feelings and confusion, he was almost just as terrible as Dazai was.
"Chuuya could you stop being so uptight about it, we wouldn't survive a day here if we hadn't met you," Dazai replied, trying to keep the bite out of his tone.
"Yes we would, we've made it through worse, we're double Black for fucks sake, we-we can make it through anything!" The older exclaimed, this vulnerable feeling overwhelming him.
"Not here Chuuya, God- even I don't understand any of this." Chuuya felt his body shake at that, at Dazai's soft voice, the way it wavered, the way his shoulders slumped, he had never seen him like this and it shook him to the core. So Chuuya opted to zip his lips and not say anything else, if Dazai didn't know what was going on, he had no hope.
Dazai looked at Chuuya, his eyes widening and glistening, his heart did a little thump, he looked so precious and pretty and it made his heart twist uncomfortably that Chuuya felt so disheartened and he felt the weird need to want to comfort him. "We can make it through anything? Huh?" Dazai asked with a sneaky smile, an attempt to lighten up the atmosphere.
Chuuya looked up at him with those emotional blue eyes, ones that glistened like they held water from an ocean in them, Dazai found himself wondering, were Chuuya's eyes always this beautiful?
Chuuya let out a small laugh at him and threw the side of his head into Dazai's shoulder "well yeah, am I wrong?" he asked as he looked up at Dazai, who in return swallowed thickly, for some reason the words seemed to get caught in his throat, and the area where Chuuya's head rested felt warm and cosy. Thankfully they were interrupted before Dazai could embarrass himself.
"What an interesting sight this is" Chuuya's eyes shot up at that voice, it was soft and mellow yet mischievous and playful.
He knew that voice.
A tall man stood there, with brown fluffy and tousled hair, he had gorgeous brown eyes, that looked as if God had melted chocolate in them. He wore a light-coloured outfit, a brown coat, and an opal pendent sitting around his bandaged neck instead of a tie, both accompanied by white trousers and a black vest that sat atop a blue dress shirt.
It was none other than the future Osamu Dazai.
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