I know you
I know it's hard to believe when I say
that I started loving you from the very first day
and if only I could have told you sooner
That you too deserve a future.
Chuuya stared at future Dazai (who again for the sake of simplicity we'll call him Osamu) completely flabbergasted, Osamu looked...he looked good. Dazai had always been good looking (that's why he always got laid, that, and he was good at morphing his personality to what the woman in front of him wanted).
But either way, somehow the older he got the prettier he got and the fact that Chuuya felt utterly flustered was even worse, what the hell kind of reaction was this?
Dazai on the other hand understood something at that moment, he had left the Mafia and joined the Agency, he didn't know the reason and he had a feeling that his older self would want to keep him and Chuuya from witnessing too much of the future. If either of them knew too much then they'd be able to change it and meddling with the future was something only dead men did.
"Chuuya~ I haven't seen you look this cute in so long! Look at you! You wittle cutie" Osamu cooed as he reached out and pinched Chuuya's cheeks, Chuuya's face flushed as he desperately tried to push the older male away from him.
"what- no- I'm not cute- shh - stop pinching me! You old man!" Osamu simply chuckled and then tackled the little ginger to the ground, pulling him into a tight hug.
Dazai looked from his older self, mildly surprised at how affectionate he was to Chuuya and then turned his attention towards Nakahara, who was standing with his arms crossed looking at the scene with the fondest of smiles and complete unsurprised, meaning affection like this was normal...Something clicked in Dazai's brain, he couldn't be sure what their relationship was now, but it was not hatred, still that that look that Nakahara was giving was the furthest thing from friendship too.
Dazai wondered what that look was, no one had given him that look before, like he meant something.
Nakahara then turned to look at him and smiled, Dazai's heart did a loop in his chest and he wanted to look away but he forced himself to maintain eye contact with the older male. The ginger went up to him and began to pat his head again, okay, maybe Chuuya was right, he did feel like he was melting. He had been so absorbed in the feeling of Nakahara's gentle hands raking through his hair, that he hadn't realized the ginger moved closer to him. "I think you're really cute too okay? So don't worry." He whispered with a bold smile.
Dazai felt a shiver run through his spine, though it presented itself more as if he had stiffened and then he looked up and saw Chuuya's face up close.
Dazai felt like he couldn't breathe.
"hEHH?!?! Chuuya~ you're supposed to be giving me attention!" Osamu whined while cradling the younger Chuuya in his arms, Dazai wondered what he meant by that, why was he entitled to Nakahara's attention?
"Yeah well, you're the one who said your younger self is touched starved or was that a lie you told me?" Nakahara spoke, pulling his hand away from Dazai's head to place them on his hips, with raised eyebrows.
Osamu looked like he'd been shot, as if that was the most offensive thing Nakahara could say, "Chuuya I do not tell lies!"
He stood up and put the very red-faced Chuuya onto the floor with a grin, then looked at his younger self "Hey, mini-me." He grinned, Dazai blinked at him and then nodded, muttering a small 'hello', "Ah~ don't seem so tense, relax a little, kay? Let that wizzy brain of yours rest. I can do the thinking for you," Dazai nodded, those words seemed to affect him greatly, of course, they did, his older self would know better than anyone else what to say to calm him down. After all, he had already lived through everything.
Osamu then turned to look at Nakahara with a heavy exhale "Anywho, we need to go to President and figure out what we should do with them." Osamu spoke and then turned to walk to the right, Nakahara nodded and then began walking ever so slightly behind him.
He noticed that no footsteps were following them so he turned around, cocking his head to the side "Come on, you're not gonna stand there like a bunch of idiots are you?"
Chuuya and Dazai peered over at each other "No-no!" Chuuya stuttered, grabbing onto Dazai -who was as still as a statue.
"Dazai? Come on," The brunet looked down at Chuuya and gulped in nervousness, you're probably wondering why Dazai would be nervous, especially around someone who he had always been comfortable around.
But I feel like the answer is already obvious, isn't it? He was feeling something new towards Chuuya.
He didn't say anything and instead let Chuuya lead him by the wrist.
When they made it to the office, they were told to wait outside whilst their older selves went and had a conversation with the President of the Agency, Chuuya and Dazai knew little about him, other than the fact that he and Mori had some history.
"We need to keep them both as blind to the future as possible. Just the fact that they are here is bad enough, they already know too much as it is. It's all too risky as I'm sure you're both aware," Fukuzawa spoke, looking at them with his usual stern stare, if anything, contrary to his appearance, he was probably dying to see a younger version of the two of them.
Osamu began fidgeting, something was gnawing at his consciousness and thanks to recent years he was actually expressing it.
"Something is bothering you isn't it Dazai?"
The brunet looked at him, pursing his lips, as he thought, "I know this sounds...bad but what if I told him about Oda-"
"Over my dead body Osamu." Nakahara's interjected, his voice was stern and proper.
Fukuzawa sighed deeply, he of course didn't want Dazai to suffer, his past or present self, but it was for the best if his younger self remained blind to the horrors that awaited for him in the future. "Chuuya is right. I know how much it pains you to know you have the opportunity to prevent it but it needs to happen, if not for your sake then for Odasaku's."
"How would it be for his sake?" Osamu asked in disbelief, how could someone dying benefit them in any way?
"Tell me Dazai, do you think he had a future as an author, whilst having been an assassin and ex-mafioso," Osamu stayed silent, Fukuzawa continued "And, are you not deserving of a future where you are happy? You won't find much happiness as the boss of the Mafia, in fact, I have this lingering feeling that in the end, you'll die," Osamu felt Nakahara's fingers clutch his own, at the mention of that, making him peer down at the older; it pained him to see how worry stained Nakahara's usually bright expression, he gave the mafioso a reassuring smile, giving his hand a tight squeeze back, to put his worries at rest.
"Fine, I won't say a word" Osamu replied, defeated but still determined.
"Thank you Dazai, I know it's hard but it's what's best," Fukuzawa looked at him with a sympathetic smile.
Osamu remained silent, it was hard, unbelievably so, he had the chess piece he'd always wanted, the power, the move to save his best friend, the man who opened his heart enough for Chuuya to completely uncover it and he couldn't utilise this chess piece. He had to let it get knocked from his board. It was hard. But even he knew that his idea was dumb, if he wasn't selfish and clouded by periodic grief, he'd have never suggested it.
"Hey" Nakahara whispered as he squeezed his hand again, making Osamu pry his gaze away from the floor, eyes glazed with sorrow.
"It's okay love, I was just hoping, you know, that maybe I could have saved him" he whispered, trying to suppress the cry that was desperate to claw out his throat.
Nakahara reached out and cupped his face, brushing some of his hair out of his eyes, smiling gently at him "I know, I've been there too," He replied softly, Osamu smiled once more, allowing Chuuya to kiss his forehead gently, though he did have to bend down slightly and Chuuya did have to go on his tiptoes and it was rather uncomfortable but it was comforting.
They smiled at each other, intertwining their fingers again, then turned to Fukuzawa who was frowning at a notification he got on his computer.
"So what do you think we should do?" Nakahara asked, letting Osamu resort through his emotions again.
"Well, word tends to travel fast and now everyone in the Agency wants a glance at the two of you, especially Dazai, so I suppose keeping them here for today isn't too bad but after that, I think it's best to keep them inside. I would say your home but of course, that's up to the both of you."
Nakahara thought about it, then glanced up at Osamu who was already looking at him, searching for an answer.
"I mean we're probably the only ones capable of taking care of them, if they go off on their own and nobody keeps an eye on them, they'll end up getting themselves in trouble but our house is full of you know...us." There was a pause as Nakahara thought "but I think we can do it."
"Not I think. I know. Right Chuuya?" Dazai corrected, squeezing his hand, Nakahara pondered about it for a moment, he was concerned for his younger self, if he discovered just how much everything had changed, he wasn't sure if he could handle it, however, he wasn't the type to back down and quit, he had always believed that you never give up and go home, he was going to stick to that.
That's what had kept him and Osamu in love after all.
"Yeah, you're right. We can." Nakahara's replied, smiling at his boyfriend happily.
Fukuzawa nodded at the two "Very well then. However Chuuya, I think it would be best to keep this a secret from Mori, especially regarding Dazai," Fukuzawa added.
"Yeah that's what I was thinking, that's why I brought them here."
"You did well, now you should both leave I don't think the other members can keep themselves grounded for much longer," Osamu and Nakahara laughed then bid their goodbyes, finally leaving the office and parting their hands.
Chuuya and Dazai looked up to their older selves as they emerged from the door. They continued to walk in the opposite direction, Chuuya and Dazai looked at each other unsure. "Where we going?" Chuuya asked.
"Everyone wants to sneak a peek at the Agency's most infamous Suicidal Maniac when he was younger and of course, his partner in crime," Chuuya and Dazai looked at each other then got up and followed them quietly, very unlike them.
When their older selves opened the door Dazai and Chuuya were met with many eager faces staring at them. "Woahh! Dazai look how precious you were!!" A girl with black hair and a mole by her eye spoke as she bent over close to Dazai to get a good look at him, meanwhile, a ginger boy from the back almost pleaded for her to stop ogling the poor boy.
Another woman with a butterfly pin appeared and immediately looked to see in what type of shape Dazai was "You look a lot buffer, how is it you manage to look healthier now, even though you look like a stick?"
"Heh? Yosano that's mean!" Osamu whined as he went to lean into a man with rectangular glasses.
"So this is you as a teen?" The man spoke, not minding the friendly touch in the slightest, Osamu hummed with a grin. The man looked the younger boy up and down, then sighed, pushing his rectangular glasses up his nose, "I have to say I'm surprised, you don't look too bad," he commented as he crossed his arms.
"That's the most romantic thing you've ever said to me Kunikida!" Osamu exclaimed as he hugged his arm lovingly, Kunikida raised an eyebrow at him but couldn't help the slightly amused tug at his lips.
Chuuya noticed that Dazai seemed a little overwhelmed by the affection he was receiving, it wasn't surprising, he knew that the younger male had never experienced this much positive attention just for being himself, just for existing. It had always been from completing a mission successfully and quickly or killing. Never for being himself, it was bound to be overwhelming for him.
Chuuya glanced at him and saw how he was fidgeting with his bandages, a clear sign that he was feeling anxious so -being the good partner he was and the uncertain situation they were in- he went and stood slightly in front of him as if to protect him from all the people who were fawning over him, he reached his hand backwards and grabbed onto Dazai's hand gently as if to tell him he was here for him.
Dazai's eyes winded momentarily, feeling much better as he squeezed Chuuya's hand back.
The Agency looked at each other with smiles and then over to Nakahara who was laying on the couch, watching the scene carefully, Chuuya shrugged, slightly amused as he turned to his boyfriend, who was also looking at him, though he seemed mildly surprised at the interaction. He knew this type of thing wouldn't have transpired all those years ago, Chuuya shrugged and then placed his hat over his eyes with a content sigh.
After that moment Dazai and Chuuya spent some time with the Agency members, they both found that they quickly fit in, everyone in here was gifted, so they didn't feel like Kings among peasants, they felt normal. Dazai also found that he was growing to like all of them, they were all nice people and they all had their own fun personality traits that made them unique to anyone else that they had met, he found that he fit in well; it was the most gratifying feeling he had ever experienced.
Even once it had gotten dark, many of the Agency members stuck around to ask Chuuya questions or make jokes and laugh at Dazai's antics, and even though Dazai threw insults back at them and complained about how he was being bullied, he had never felt so euphoric in his life, he was sure hadn't managed to reach his maximum capacity of happiness yet either, if he spent more time with them, he was sure he'd feel even better.
After a while though, most of the attention shifted to Chuuya, he didn't mind, the older deserved some attention too.
So now Dazai sat on the window sill and watched as Chuuya interacted with the members, he didn't even realise he was smiling until he felt his cheeks hurt, that was new.
He really couldn't understand, or even believe, that these were the relationships he had made on his own, that he'd had gotten to this point in his life all on his own, he'd stepped into the light on his own, he'd managed to improve Chuuya and Akutagawa's life in the process, by giving them friends that didn't rely on their strength or bow at their status, friends who cared, just because they were themselves; that had to be the most beautiful thing Dazai had ever accomplished in his entire life.
He had heard that apparently, he helped Atsushi as well, who at first was being hunted for his ability -that he had no control over, so as per Dazai's request he joined the Agency. Dazai understood now why he felt such a strong connection to him when he met the young tiger-boy.
Dazai had done all this himself, he had made this life for himself. He had cleaned his dirtied hands with his own handmade soap.
"Feeling proud of yourself, Huh? Mini-me," Dazai looked to his side and saw his older self sitting on the office chair from Atsushi's desk, an amused smirk on his lip.
"Yeah I am, I didn't think I deserved happiness, or well, anything," Osamu laughed and then turned to look at the little huddle of people laughing along with Chuuya, at some point Nakahara had gone over to join them too.
Dazai noticed it, his older self wasn't looking at the crowd, his eyes were glued on Nakahara, he smiled at the ginger who was laughing as he ruffled Kenji's hair who was giggling like a mad man.
Osamu peeled his eyes away from the small crowd he called family and over to his younger self, the smirk on his lips morphing into a gentle and very telling smile.
"Everyone deserves a future, including you."
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