Chapter 7
"You could start by telling us about the Sith?" Ruby suggested, some of the others nodded their heads at the suggestion, Weiss however stood up and got right into (Y/N)'s face.
"Before any of that, I want to know exactly why your so powerful! How you could be stronger that Pyrrha and why your so confidant that your the best!" she said pointing her finger at his face.
Suddenly she was levitated off the ground (Y/N)'s hand reaching out towards her, she looked at (Y/N) with scared eyes as he glared at her, the others were worried about what he planned to do with the ice queen and got ready to intervene in needed.
"Let's get one thing right ice queen, I do not obey you. You may be able to cow any other lickspittles into doing your bidding, but I am a Sith! I do not bow, I do not scrape and I most certainly do not give in to the demands of a spoiled rich girl like you..." he said his eyes taking on their amethyst colour, as his emotions swelled and his powers grew.
The gathered students were visibly shaken at his barely contained powers, the whole room seemed to turn cold and dark goosebumps coming up on the girls skins, Ren looked ready to fight if needed and Jaune was a mix of scared and worried for Weiss who was still suspended in the air.
"Is that understood, girl?" (Y/n) said with menace in his voice, she nodded her head quickly and she was suddenly dropped onto the floor, she picked herself back up and quickly walked back to sit with her teammates who made sure she was okay.
"Now I shall get onto the explanation of who and what I am, if you have questions please don't hesitate to ask" (Y/N) said as he walked over to his desk and opened a drawer taking out one of his holocrons.
He turned back to the students that looked at the device curiously.
"What's that (Y/N)?" Pyrrha asked.
"This is a special device known as a holocron, it is a device where knowledge, teachings and secrets are stored away, much like the books you have here in Remnant" he said as he knelt onto the ground and held the holocron out on the palm of his hand.
"How does it work?" Blake asked, still a little unsure about how to feel about the Sith but curious about something related to books.
"I must channel the force through the device and it will show us what Is inside..." he replied as he closed his eyes and began to channel the force into the holocron, the device floated off of his palm a red glow coming from within the device, he opened his eyes and the top slid open a bright light flowing from within to form holographic images before the stunned students.
"It began long before I was born... the Galactic Republic a large group of different peoples were faced with a very destructive conflict, it was known as the Mandalorian Wars" (Y/N) said the holo images quickly changed to show a group of planets under attack by a fleet of warships.
"The Mandalorians swept through the galaxy razing entire worlds, and slaughtering countless millions" the holo images showed men in blue armour gunning down people mercilessly, men, women, even children entire cities destroyed, the girls paled and looked very sick at what they were watching.
"How horrible..." Pyrrha said in shock.
"So much destruction" Blake said turning her eyes away from the scene.
"Y-Yang..." Ruby said as tears came to her eyes, she crawled over to Yang and sat on her lap as Yang wrapped her arms around her scared sister, she herself looked shaken from what she was watching.
"W-why would they do this...?" Jaune asked, (Y/N) turned his head to look at the blonde knight.
"They did it for honour, they believed that killing like this would make their standing in the galaxy better" (Y/N) replied, turning to refocus on the holocron.
"Eventually the Republic turned to it's allies, the Jedi" (Y/N) said his hatred towards the Jedi showing in his voice.
"Who are the Jedi?" Ren asked.
"They are similar to us, they were considered the peace keepers, champions of the just" (Y/N) said the image shifted to show men with blue and green lightsabers and brown robes.
"However when the Republic came to ask for aid they refused to fight, they had even forbidden their students to fight in the war" (Y/N) said with disgust in his voice.
The students looked confused at that, which (Y/N) decided to explain.
"Think of it like this, your all training to become warriors and protect people right?" the assembled students nodded their heads to the question.
"Well imagine that during your time here there was a massive surge in Grimm activity and thousands were dying in the streets, and you were all forbidden to go and help those people, just allow the Grimm to massacre everyone while you sat in your classes" as his explanation sank in they all looked horrified.
"But why would they just let that happen?! If they were really protectors then surely they would rush to protect people!" Ruby said still sitting in Yang's lap.
"The Jedi masters didn't think of it like that, they had fallen from warriors to scholars, they had all that power and fighting ability yet refused to fight, because they worried that fighting in the war would make their roles in the Republic more military than peacekeepers" (Y/N) said in disgust, the students were surprised at the explanation.
"However there were many Jedi who felt that they could not stay hidden away as millions of people were slaughtered, after a while many Jedi rebelled against the order and went to go fight in the war lead by two powerful Jedi, Revan and Malak" the holo images changed to an image of Revan with his mask on and Malak stood beside him.
"Wow..." Nora said.
"They look strong" Yang said as she petted Ruby's hair.
"They were, they as well as many other Jedi knights and student went and fought against the Mandalorians, driving them back bit by bit, planet by planet until they almost achieved victory over the invaders" the images changed into feeds of Jedi led soldiers battling the Mandalorians and helping people.
"They used a special place, a massive space station powered by drawing energy from the sun it orbits, using that energy it created fleets of warships, thousands of robots as well as weapons to arm the men a women that they recruited to drive back the invaders" The scene showed the Starforge hovering above the sun close to the planet Rakat, the kids were all amazed at the size and scale of the structure.
"I-It's not that impressive!" Weiss huffed as she looked at the station in envy.
"The events led to one final battle, the battle of Malachor five where the two fleets had one final battle with each other, however the Mandalorian fleet was very powerful even with Revan there it was a difficult battle" the images showed two massive fleets doing battle over the planet the republic vessels seemed to be losing.
"They finally had no choice but to destroy the planet itself with a super weapon known as the Mass Shadow Generator, millions of Mandalorians perished in that single instant as well as a good number of Jedi..." the image showed the planet covered on green lightning before the surface was totally crushed as well as the surrounding fleets.
"After that battle the Mandalorians surrendered and their raids ceased, Revan and Malak were decorated as heroes and the protectors of the republic, then they both left along with many of their followers" (Y/N) said the students seemed relieved that someone stepped up to help.
"But (Y/N), what happened with the Jedi that didn't fight?" Ruby asked, seeming happier now.
"They were not happy about so many of their students disobeying them, so they declared the ones who fought the Mandalorians as heretics and exiled any they caught for their disobedience" (Y/N) said.
"But they helped people! They saved lives!" Blake said sounding shocked by that.
"To the grand masters of the Jedi it didn't matter, they didn't listen to their commands and were pretty much considered criminals from then on, even Revan and Malak who saved the entire republic were considered exiles in the eyes of the order" (Y/N) said, the kids looked angry at that, Blake even clenched her fists as she sat back down, now paying much more attention to the story.
"Several years passed the Jedi made Revan and Malak's image look as bad as they could, until eventually the very people they saved started to think they were in the wrong, both Revan and Malak remained away from the Republic in the dark unexplored ares of the galaxy, until one day the two of them as well as many of their followers returned with a massive fleet of ships and soldiers, Revan renamed himself as the Dark Lord of the Sith order and launched a massive attack against the Republic itself" (Y/N) said.
"What?!" all the students yelled in surprise.
"He turned on his allies? Why!?" Weiss asked.
"I'm not sure why all I know is that they did, eventually they fought against the Jedi too and that war went of for a while, at least until Revan was captured by the Jedi order, specifically by a Jedi knight named Bastila Shan" (Y/N) said, the images changed to show Revan on the ships bridge fighting against three Jedi, suddenly his ship explodes and he falls down Bastila takes him away and flies off as his ship is destroyed.
"What happened there?" Pyrrha asked, making (Y/N) look to her.
"Revan's apprentice and friend Malak turned on him and fired on his ship, he wanted to kill Revan and become the Dark Lord of the Sith and in a way he succeeded..." (Y/N) said.
"What do you mean?" Yang asked.
"Revan was taken to the Jedi and they wiped away his mind, reprogramming him with false memories and turning him against his followers, they had him follow Bastila until they were seperated on a planet called Taris, however Malak pursued them hoping to bring Bastila to work for him" (Y/N) said as an Image of Malak returned, only this time he had a large metal mask across his mouth.
"What's with the mask?" Jaune asked.
"During their time away from the Republic Malak tried to battle Revan for the title of Dark Lord, during the battle Revan struck a blow against Malak that did this..." the image of Malak changed to him without his mask, the students gasped when they saw that his entire lower jaw was gone.
"Holy cow, the Sith don't play around..." Pyrrha said.
"Indeed they don't..." (Y/n) said.
"Malak was so desperate to capture Bastila he ordered a bombardment on the city, destroying everything within however Revan, Bastila and their companions managed to escape and flee to the Jedi temple on the planet Dantooine" (Y/N) said, as an image of Dantooine came up and the Jedi temple.
"Eventually the Jedi had him retrace his steps to the Starforge going to many different worlds, Korriban, Kashyyk, Manaan and Tatooine, fighting Malak's followers as they travelled" as (Y/N) said this the images of the four worlds showed.
"However they were captured by Malak, where Revan relearned his true identity yet he rejected it, Bastila was captured and they eventually got to Rakat and lead the Republic fleet against the Starforge, he rescued Bastila, killed Malak and destroyed the Starforge" the images then showed Reven Fighting Malak and killing him, then he left the station as the Republic fleet fired on the Starforge causing it to fall into the sun below it and explode spectacularly.
"Wow... guess you could say that the station went, out with a Yang!" she said getting several groans from the students.
(Y/N) laughed a little getting a smile from the burning blonde.
"Several years passed and a new threat emerged from the aftermath of the Mandalorian wars, known as the Sith Triumvirate made up of three Darths and their followers, their only goal to destroy the Jedi" (Y/N) said the images faded and an image of a man with no shirt on his flesh cracked and scarred, one of his eyes was white and blind, the kids cringed at the sight of him feeling sympathetic pain at the image.
"The first was Darth Scion, the lord of pain he hated the Jedi for what he suffered at Malachor and wanted to make them feel his pain, his power was that could not die whenever he was wounded he would recover, his rent flesh knitting together to form scars and resetting his own splintered bones..." the image turned and looked down at the students.
"I have come for the Jedi..." he said in a demonic voice making some of the girls squeal in fear before regaining their composure, the image faded and a new image showed up of a man in long black robes with a white mask.
"Darth Nihilus the lord of hunger, he survived the destruction of Malachor five by feeding off force sensitives until he lost his own body, the power destroyed his body making him into a being of pure dark side energy, he was a breach in the force that would devour everything touched by the force" (Y/N) said.
"He travelled onboard his personal star ship the Ravager, and fed on any large gatherings of Jedi or force sensitives, he was one of the more powerful Sith to live because of this" an image of the Ravager hovering over a planet appeared, they watched as the planet was drained of all it's life becoming a dead rock.
The students were horrified of such a power on such a scale, able to devour an entire world like that.
"And finally there was Darth Traya the lord of betrayals" (Y/N) said as a shadowy silhouette appeared.
"Uhm what's up with that, is the holocron broken?" Nora asked.
"No it's fine, I will reveal her later on" (Y/N) said, the image faded and a different image came of a young woman with long black hair.
"This was the hero that eventually defeated them, her name was lost to the mists of time but she was simply known as 'the Exile', she was one of Revan's followers and fought the Mandalorians with him up until Malachor five, there she lost her will to fight and surrendered herself to the Jedi for judgement, she was exiled and wandered the galaxy endlessly until she came to a world known as Peragus..." (Y/N) said.
"There she met her teacher and master a blind woman named Kreia, as well as Atton Rand and T3-M4 a droid" as he said their names images of them appeared, a old woman whoe's eyes were hidden inside a hood, a man in a ribbed jacked with twin laser pistols and a small robot with a dish shaped head.
"They escaped from darth Scion and his followers, going to many different worlds trying to gather allies and help the Jedi fight the threat, Telos, Dantooine, Korriban, Onderon, Duxn and Nar shadda, she met many new companions on her travels until it happened..." (Y/N) said, the students looked at him with interest.
"What happened?" Weiss asked.
"It would be better if you saw for yourself..." (Y/N) said showing an image of the exile standing before three men in a ruined temple.
"Our judgement before remains: exile. You must leave... and you must leave without your ties to the force. It is a punishment reserved only for a few and only when necessary, but we have the power to cut you off from the force, and it must be done" said an old man in a harsh tone.
"Forgive us... but it is necessary" said a short haired man beside the older one.
"Wh-What are they going to do to her?" Ruby asked sounding a little afraid.
"To put it in hunter terms, it would be like someone taking away your ability to use your aura, and all because they were too blind to see the true threat..." (Y/N) said, suddenly the exile was surrounded by a field of blue energy.
"Do not be afraid, you shall feel no pain, but this must be done. As long as you feel the force , you are a danger to those around you" the old man said.
Suddenly Kreia walked into the temple with her hood down, showing her braided white hair.
"Enough!" she commanded loudly and with authority, blasting the three men away with a gesture.
"Wow, she's kind of like miss Goodwitch" Ruby said, the others laughed at her comparison.
"Step away from her" Kreia said with anger in her voice.
"Wh-?" the old man exclaimed getting back up and running towards the exile and the old woman.
"Step away!" she commanded again, blasting him back once more.
"She has brought truth, and you condemn it? The arrogance! You will not harm her. you will not harm her ever again" Kreia said in a voice filled with rage.
"I thought you had died in the Mandalorian wars..." the short haired man said.
"Die? No became stronger, yes" Kreia said.
"Is this your new master, Exile? If so, then you follow Revan's path. Her teachings will cause you to fall as surely as he did" the old man said to the unconscious exile, drawing his lightsaber and activating the green blade.
"She is difficult to see... she's like a shadow of the Exile. We sought to lure the Sith out... and now they have come to us" the moustached man said drawing a double bladed lightsaber with a purple blade.
"How could you ever hope to know the threat you face, when you have never walked in the dark places of the galaxy, faced war and death on such a scale. If you had travelled far enough, rather than waiting for the echo to reach you, perhaps you would have seen it for what it was." Kreia said in annoyance.
"Did you not hear it's call on Dantooine, Vrook, on it's scarred surface and in the minds of the settlers?" Kreia asked the old man, who seemed a little shaken at her question.
"I have endured your corruption of my other students you shall not have this one" she said in a protective voice, like a mother protecting her child.
"And you, Kavar, so close to the call of Duxn, tell me. Did you not feel what poured from the moon, what had taken place there?" she asked the short haired man, who pulled out two blue bladed lightsabers.
"And Zez-Kai Ell, to hide upon Nar Shaddaa, yet blind yourself to all that happens there. So close to understanding the force... so close to giving it up. There is a place in the galaxy where the dark side of the force runs strong. It is something of the Sith, but it was fuelled by war." Kreia said in a dark tone.
"It corrupts all that walks on it's surface, drowns them in the power of the dark side it corrupts all life. And it feeds on death" Kreia said, (Y/N) watched her in awe taking in the familiar words she spoke.
"Revan knew the power of such places... and the power in making them. They can be used to break the will of others... of Jedi, Promising them power, and turning them to the dark side." Kreia said.
"Did you never wonder how Revan corrupted so many of the Jedi, so much of the Republic, so quickly? Kreia asked.
"The Mandalorian wars were a series of massacres that masked another war, a war of conversion. Culminating in a final atrocity that no Jedi could walk away from... save one. And that is what I sought to understand.
How one could turn away from such power, give up the force... and still live" she continued.
"But I see what happened now. It is because you were afraid" she concluded, kneeling down beside the unconscious exile before standing up to glare at the masters.
"As you would pass judgment on her, I have come to pass judgement on you all" Kreia said in a dark tone.
"Do you wish to feel the teachings born of the Mandalorian wars? Of all wars, of all tragedies that scream across the galaxy? Let me show you, you who have forever seen the galaxy through the force. See it through the eyes of the Exile" Kreia said as the three men prepared to attack her.
Suddenly bright purple beams shot into the men's bodies coming from Kreia's body, she used a powerful version of force drain on the three men killing all three of them instantly.
The students were all surprised and shocked at what Kreia just did, their eyes wide and some with their mouths hanging open.
"Ladies and gentlemen, that is the third Sith in the triumvirate, Darth Traya, she was using the Exile to destroy her enemies and help her regain her role as leader of the Sith" (Y/n) explained, in the image Kreia passed the Exlie and left the temple.
"After this the Exile fought and killed Nihilus over Telos, then the exile tracked her to the shattered remnants of Malachor five, and there she defeated Scion and Traya ending their plans and securing peace for the galaxy" as (Y/N) continued the images showed the Exile fighting the three Sith lords and killing them all, before she and her companions left Malachor again as it was destroyed once more.
"That peace didn't last long though, the Republic allowed itself to become unstable, it couldn't keep up with the demands of it's own people, starvation, wars, disease and poverty struck many of the worlds under it's rule, and the Jedi did little to stabilise the strife" the holocron showed that the people were still suffering even with the threats removed.
"However that all changed when the Sith Empire returned to the galaxy, the very first thing we did was reclaim Korriban, then we fought the Republic and the Jedi until we reached a standstill" The holocron then showed the Sith fleet hovering over a newly rebuilt Korriban.
"Now on to me... I started out on Korriban much like the other acolytes that trained there, however there was one major difference between me and the others, I knew how to use force lightning from an early age due to certain... 'events', and that marked me as a prodigy of the force" (Y/N) said, playing with lightning on his fingertips before dismissing it.
"What kind of 'events' did you have to get that power?" Weiss asked eagerly, she really wanted to learn how you achieved your powers.
"Some I learned through study and practice others... were learned differently" (Y/N) said with a serious tone of voice.
"Hey! I want to know how your so strong!" Weiss said, although this time she didn't get into his face, (Y/N) looked pained as he relived the memories of what happened for him to get his powers, Pyrrha noticed the look on his face and turned to Weiss.
"Weiss, I think it's something very personal, maybe we should respect that and leave it alone..." Pyrrha said with sympathy, looking back to the Sith with a comforting smile.
"No it's fine Pyrrha, I may as well tell you all about it" (Y/N) said as he took a deep breath.
"My lightning powers were learned from my father using them on me, when I was five years old" (Y/N) said, the kids looked at him with worry at the implications.
"W-When you say he used them on you d-do you mean...?" Yang asked with wide eyes.
"He tortured me by blasting me with lightning for months, the voltage was always lowered so as not to kill me, but it was pure agony..." (Y/n) said clenching his fists so that the knuckles cracked.
The students were horrified, Ruby held Yang tighter as tears rolled down her face, Yang looked at the young man with eyes that were filled with pity, Blake felt guilt about her judgement of the young man and saw the reasons for his attitude, Weiss held her hands to her mouth she thought her own family life was terrible but that was just... awful, Jaune looked down guiltily he didn't know what to say or do with something like this, Nora was silent she couldn't find any words to express her thought to this new information, Ren saw Nora's depressed mood and sat beside her to try and lift her spirits, and Pyrrha... she was overwhelmed with horror her eyes filling with tears at the thought of the pain (Y/N) went through she wanted so badly to go over and embrace him.
"What about you mother? D-Didn't she try to stop him?!" Pyrrha said with a small hope in her voice.
"No... she encouraged it, because they both wanted the privilege of having the most gifted Sith for a son" the young man replied with anger in his voice.
Pyrrha couldn't take it anymore and she ran over and embraced him, he was surprised and almost dropped the holocron.
"I-I'm so sorry that you had to go through that..." she said as her tears fell onto his shoulder.
(Y/N) smiled and rubbed her head with his free hand.
"It's not your fault, it happened years ago besides in the end I managed to master force lightning early, and I dealt with my parents before I left for the academy..." (Y/N) said, this brought glances from the kids.
"When you say you dealt with them do you mean..?" Ruby asked, although she felt as though the answer was a bad one.
"Yes... I killed them, and left for Korriban to train as a Sith" (Y/N) said coldly, the students were torn on the one hand he murdered his own parents! But after hearing about what they put him through... they kind of understood why he did it.
"You see the thing is, powers like force lightning and my force drain ability can only be learned by feeling it first hand, you have to suffer and survive them in order to become able to wield them, it becomes something like instinct much like hunger or the fight or flight response" the Sith said making the students look at him in question.
"So if I wanted you to teach me how to do that move, you have to zap me with it?" Yang asked.
"Yes pretty much" (Y/N) replied simply.
"Why would you want him to do that to you?! That sounds horrible!" Weiss scolded the blonde angrily.
"Anyways, I trained on Korriban for ten years the curriculum for the academy was a lot like Beacon only with one major difference, the students were allowed to try to kill one another there" he said, the students looked shocked yet again at the revelation.
"W-what would having the students kill each other accomplish!?" Blake asked in a loud voice.
"On Korriban only the best students are allowed to graduate, those who have the strength, intellect, reflexes and affinity for the force to overcome the trials and the other acolytes, you have to kill the local monsters as well as your fellow students to become the best, I myself killed a good number of those who tried to kill me" (Y/N) said in a casual tone, like he was talking about taking an exam.
"B-But you can't just kill other students! It's not right!" Ruby said in a stern tone.
"That was how things were done on Korriban, it went like that until I met my master, he taught me to control the dark side and become a warrior through a series of tests, then he made me his apprentice and allowed me to seek out new powers and knowledge, as the Empire waged it's war with the Republic I travelled to distant planets and claimed many artefacts and holocrons I even travelled to the asteroid field that was one Malachor five, these holocrons contained the teachings of those powerful Sith from the wars as well as the triumvrate, I learned some of the lesser techniques and lightsaber forms from the holocrons during my journey back, however... when I rejoined my master we were attacked by a small fleet of Republic ships as well as a squad of Jedi" (Y/N) said as the holocron showed the battle, Pyrrha remained by his side holding onto him gently, unaware of the scowl coming from a certain blonde beauty.
"During the battle we attempted a hyperspace jump back to Imperial space, however we were rammed by a republic vessel and there were several Jedi knights on board trying to kill us, our ship entered hyperspace and we ended up here on Remnant, the two ships broke apart during the collision I only escaped because I got my fighter out of the hanger, as far as I know I'm the only survivor of the crash, and the only Sith on this world..." (Y/N) said with an unreadable expression on his face.
Ruby and Yang stood up and walked over to him and Pyrrha and sat down with him, Yang wrapped an arm around his shoulders while Ruby touched his arm in a comforting manner.
"You may be the only Sith here, but your not alone (Y/n)..." Ruby said with a small smile.
"Yeah! You've got all of us! And you never know... maybe there are others that survived the crash" Yang said enthusiastically.
"We're all here if you need us (Y/N)" Pyrrha said the others nodded their heads at her statement.
"Thanks guys, that's really nice of you all" (Y/N) said with a smile.
"So... (Y/N) can we ask some things about you?" Ruby asked.
"Like what?" the Sith asked with a raised brow.
"How old are you?" Nora asked.
"Seventeen going on eighteen" (Y/N) replied.
"What do you like to do for fun?" Yang asked, with hope in her eyes.
"A lot of the time I train in combat with a skilled foe, or I practice my use of the force, but other than that I like to go out an have fun" (Y/N) replied with a smile.
"Oh! In that case I know an awesome place we can hang out at!" Yang said excitedly.
"You don't mean that club you blew up a while ago, right Yang?" Ruby asked innocently, Yang slumped in depression when she remembered that she had destroyed that place, sure it was fun as it happened but now it was inconvenient.
"You blew up a club miss Xiao Long?" (Y/N) asked with intrigue in his voice.
"W-Well uh... y-you see I..." Yang stuttered, she was worried that (Y/N) would think she was a thug after learning that.
"That sounds like quite a story, you should tell me sometime!" (Y/n) said with interest and an impressed smile.
"Y-Your not scared of me?" Yang asked sounding surprised.
"Yang... I've survived the trials on Korriban, fought a enraged Ranchor alone and seen a Krayt Dragon up close, your not scary in the least, in fact I'd say ..." (Y/N) said leaning in right next to Yang's ear.
"It's kind of sexy" he said in a flirty way, Yang blushed red at the compliment while Pyrrha looked a little crestfallen.
"What's a Ranchor and a Krayt Dragon?" Jaune asked.
"A Ranchor is basically a massive bipedal monster, that eats everything it can catch, and a Krayt Dragon is a massive reptile that dwells on Tatooine and grows to massive sizes" (Y/N) explained as the holocron showed the creatures in detail, making some of the students look excited.
"Could you show me your lightsaber again?" Ruby asked making puppy dog eyes at the man.
" I could yes, or would you rather see the others I've got?" (Y/n) said with a smirk.
"You've got more than one!?" Ruby squealed in delight, the Sith stood up untangling himself from Yang and Pyrrha who both looked disappointed that he had left.
(Y/N) walked over to a crate and opened it pulling out three different lightsabers of different varieties.
"Well I've got the single hilt, short blade and the double bladed sort... which do you want to see first?" (Y/N) said with a smile.
"Oh,oh! Double bladed please, I haven't seen those before!" Ruby begged, the young man placed the others back into the crate and activated the double bladed saber, this one had glowing purple blades as (Y/N) twirled it skilfully in his hand.
Ruby swooned at the blades, she desperately wanted to hold it and try swinging it around, but (Y/N) deactivated the blade and gave her a stern look.
"I know that look Ruby, you cannot play with this especially here!" he scolded, Ruby shrank with a whine of disappointment.
"However... if you want you could try it out in a more, open space than this cramped room, okay?" he said, Ruby's face lit up like a Christmas tree at the thought of getting to swing the blade around.
"Hey I want to try too!" Weiss said, she blushed in embarrassment when she realised her outburst.
"Hmmm... any other takers?" (Y/N) asked, Pyrrha's hand shot up quickly.
"Very well three people who want to try using a lightsaber, you can meet me at the Emerald Forest on the weekend for some play time" the young man said with a smile.
"Yay!" Ruby cheered jumping up into the air with her arms spread wide.
"I look forward to trying out one of your blades (Y/N)" Pyrrha said with a tinge of pink on her face.
"As do I!" Weiss said in a haughty voice.
"M-Maybe you could teach me some of those fighting moves sometime?" Pyrrha asked looking quite shy for asking.
"Me Too!" Yang said loudly, stepping up beside Pyrrha.
"And what would I get if I taught you some new moves?" (Y/N) said with a smile.
"I'll take you out to have some fun after we train!" Yang says enthusiastically.
"W-Well I'll unlock your Aura for you!" Pyrrha says with determination.
"Hmmm... tempting offers, I'll accept them!" (Y/N) says with a grin.
"That sounds grand! I'll unlock your aura now if you want" Pyrrha says with a light blush on her cheeks.
"And how do we do that? Let me guess I've got to smear Beowolf blood over myself and make love to you under a full moon?" (Y/N) said in a teasing tone, all the girls faces turned bright red at the mental image, Yang and Pyrrha got massive nose bleeds Pyrrha almost passing out from the shock, Jaune also turned red from the image while Ren simply facepalmed.
"N-N-NO!! Absolutely not! I-It's not done like that really!" Pyrrha yelled as she pinched her nose with her thumb and finger, she was incredibly flustered yet also seemed a little like she wanted to try that out.
"Awww shame... my way sounds much more fun" he said with a wink.
Pyrrha got flustered again and Yang looked very jealous that Pyrrha seemed to be getting somewhere with the Sith.
"However in all seriousness, unlocking my aura sounds interesting, go ahead miss Nikos" (Y/N) said as the students watched.
"Okay... now close your eyes and concentrate" Pyrrha said as she placed her hand inside (Y/N)'s hood and rested it on the side of his head.
"Concentrate on what?" he asked.
"Just on anything that helps you" Pyrrha said with a warm smile.
"Very well..." the Sith said as her focused on his raw emotions, mainly his lust.
Pyrrha closed her eyes lightly then suddenly they shot open, her irises and pupils had shrunk dramatically, her body radiated a soft red glow as darkness came off (Y/N)'s body like smoke.
"...For it is in passing that we achieve immortality" she chanted, (Y/N) felt his powers act up slightly from her touch.
"Through this we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all" she continued to chant as she rested her hand on his chest, (Virtue I don't know... but glory that sounds good!) the Sith thought to himself.
"Infinite in distance and unbound by death, I release your soul, and by my shoulder I protect thee" she said this and the red glow seemed to fade when suddenly both Pyrrha and (Y/N)'s bodies locked up stiff, her hands frozen in place on (Y/N)'s body.
"Pyrrha!" Jaune said in a frantic voice, getting up and running to the two people along with Ren and Nora.
"(Y/N)!" Yang said as she approached, followed by Ruby.
The other gathered close faces painted in worry as Pyrrha's and (Y/N)'s eyes roll back into their heads.
In a strange world where colours seemed to bleed, shatter and coalesce like a massive kaleidoscope, infinitely breaking apart into different shades of every colour and sometimes reforming before shattering again, amidst it all Pyrrha stood along with a dark shape with glowing amethyst eyes that looked a lot like (Y/N).
She looked around in wonder before the colours seemed to blend together and she suddenly saw what looked like a cloud that drifted from her to (Y/N) before passing on towards parts unknown on an invisible current.
Suddenly the colours around the two swirled around like a tornado, with the two in the eye of the storm, she felt so many passions and emotions flood her senses invigorating her body and heard what sounded like a chorus softly rising all around her.
She felt a rising swell within her breast almost like she was dying, yet she didn't feel fear she felt excitement at the ideas of new territories and new blood, she felt the call of new mysteries from the darkness.
She was suddenly aware that her senses seemed to expand beyond what she knew before, she couldn't just see, hear, smell, taste and touch everything she felt it all like a sixth sense that sent echoes to her core that resonated with (Y/N), her mind raced in wonder at what she was feeling when she suddenly felt something foreign touch between her breasts right at her heart.
She looked down and saw what looked like darkness taking root in her soul connected to the shadow of (Y/N), it slowly spread outwards like an ivy vine making her experience power that she didn't know she could possibly wield, she looked up to see the shadow now had (Y/N)'s face with a smile that made her heart race, his face inched closer to hers and she closed her eyes...
The two kids were locked together their eyes rolled back into their heads, then (Y/N)'s body was covered in a (F/C) aura as Pyrrha's eyes suddenly pulsed with amethyst and darkness rose from her skin much like (Y/N) when he meditated.
The assembled students were worried about what was going on, suddenly they both separated trying to stay standing before they both collapsed and hit the ground hard.
"Pyrrha!" said her teammates as they rushed to her.
"(Y/N)!" team RWBY yelled as they rushed to his side, trying to wake him up but neither of the two responded, the two teams were getting more and more frantic as they tried to wake them both.
"Quick we've got to get them to the infirmary!" Yang yelled as she slung (Y/N)'s arm around her shoulders, Weiss took his other arm and they made their way to the door.
"Hurry let's go!" Jaune said as he tried to pick Pyrrha up, only to fall flat on his face.
Nora picked up Pyrrha and slung her over her shoulder and quickly ran to follow team RWBY, Ren helped Jaune up and they ran to follow them as they sped down the hallways to the infirmary.
What they didn't realise was that a shadowy figure watched them as they ran down the hall, it peeked around the corner with a concerned look on it's face, it had heard everything that was said by listening in through the door and wanted to follow and make sure that everything was okay...
"(Y/N)..." the shadow said as it began to follow them towards the infirmary.
We ran to the infirmary and I kicked the door in startling miss Goodwitch and the nurse.
"Miss Xiao Long! you had better have a good explanation for-" Miss Goodwitch scolded before she noticed the unconscious (Y/N) and Pyrrha.
"What happened?" she asked sternly.
"W-We don't know, they passed out and won't wake up!" Ruby said in worry.
"Quick lay them both down on a bed, I will examine them immediately!" the nurse said professionally.
"I must call Ozpin, he'll need to be notified about what has occurred" miss Goodwitch said as she pulled out her scroll and typed in a number.
"Professor Ozpin, there has been an incident, it seems miss Nikos and mr (L/N) have been admitted to the infirmary... yes, yes sir we will wait for you here" she said as she hung up her scroll.
We all were ushered outside as the nurse examined Pyrrha and (Y/N), I felt a deep fear crush my heart as I watched their unconscious forms lying on the beds, we waited for a good half an hour before Ozpin arrived looking some what worried as he looked into the room and saw the two students.
"Now would you all please tell me exactly what happened between those two?" Ozpin asked calmly.
"P-Pyrrha tried to unlock (Y/N)'s aura, but suddenly they seemed to freeze in place and their eyes rolled back into their heads, then they both passed out and we brought them right here!" Ruby said in a hurry, Ozpin nodded his head and turned to look at miss Goodwitch.
"I see, it may have been a little risky to try unlocking his aura, he came from parts unknown so unlocking his aura may have caused some kind of backlash... Glynda stay with them and let me know the moment they wake up" Ozpin says.
"Yes sir" the blonde woman replied curtly.
"As for all of you, you cannot do anything else right now, it's best if you return to your rooms and get some rest, if anything happens we shall alert you immediately" Ozpin said, I got ready to argue but Blake stopped me and shook her head.
"He's right Yang, right now all we'd do is be in the way, let the doctors work and we'll visit them soon okay?" she said to me.
"Fine..." I mumbled and I was lead away by my teammates as well as the rest of team JN_R, I felt my heart get crushed in a vice, I didn't understand what happened unlocking aura is supposed to be harmless!
Glynda come with me for a minute, you'll be needing some things for your post, perhaps some coffee to keep you awake" Ozpin said as they both walked away with the nurse as she explained her findings.
Suddenly a small shadow dashed into the infirmary, passing the sleeping red head and stopping beside the bed that the Sith laid upon, the shadow moved slightly closer feeling nervous about being caught, either by the teachers of (Y/N) suddenly waking up.
The shadow reached out a hand and lightly caressed his cheek, savouring the warmth and bringing a shudder to it's body.
"I hope you wake up soon (Y/N)... I've want to know more about your galaxy, and the people that live there" it whispered in a delicate voice.
Suddenly the shadow's head snapped up at the sound of approaching footsteps, it took a quick glance back to (Y/N) before making a mad dash away from the beds and back to it's dorm.
Ozpin and Glynda returned to the room, but Ozpin stopped and looked around with a raised brow.
"Is something wrong headmaster?" Glynda asked.
"It's nothing, just my imagination..." Ozpin replied as they looked back into the room through the window, gazing upon the two sleeping teenagers.
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