Chapter 6
(Y/N) was eager to get his experiments started, however he had at least today left before he finally got some free days, today was combat class with Glynda the Sith was pleased to fight some of his 'fellow' students.
"At last, a chance to test the mettle of these, aspiring warriors and perhaps find some strong allies" (Y/N) said, as he sat in the stands with his classmates.
(Y/N) sat and watched as Glynda walked into the center of the arena, holding a scroll detailing the assembled students.
"The first match for today shall be... Ruby Rose and Jaune Arc!" she said, setting up the match.
An image of the two combatants faces appeared along with a coloured bar, both bars were green as the two students left the room to change into their gear.
After a short few minutes they returned, Ruby in her usual red and black attire with her scythe strapped to her back, Jaune was wearing his armour and carrying his sword and shield he did not look confidant.
"Go Ruby!" Yang yelled.
"Do your best!" Blake called, wait did her bow just twitch?
"Ruby! If you lose I'll be so furious with you!" Weiss yelled.
"When are you not furious with her?" the Sith asked playfully.
"Oh, quiet you!" she said, turning her gaze back to the fight.
"You can do it Jaune!" Nora yelled, Ren sat beside her quietly.
"Good luck Jaune!" Pyrrha said, waving enthusiastically, however her enthusiasm was short lived when she saw Jaune looking at Weiss and not her.
"Fool..." (Y/N) said to himself, truly that boy must be one hell of a fool if he could ignore such obvious affection like that.
"Let the match... Begin!" miss Goodwitch said, a horn sounded and the two combatants readied their weapons, Ruby took Crescent rose of her belt in gun form and shot at Jaune he screamed and jumped out of the way landing in a mess, he tried to stand back up but Ruby instantly dashed over and delivered a powerful blow to his chest with the back of her scythe, sending the blonde knight flying before crashing in a heap yet again.
His bar had gone down to yellow in only a few strikes, making the Sith feel disgusted.
Jaune stood up and picked up his sword and shield, he yelled and ran towards Ruby who stood and waited, when he got close he tried to swing and hit her but she easily dodged slamming the blade of her scythe into the ground, she then did a series of impressive flips and twirls on top of her scythe before giving a strong kick to his shield with both feet.
She hit the shield so hard it retracted on his arm and popped off again, the other student's laughed except for the two teams and one Sith who was getting more and more disappointed.
"How has he not been eaten already?" (Y/N) asked himself quietly.
Jaune was panting hard trying to catch his breath, meanwhile Ruby looked calm and collected, a confidant smile on her lips as her silver eyes watched Jaune intently, the Sith was slowly starting to respect her sure she was pretty young but she was indeed skilled.
"You okay Jaune? Need a break?" Ruby asked, Jaune looked up still breathing hard.
"No... I-I'm fine, I'm still going to win!" he said before charging again with a loud yell.
Ruby just effortlessly flipped Crescent Rose and smacked him over the head with it, he went down like a sack of potatoes dropping his equipment as he lost consciousness.
"And that's the match... the winner is miss Rose" Glynda said, a tone of disappointment in her voice at the young man's easy loss, not that he was awake for it.
"As you can see class, this is why you do not go rushing in without making a proper strategy, running around like a barbarian will only get you so far in a battle before you fall, perhaps mister Arc will learn this from his defeat" Glynda explains, Ruby smiles and waves to her team who cheer and wave back.
The rest of Jaune's team look on with a look of sympathy, Pyrrha looked especially down at his loss Ruby slung Jaune's arm across her shoulders and dragged him off, probably to the infirmary as the other student's snickered at the boy's easy defeat.
"We have time for one more match, the next bout will be Miss Pyrrha Nikos and..." Glynda's eyes suddenly widened in surprise at the match up.
"Mister (Y/N)" she said, the student's looked to the hooded boy sitting with them as he stood and walked out of the class.
(Y/N) and Pyrrha walked into the locker room and the Sith took his lightsaber and a vibroblade from the locker, he turned and saw Pyrrha had to put on her armour as well as her weapons, this caused him to sigh in annoyance.
"Why do they insist on their student's wearing a uniform? Surely it would be better for them to wear their equipment all the time" the Sith said as he walked out and back to the classroom.
(Y/N) felt that it might take a while, so he knelt down on the ground and began to focus on the darker emotions within himself, he heard the students gasp as he closed his eyes they probably saw the darkness coming off of his skin, this was a sign of his power.
"What is that?!"
"Is that his Semblance?"
"Wait I thought he used lightning, how is he using shadows?"
"Kinda scary..."
(Y/N) could hear them all, it was somewhat amusing to see their confusion, even the Sith's allies in team's RWBY and _N_R were a little intrigued by his 'Semblance'.
"Hmph... this isn't a Semblance, it's the power of the Force" the Sith said to himself, he then went back to his meditation preparing to face miss Nikos.
The Sith waited for a good 15 minutes which he spent meditating, focusing on his anger and the frustration he had built up from his wait, during the wait Ruby had returned minus Jaune and sat with her team to watch the match.
Finally Pyrrha walked out wearing her armour and carrying her weapon and shield, (Y/N) dispelled the dark mist surrounding himself and stood up with his eyes flashing amethyst before returning to their normal (E/C) colour.
(Bronze armour... that would be highly conductive for my force lightning, probably shouldn't use it unless I need it) (Y/N) though to himself, since he didn't want to harm her more than necessary, since she would make a good Apprentice.
"Kick her butt (Y/N)!" Yang said, pumping her fist in the air, he turned and raised his hand to her.
"Do your best you two" Ruby said, not wanting to take sides between her friends.
Blake and Weiss remained silent, watching the Sith intently they couldn't understand his powers and wanted answers.
The rest of Pyrrha's team cheered and encouraged her, as they both got into their battle stances.
Pyrrha stood with her shield raised, and her sword poised to strike quickly, the Sith had to study her form and fighting style quickly in order to beat her, he decided to start off not using his lightsaber in order to test her skills, the Sith instead drew the Vibroblade and got into the Shii-cho stance to see what she could do.
"Awww... he's not going to use his lightsaber..." Ruby said sadly.
"Probably for the best really, I mean if that blade can slice through a Deathstalker's armour, just imagine what it would do if it hit Pyrrha" Weiss said.
"Ah yeah... good point" Ruby said, after thinking about what would have happened.
"3, 2, 1 Begin!" Glynda called.
At the signal (Y/N) used Force Leap to close the distance between him and Pyrrha rapidly, Pyrrha raised her shield and blocked the blow before attempting to counter attack, the Sith dodged the blow and swung again this time locking swords and trying to overpower each other.
Pyrrha pushed hard but the young man's physical training gave him an edge and he was beginning to overpower her, she suddenly pushed him back with her shield making the Sith slide back a few inches before she swung at him again, their blades clashed the vibrations causing strange ringing sounds to come from each clash the young man felt a rush as he fought the girl.
(Hm... she's pretty good, if I used my lightsaber or my force powers I could easily overwhelm her, but let's see how far I can push her!) (Y/N) thought as he suddenly swept his foot low catching her legs and knocking her down, the Sith pressed the advantage and attacked relentlessly, she rolled back jumping onto her feet before attacking back with her own sword.
"Wow! Those two are amazing!" Ruby said, in awe of the dead heat between the two warriors.
"And he's not even using his lightsaber or his Semblance, how strong is he?" Yang said, raising a brow at the young man.
"H-How?! How can he be that strong? She's Pyrrha Nikos! How can he be on the same level as her?!" Weiss yelled in shock, not expecting him to be so skilled.
Blake watched the fight intently, she saw that each blow the Sith struck was aimed to wound or kill, he wasn't messing around if those blows land full force Pyrrha would be hurt!
Pyrrha jumped back switching her weapon into it's rifle form and taking shots at the young man, however (Y/N) used his enhanced reflexes to dodge the bullets and attempt to close the distance, suddenly she drew her arm back and hurled her shield at him, (Y/N) dodged and ran towards the girl intent on attacking while she had no defence.
However as he approached he felt a small ripple through the force, it was emanating from Pyrrha the Sith noticed that her hand was coated with a faint black colour, suddenly her shield flew back to her hand and she readied herself to receive your charge.
(Y/N) stopped to process this new knowledge, did she have some kind of force ability, or was it something else?
"Only one way to find out..." the Sith said to himself, he charged once again Pyrrha shot at him again before switching back to her sword form, she clashed swords with the Sith once more however the deadlock went slightly awry, her blade slipped and slashed him across the face leaving a big bleeding wound just above his right eye.
(Y/N) recoiled from the pain and brought a hand up to the wound on his head, blood dripped from his nose and chin and onto his hand, the Sith closed your eye as blood leaked into it dying the white red, (Y/N) turned to look at Pyrrha and the look on her face was... unexpected.
"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" Pyrrha said, eyes wide in disbelief worry, shock and guilt in her voice at the wound she caused, the Sith however smiled at her as the blood ran down his face and stained his teeth red.
"Stop apologising! This is a battle there would always be a chance of blood" (Y/N) said in an excited voice, aiming a slash of his own at the girl, he managed to score a cut to her cheek and her arm causing her to drop her sword, she looked at the Sith in shock his eyes reflecting blood lust and intent to kill, Pyrrha felt worried at how his aura became so dark and deadly almost like he was trying to kill her.
Pyrrha rolled away grabbing her sword and getting into a defensive stance watching the Sith carefully, he stood still and changed his stance holding the Vibroblade with two hands rather than one, as he watched Pyrrha he noticed her own wounds healing rapidly.
(No doubt about it... she has some command over the force, they all do!) the Sith thought to himself with interest in his voice.
(Y/N) charged at her again holding the vibroblade with both hands, the blade struck the shield and the sword Pyrrha held rapidly both of them exchanging blows, they each scored several hits with (Y/N)'s bleeding slightly exciting him further, he wanted so badly to use his Force Powers to crush her!
They both gazed at each other with complete focus, the Sith's eyes suddenly glowing their dark amethyst colour as the darkness surged inside of him, he wanted to use the force and utterly dominate the redhead!
(Y/N) and Pyrrha got into another stance ready to fight again, the Sith could see some excitement radiating off the young woman, she seemed to be enjoying herself with this fight! He and Pyrrha charged towards each other with a yell ready to finish the fight.
"TIME'S UP!" came the unwanted voice of Glynda.
(Y/N) and Pyrrha both stopped and looked at her with an "are you kidding me?!" look, she turned to the screen showing your and Pyrrha's Aura levels, they were both dead equal.
"The match is a draw! As you can see class, both combatants were almost equal in skill with one another, each move countered and executed skilfully" Glynda said.
"However miss Nikos, your shock at drawing blood almost cost you the battle. You must learn to be ready for such sights, if you froze like that in a battle against the Grimm you'd die..." Glynda said, before turning her gaze on the young man.
"And mister (Y/N), your fighting style is far too brutal, you would do well to remember that this is a sparring match not a life or death battle, you cannot attempt to kill fellow students during class!" Glynda scolded, however (Y/N) didn't feel any guilt and it reflected in his stance.
"And I suppose that the Grimm, and the White Fang and the different criminals and villains know this, right? That they are to take it easy on the children? Don't make me laugh!" (Y/N) snapped back, this got surprised gasps from some of the students and a glare from Glynda.
"Our enemies, weather Grimm, Human's or Faunas will never show mercy to us, so why should we take it easy and expect mercy? If we go into the battle expecting to have the punches pulled we'll all be dead within a year, I didn't even have to use my powers or my lightsaber to be even with her" (Y/N) said turning to look at Pyrrha, who was looking at him with shock.
"That may be true mister (Y/N), but that does not mean you should lack mercy, and compassion for your enemy" came the voice of Ozpin, he was standing by the doorway sipping his coffee as the Sith and Glynda prepared to fight each other.
"Mercy... Compassion... for someone who wishes to kill me? Why would I want to do that? I'd rather just destroy them and end the threat once and for all" he said, blood still running down his face from the cut above his eye.
Ozpin and Glynda looked at the Sith with worry, which didn't go unnoticed by Pyrrha and Blake the other students were whispering to each other, Ruby, Weiss and Yang looked on with concern at the bleeding wound on (Y/N)'s head his words disturbing them slightly.
Without another word the Sith turned and walked from the classroom a deep frown on his face as he passed Ozpin, he walked down the hallways alone students scattering before him in fear from the deathly glare and dark aura surrounding the young man.
"Such weakness... they will never vanquish their enemy like that" (Y/N) muttered to himself as he walked down the halls.
The girls watched as (Y/N) walked out of the classroom, he didn't look happy in the least.
"Well... that was intense" Yang said.
"Are you kidding me!? He talked back to miss Goodwitch! And the headmaster! What is his problem?!" Weiss said angrily.
"He's dangerous... it might be better for us to stay away from him for a while" Blake said, visibly shaken from what happened.
"I'm going to go find him!" Ruby said, she dashed off before her teammates could object.
"Well I'm going with her, to make sure they're both okay" Yang said running off after Ruby, Weiss shook her head and followed after them, Blake stood there for a few minutes she was really worried, some of the things (Y/N) said were very close to the things 'he' said.
Letting out a sigh she ran to follow her teammates, she couldn't shake the feeling though no matter how much she tried.
The girls went out of the classroom and saw blood drops on the ground, they followed the blood only to be joined by a remorseful Pyrrha still wearing her battle attire.
"Hey Pyrrha, how's it going?" Ruby asked.
"Oh it's okay, I still feel horrible about hurting (Y/N) like that, I didn't mean to I thought he had his Aura up" She said.
"Hey it's fine, I'm sure he isn't mad at you Pyrrha!" Nora says, putting her hand on the girls shoulder.
"However, the things he said, they were kind of, dark..." Ren said, looking troubled.
"Maybe he's just having a bad day? We all say things that are kind of bad when we're having a bad day!" Yang said, trying to calm everyone down.
"Bad day or not, he has a lot of explaining to do! Like how is he stronger than THE Pyrrha Nikos!" Weiss exclaimed.
Blake remained silent, holding her elbow with her hand nervously she was dreading talking to him.
The students walked following the blood trail until they found (Y/N), he was standing in the courtyard before the statue of the Heroe's and Grimm looking at it, The group walked up to the young man hoping to see what's wrong.
I was looking at the statue before me, I could still feel the blood oozing down my face from the cut Pyrrha landed on my head, I managed to open my eyes however I was pretty sure there was blood in it.
"H-Hey (Y/N)..." came Ruby's quiet voice.
I sighed and turned back to the others closing my right eye, they still looked a little shocked at the blood that was dripping down my face, while Pyrrha looked very guilty.
"Hello, how can I help you?" I asked, the girls and boy looked at me with soft eyes, it made me feel annoyed.
"Are you okay (Y/N)?" Yang asked, placing a hand on my back.
"I'm fine, why do you ask?" I said nonchalantly.
"Fine! Your bleeding from your head, that's not fine!" Ruby exclaimed.
"Oh this? it's nothing, only a flesh wound" I responded, it didn't really hurt much anymore now it was just annoying.
"Maybe we should get it treated, before it gets worse" Ren said.
"No need, I can fix it myself" I responded.
"And how are you going to do that might I ask?!" Weiss said, angrily pointing at me.
I clenched my body letting the remaining anger from my confrontation with Glynda fuelled my power, darkness radiated off my body and saturated my wound closing it and stopping the bleeding, when I felt the wound heal completely I relaxed and looked to the stunned students.
"OH COME ON!!" Weiss yelled.
"Any of you got something for me to wipe the blood off with?" I asked, Pyrrha walked forwards and gave me some tissues, I took them and wiped the blood off my face and neck before opening my right eye.
The girls gasped slightly when I looked at them, I could tell what the problem was, blood had gotten into my eye and stained it red.
"(Y/N)... I-I'm so so-" Pyrrha began before I cut her off with a raised hand.
"Pyrrha do not apologise for the wound, you should be proud of striking such a blow, I'm more surprised that you were so shocked to have made me bleed, surely if you've been in a battle before then you've wounded others before?" I asked genuinely curious as to why she was so surprised.
"W-Well... in truth, I've never wounded someone before... they always had their aura up to protect them from the blows, there were bruises and some bumps but I've not drawn blood before or so easily" Pyrrha said, it surprised me that a warrior could not have drawn blood before, they truly are too soft here.
"Well at least now I've made a good first impression on you, isn't there a saying? That a girl always remembers her first?" I said, this brought a blush to some of the girls because of the implications on the meaning of 'first'.
"Enough about that! You've got some explaining to do mister!" Weiss said getting right up into my face.
"I want to know how your Semblance is so varied! And how the hell you can be an equal to Pyrrha Nikos who's considered a prodigy warrior! I want to know right now how your so powerful!" she continued in a no nonsense tone, I looked at her unimpressed.
"And why do you need an explanation exactly? it's not really your concern if I'm stronger than Pyrrha or not" I answered, however she seemed to not appreciate my answer from the look of rage she adopted.
"It's totally my concern! How am I supposed to know who to look out for if I don't know how their powers work?!" Weiss yelled, waving her arms frantically.
"She wants to try to figure out how to beat you during classes and the upcoming tournament" Blake said sounding hesitant to talk with you.
"Oh really now? you think you can beat me Ice queen?" I said with a raised brow.
"I-I'm sure that I could beat you after all you drew with Pyrrha!" she said with indignation.
"Actually... I think he was holding back" Pyrrha said looking right into my eyes.
"How did you know I was holding back?" I asked.
"You didn't use your lightsaber, and you didn't use your lightning" she responded.
"Or any of your other powers!" Ruby chimed in helpfully.
"You got me, I was trying to test you see how much you could keep up with me, after all you wouldn't hunt a Beowolf with a fleet" I said Weiss seemed offended by my comparison.
"How dare you?! Do you know who Pyrrha is? She's a great champion and considered the huntress with the most potential!" Weiss scolded, the way she talked you'd think she was the one who accomplished all those things.
"No, I don't know who she is, and I can already tell she's pretty skilled at fighting" I said with a stern voice, Weiss opened her mouth to argue more but I turned to Ruby.
"Hey Ruby, what time is it?" I asked knowing what would happen next.
"OH NO! WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE FOR OUR NEXT CLASS!!" Ruby suddenly called, she grabbed Weiss by the collar and dragged her away, Weiss trying to escape Ruby's grip and come back to argue with me more, however Ruby, Yang and Blake dragged her off to their next class leaving me with Nora, Ren and Pyrrha.
"So where's you leader? Still knocked out?" I asked, personally I didn't care but the silence was very uncomfortable.
"Yeah, we were going to go see him want to come along?" Nora asked, a big smile on her face.
"Actually I'm going to get myself some food, maybe I'll catch you guys later" I said as I turned and walked away.
"Wait! (Y/N) hold on a second" Pyrrha called running over to me, she turned back and waved to Ren and Nora who walked away, probably to see Jaune.
"I wanted to ask you something, how come you didn't use your Aura during our fight?" Pyrrha asked, I was slightly intrigued by her line of questioning, perhaps this could be a chance to learn a little about aura.
"The truth is I don't have one, this thing you call Aura" I responded, she looked at me confused.
"Wait, if you don't have an Aura... then how can you use your Semblance? that's connected to your aura if you couldn't use aura you wouldn't be able to use such powers" Pyrrha said, trying to figure out what you were saying.
"How about this? You your team and team RWBY come visit me at my dorm tonight at 8:00, and I'll explain everything then" I said placing a hand on her arm.
"Um... okay, I'll be sure to do that" Pyrrha said, sounding slightly disappointed.
"What's wrong? Were you looking to have some one on one time with me, miss Nikos?" I said in a flirty tone, she broke out in a blush at my pass.
"W-well you see... it's just that your an excellent fighter, and you might be able to teach me a few new things" Pyrrha said, trying to regain her composure.
"Oh... there's a lot I could teach a pretty woman like yourself" I responded, her blush returned tenfold, making her face almost a red as her hair.
"T-T-That's not what I meant, I swear!" she said, waving her hands as her eyes went wide.
I laughed at her a little her reactions were hilarious!
"Okay, okay calm down Pyrrha, I'm just teasing you a little" I said still laughing slightly, she smiled back before punching my arm playfully.
"Why don't you go check on your 'fearless' leader, we can talk more later tonight" I said.
"Okay, talk to you later (Y/N)" the red headed girl said, she turned and walked away looking back before turning the corner and giving a final wave, I smiled and waved back before she left.
I turned and walked off to find the cantina, and get myself some food and drink although I didn't know what they had here, suddenly I felt a presence behind me it didn't feel dangerous but I wanted to be sure.
I walked around the corner and pressed myself against the wall waiting for my stalker to come, suddenly a shape wearing the uniform passed by me I saw a girl with very long brown hair, she also had long brown antennae on top of her head perhaps some kind of alien, like Twi'lek?
I sneaked up behind her and reached out to touch her shoulder.
"Why are yo-" I asked when suddenly.
"EEEEEEK!" she screamed jumping right into my arms, much like Ruby did on the first day here.
"Velvet! Are you alright?! What happe-" came another feminine voice, before a girl dressed in very fancy looking clothes and sunglasses came around the corner, she looked at us and smirked at the girl in my arms.
"Wow Velves, I didn't think you had it in ya!" she exclaimed with a chuckle, lowering her black tinted glasses to look at us.
"C-C-Coco, i-i-it's not w-what you t-th-think I-I swear!" The small girl called Velvet said to her friend, suddenly she looks right into my eyes and a deep red blush formed on her face before she jumped out of my arms and hid behind Coco.
"Hey there, I'm Coco Adele, leader of team CFVY" Coco said, extending her hand to me which I shook.
"And this is Velvet Scarletina" she said indicating the scared girl hiding behind her, suddenly two guys showed up one had skin almost as red as a sith pureblood and white eyes, and a giant of a man with a bored expression on his face.
"This is fox, and this big lug is Yatsuhashi" Coco said pointing towards the two boys.
"Hello" I replied.
"So your the first year who slew a Deathstalker single handed? and if the current rumors are true you managed to match up with the Pyrrha Nikos, am I right?" Coco asked, an approving smile on her face.
"Indeed, I killed the Deathstalker and I fought Pyrrha Nikos to a draw, although I could easily have beaten her if I wanted to" I said back.
"Ooooh! This one is just oozing confidence, and I get the feeling you can back those words up" Coco said adjusting her beret.
Suddenly she stopped and stared at me with slightly widened eyes.
"Hey dude what happened to your eye?" Coco asked, Velvet seemed a little concerned as well.
"Ah it's nothing, I got cut during my fight with Pyrrha and a little blood got into my eye, it'll go away soon" I replied.
"Okay if your sure... I also heard you've got a unique weapon, we wanted to know could you show my friend here?" she continued, pushing Velvet out from behind her.
"Why? Are you a dork for weapons too, like Ruby?" I asked the bunny girl, she flinched slightly with nerves.
"W-Well I-I guess y-you could say that..." she said with a blush, she could barely look me in the eye.
"Okay, I know I'm intimidating with this hood up but that's crazy..." I commented.
"Oh no! She's just kind of shy, she's actually pretty cool!" Coco said, trying to reassure Velvet with a hand on her back.
"Well I guess it's fine..." I said pulling out my lightsaber, I ignited the red blade with a flourish.
Velvet looked at the weapon with excitement, Coco looked at it with interest while the two boys stayed quiet.
Suddenly Velvet pulled out a camera and snapped a picture of you with your saber activated, you gave her a look and she shrunk under your gaze.
"I-I'm sorry! I-I just get excited to see new weaponry and-" she stopped when I held up a finger.
"Could I take a look?" I asked holding my hand out for the camera, she seemed terrified to hand her camera over but timidly complied, I looked at the picture and was quite pleased with how it turned out.
"This is quite good... your quite the shutter bug" I complimented, Velvet looked kind of confused like she wasn't used to getting compliments.
"However it's missing something..." I said, she suddenly rushed over to see what I meant.
I suddenly wrapped my arm around her shoulders drawing her in close, our faces inches apart she let out a surprise squeak and her face turned as red as my lightsaber, I leaned in close and smiled as I snapped a picture.
I let go of her shoulders and she rushed behind the big guy her face still crimson, I looked at the picture it was kind of cute...
"OMG! That's adorable! Gimme!" Coco squealed, snatching the camera from my hand and typing something into it, suddenly her scroll pinged and the picture appeared on her screen.
"Hey give me your scroll number and I'll send you a copy!" Coco said happily.
"Coco, don't!" Velvet complained, as I gave her my contact info.
Instantly I received the picture of me and Velvet, I smiled at the picture while Velvet looked ready to pass out from embarrassment.
"Well I'll be seeing you around, I'm off to get me some food before a good long workout!" I said walking away towards the lunch room.
"T-Thanks for the photo!" I heard Velvet call out shyly, I raised a hand as I walked on and smiled to myself.
I walked to the lunchroom and was surprised at how empty it was, I walked over and grabbed myself a big helping of meat, I'd need plenty of protein from my workout I'm planning for myself.
I'd just finished eating the last bite and looked at my scroll to check the time, it was 3:44pm plenty of time before classes end for me to work out, however before I turned the scroll off I saw that picture in my folder, I clicked on it and looked at the picture with a warm smile.
"She's pretty cute in this picture..." I said to myself.
I put my scroll away and stood up, I knew I had to get ready because Pyrrha would be coming by my room later, probably with some company so I should get something ready after my workout.
I walked through the halls towards the gym, my thoughts kept on going back to the events of today...
"I've seen that Pyrrha is pretty skilled with physical combat, and she has some small ability with the force... enough to pull her weapon and shield to her at least" I said to myself, the implications were quite... promising.
I then remembered the others, they could all possess potential to wield the force, and were all pretty skilled fighters.
"Me, in a school surrounded by force sensitives, and no Jedi around to corrupt their impressionable minds... I think I'm in paradise" I said to myself, however the smile fell from my face when the thoughts of the Jedi returned...
I felt the familiar rage towards their order surfacing again, it was already a deep hatred even before I became a Sith, I instantly wanted to go out and beat something or someone to death.
However I decided to let it smoulder inside until I could reach the workout area, and let out my aggression with some combat practice.
I stepped into the gym and looked around to see what equipment was at my disposal, in all honesty...
"This is pathetic... how am I supposed to get a proper workout with such tame devices!" I asked myself, feeling my anger begin to boil over into full on rage.
I walk over to the punching bags and get into a combat stance, I deliver a strong series of punches and kicks to the bag as well as a few palm strikes, I was practising the Echani fighting style it was a strong martial art form.
I smashed my fist deep into the bag leaving a huge dent, then I stopped and took a breather before checking the time on my scroll, it read 7:26 I knew I had to return to my room to meet with Pyrrha and anyone else who was coming along.
I walked back to the dormitories, reaching my door I entered and looked around for the objects I needed to explain my views to the students, I found several Holocrons containing recordings of the ancient Sith that existed before the Empire's return, as well as Holocrons about the Empire itself and some of the more powerful Sith from it.
"These should do..." I said to myself.
I then went to shower as I waited for the others to arrive, a little while later after drying myself off I heard a knock at the door.
I walked over and opened the door, standing there was the entirety of teams RWBY and JNPR, most of them looked at me happily, minus Weiss's scowl and Blake's look of hesitance.
"Welcome, come in take a seat, make yourselves at home" I offered opening the door the rest of the way.
The eight girls and boys walked inside, and found places to sit or stand.
"So, where should I begin...?" I asked, walking over to stand with them all.
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