Chapter 5
(Y/N) saw several flashes go through his mind, he knew he was asleep but he was having trouble making sense of the dream.
The Sith watched the images pass by and saw several that seemed to stand out to him.
the first was Korriban, Dromand Kaas, and other worlds under the rule of the Empire he saw them fall the insignia of the empire burned away leaving a blank slate, in it's place the Sith saw a strange world with a shattered moon which he suddenly recognised as Remnant, he was suddenly standing in Beacon surrounded by the girls of team RWBY and several shadowed figures.
Suddenly Beacon was overwhelmed by darkness, he saw them lying on the ground defeated and some severely wounded, Blake was clutching a bleeding wound in her stomach, and Yang was missing an arm.
(Y/N) then saw himself standing above them offering a hand to them, he saw the take his hand before he felt them open up and the darkness take root in their souls.
(Y/N) then saw his former master standing before him with his lightsaber ignited, (Y/N) Force Jumped towards him with his saber ready to strike, he deflected the blow and struck at the Sith forcing him back, suddenly (Y/N) felt a hand on his shoulder and saw the girls standing beside him.
"Let us help you... find us..." came a quiet voice.
"The old empire is broken..." came another voice.
Then a shadowed figure took shape before (Y/N), it was himself standing with a air of authority, radiating dark power.
"It's time for the rise of a new, more united Sith Empire... OUR EMPIRE!" the Shadow (Y/N) said before the dream began to fade away.
Beacon Academy, (Y/N)'s room, THIRD PERSON'S POV
(Y/N)'s eyes opened and he sat up in his bed, he placed his hand on his head and tried to recollect himself, he knew what he had just experienced was not just a dream... the force has granted him a vision of his destiny.
(Y/N) had always had disagreements about the Empire, the way it was run, the constant infighting amongst the Sith, and the constant backstabbing and the blatant racism amongst the higher ups.
Is this what the force intended when it threw him here?
Was he supposed to build a new Sith Empire here, on this strange world that had never heard of the Sith or the Jedi?
It was a very intriguing idea, the Sith could imagine himself as not a emperor but a more traditional role, as a Dark Lord of the Sith, he could create a new legend of the Sith here away from the gaze of the absent emperor, and an oppressive ruling caste of Sith like the Dark Council.
However he was shaken from his train of thought as he remembered where he was, (Y/N) was in the academy surrounded by many talented individuals, what he really needed though was to find allies and one's with force sensitivity.
"I would need to figure out how to find them if they are here..." (Y/N) said to himself.
"Speaking of which I'll also need to do some research on this world... there are many things I must discover, for instance this substance called Dust..." the Sith said as he was deep in thought.
"As well as why I feel echo's in the Force around those girls..." (Y/N) said, thinking back to when the girls each used their 'semblance's' and how he felt disturbances in the Force, especially around Ruby and Yang they seemed especially powerful.
"When I have the time I must look into this Aura and Semblances, as well as this Dust perhaps it will lead me to an answer to my destiny!" (Y/N) said trying to think of ways to experiment, and get the answers he needed.
"Well for now, I suppose I should make myself at home, after all this is my room for the next four years" the Sith said standing up and stretching his muscles, getting a satisfying crack from his back.
(Y/N) went over to the crates and opened them, he looked through his artefacts and relics, finding what he wanted to be kept close, one such artefact was a pure black crystal that the Sith had found in the tomb of Tulak Hoard, he could feel the power buried inside the crystal when the Sith held it his Force Powers were amplified greatly, and it strengthened his connection to the Dark Side.
(Y/N) moved the furniture in his room around with his Force Powers, set up his artefacts and moved his bed into place, he then filled his closet with several different Sith robes each with a hood, he also unpacked his books, datapads, stone tablets and carvings as well as several crystals, lightsabers of different types and different blueprints.
Finally the Sith looked around his room and he was pleased with how it looked, he then noticed the clothes on the desk as well as a strange looking datapad, the Sith walked over and picked it up looking over it he quickly figured out how to use it.
Looking over the class schedule (Y/N) saw that his first class would be starting in 30 minutes, he changed out of his old robes and into new (F/C) ones before pulling the hood up over his head, the Sith then left his room and walked towards his first class leaving the uniform on the desk.
(Y/N) walked through the halls towards the assigned classroom, he had a man called Port for his first class about Grimm.
"Hmmm, so far I've seen Beowolves, a Deathstalker and a Nevermore... I wonder if there are any I haven't seen yet?" the Sith asked himself as he made his way towards the classroom.
(Y/N) walked to the classroom and made it ten minutes early, he walked in and took a seat in the second row sitting close to the end.
(Y/N) looked at the board and saw several diagrams of different kinds of Grimm, he saw diagrams for a Beowolf, a Deathstalker, a Nevermore and an Ursa then the Sith saw what looked like a huge snake, it was labelled King Taijitsu and a large tusked pig called a Boarbatusk.
"Hmmm wonder what it would be like to fight one of those..." he wondered before Teams RWBY and JNPR came stumbling into the classroom, looking relieved as professor Port closed the door.
"Hey (Y/N)!" Ruby said as she waved at the young man before she and her team sat in the row in front of him.
"Ahem! Monsters! Deeemons... prowlers of the night. yes, the creatures of Grimm have many names. But I merely refer to them as prey Haha!" professor Port said.
(Y/N) heard light snoring and looked to see Ruby was asleep, honestly he was bored as well, she was suddenly woken up and looked to the professor.
"Uhh, and you shall too, upon graduating from this prestigious academy" Port continued.
(Heh, doubtful...) (Y/N) thought to himself in annoyance.
"Now as I was saying, Vale, as well as the other three kingdoms, are safe havens in an otherwise treacherous world. Our planet is absolutely teeming with creatures that would love nothing more than to tear you to pieces" Port said as he walked up and down the classroom.
"I'd like to see them try" (Y/N) scoffed.
"And that's where we come in" Port announced.
"Huntsmen! Huntresses..." he finished that with a wink at Yang, which she awkwardly laughed at.
"Individuals who have sworn to protect those who cannot protect themselves. From what you ask? Why... The very world!" Port says proudly.
"Ehh...Yeah!" a random student yelled, however the stares he got made him shut right up.
"This class is so boring..." (Y/N) said to himself, he hated sitting still and could feel the anger build up within him from the lack of action.
"That is what you are training to become. But first, a story" Port said.
(Y/N) slammed his head on the desk hard, making the girls look back at him briefly.
"A tale of a young, handsome, man. Me. When I was a boy blah blah blah..." Ports voice fades into a distant monologue, meanwhile the Sith was just trying to keep from drawing attention to himself.
"Despite smelling of cabbages, my grandfather was a wise man. "Peter" he told me blah blah blah..." his voice faded away again.
(Y/N) then heard Ruby giggling quietly to herself, he looked down and saw that she had drawn a crude picture of Port calling him professor poop, she then blew a small raspberry with a smile.
(Y/N), Yang and Ruby laughed a little, while Weiss gave a disapproving glare at them all, port cleared his throat loudly getting them all to look back at him.
"In the end the Beowolf was no match for my sheer tenacity, and I returned to my village with the beast in captivity and my head held high. Celebrated, as a hero" Port bows to imagined applause.
"The moral of this story? A true huntsman must be honorable" Port said.
"Oh this sounds bad..." the Sith groaned, however he then saw Ruby somehow balancing a book and an apple on a pencil with one finger, while she pulled a silly face making the Sith half want to laugh and half impressed.
"A true huntsman must be dependable" Port says.
"I can be dependable about killing things..." (Y/N) said, he heard light snoring and saw that Ruby had somehow fallen back asleep.
"A true huntsman must be strategic, well educated and wise!" Port said, (Y/N) then saw Ruby picking her nose with a bored look on her face.
(Y/N) felt his own anger rise again, he was told this was a combat school! Where's the combat?!
The Sith felt Wiess's anger rise within her to the point she was shaking, this was an interesting thing to see.
(Perhaps she's not too bad if she get's mad at the pointless talking too) (Y/N) thought to himself, he thought that since he was in a combat school there would be more combat, so he jumped at the chance to show his superior fighting skills to these students.
"So, who among you believes themselves to be the embodiment of these traits?" Port asked.
"I do sir!" Weiss says.
"Right here!" (Y/N) said loudly.
"Well then, let's find out, step forwards and face your opponents" Port says indicating the two cages that shook from whatever was inside.
"Huh, I wonder what that is?" the Sith asked himself as he stood up, he and Weiss went to their lockers to get their weapons and equipment on, (Y/N) took out his lightsaber and walked back to class.
He stood before the cage tapping your foot restlessly, a few minutes later Weiss arrived dressed in her combat gear and holding her blade.
"Finally! did you have to file your nails princess?" (Y/N) commented, Weiss gave him a dirty look before turning her attention back to the cages.
"Gooo Weiss! Gooo (Y/N)!" Yang yelled pumping her fist in the air.
"Fight well!" Blake said waving a team RWBY flag.
"Yeah, represent team RWBY!" Ruby yelled.
"Ruby, I'm trying to focus" Weiss shouted over.
"Oh, sorry" Ruby said.
"Wow that's a good tone of voice, for an underling" (Y/N) said, making Weiss turn red in anger.
"Alright let the match, begin!" Port said raising his axe/blunderbuss up and cutting the locks off the two cages.
Inside the cages were two large Boarbatusks, which growled loudly before charging at (Y/N) and Weiss.
(That's it? I won't even need my lightsaber for this one...) the Sith though as he jumped over the charging Grimm, doing an impressive flip before landing on his feet behind the Grimm.
Weiss slashed at the creatures flanks with her rapier, however the blade did no damage due to the armour plates on it's sides.
"Haha, wasn't expecting that were you?" Port chuckled.
"Hang in there Weiss!" Ruby said, trying to motivate her teammate.
The Boarbatusks charged again but (Y/N) sidestepped the Grimm and use Force Push to blast it into a wall, the Grimm was stunned momentarily but recovered quickly.
"Nice one (Y/N)!" Ruby cheers.
Weiss charges her Boarbatusk head on as it charges her, Suddenly her rapier is caught in the Grimm's tusks, Weiss tried desperately to retrieve her weapon but it was stuck fast.
"Bold, new approach. I like it!" Port says.
"Come on Weiss show it who's boss!" Ruby encouraged.
Weiss looked over a Ruby annoyed, her distraction caused her to lose her grip on her weapon, the Boarbatusk flicked it's head back tossing her rapier away before headbutting her.
"Oh ho! Now what will you do without your weapon?" Port asks.
Weiss looks up and her eyes go wide in fear when she see's the Boarbatusk charging her, she rolls out of the way and the Grimm crashes into the wall rolling onto it's back, (Y/N) looked over and saw that it's underbelly is exposed.
"Hmmm a weakness... but I don't need it" the Sith said dismissively, he had different plans for that weakness.
Weiss ran over to retrieve her weapon she slides on the ground and scoops it up before going into a combat stance, ready to fight the Boarbatusk.
"Weiss go for it's belly! There's no armour underneath-" Ruby tries to give her good advice.
"Stop telling me what to do!" Weiss yells back, this makes Ruby feel very sad.
"Pathetic brat" (Y/N) said loudly enough for everyone to hear, making some of the students laugh while Weiss grit her teeth in anger.
The Boarbatusk that (Y/N) was fighting charged at him again, he drew upon his dark power power and shot it with force lightning, the energy bypasses it's armour and stunned the creature allowing the Sith to use Force Drain on it, the Grimm squealed in pain as it's body was drained until it's limp carcass falls to the ground.
"Hoho! I've never seen a technique like that before!" Port exclaims.
(Y/N) felt the power and darkness rise inside his body it felt intoxicating, he looked over and saw the Boarbatusk Weiss was fighting leap into the air and rapidly spin, it then used the momentum to charge forwards.
Weiss set up one of her runes and the Grimm hit it hard, it fell and got stuck on it's back however Weiss couldn't capitalise because the force of the hit knocked her back, (Y/N) made a disgusted noise as the Grimm stood back up and charged the stunned huntress in training.
The Sith reached out with the force and gripped onto it's body lifting it into the air, the Grimm squealed and growled as it thrashed around, Ruby, Yang and the other looked on in amazement as (Y/N) effortlessly slammed the Grimm into the ground and held it in place.
"Well? what are you waiting for brat?! FINISH IT OFF!!" he said in annoyance, not that this was a problem for the Sith, her seeming lack of combat ability was just annoying the young man greatly.
Weiss stood up and jumped up onto a glyph she summoned, she launched herself at the pinned Grimm and impaled it in the belly, the Boar let out a final pained squeal before it stilled and died, Weiss was on her knees beside the now dead Grimm panting heavily.
"Bravo! Braaa-vo! It appears we are indeed in the presence of a true hunter and huntress in training" Port said.
(Y/N) looked over at Weiss still breathing heavily, holding her rapier in front of her, the Sith just felt disgusted with the bratty heiress, and how she would act so superior yet have such little skill.
"Actually your wrong on those counts professor..." (Y/N) said getting everyone's attention.
"Pardon me young man?" Port said in question.
"Firstly I'm no hunter, I am Sith! That is what I am and what I always will be!" he declared, this surprised the classroom, then the Sith turned to Weiss with a look of disgust.
"And secondly... she's not a true huntress, she's just a weak brat who's pining for a position she has no right to" (Y/N) said giving Weiss a glare, she tried to return the glare but had trouble meeting the Sith's intense gaze.
"Right... well I'm afraid that's all the time we have for today. be sure to cover the assigned readings and, stay vigilant. Class dismissed" Port said as he walked over to examine the Boarbatusk (Y/N) had Force Drained.
Ruby watched as the Sith kept his scornful gaze on Weiss before turning and walking away, Weiss took notice of him leaving and chased after the Sith with an angry look on her face.
"Sheesh what's with those two?" Jaune asked.
(Y/N) walked away from the classroom, you still felt some anger and disgust from having to help Weiss, although he did feel satisfied at getting to kill something, but his opinion of Weiss was steadily growing worse...
"Hey!" came a familiar, bitchy voice.
"Fuuuuuuu-" the Sith said as she caught up with him.
"I've got a couple thing to say to you, you-you-you!" Weiss said her face growing more and more angry.
"What do you want, weakling?" (Y/N) asked angrily.
"Don't call me that! I'm not a weakling!" Weiss said her body shaking with anger.
"Then why were you so helpless today? And yesterday in the forest?" the Sith asked smugly, Weiss spluttered looking for the right words.
"It was all that dolt Ruby's fault! If she didn't distract me I would have had that Boarbatusk!" Weiss said indignantly.
"A pathetic response from a pathetic excuse for a warrior, I'm surprised Ruby even tolerates your mouth" (Y/N) said.
"How dare you! I'll have you know I was trained by the best people in Atlas! No the best in all of Remnant!" Weiss argued.
"If that's what the best can teach you, then you are going to die very young..." the Sith said with a dismissive tone.
"Why you-" she begun.
"Weiss! (Y/N)!" Ruby called out as she came around the corner.
"What?" Weiss said, tears beginning to form in her eyes.
"Rose" the Sith answered shortly.
"What's wrong with you two? Why are you being so-" Ruby said only to be rudely interrupted.
"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you? Your supposed to be a leader and all you've been so far is a nuisance" Weiss countered.
"Says the main nuisance herself!" (Y/N) countered.
"What did I do?" Ruby scoffed.
"That's just it, you've done nothing to earn your position. Back in the forest you acted like a child and you've only continued to do so" Weiss said.
('Done nothing to ear her position?' what a load of bull shit!) (Y/N) thought to himself as he watched.
"Weiss where is this coming from? What happened to all the talk about, working together? I thought you believed in acting as a team" Ruby reasoned.
"Not a team lead by you. I've studied, and trained, and quite frankly, I deserve better. Ozpin made a mistake" Weiss said before walking away.
"I think Ruby deserves better, better than you you spoiled Tuk-ata runt!" the Sith said, earning a look of confusion from the two girls before Weiss stomped away.
"I-Is she right? did Ozpin make a mistake?" Ruby said close to tears.
"Ignore her Ruby, I've seen her type before spoiled priveliged children, who think a fancy education entitles them to a leadership role, when they have no business leading at all" (Y/N) said with conviction.
This didn't seem to cheer the girl up, thinking fast the Sith realised that he would have to hammer home a few truths for the girl, the Sith placed his hand on her small shoulder and pulled her along with him to sit down.
"Ruby you told me about what happened when you and Weiss were in the Emerald Forest, from your story you more than proved your right to be the leader, while she didn't" (Y/N) said.
"I don't know..." she mumbled sadly.
"Okay... answer me this. Who kept on getting you two lost in the forest, because she refused to admit she was mistaken?" the Sith asked.
"W-Weiss did..." Ruby said.
"And when the Nevermore attacked your team who came up with the plan to kill it?" (Y/N) asked again.
"I-I did" Ruby answered, sounding a little less sad.
"No,no,no Ruby with more feeling! Who came up with the plan to kill the massive Nevermore?" you said, placing both hands on her shoulders, making her look him in the eye.
"I did!" Ruby stated, with a serious voice.
"And in that battle what did Weiss do?" he asked her seriously.
"U-ummm..." Ruby pondered.
"I'll tell you what she did! she complained like a spoiled child, and then her ice trap failed to hold the Nevermore still almost costing you the fight, if I hadn't been there it would have escaped and YOUR plan would have been ruined" the Sith stated firmly.
"Y-Yeah it did, your right" Ruby said starting to sound angry.
"And she has the nerve to say you didn't earn your position! You came up with several plans that worked exceptionally well, while it's true they were a little unorthodox like riding in on a giant Nevermore which you had to fight after, you still managed to succeed in your task including taking down a creature it's unheard of for first year students to kill" the Sith said emphasising on the impressive parts.
"From what I see, and comparing it to what I've seen on Korriban... she's of the opinion that her special training with expensive teachers, should automatically give her the right to lead when it's very clear she lacks the innate skills and tactical know how you naturally possess with barely any training, plus she probably feels annoyed having to listen to someone two years younger than her" (Y/N) placed one of his hands on top of Ruby's head, messing up her hair slightly.
"I guess so... do you think I'm a good leader?" Ruby asked, her silver eyes looking at the Sith expectantly.
"One thing about us Sith... we don't always trust words alone, we believe in actions and based on your actions during the initiation, I'd say you more than proved your worthy to lead, now it's just a matter of showing everyone else it's your right to be in charge" (Y/N) said giving the girl a warm smile.
Ruby smiled at the thought, suddenly she jumped forward hugging the Sith tightly surprising him quite a bit, (Y/N) returned the hug unsurely he wasn't used to 'comforting' people, after a couple minutes the two separated and Ruby seemed to feel a bit better.
"Come, let's go to our next class, maybe you'll get the chance to show off your skills!" (Y/N) said, getting a giggle from the girl.
As the two walked away to their next lesson, Ozpin stepped out of the shadows with a look of concern on his face from (Y/N)'s words, he watched the Sith and Ruby walk and talk together before she stopped and looked out of an open doorway.
She gazed at Weiss as she stood in thought, Ruby let a small smile grace her face as she watched her teammate, (Y/N) however just looked at her with a slight, amused smile as much as she annoyed him teasing her was funny.
After that (Y/N) and Ruby both walked away to their next class, the Sith spent the day going to various classes and studying about new things, he got extremely bored during lectures and couldn't help dozing off or distracting himself with plots and plans.
Finally the sun had begun to set and the Sith was making his way back to his room, (Y/N) was carrying several different books from the library, about Dust, the four kingdoms, the Grimm and several other things.
As he walked the saw a familiar yet unwelcome sight, none other that Weiss walking back to her room alone, she took notice of him and looked unsure how to respond to the Sith, he took the initiative and just walked right past her without making eye contact.
"Wait! (Y/N), hold up!" she shouted as she dashed after him.
(Oh jeez she's off again...) (Y/N) thought to himself, he waited for her to catch up, she stood in front of the young man awkwardly looking lost for words, the Sith just felt annoyed at her indecision.
"What do you want, brat?" (Y/N) asked in a snarky tone, this made Weiss flinch she wasn't used to being spoken to in such a manner, normally the knowledge of her family name would intimidate a regular man, yet the Sith insulted and mocked her without a hint of fear.
"I-I wanted to... take a walk with you, and maybe... talk a little?" Weiss asked, nervously playing with her nails.
(Y/N) scoffed at her offer it was very tempting to just brush her off and leave, however he felt that he should at least hear her out since she would play a role in his destiny.
"Fine, but if you insult me even once, I will shock you" the Sith answered.
(Y/N) walked away with Weiss taking a good enough pace beside the Sith, they both walked in silence for the first few minutes, an air of awkwardness hanging around them both.
"So, what do you want to talk about ice queen?" the Sith asked, getting annoyed with the awkward silence.
"I... wanted to apologise to you, for acting so rudely and for messing up those times" Weiss said, she sounded like she was in pain as she talked.
"My,my,my the Weiss Schnee apologising, I should be honored!" (Y/N) said teasingly.
"Why do you have to do that?! Must you be so infuriating when all I'm trying to do is apologise, and maybe be friends?" Weiss scolded, her face taking a stern look.
"Well firstly I do it because it's amusing, watching how your face scrunches up when you get angry like a kinrath pup, Secondly why would you want to be friends?" he asked, unfazed by her words.
"Well... your incredibly skilled, your semblance is pretty diverse, and you seem to be pretty strong, almost like Pyrrha" Weiss said.
"I can assure you I'm much stronger than Pyrrha, but at least you recognise strength when you see it" (Y/N) said, feeling pride at the recognition, even if it's from her.
Weiss then noticed the pile of books in the Sith's arms,her eyes skimmed over the titles and knew they were varied topics, she raised a brow at him with a look of confusion on her face.
"Why do you have so many different books? do you have trouble with some topics?" she asked.
"Well truthfully I'm looking into the applications of Dust, as well as other things like the White Fang, the faunus, there's a lot of things I need to learn and absorb" (Y/N) said.
He noticed a look of anger cross Weiss's face at the mention of the White Fang, however she seemed to adopt an eager look when he mentioned learning.
"Oh! Well I can help you with that! Since my family owns the Schnee Dust Quarry I know a lot about Dust, maybe I can help you?" she said, sounding very excited.
(Y/N) stopped walking and thought about her offer, yes she can be irritating but her knowledge could prove useful, if anything it could help him when it was time for him to begin his experiments with Dust and the Grimm.
"Hmmm... very well, I'll accept your offer" (Y/N) said, holding out his hand to shake.
Weiss took his hand in hers and they shook, she smiled at the Sith before releasing his hand.
"So... does this mean you'll knock off the teasing?" Weiss asked.
"Nope! I'll still tease you, Ice queen" (Y/N) said with a smirk on his face.
"Hey!" Weiss said.
They both walked to her team's dorm and stopped outside the door.
"I'll just get my notes and books, then we'll go and study" Weiss said as she opened the door quietly, (Y/N) grunted a response and waited by the open door.
(Y/N) looked inside and saw Blake asleep in her bed and Yang spreadeagled on her top bunk snoring loudly, he smiled at the sight and saw Weiss climb up and pull the curtains around Ruby's bed aside, (Y/N) saw Ruby asleep surrounded by many different books and notes Weiss looked rather surprised.
"Looks like I'm not the only one doing some late night studying..." the Sith whispered as he entered the room.
Weiss cleared her throat and nudged Ruby's shoulder, the girl suddenly woke up.
"Weiss! I-I was studying and then I fell asleep I'm sorry" Ruby said , still slightly asleep, Weiss shushed Ruby, then noticed the empty coffee mug on her bed.
"How do you take your coffee?" she asked.
"Uh, I-I don't" Ruby responded, sounding confused.
"Answer the question" Weiss responded, sounding exasperated.
"Uhh! Cream and five sugars!" Ruby says back, Weiss lets out a sigh.
"Don't move" Weiss says before dropping below Ruby's bed, the Sith waved at her with one arm and she waved back still looking confused.
"Here" Weiss says handing Ruby a fresh cup of coffee.
"Um, thanks Weiss" Ruby says, allowing a small smile to come to her face.
"Ruby, I think you have what it takes to be a good leader. Just know, that I am going to be the best teammate you'll ever have"Weiss said, a smile of her own coming.
"Good luck studying. That's wrong by the way" Weiss says as she climbs down from the bed and walks to the door, carrying an assortment of books and school supplies.
(Y/N) exited the room first, followed by Weiss who turn to the door and peeks her head in before it closed.
"Hey, Ruby?" Weiss said.
"Uh-huh?" the young girl responded.
"I always wanted bunk beds as a kid" Weiss said, before she closed the door.
(Y/N) looked at the white clad girl with a small smile, he'd never admit it openly but the Sith was secretly glad the girls made up, partly because he knew they would be instrumental in discovering his destiny, but also because he kind of liked these four.
"What?" Weiss asked, noticing the look the Sith was aiming at her.
"I'm just surprised, I guess your heart isn't as cold as I thought!" (Y/N) said with a grin on his face.
"Don't be a pest!" Weiss said as she playfully hit him on the arm.
"So, where are we going to go? Since my teammates are all asleep right now my room isn't the best place" Weiss said, looking at the Sith with a raised brow.
(Y/N) thought about weather of not he should allow her into his room, it's true he'd get to talk with her one on one, maybe even get closer to making her one of his potential students, however he wasn't sure about having her around his artefacts and relics.
"Let's go to the library, we'll be able to focus more there" the Sith said, turning to walk back.
"Why can't we just go and study in your room?" Weiss asked, a look of confusion and annoyance on her face.
"Let's just say... right now my room's in no fit state to study in right now" (Y/N) lied, in truth he just didn't trust having the heiress around his relics and Holocrons just yet, he didn't want her touching anything or messing with his Holocrons.
"Very well... let's go" she huffed before walking down the hallway towards the library.
(Y/N) and Weiss spent most of the night studying in the library, she went over the topic of Dust with the young man, it's applications in everyday life, warfare, as well as other uses.
The Sith was intrigued about how people could weave Dust into their clothes, if he could do that with his Sith robes he might gain an advantage in battle, but what really caught the young man's attention was the fact that Dust could be infused into a living body.
"So (Y/N)... why are you so interested in Dust?" Weiss asked, he tried to find an excuse not wanting to alert her to his future experiments.
"I was wondering if I could find a way to incorporate different crystals into my lightsaber" (Y/N) said simply, he saw Weiss look at him with interest now.
"Wait, your lightsaber uses crystals? how?" Weiss asked, she seemed very eager to know how his saber worked.
"Let me guess, you want to try and make one of your own am I right?" he asked with a smug smile, and a raised brow, making the white clad heiress grow flustered.
"N-no! I don't need such a thing, Myrtenaster is my weapon and it works more than adequately" Weiss replied haughtily.
"Heh, what ever you say princess" he responded, (Y/N) and Weiss continued their talk about Dust and it's applications, to the Sith's relief she seemed to have forgotten about his lightsaber, they talked until 5am as they read over all different books until he learned quite a lot about this world, after that (Y/N) and Weiss both walked back to their rooms and parted on good terms.
(Y/N) opened the door to his room and walked in, he went over all the new knowledge he had in his possession, the Sith decided to write it down and make note's on future experiments he'd wish to perform, however there was a few things the Sith would need for these experiments...
A secret location, away from prying eyes.
A good amount of Dust to experiment with.
And of course he will need, some test subjects...
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