Chapter 27
I groaned and woke up in my bed in my dorm room, as I did I felt warm bodies with me, I glanced to my left and right and saw Pyrrha, Yang and Velvet were here asleep in my bed, all three of them were naked after last nights "activities".
(These girls were very fun, Yang's certainly passionate and vocal, Velvet's quite insatiable and Pyrrha... she's so... expressive) I thought to myself as I looked at each girl in question, Yang to my left, Velvet to my right and Pyrrha laying on top of me with her head on my chest.
"Mmm... M-Master?" Velvet said with a yawn as I looked over and saw her open her eyes, her cute brown eyes gazing into mine as she woke up.
"Morning, my Apprentice, I see you slept well" I said to her with a smirk, before she smiled back at me with her cheeks going red.
"Y-Yes, Master, I slept very well" Velvet said as she kept smiling, I could feel her happiness and love swell inside of her.
"I'm glad to hear it, seems you enjoyed yourself last night" I said as I petted her head gently, making her cheeks go even redder as she relaxed from my heat pats.
"She's not the only one..." I heard another sleepy groan from my left, I looked over and saw Yang open her eyes too, smiling at me as she woke up.
"Morning Yang" I said to the Blonde as she sat up and stretched her arms over her head, causing the covers to fall away and reveal her bare upper body, her breasts bouncing slightly as she moved.
"Morning, lover boy~" Yang purred as she leaned down and kissed me on the lips, then I heard a groan from under the covers and pulled them up, to reveal Pyrrha, who was starting to wake up.
"Hmm...?" Pyrrha groaned as she peeked her eyes open, looking at me, then yang, and then Velvet, before I saw her eyes suddenly become alert and her cheeks go bright red as she realised where she was, and what was currently against her flat, toned stomach.
"(Y-Y-Y/N)! G-Good morning..." Pyrrha said shyly as she pushed herself up onto all fours, her green eyes locking with my own as she hovered over my own naked body.
"Such a shy girl, your so confident until times like this~" I said as he ran my fingers over her cheek, making the Red-headed Spartan shudden and smile.
The four of us then got up and started to get ourselves dressed again, me putting my Robes back on, while Yang put her White Dress from the Dance back on, Pyrrha putting on her Red Dress and Velvet putting her Robes back on too.
"So... (Y/N), I take it this means that you accept our feelings?" Pyrrha asked as she was adjusting her dress around her chest, this also got Yang and Velvet to stop getting themselves dressed and look to see what i would say next.
"Of course, the three of you are wonderful girls and I would be honoured to have you all by my side" I said as I smiled at Yang, velvet and Pyrrha, who all smiled back and their eyes lit up from the love and happiness they felt.
"And (Y/N), just so you know... if you do manage to drag Weiss into this arrangement, we'll accept her too" Yang said with a wink before she kissed me on the lips, pressing her breasts against my chest as we kissed.
The girls all soon left my room and went back to their own, though Yang and Velvet didn't seem too keen on returning to theirs, probably because of Velvet's team trying to keep her back on their mission, and Yang having to deal with Blake and her foolishness, hopefully soon enough they would be out of our way and I can begin the next phase of my ultimate plan...
I couldn't believe that I did that last night... I'd NEVER done something like that, and... it felt amazing, letting myself go and enjoying myself instead of having to maintain my image and... it was with (Y/N) too, of course I'd have to make sure my manager doesn't hear about this, the last thing I want are fans or the paparazzi harassing him.
(That was very nice... it did hurt at first but, I'd never felt pleasure like that before...) I thought to myself as I blushed at the memory of when I was on top of him, I put my hand on my stomach as I walked with Yang, I swear I could still feel the warmth inside of me.
"Looks like you really enjoyed yourself last night~" I heard Yang said, making my face turn red and hot as I looked at her, she was giving me a smirk with a wink.
"Y-Yes, it was very enjoyable, it was... the most relaxed I have ever been able to be, to be honest" I said to Yang honestly, I had truly never had any form of intimacy like that from anyone, and I never trusted relationships because of my fame.
"Well I'm glad, it's good the three of us came to an agreement about sharing him, though... I imagone Weiss might join soon" Yang said to me, I looked at her in surprise.
"Wait, Weiss? She's interested in something other that studying?" I asked her half jokingly, making Yang snort at my comment, though I was also surprised, I didn't expect Weiss to be interested in guys, she always seemed more into studying than paying attention to boys.
"I know right? I was kinda surprised too, I guess he must have worn her down, after the way she danced with him last night, I wouldn't be surprised if she wanted a piece of him too" Yang said with a giggle until we reached out rooms, I was happy to get changed and ready for Team Assignments today, however...
"So, Yang, will you be okay?" Pyrrha asked me as I went to open the door to my Team's room, I stopped and looked back to her, I quickly realised what she was talking about, since she clearly knew that Blake had an issue with me being with (Y/N)
"Yeah, I'll be fine... Blake might talk a lot but in the end... she's too much of a coward to actually try anything" I said to Pyrrha, honestly after everything I saw that maybe she wasn't trustworthy, the fact she was so sympathetic to the White Fang, and seemed to hate (Y/N) for no reason, I don't think I want to have much to do with her.
Obviously I have to deal with her for the next few years, at least until we graduate, then she an go do whatever she wants and we'll never have to see each other again.
"I don't know Yang... she seemed pretty angry that time in the woods" Pyrrha said, sounding concerned about what might happen, that made me smile.
"Aw, is the Mistral Grand Champion worried about little old me? I'm touched" I said to her with a smile, it did actually feel nice that she was so concerned for me.
"W-Well of course I am! I mean... we are kind of... in a relationship together too, after all" she said back shyly, she did have a point, we kind of also agreed to share each other too, Pyrrha and I did have a little "warm up" while (Y/N) was with Velvet, Pyrrha looks very cute when she get's all flustered.
"Don't worry, like I said I'll be just fine, if anything does happen, I can handle it, I'm tough!" I said as I flexed my arm and gave her a wink, Pyrrha smiled at me before I walked over to her and gave her a peck on the lips, making her face turn almost as Red as her hair, before I went into my Team's room.
"And just where the heck were you last night, Yang Xiao Long?" I heard a familiar voice ask, I looked and saw Weiss there, looking at me with disapproval, Ruby seemed happy to see me and Blake... was giving me a dirty look, what a fun morning this will be...
I hummed to myself as I walked the halls to my Team's dorm room, the smile never leaving my face after what happened last night, that was the best night ever, and to think... Coco wanted to ruin it for me because I wouldn't listen to her.
(I'm glad I didn't listen to her! Otherwise I would have missed out on that fun night, just to listen to Coco say how she's the Leader, and I have to listen to her) I thought to myself as I felt the annoyance I felt for my Team creeping in again, they do nothing to help me with guys like Cardin and others, and she seemed so unbothered too, why should I have to miss out on a Dance because she likely doesn't want to get her clothes dirty fighting Grimm?
I knew obviously that I had to go back to my Dorm, and Coco would likely try to lecture me again about disobeying her, but I know she can't do anything to stop me from seeing (Y/N) or defending myself from idiots like Cardin or other racists.
I reached the door to my room and opened the door, before walking inside.
"So... you finally decided to come back, did you?" Coco said, I looked over and saw her stood there with her arms crossed over her chest, her sunglasses lowered down and she was giving me quite an angry look, I saw that Yatsuhashi and Fox weren't here, they must be off getting breakfast.
"Yes, I did, do you have a problem?" I asked her as I stood tall, not showing her any hint of my old shyness or submissiveness.
"Yes, as a matter of fact I DO have a problem! You've become very insubordinate lately, what is going on with you?" Coco asked me, sounding annoyed about the fact I wasn't listening to her.
"Nothing at all, I've just started to see my potential and decided that I won't be pushed around anymore, or let myself get hurt to please people" I told her as I walked to my part of the room, and looked through my drawers.
"That's no excuse for your behaviour, your part of a team, and I'm your Leader, you should listen to me when I say something, and what you did in the village, and when we got back is unacceptable" Coco said to me, I rolled my eyes at her words as I got myself some new underwear to put on, after I had (Y/N) rip my last pair off.
"You mean finishing the mission earlier than YOU wanted to? And then not wanting to miss out on dancing with the guy who I like? What, you worried you'd get your outfit dirty again?" I asked her not facing her and sneering at her, after that time she made us abandon a mission because she stained her outfit while on a Mission.
"That was one time! And that's not the point here, YOU disobeyed my instructions, you should listen to me, not go running off into a fight alone or ignore me when I'm disciplining you for your insubordination!" Coco snapped at me, I narrowed my eyes at her tone.
"You seem pretty focused on me not listening to you, you want me to be your cute little bunny pet? Listening quietly to what you say, doing everything you tell me too and maybe also fetch your slippers for you too?" I said as I turned back to her and glared at her, before walking past her to the bathroom to get my new underwear on.
"What? No! I just want you to be yourself again, instead of acting like some jerk who refuses to listen to me!" Coco said to me, making me scoff and turn to look at her.
"This, is myself now... I'd rather be like this than go back to that timid, submissive doormat that let people walk all over her and just take getting hurt, this is the new me, and I like it better like this" I said to Coco with a smirk on my face.
"What is with you?! You become friends with that Sith boy and suddenly you've gone from the cool, shy girl I knew and liked to some... abrasive, confrontational asshole!" Coco said to me angrily, I narrowed my eyes at her for what she said.
"So... you'd rather I just be a pathetic doormat who does what you tell her to do? Well... that's not me anymore, and if you can't accept that, well... too bad" I said to her before I decided to just leave the room, slamming the door behind me, I'd change my underwear in the girl's room.
Some time later, all of the First Year students, including (Y/N) were gathered in the Ampitheatre for the assignment of their first missions, (Y/N) was stood in the crowd and saw team JNPR enter the room, he then saw Pyrrha saw him and she waved to him with a beaming smile on her face.
Then Team RWBY came into the room as well, Yang smiled and waved at (Y/N), Weiss looked at him with her cheeks turning slightly pink before she shook her head and walked on, Ruby smiled and waved at him while Blake gave him a nasty look and they stood in front of Tea JNPR.
"Professor Ozpin would like to share a few words before we begin" Glynda said as she was on the stage, before she noticed (Y/N) and glared at him, having made a bit of a fool of herself last night after he had used his Force Persuade on her.
"Today we stand together, united, Mistral, Atlas, Vacuo, Vale, the four kingdoms of Remnant" Ozpin said to the large crowd of students from the different academies and kingdoms.
(Only until I unite them all under my Empire...) (Y/N) thought to himself with a smirk on his face, already planning how to subjugate these kingdoms and break their will to resist his rule over this Planet.
Ozpin then went into a speech about the last great war on Remnant, how one side tried to destroy art and all other forms of self expression, that made (Y/N) frown at the idea, he knew that such things were also good for bringing out strong emotions, he then heard from Ozpin how people who disagreed with this named themselves and their children after colours.
Ozpin then went onto the assignments, that the groups would be shadowing fully registered Huntsmen, either beyond the walls of the Kingdom, or outside of it, much like team CVFY's mission took them away from the school for so long a while ago, before the students were dismissed and sent off to get their assignments and the Huntsman or Huntress they would be shadowing.
"I wonder what I will be doing?" (Y/N) asked himself as he went to see the jobs available to him, he was more interested in search and destroy, for the chance to slay or enslave some Grimm, especially if they could be powerful ones.
"Well, with your power and skill, I believe many of these jobs might be too boring for you" Ozpin said as he approached the young man, a small smile on his face as he stopped in front of him.
"Perhaps you should remain here at the School? It would be unfair to you and the teams if you joined them" Ozpin said to him, (Y/N) thought to himself, this could be a good opportunity to check up on his growing forces and power, and perhaps enact his plan with the girl he captured?
"Very well, if you believe that is best than I will remain here and find something else to do" (Y/N) said to the Headmaster, who nodded to him before he took notice of team RWBY at the Search and Destroy board.
"Please excuse me, it looks like one of the teams is having some trouble" Ozpin said before he turned and walked toward Team RWBY, (Y/N) then left the ampitheatre and went out into the open air, watching as the students were gathering together in teams, meeting with their Licensed Huntsmen and Huntresses for their first assignments.
As he looked around the somewhat crowded courtyard he quickly took notice of some Atlas Students who were surrounding a familiar Rabbit girl, while her "Team Leader" was staying back and watching.
"Looks like Coco's being as helpful to Velvet as ever... let's see how this goes" (Y/N) said to himself as he decided to stay back and let Velvet handle these racists herself, to build her confidence and test some of her power.
"Look at this, looks like someone lost their pet" said an Atlesian girl as she sneered at Velvet, who stood there looking at her and her and the other Atlas Students unimpressed.
"Aw, she's got no collar on her neck, maybe we should take her to an animal shelter?" said one of the boys mockingly, causing Velvet to clench her fists at the fact these people were being so racist in public, and again, no one was stepping up to stop them!
"Nah, let's put a leash on her and keep her in our room" said a guy who stepped in front of Velvet, looking at her like a piece of meat.
"Why would you want a filthy animal like that in our room?" asked the girl, who looked at Velvet in disgust.
"I always wanted a pet Rabbit, besides... I think she might be a fun pet, what do you say, Animal? Wanna be my little pet? I promise to treat you real nice" the guy said to Velvet with a cruel smile on his face, Velvet was angry before she took notice of (Y/N) and went to go over to him.
"Hey! Don't ignore me you stupid beast!" the guy said as he stepped in her way, only to be thrown aside by an invisible force, as velvet went to approach her Master and lover again.
"Where do you think your go-" one of the group said as they grabbed Velvet's arm, only for him to suddenly seem like he couldn't breathe, he let go of her and started clutching at his throat as he gagged and choked for air.
"So weak... you must act like that because you know just how pathetic you all are, am I right?" Velvet said to him with a look of cold fury in her Chocolate-Brown eyes, as she looked at the biy, who fell to his knees, looking like he would pass out while his two friends were looking at him and velvet scared at the sudden change.
"If you, or your pathetic friends, EVER, try talking to me like that again... I'll break you in half, and take great pleasure in watching you languish in a wheelchair, your dreams dashed and your life ruined" Velvet said with a hint of sadism in her voice, her eyes briefly flashing Amethyst with the power of her emotions, and the Dark Side of the Force.
"Please, stop! Your killing him!" the girl exclaimed as tears came to her eyes, her and the other boy looking terrified, while their friend's struggles were getting weaker and weaker as Velvet strangled him with her power.
"Yes, maybe that will teach you all to keep your mouths shut? Watching as your friend is killed by a "filthy animal", might show you what happens when you mess with the wrong people?" Velvet said as he glanced at the girl, her lips pulling into a smirk at how scared she and the other boy were by her, the Brunette Bunny-girl felt exhilieration from seeing her would-be tormentors suddenly become so scared of her.
"Velvet! What do you think your doing?! Stop this right now!" Coco exclaimed as she hurried over to her, looking angry at her teammate for what she was doing, but, Velvet ignored her and kept up her choking, then, (Y/N) decided to intervene begfore she got into too much trouble.
"Apprentice, I see your having fun with these weaklings" (Y/N) said as he walked over to the Bunny-girl, who let go of the choke and turned to see the young Male Sith, smiling as he approached.
"Y-Yes, Master, I took your advice and stood up for myself" Velvet said with a bright smile on her face, as the Atlesian boy took deep, ragged lungfuls of oxygen before coughing and spluttering as he tried to regulate his breathing.
"I saw, you did very well, I'm pleased to see you not allowing such disrespect to be thrown at you" (Y/N) said to the Bunny-girl, whose eyes beamed with happiness and a smile came to her lips.
"You! Are YOU the one making Velvet act like this?!" Coco exclaimed angrily as she stepped up to confront (Y/N), while the Atlas students ran away with their half unconscious friend.
"You mean, taught Velvet how to assert herself and not be a submissive doormat? Yes, I helped Velvet come into her strength and power, which she wields very well" (Y/N) said to the upset girl, as he placed his hand on Velvet's head, petting her gently and making the girl smile as her cheeks went bright pink.
Coco then gritted her teeth and smacked his hand off of Velvet's head grabbing the Bunny-girl's hand and yanking her away before giving her a serious look.
"Velvet, as your team leader I forbid you from hanging out with this... asshole, ever again! He's a bad influence on my innocent Rabbit!" Coco said demandingly as she pointed her finger right in Velvet's face, Velvet scowled and then... bit Coco's finger!
"Ouch! Velvet, what the hell?!" Coco exclaimed as she pulled her finger back and held it protectively, looking at the teeth marks on her pointer finger, which was not covered by her glove.
"I've told you already, Coco, you do NOT tell me who I can and cannot be with, and especially can't demand that I not be with my boyfriend, just because you don't like seeing me with confidence" Velvet said back to her as she crossed her arms over her chest, showing her defiance to her team leader before she turned and took hold of (Y/N)'s arm.
"Let's go, Master, I'd rather we go and train" Velvet said to the young man who smirked at Coco, and then walked away with the no longer shy and timid Bunny-girl, while her team leader watched them leave in disbelief.
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