Chapter 19
I was sat with (Y/N) in the Emerald Forest, trying to focus my emotions once again so I could learn this power (Y/N) wanted to teach me called, the Art of Fear, it sounded really intimidating and I wondered what I could do with that kind of power.
"Now Velvet focus your mind upon an emotion, it has to be very strong and deeply rooted into your mind and spirit, once you harness the power of your deepest, most primal emotions you will be on the path to true power and respect" (Y/N) said as I sat on my knees with my eyes closed, trying to focus on my emotions, however it was kind of difficult...
"I don't know how (Y/N), I can't think of any feelings to use, I'm a failure..." I said sadly as I felt sadness creep up on me, I felt him get closer and kneel down in front of me so I opened my eyes, to see him staring into my own eyes with such intensity it was like he could see into my very soul.
"Then allow me to assist you..." he said before he reached out and grabbed my rabbit ear forcefully, making me wince in pain and shock.
"From what I can tell, you have access to these emotions, but you choose not to because of the garbage you've been fed by people like Blake and the teachers, you allow yourself to suffer what ever others decide to say or do to you, yet not allow yourself to feel these emotions!" he said as he squeezed my ear in his hand making me whimper in pain as tears built up in my eyes.
"Please stop..." I whimpered, I felt the sadness and pain build up in me, and I was scared.
"See, there it is again! Your repressing your emotions again! Think, think about it Velvet, all the times people like Cardin Winchester did this to you, the pain, the fear, the humiliation you felt as they mocked and insulted you because of your ears" (Y/N) said before he relaxed his hand and started to gently pet my ears, the one he took hold of still hurt but the pain was starting to ease, however I thought about those feelings (Y/N) mentioned and I held onto them.
"Think of the people that put you down, called you useless, and those that harmed you or sneered at you for something you couldn't control, the fear you felt every day when you ate in the lunch room that Cardin and others like him would hurt you, the people that would sneer at you as you walked the streets" he said, I thought about all of those things as well as the fear, sadness and pain I felt from all of those things.
"Now... strip away the pain and the sadness, use that fear, hold onto that feeling and when the time comes use it to undermine and destroy your enemies, make them feel the same fear they forced you to feel!" (Y/N) said as the pain in my ear went away, he was right, I didn't want to be the one whose always afraid...
I want to make those people feel the fear and sadness they made me feel!
"We will travel to that place, and your training in the Art of Fear will continue, we shall also endeavour to unlock more of your power in the Force, through combat and study" (Y/N) said as he stood up and offered me his hand, I reached up and took his hand, then he quickly pulled me up and I ran into his chest feeling a blush on my cheeks as my ears picked up his heartbeat.
"Let's go apprentice, I have much to teach you" (Y/N) said, suddenly I heard growling from nearby and I moved away from him to see an Ursa moving into the clearing, I saw (Y/N) grow a grin on his face at the sight of the Grimm as it snarled at us both.
"Ah, the perfect test subject! Apprentice, come let me show you what to do" (Y/N) said as he stepped towards the Grimm with no fear on his face, the Ursa let out a roar as it charged towards us.
"Now apprentice, I want you to watch carefully and do as I do" he said , I nodded my head as I started to watch him carefully, the Ursa was only a few bounds away from us as (Y/N) reached out towards the Grimm, I stood next to him and followed his action.
"Fear..." (Y/N) said as his eyes blazed amethyst, I saw the Grimm hesitate and stop running towards us, I felt something stirring from within him and tried to copy it but I was having a hard time figuring out what to do.
(Use the fear you have within, take that fear and project it towards the Grimm, make it feel the same fear you feel!) (Y/N) said within my mind, thanks to the Force Bond we share, I remembered the fear I felt and I started to project it towards the Ursa, I felt the power (Y/N) had unlocked within me twist and it started whimpering and growling as it's body shook.
"How does it feel Velvet? Making the creatures you've been training to fight cower before you?" (Y/N) asked me as a grin came to his face, I looked at the cowering Grimm and felt a sense of... satisfaction?
"It feels... amazing!" I said as my body trembled in excitement, I kept it up until the Ursa suddenly choked and a loud snap rang out as it's neck broke, I looked to see (Y/N) with his fist clenched.
"That is enough of that today, follow me Apprentice and we shall continue your combat training" (Y/N) said as he walked away, I followed after him and kept pace beside him we walked through the forest until we reached his hidden base, the door instantly opened and we went inside and walked the halls until we reached (Y/N)'s hidden training room.
Once we reached that room he took out his lightsaber and set it aside before he started to remove his robes, I watched as the black robes slipped away from his body showing the (F/C) shirt and black pants underneath, he then took off his shirt exposing his toned chest and abs, I felt a warm blush rise to my cheeks as I watched him strip off his pants, fold them up and lay them down beside his lightsaber leaving him in only a pair of boxers, I saw that his arms and legs were also very well muscled showing just how athletic he must be.
"We will begin training once you have removed your robes too Apprentice, this time we will be fighting with fists and feet like before, be prepared because I will not hold back... I expect you to do the same" (Y/N) said as he stretched his arms and twisted his torso to loosen the muscles in his abdomen, however my eyes travelled to his face and I saw the scar on his face from that lightsaber blow he took from that other Sith, somehow it actually made him look more alluring, like a scarred hero from one of those romance books Blake had recommended to me.
"Y-Yes (Y/N)..." I said as I felt my heartbeat speed up and heat burn on my cheeks, even though we had done this before it was still kind of embarrassing to stand in front of him in my underwear, I undid the sash that kept my robes together and they fell away, leaving me in a brown and gold undershirt I had worn as well as my shorts and black leggings, I looked over and saw (Y/N) looking at me with what looked like a lustful smile on his face, I slowly reached down and started to pull the undershirt over my head until I had fully removed it.
"Nice selection Velvet, I approve~" (Y/N) said in a lustful purr, making a pleasant shiver race through my body as I blushed in embarrassment.
"Th-Th-Thank you, (Y/N)" I said as I folded up my robes and undershirt and set them aside, I then took hold of my shorts and pulled them off along with my leggings slowly parting from my legs, I watched as (Y/N)'s eyes seemed to stick to my revealed legs with a far away look on his face, finally I managed to slip the leggings over my feet before I put them down on top of my robes and shirt, leaving me in only my brown and gold bra and panties, finally I set my box which held my camera and all the weapons I had photographed down next to my clothes, and I picked the Vibrodoubleblade back up and walked to the other side of the arena, (Y/N) and I started doing stretches so that we would be ready to fight.
As we did our stretches however I found my eyes roaming over his body, I watches as the muscles in his back and arms flexed and bulged, then my eyes travelled southwards to the front of his boxers and I felt my skin tingle as I drifted away into a fantasy.
"Hey Velvet, do you work at a post office?" (Y/N) asked, his voice snapping me out of my fantasy, leaving me feeling embarrassed that I had just done that right in front of him.
"U-U-Uhm..." I mumbled back.
"Cause I saw you checking out my package" (Y/N) said as he motioned towards his boxers, I then turned so red I probably rivalled Ruby's cloak.
"Okay, enough flirting, even though I thoroughly enjoy watching you blush we have training to do!" (Y/N) said as he shifted his body and got into a combat position, I carefully got into one of my own and watched him as I got ready to fight.
Meanwhile at Beacon, Yang was sitting in the lunch hall alone, racking her brain to try and figure out who this new apprentice her crush had taken in, she had hoped to follow them and find out who it was when she returned to her dorm room however she was called away by classes, Ruby, Weiss and Blake had offered to help her as well, although Blake was somewhat hesitant to get involved.
"Grrr! Who could it be? Who is (Y/N)'s Apprentice?!" Yang growled out in frustration, she paced back and forth in her teams room trying to think of any and all possible candidates to be with (Y/N), she knew it couldn't be anyone from her team or team JNPR or the others but trying to figure out who it was was starting to give her a headache.
"Um, Yang, are you okay?" came a familiar voice beside the blonde brawler, she looked over her shoulder and saw Pyrrha standing in the doorway looking at her with concern.
"Yeah, I'm fine Pyrrha, just thinking about things" Yang said with a bright smile on her face.
"Your thinking about (Y/N)'s Apprentice, aren't you?" Pyrrha asked.
"How did you know?" Yang asked curiously.
"Because... I've been wondering the same thing myself" Pyrrha replied as she walked into the room, closing the door behind her before she walked closer to the blonde.
"I've got to know who it is under that hood! It's driving me nuts!" Yang exclaimed as she raked her fingers through her long yellow hair.
"I have to admit I'm rather curious myself about who this apprentice could be, but I'm sure (Y/N) will tell us soon" Pyrrha said as she tried to comfort Yang, although truth be told she was also worried about this new girl who was spending so much time with (Y/N).
"Are you kidding me!? By the time that happens she'll probably have gotten herself all over him and completely pushed you and me out! We've got to find out who it could be and stop them from taking (Y/N) away!" Yang said as her hair briefly burst into flames as her emotions went awry.
"Yang, please calm down! If it's really affecting you so badly let's just go find him and talk to him!" Pyrrha said as she grabbed Yang's shoulders and tried to calm her down, the flames in Yang's hair died down to a cinder as she calmed herself down.
"Okay, fine... let's go find (Y/N) and talk with him" Yang said as she walked out of the dorm room, followed by Pyrrha.
Meanwhile back at the secret Sith Base Velvet and (Y/N) continued their sparring session, Velvet jumped into the air and swung her leg downwards in a heel kick towards (Y/N) who crossed his arms and blocked the blow, Velvet jumped backwards to gain some distance before trying to attack again.
However (Y/N) didn't give her the chance to catch her breath and rushed at her before unleashing a quick flurry of attacks,he was trying to draw out more of her emotions, to bring her anger and frustration to the surface so she could learn to use them fully to her advantage, he lashed out with a kick that connected to Velvet's knee making her stumble as he quickly brought his knee up into her stomach, making her gasp in pain as she clutched her stomach and tried to catch her breath as he jumped into the air and went to stomp down on her head, Velvet saw the attack coming and rolled aside to avoid the blow which smashed into the floor of the training room, before standing and watching him as she regained her breath.
(Y/N) rushed forwards and the two exchanged blows and blocks, with Velvet managing to land several hits, yet they didn't seem to do much damage compared to his attacks which struck very hard against her body, her arms were bruised from blocking some of his blows, her stomach and chest ached as she panted in exhaustion, then in a sudden movement she was sent sprawling to the ground before she felt him grab her wrists and pin them above her head.
"Look like I win again Apprentice" (Y/N) said from above her as he smiled triumphantly down at her, the bunny faunus gasped for breath after their intense work out, sweat dripping down her face and body making her bra and panties damp around the bands.
"Y-Yes, y-you did..." Velvet said as she tried to catch her breath, the drops of sweat running along her body making her twitch slightly as she stared at her master looming above her with a triumphant smirk on his face, she blushed bright red when she realised the position they were in.
(H-H-He's so close... wh-what if he does something to me?) Velvet thought as her thoughts went to a very dirty place, her face burned redder and redder as she fantasised about what the Sith boy above her could do to her.
"My ,my... such lewd thought racing through your mind, my apprentice..." (Y/N) said, his smirk growing into a grin at the bunny faunus's embarrassment.
"How did you- oh, right, the Force Bond..." she remembered as she shifted underneath him, (Y/N)'s face moved closer to her's making her gasp as she felt his breath fan against her lips, losing her patience she moved her head forward and connected their lips together in a heated kiss.
Suddenly Velvet felt his lips leave hers before she was suddenly pulled up onto her feet, she breathed heavily as she felt his arms encircle her small body and his lips reconnect with hers, she moaned into the kiss as she felt (Y/N)'s hands roam across her almost naked body, feeling a new wetness form in her brown panties.
(Y/N)'s hand slowly slid from her hip down her flat stomach, lightly tracing circles in the soft skin around her naval before his fingers arrived at the hem of her panties, Velvet's heart began to hammer in her chest as she felt his finger slide between the material towards her heated core, her body trembling with a mix of nervousness and excitement at what might be about to happen.
However their fun was interrupted when her Scroll rang, sighing in annoyance he released her and she walked over to her clothes and opened her scroll.
"Hello?" she asked as she held her scroll in front of her.
"Hey Vel, where are you right now?" came Coco's voice over the scroll, (Y/N) silently cursing her under his breath.
"Oh, I-I'm just hanging out with (Y/N), i-is something h-happening?" Velvet asked in an unsure voice.
"Oh, your with your hero are you? Well I'm sorry to interrupt your time with him, but we've been given a mission by Professor Ozpin, we need to get ready, like now" Coco said starting with a teasing edge to her voice, before turning serious again.
"O-Oh... really? W-Well I-I'll be there right away!" Velvet said as she walked to her normal clothes and started to get dressed.
"Don't worry Vel, once you come back I'm sure you and (Y/N) can have some fun together~" Coco said in a lewd voice over the scroll, Velvet's face burned bright red as she replayed what happened earlier in her mind, making her heart hammer in her chest and her face to blush scarlet.
"C-C-Coco! Don't say that, it's embarrassing!" Velvet screamed as she tripped over her own leggings, almost falling on her face before she managed to catch herself.
"Hahaha, relax Vel, I'm just playing around! Anyways, I'll see you at the launch pads" Coco said playfully before she hung up, Velvet went back to putting her clothes back on while (Y/N) seeing that the mood had been ruined, begrudgingly got dressed as well.
After a few minutes both students were fully clothed again and left the base, Velvet still felt a little dirty from the sweat she hadn't been able to wash off, they walked back into the city and took the Shuttle back to Beacon where she went to go find her team.
"There you are Velvet! Finally decided to leave your boyfriend's arms did you?" Coco asked in a teasing voice as she looked at (Y/N) with her sunglasses lowered.
"Coco, don't!" Velvet said in an embarrassed voice.
"Wow, your really easy to tease Vel, well let's get going!" Coco said as she, Fox and Yatsuhashi turned to board the Bullhead leading to their mission.
"I-I'm sorry, master, I-I guess it was j-just bad timing..." Velvet said as she looked away to the left, a small blush on her face.
"It's fine apprentice, think of this as your opportunity to train and hone your skills in a real battle, use some of those Force Powers you have and your new combat attacks, show your team your not hiding anymore" (Y/N) said as he had his hands behind his back, looking at his apprentice.
"Wh-What?! B-But I-I don't know if I'm ready for this! I mean we've only been training for a little while and-" she was cut off from her rambling by (Y/N) putting a finger to her lips, making her go quiet.
"This is also a part of your test, apprentice, on the battle field you will be thrown into situations with no warning or time to get ready, you must prove that you can adapt to how harsh the battlefield can become, and that you can harness your emotions to destroy your enemy" (Y/N) said as he passed to Velvet her Sith Acolyte Robes, and her vibroblade, Velvet took these things and carefully put them away.
"This test will help you to better your understanding with the Force, and it's use in combat, all you have to do is complete this mission and return, do this and I will teach you how to construct your own lightsaber and how to use Force Lightning like I can" (Y/N) said, this surprised Velvet at how he had so much faith in her, she happily nodded her head and turned to walk to her team, her walk filled with confidence.
(Also, once you've returned victorious, I'll utterly ravage you as a reward~) (Y/N) said through the Force Bond he shared with the shy bunny faunus, Velvet's eyes widened to the size of saucers and her face exploded in a blush at those words, she almost tripped over her own two feet as she walked to her teammates, she looked back at him briefly before walking towards the Bullhead on shaky legs.
(Y/N) stood there and watched as his apprentice and her team took off to their mission, he then turned around and walked away back to his dorm to make new plans, since his apprentice was now off to her first battle as a Sith.
I walked through the campus with my hood covering my head and my lightsaber on my hip, it was really annoying how Velvet got called away on a mission just as we were about to have some fun, but this has to be the will of the Force, perhaps this test will determine if she is ready to accept my darkness into her?
In the meantime I guess this will be the time for me to search for other potential apprentices, or maybe I could leave the campus to enslave more Grimm, or slaughter some more White Fang, so many options, so little time...
"So, who should I try to train next? Yang and Pyrrha are already showing interest in learning from me, so they could be good potential students, as long as they focus on the lessons and not on me..." I said as I walked into the courtyard, I sat down on one of the benches and thought to myself of the other potential candidates.
"There are quite a few options, perhaps I should go and find them, test them myself to see if they are compatible" I said as I stood up and started to walk around the campus, looking for the people I know, as I walk I see a familiar head of white hair in the hall outside of her team's dorm room.
"Ah, it's Weiss... I guess I'll test her first" I said to myself as I approached her.
"Hello Weiss" I said.
"Oh, hello (Y/N), did you know Yang's been looking for you? I think she's trying to figure out who this mysterious apprentice you've been with is" she said in her normal, formal tone of voice.
"Is she now? Well unfortunately for her, I have sent my apprentice away for her first test, so she will be away for a while" I said.
"I see, would you like to come in?" Weiss asked as she opened the door and invited me into her and her team's room, I walked into their dorm room and stood in between the death traps they called bunk beds.
"So (Y/N), I was wondering, what kind of test is it that Sith Apprentice's do?" she asked me curiously, I could tell she was probably looking for information so she could tell Yang and get her to stop being annoying, but I also sensed some curiosity within her.
"Well, Sith trials and tests are known to be very difficult, it will test the very limits of strength, power and ability, to see if the student has what it takes to break through those limits they will discover new heights of power and skill" I said with pride in my voice, the only thing I regretted was that I wouldn't be there to see Velvet's face when she finally broke through those limits and saw just how powerful she could become.
"Well, what exactly would these trials entail? I mean, you can't just send them out without an objective right?" Weiss asked curiously.
"Normally on Korriban she would have been sent into the tombs to search for rare artefacts, or objects of power such as Holocrons or weapons, however, due to this being an utterly alien world conventional tests will not be possible, so it will probably be slaughtering Grimm or White Fang, until I can devise where her progress will lead her" I said, I would have to come up with some new tests for her or any others I train, I can't just have them killing Grimm all the time after all.
"I see... out of curiosity, what would you learn from these tests?" Weiss asked me hesitantly, I looked at her with a raised brow and probed her surface thoughts.
(Maybe if I learned more about the Sith I could think of ways to use it to improve my fighting style? I mean I know Blake seemed against using his techniques, but they did seem very efficient, I wonder why she was so against us learning from him?) Weiss thought to herself, unaware that I could hear her.
(I see, so she wants to improve, I think I should investigate this further... as well as have a little talk with Blake) I though to myself, as my lips curled into a small smile.
"Well it depends on the challenge, most of it is to make you draw upon the emotions you feel within yourself, unlike the Jedi or the warriors from this world you must learn to embrace, control and use these emotions to empower and crush your enemies, but the question stands, why do you wish to know about these techniques?" I asked her, she looked at me with her eyes widened slightly before she recomposed herself.
"W-Well it's just that, your fighting style is rather unique, and I was hoping you could help me to improve my technique, not that I need your help or anything!" she said, I laughed a little before I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her against me.
"H-Hey what are you-!" her complaint was stopped when her eyes locked with mine, her eyes were opened wide in shock and her face went red in embarrassment, but I could feel something else hidden deep inside.
"Ah, so you can feel, I could show you the ways of the Sith, if you wished" I said as I reached up to her side ponytail and ran my hands through her long white hair, it felt silky smooth between my fingers, a smile on my face as I saw Weiss's mouth open and close as her eyes focused on my face, her body pressed up against my own.
"However, I'm curious to know your reasons for becoming a huntress and wanting me to teach you, from what I've heard from others you come from a very wealthy family, so why are you here? For a challenge? To surpass someone perhaps?" I asked as I moved my face closer to hers, my breath fanning against her pale lips, my hands resting on her hips as we talked.
"W-Well, it's because of my father..." Weiss said as she stepped away from my hold and walked to the only window in the room.
"I have had to live my entire life trapped by the legacy of the Schnee name, and it's many enemies, the White Fang, rival Dust companies, so many different people who seek our downfall, the White Fang being an especially troublesome thorn in our side, there have been so many times that they caused a massive set back to my father's business, and he would take that frustration out on me and my brother and sister..." Weiss said as I saw her clench her fist, I could feel the anger radiating off of her at the mention of her father and the White Fang especially, I may have just found someone very interesting.
"And don't get me started on the dishonour that man has brought down on the Schnee name! All the rumours of enslaved Faunus working in the Dust Mines, the attacks on any businesses that support us, and the few friends of my family being attacked simply for knowing us! It was an incredibly lonely childhood" she continued as her voice picked up more venom as she mentioned her father.
"And you came to this school to do, what exactly?" I asked, hoping to get to the point of this emotion, perhaps teach her how to use this and become a Sith, like Velvet currently is.
"I came to this school to become a Huntress, and restore some honour to the Schnee name! I couldn't very well do it in Atlas since everyone would be too scared of my father to let me fail, so I came here to start over, raise the Schnee name up from the dirt by protecting the people from the Grimm" she said in a proud voice, that goal sounds easy enough to convince her to turn to the Dark Side, she just needs a little... persuading.
"I see, and for that goal you seek, what exactly? Skill? Knowledge?" I ask as I approach her, when I reach her I wrap my arms around her waist making her gasp from feeling my body press against her back, I leaned my head in over her shoulder so my lips were right next to her ear.
"Power?" I whispered into her ear, I felt her shiver slightly and I saw her blush furiously.
"You know, if you were to train with me, accept the ways of the Sith, and the Dark Side of the Force... you would have all of those things, the skill to beat any in battle, the knowledge to outwit all who would see your efforts undone, and the power to raise your name up from the mud" I said as I held her tighter, I felt her emotions swirl around within her mind, I guess she didn't get such attention from boys as she grew up, I guess I'll have to remedy that.
"All you could desire would be within reach, all you have to do is accept the true nature of the universe, and embrace the Dark Side of the Force" I said as I moved my hands over her stomach.
"Y-You dolt! Wh-Why do you have to t-touch me like this!? Are you just trying to make fun of me again?!" she asked in an accusing voice, however she didn't try to escape my hold on her, so I guess my advances aren't completely unwelcomed.
"Oh I'm not teasing you Weiss, you just seem to need a more 'intimate' touch, besides, you aren't fighting me, or asking me to release you, unless of course you'd like me to let you go?" I said as I loosened my hold on her.
"W-Well... just give me some warning next time okay?, I guess I don't really mind being held like this, but what about Yang and Pyrrha? Are you just toying with them, and how do I know your not toying with me?" she asked in an unsure voice.
"I assure you Weiss, I'm not toying with, you, Yang, Pyrrha or anyone else, I only give this kind of attention to those I feel have potential, as a Sith and other things" I said as I pulled her against myself again, I felt her relax slightly in my hold but she still seemed on guard, she will be very fun to teach.
"Think about my offer, believe me, the Dark Side will grant you all you ever wanted, and more" I said, giving her a gentle squeeze in my arms before I released her and started to walk away, I heard her heels click on the ground and glanced back to see she had turned to face me.
"I'll be waiting for your response, Snow Flake" I said in a flirty voice, making her cheeks turn pink before I opened the door and walked out of the room.
I walked away from team RWBY's dorm room, leaving Weiss to ponder her choice as to join me or stay as she is, but I have a feeling she will soon come to me, as I walked down the hallway I felt a presence behind me, I felt a familiar hostility coming from her and so I lead them away from the dorms and into the training room, when she followed me inside I quickly spun around grabbed this person's wrist and neck before slamming them harshly against the wall, looking up to see a pair of familiar amber eyes glaring back at me.
"Well, well, well, Blake Belladonna, such an unfriendly greeting, what could I have done to provoke such a hostile hello?" I asked in a mocking voice, she kept her glare up and I released her throat and hand, which held her weapon in it's sword form as I stepped back from her.
"Considering what you have been doing, I'd say this is a very well earned greeting, I have questions and your going to answer them!" she said angrily, pointing her blade at me as her eyes narrowed at me, all I did was laugh at her feeble attempts at intimidating me, I then pushed her away with the Force, making her hit the wall hard and fall to the ground.
"Your a few years too early, and far to weak to even think of trying to intimidate me, little girl!" I said as I glared down at her angrily, the fact that this pathetic coward would think she could try to force me to talk is pathetic.
"I-I knew it, your just as bad as he is, I could feel all that darkness and evil intent radiating off of you, your going to tell me what your plan is, right now!!" she said as she stood back up and pointed her weapon at me again, however it seemed she had taken a little damage from that Force Push.
"My plan? It's simplicity itself really, I plan to help a select few of the students here, unlock their true potential, I will show them them the power of the Dark Side, how to seize all they could imagine, and the power they could hold in their hands" I said as my eyes glowed and a smile stretched across my lips.
"Who are they? And what are you planning to do to them?" she asked trying to sound intimidating, however I could feel the underlying tremors of fear in her heart, it sickened me to the core.
"You will see soon enough, Velvet's conversion to the ways of the Sith are still ongoing, but once she tastes the power of the Dark Side at it's fullest, she will become something greater than what she was before" I said with a smile on my face, Blake's eyes narrowed at me further with a scowl on her face.
"She would be better out of your influence, I don't know what your planning to do with her, but I suggest you stop!" Blake said angrily.
"Oh? And why would I do that? So she could go back to being the school victim? Go back to being insulted, bullied, humiliated and hurt, just so she can be your 'paragon of pacifism'? an example of Faunus tolerating human hatred and judgement, when she could become so much more?" I said in a serious voice, my eyes glowing amethyst with my Dark Side Power radiating off of my body in the form of a black vapour.
"I don't think so, you coward" I said, making Blake's eyes change to ones of confusion.
"I don't know what your talking about, but your not going to corrupt anymore students with your 'Dark Side', even the name sounds like something that should never be taught to another person!" Blake said with conviction in her voice.
"Oh, the typical words of your kind, Belladonna" I said with venom in my voice.
"My kind? What is that supposed to mean?" she asked with anger in her eyes.
"It means, that you joined an organisation to change the way your fellow Faunus were treated, they saw that peaceful protests weren't doing anything, the leader saw the truth, that in order to gain what you want you have to fight for it, that Fear and Respect are one in the same in the eyes of history, that you gain things such as equality, respect and admiration through conflict, by proving yourself worthy of those things through actions, not words" I said, Blake looked at me with more anger than before, she tried to attack me but I used Force Grip on her to lift her off the ground and hold her in the air.
"Your leader, saw that pacifism, apathy, and 'taking it on the chin' was not the way to gain what you wanted, now while I do hate the White Fang on the principle that I am a human, and they seek my death, I also admire that they would gain such respect through fighting for it, much like how us Sith fought to gain our influence and respect against the Jedi Order, but you..." I said as I let my Force Powers out once again, making Blake feel my power.
"You saw the progress and condemned it! You are the worst kind of coward, someone who commits to a cause, then when it comes time for the conflict, the true test to see if your worthy of such respect, you run away, you lose your nerve and abandon those that fought beside you, trusted you, probably saved your life on more than one occasion, just like your partner" I said as I activated my Force Power, Horror.
My eyes widened in shock and fear, how did he learn about that?! How much does he know?!
I looked up and saw to my horror, someone I hoped to never see again.
"A-Adam?!" I asked as I saw my former partner and boyfriend, standing right in front of me, his mask covering the top half of his face, his spiky red hair and bull horns showing, he was wearing the same black jacket he wore on that day I left, he also had his sword in his hand.
"Hello my darling..." he said as he flicked his finger and unsheathed Blush partially, suddenly the scene changed, I saw...
Myself, and my team, they were fighting against the White Fang and we were in trouble, I saw Yang barely holding on and Ruby trying her best to keep them away, then I saw Weiss go down with Adam himself standing above her with his sword in hand.
"Weiss, NO!!" Ruby cried out, she tried to rush to her but was stopped by more White Fang shooting at her, I saw that Yang turned and threw some of her shotgun blasts at Adam, but he simply deflected them, then she turned her eyes to me.
"Blake! Help her! Don't just stand there Blake!!" Yang shouted out, I looked over to see Weiss looking at me with fear in her eyes, reaching out to me for help, however I also saw Adam looking at me with a cold glare from under his mask as he raised his sword up high, suddenly I saw another sight, I saw (Y/N) standing above a kneeling Adam with his lightsaber in his hand, the blade wasn't ignited but I could tell he was going to kill him.
"So it comes to this Blake, what will you do? I hear you believe that these, animals, are misunderstood, but what are you willing to do to save them Blake? Will you give up your life? Your precious friends and team mates lives!?" he asked as he ignited the lightsaber, the angry red blade glowing malevolently in his hand.
I was frozen, I didn't know what to do, Weiss was my teammate, my friend, she believed in me and was willing to give me a second chance, even with my past, but Adam... he was my closest friend in the White Fang along with Ilia, I couldn't make the choice! there was a sudden slashing sound and I looked in horror to see Weiss's head separate from her neck, a look of betrayal and shock stuck on her face.
"Weiiiisssss!!" Ruby cried out in grief, I saw Yang watching in shock at Weiss's dead body, then I heard the sound of (Y/N)'s lightsaber moving, I saw him with the blade pierced through Adam's back, the blade stabbed through his chest where his heart was.
"You coward!" Yang screamed at me angrily.
"You let her die Blake!" Ruby said angrily.
"Why didn't you save me Blake!?" Weiss's voice rang out all around me, her voice full of betrayal and hate.
Suddenly I found it hard to take a breath, I looked up and saw Adam stood above me with his sword ready to swing! I watched in terror as the blade raced down towards my neck, screwing my eyes shut to brace for my death, when I didn't feel anything I opened my eyes only to find myself in a very dark place, it was so dark even my night vision couldn't help, sweat was running down my face, my heart was hammering in my chest and I could barely catch my breath, and standing right in front of me was (Y/N).
"You are so weak, and pathetic, all you ever do is run from your problems and challenges, you ran from the White Fang because you couldn't accept that you had to fight, and make people fear you to gain respect and equality, you ran from your partner, and you hide what you truly are!" he said as I felt the bow that hid my ears get torn off of my head, my ears showing on top of my head, my eyes widened in fear that he knew about my secret.
"That you would claim to represent the Faunus, while hiding under the guise of a human, if you truly wanted to represent the Faunus race, you would proudly show your ears, accepting any discrimination and challenges and overcoming them all, yet you hide, you cower, you lie to yourself and your 'fellow Faunus', this is why Velvet came to me, so she could take pride in herself and her heritage and when she completes her training, she will be a force to be reckoned with" (Y/N) said as he let the black bow I wore slip from his fingers, I could see the pride he took in his words, what was he planning to do to Velvet?!
"Then when the time comes, she will rise to the very top, as a symbol of what a Faunus should be, powerful, capable of doing amazing things, she will be... beautiful!" (Y/N) said as he turned and walked away from me.
"Know this Blake, you cannot stop what she will become, or what the others will become, any who seek the power of the Sith, shall have it..." he said as he finally left the Training Room, leaving me behind.
"What am I going to do?" I asked myself, I thought (Y/N) was just like Adam, that perhaps he could be talked out of his path, and moved to a better one, but this, this is very bad! I have to do something, before he can corrupt anyone with his ways!
I stood up and rushed off to find Professor Ozpin, or Miss Goodwitch, I have to warn them!
I walked away from Blake and the Training arena, her confrontation clearly didn't go as she planned it to, she probably thought she could trap me and threaten me into abandoning the ways of the Sith and following the flawed concept of Hunters and huntresses, the fool.
"As if I would ever surrender such power..." I said as I channelled lightning into my hands, the electricity sparking over my hands and between my fingers, I savoured the feeling of power rushing through my hands, ready to be used against any who would try to get in the way of my destiny.
I dismiss the lightning and walk around the campus until I see a familiar red cape, I watched as she talked with the weakling Jaune, about what I don't know but he seems a little worried, probably trying to get advice about asking out Weiss, poor fool.
I stood back and waited for him to leave, not wanting to deal with his weakness and whining about not getting any girls, if only the fool wasn't so blind, and stupid.
Finally after a while he left, leaving Ruby standing and watching him leave, I walked to her and stood behind her watching Jaune walk away.
"More whining I take it?" I asked her casually.
"Aaahhh!! (Y/N), where did you come from!?" Ruby screamed as she held a hand over her heart, a look of fright plastered to her face.
"I just got here, I saw you talking with Jaune and thought I'd wait until he left before I showed up, the last thing I need is to hear his complaints about girls not wanting to date him, or how he feels weak" I said seriously.
"Oh, well... okay then, so how's your day been?" she asked me with a bright smile, I could tell right away she wouldn't accept the way of the Sith, she's far to bright and her morals make her unable to take a life or accept her darker emotions, if anything she might encourage people to move past such sources of power and act like the Jedi! No, she'll have to wait...
"It's been fine, just off doing my own thing, you know" I said casually, I didn't want to mention what happened with Weiss and Blake, at least, not until the time was right.
"Would that thing happen to involve a certain, secret apprentice you've been training?" Ruby asked curiously, I sighed at her words, everyone so far seemed so interested in the fact I was training an apprentice in my ways, for one reason or the other, it's a good thing she's gone on a mission with her team, so at least we won't have people trying to unmask her again, of course if she decides to show who she is during her mission, I suppose it won't be so bad.
"Yes I was training with my apprentice for a while, but I have sent her off on a trial, to teach her more about the Sith way of fighting, she will be gone for a while but when she comes back, she'll be stronger than ever" I said with pride.
"Really?! That's interesting, what kind of trial is it? Are they going to fight Grimm or something?" she asked quickly, I chuckled at her curiosity and messed up her hair, much to her protest.
"She will have to fight, fight hard or die trying, when pushed to survive she will break through her limitations and reach new heights of power, much like the time I had to face a horde of Shyrack in the tombs of Korriban, only to then run into a pack of Tuk'ata" I said, the memory playing in my head as I smiled.
"What are Shyrack and Tuk'ata?" she asked me as she tried to fix her red tipped black hair.
"Shyrack are large, winged creatures with no eyes, they infest the cave systems of Korriban in large swarms, not so bad one at a time, but in a swarm, very deadly pests, and Tuk'ata are large beasts that wander the sands of Korriban, they have three rows of teeth, three horns and sharp claws, we Sith mostly used them as guard dogs or loyal war beasts, they were also steeped in the Dark Side making them quite resilient" I explained, it would have been much easier if I had some live specimens to show her, but unfortunately there are none here, although the creatures of Grimm make a good replacement for servants, thanks to my Semblance.
"Wow, and you fought some of them?" Ruby asked me, after finally getting her hair back to looking better.
"Yes, that was one of the first major battles I had in my journeys across the known galaxy, while Shyrack were considered pests in the rebuilding academy, they are very deadly when they attack in swarms, during a venture into one of the tombs I was attacked by a swarm of the beasts, I managed to fight off the swarm and retrieve the artefact only to run into a pack of Tuk'ata on my exit! Sheer luck I had at least one med-pack on me so I ignited my lightsaber and cut them down, after battling the pack for a while I used my med-pack's to heal my wounds enough to stagger back to the academy and get some rest, after the battle I had found that I had pushed past my current limits and gained a new understanding of the power of the Dark Side, and the Force" I explained, she looked at me with an amazed smile on her face.
"Wow, that sounds so cool! What happened after the fight?" I looked at her with a smile of my own, it was refreshing that she was interested in the stories of my time on Korriban, in the Academy.
"I went into a room and sat down in silence and meditated on the Force, and the emotions I felt as I fought for my life against the beasts of Korriban, and that was when I thought back to the training my father and mother put me through, and I renewed my path into the Dark Side and to enhance my Force Lightning, my most favoured Force Power" I said as I channelled lightning into my right hand, watching as the power sparked and arced between my fingers and along my arm just below the elbow.
"Ehehe... yeah, that does look kind of... cool?" she said nervously, I dismissed the lightning from my hand giving her a slight grin.
"Indeed, it is very cool, feeling all that raw power and energy at your fingertips, being cast to where you wish it, it is quite the feeling" I replied, keeping my grin on my face as I spoke in detail of the feeling I felt as I used my lightning on a living victim, although I kept out the parts about the screaming and the smell of burning flesh.
"Riiight, well anyways, Yang and Pyrrha have been looking for you, I think they want to know about your apprentice, do you think you could tell them please, or maybe spend some time with them?" Ruby asked, I thought about it for a few seconds, it would be good to spend time with one or both of those girls, so perhaps I'll go do that.
"Yeah sure, I'd love to spend some time with little miss sunshine and the reigning champ, any idea where they could be?" I asked, Ruby pointed behind me and I looked back to see Yang and Pyrrha walking towards us, both with smiles on their faces, which quickly went away after they looked at each other.
"Ah, there's my girls, I'll talk to you another time Ruby, see you" I said as I turned and walked towards Yang and Pyrrha.
"Yeah, goodbye (Y/N)!" Ruby called out from behind me, I walked towards the two girls until I was stood right in front of them.
"Hey girls, I heard you've been looking for me?" I said with a cocky smirk on my face, I saw Pyrrha blush red while Yang just had a grin on her face.
"Why yes, yes we have" Yang said as she walked towards me and wrapped her arms around my left arm, squishing it against her breasts.
"We have been looking for you, yes, where were you?" Pyrrha asked as she walked closer and stood close to me and Yang.
"Well, first I was training with my Apprentice, then I talked with Weiss, then I spoke with Ruby and then you two found me" I said, I noticed that Yang and Pyrrha seemed to tense up at the mention of me training with Velvet, they must really want to know who it is I'm training.
"Ah, yes your apprentice..." Yang said sounding a little annoyed.
"We were actually hoping you'd be able to tell us who it is, you see we've been thinking it over and we wanted to ask you something" Pyrrha said as she walked over and rested her hands on my arm, I felt jealousy spike in Yang.
"Firstly, who exactly is that girl your training?" Yang asked, I rolled my eyes and sighed in annoyance.
"I can't answer that, she's asked me to keep her identity a secret for now, at least until she's ready to reveal herself" I answered, Yang and Pyrrha both looked a little annoyed, I then felt Yang press her breasts against me harder as one of her hands rubbed over my chest through my robes.
"Aww, come on (Y/N), won't you please tell us~" Yang said in a very flirty tone of voice, fluttering her eyelashes at me as she licked her lips to moisten them, I raised a brow at her and curled my lip into a smirk.
(She thinks she can get me flustered that easily? Let's see if she can handle it when I respond) I thought to myself, a devious smile coming to my face as an idea formed.
Quick as a flash I grabbed both of her wrists and held them above her head, as her back was slammed against the wall, Yang gasped as my body pressed against hers, effortlessly holding her hands above her head while my lower body was pressed against Yang's, my eyes looking deep into her own lilac coloured orbs.
"Sorry Yang, I do wish I could tell you, buut..." I said as my other hand slid up her school shirt, rubbing across her flat, toned stomach, my fingers tracing around her naval beneath her clothes, I saw her face turning bright red in shock and lust, I moved my lips towards her and her eyes closed as she waited for our lips to connect, only for me to bypass her lips and stop next to her ear.
"I'm afraid your not going to know, just yet..." I whispered before I moved down and lightly bit down on her neck, making her gasp and moan slightly as I left my mark on her neck, I moved back releasing her wrists which fell to her sides, a look of lust on her face as her right hand shakily went over the love bite that was forming on her skin.
I looked to my side to see Pyrrha looking at me in shock and sadness, I guess she wants attention as well, and who am I to refuse giving a beautiful girl my attention.
"Oh don't feel sad Pyrrha, I haven't forgotten about you~" I said as I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her close to me and making her flush red, her emerald green eyes locked onto mine with surprise in them.
"I-I-I-I..." she stuttered cutely as I held her tightly against myself, she seemed almost hypnotised as she raised her own arms and wrapped them around my neck, a smile coming over her face before Yang's voice cut through her haze.
"Hey! Wait a minute, we've still got one more question!" she exclaimed, looking a little annoyed at seeing me and Pyrrha with our arms around each other.
"Oh really? Wel, what could that be I wonder?" I said as I pressed Pyrrha tighter against me, I could feel her emotions swirl around inside her head and various situations playing in her head, it seems she's been borrowing Blake's Ninjas of Love book, kinky girl...
"W-Well, we were wondering if you could, um..." Pyrrha said, as her face turned even redder, the more kinky images flashing through her mind, and making her loser her voice.
"We want you to train us to be Sith!" Yang said in a cocky voice, I inwardly smiled at this but kept a serious look on my face at their request, this was going great.
"Ah, now that is interesting, but are you saying that because you really want to be like me, or because your worried about my current Apprentice taking all of my attention?" I asked with a raised brow, both girls looked away from me as Yang played with her hair and Pyrrha stepped back from my hold, rubbing the back of her arm slightly.
"W-Well, we were actually..." Yang said before she trailed off, I could sense their thoughts and knew it was mostly why they wanted me to train them, but I could also sense them wanting to fight like me.
"I'll let you two think on that, I'm going to my dorm to sleep" I said as I walked away, only to hear two pair of feet run after me, i looked back to see Yang and Pyrrha looking at me expectantly.
"Actually, (Y/N), d-do you mind if we sleep with you tonight?" Pyrrha asked hopefully.
"You do owe us for not telling us who it is your training" Yang said with a smirk on her face, I sighed to myself, glad to share my bed with two beautiful ladies, and at least they will drop this if I agree.
"Very well, make sure you've got pyjamas or something, because I'd rather we all be comfortable" I said as I walked away, both Yang and Pyrrha left to grab a set of sleeping clothes, this is going to be a good night!
Meanwhile, on a large airship on it's way to Vale for the Vytal Tournament, a man was sat in an empty room meditating when he suddenly felt a dark presence in the Force, the feeling sent a flash of images through his mind, he saw death, destruction, and darkness...
The man stood up from his seat, his brown and white robes flowing around him as he got to his feet, the hood of those robes covering his head as he left the room to search for the general of Atlas, General Ironwood.
"Master, is everything well? You seem troubled" asked a young woman with a very unusual appearance, back in the galaxy where they came from she was a member of the Togruta race, and wore a brown robe too, signifying her status as the man's student.
"I fear not Padawan..., I have sensed a great darkness approaching, we must warn Ironwood at once" the man said as he continued to walk to the ship's bridge, with his Padawan following close behind.
"What is it you have senses Master? Is it these creatures of Grimm, that infest this world?" the Padawan asked curiously, as they passed several Atlesian Soldiers saluted them, while the Robots moved aside for them, showing their place in Atlas, which they had earned over the months being stranded on this planet.
"I fear that the Sith may have survived the crash alongside us, I can feel their evil from here" the man said as he continued to walk towards the bridge.
"The Sith?! But how?!" the Padawan asked in disbelief.
"I do not know my student, but we must warn General Ironwood, and call the others to help find this threat, before it's too late for all of us" the man said, they finally reached the ship's bridge with Ironwood turning to look at them.
"Ah, Jedi Master Ryen, and Ashara Zavros, do you need something?" Ironwood asked, holding his hands behind his back as he turned to address the two Jedi standing before him.
"General Ironwood, I'm afraid we may have a problem, we must make haste to Vale, I believe that a very potent threat may be hiding within that kingdom" Ryen said, as he removed his hood, revealing his Cathar heritage, most of the people in Atlas just assumed he was a faunus with more noticeable animal features, while Ashara had to remain within the Academy, away from the eyes of those that wouldn't be so accepting, along with the other more alien Padawans, Knights and other Jedi.
"Please, slow down, what exactly are you talking about?" he asked, giving the Jedi master his full attention.
"General, have I told you of the Sith?" Ryen asked in a worried voice, if the Sith had managed to survive the crash, things would become much more complicated...
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