Chapter 17
I woke up in my bed next to what felt like a warm body, I opened my eyes and looked down to see her laying down with facing me breathing lightly in her sleep, I smiled as I remembered what happened last night all my experiments had succeeded and I managed to unlock the Force in my first Apprentice, I could feel her new connection to the Force within her she would become strong under my guidance, she would be the very first person on this world that will follow me down the path of the Dark Side and the conquest of this world...
I sat up in the bed and stretched my arms above my head getting some satisfying cracks and pops from my shoulders and back, I then noticed HK47 standing beside the door powered down for the night but still ready to reactivate if an intruder threatened my life or the life of the girl sharing my bed.
I stood up from the bed and walked towards the window and opened the curtains to let the early morning sunlight in, the sun was only just starting to rise meaning I must have woken up very early today, almost instantly I heard a soft groan of annoyance behind me, probably the sunlight hitting her in the face.
"Five more minutes please..." she mumbled tiredly as she turned over with her back facing the sunlight, snuggling into the covers trying to fall back asleep.
"I'm afraid not, the day is young and it is time to begin your training" I said as I walked towards the bed and stood on my side with my arms crossed over my bare chest, she suddenly sat bolt upright as the sheets fell down around her showing she was still wearing what she wore last night when she came to me.
"(Y/N)!? What are you doing in my room?" she asked as she looked at me, confusion clear in her eyes and body language.
"Your in my room, remember what happened last night?" I said back as I chuckled from her confusion, her eyes closed in concentration, trying to remember what we did last night.
"Oh that's right, I came here because you offered to teach me about the Sith, and you said you were going to unlock the Force within me" she said as the memory came back to her.
"D-Did it work?" she asked as she looked to me with hope in her eyes, I walked over to her and placed my hand on her shoulder giving her a serious look.
"There's only one way to know if it worked, follow me to the training room and we shall see how well the awakening has gone" I said as I finished putting on my robes, after that I walked over and reactivated HK47.
"GREETING; Good morning Master, did you two sleep well?" HK asked as his servos and mechanical joints whirred to life, his mechanical hands clenching and unclenching.
"We slept very well thank you, now I am taking the young lady to see if her she can feel the Force, I'll need your help with this" I said in an excited voice, I really hoped that it had worked because I need to have an apprentice on this world, and she would make an excellent one.
"POSITIVE RESPONSE; I see, very well Master I shall assist you and the female meat-bag with this endeavour, I am sure she will be able to use the powers that the Sith are known for" HK said, the three of us walked down the hallways and out of the Dormitories towards the training room, the campus was empty as the three of us made our way to the training area, when we arrived we found the training arena empty of anyone, perfect for me to test and see if my new Force Power worked on her.
"HK, I want you to be the one to fight her, observe the training as you go and give her a hard time, enough that she will tap into the power she now possesses" I said as my new potential pupil walked further into the training room.
"QUERY; Is that to Incapacitate, not kill Master?" HK47 asked.
"Yes, but make her think your going to kill her so she will tap into the power of the Force..." I whispered to the rust coloured assassin droid, he silently nodded his head and followed me as I walked towards my new student who was looking at me expectantly.
"So, how are we going to see if I can use the Force now?" she asked me curiously, I walked towards her and placed my hand on her shoulder.
"Simple, those who hold the power of the Force will be able to feel it as they fight, for this purpose you will be facing HK47, and be warned he has faced the likes of Jedi and Sith before so if you slip up, you will die..." I said in a grave tone of voice, I saw her eyes widen slightly at my words and tone of voice however she nodded her head in understanding, she went to equip her weapon but I stopped her.
"For this exercise I want you to use one of my Vibro-blades to fight" I said as I passed her one of my Vibroblades she looked at it unsure before looking back at me.
"Why can't I just use my own weapon?" she asked me.
"Because it would be too easy for you with a weapon your familiar with, and think of it this way, this could also be the first step towards learning how to wield a lightsaber" I said, her eyes lit up at that before looking back down to the weapon, she took firm hold of the hilt and walked into the arena with HK47 ready to fight.
My new potential apprentice got into what looked like a martial arts stance as HK pulled his Blaster Rifle from his back, they stood a few feet apart observing each other carefully, I signalled for the match to start and HK immediately started to fire his Blaster Rifle at my new pupil, she quickly dodged the blaster bolts and rushed at him to close the distance with her borrowed Vibroblade, however one of the blaster bolts grazed her upper right arm making her wince in pain before having to dodge more HK was firing at her, I felt her emotions flare briefly from the wound before it was pushed back down and repressed, I instantly felt annoyed at what she had just done, I had read how the Creatures of Grimm were attracted to strong negative emotions and I guessed that they were teaching the students to repress these emotions to keep themselves safe, however in order for her to fully embrace the Dark Side she will have to cast aside this way of thinking and fighting in order to gain her new powers.
Another blaster bolt hit her in the shoulder as she jumped to dodge leaving a pretty bad burn on the skin luckily it will heal over thanks to her Aura, she dashed at HK again this time seeming to be able to avoid the blaster bolts as they were fired at her.
"OBSERVATION; The target appears to quickly adapt to hostile situations, activating advanced targeting modes too risky, preparing to engage in close combat" HK said as he stopped firing and watched my new pupil draw closer to him, finally my new apprentice reached Hk and tried to slash him with the Vibroblade however HK effortlessly dodged the attack and grabbed her wrist, applying pressure making her cry out and drop the Vibroblade before HK used one of his torture methods to channel electricity through his metal hands into her body, she screamed in pain as the electricity coursed through her body before she fell to her knees with HK maintaining his iron grip on her wrist and shoulder, then as I watched a spark came over her body indicating that her Aura had just been fully depleted leaving her vulnerable, I felt her emotions spike even higher after that I sensed pain, fear, and just under all of that was what she needed...
Suddenly her eyes flashed amethyst and she screamed, not in pain as she did before but in anger as she pushed at HK with her right hand, suddenly HK flew backwards and smashed into a wall leaving an imprint of his body in the stone wall, I smiled as I felt the spike in not only her emotions but I also felt the Force withing her come to life, I watched her as her eyes widened in shock before she looked down at her hands I felt confusion and uncertainty in her mind as she tried to make sense of what just happened.
"W-What did I just do? And what is that sound?" she asked as she strained to listen to a noise only she could hear.
"So, you hear it now. It is faint since you have just opened yourself to it... but it is there" I said as I walked towards her and stood in front of her.
"W-What? Is there something wrong with me?" she asked, she was breathing quite hard from the adrenaline and the pain she had to endure, but she was recovering but stayed on one knee looking up into my eyes.
"That is the Force you feel... it must be rather interesting, experiencing this kind of power and feeling for the first time" I said as I smiled at her, I remembered the first time I had ever felt the Force during one of my parents 'training sessions', while the training itself was unbearably painful the sensation of the Force awakening withing me was indescribable...
"I-I can't even explain it, there aren't any words..." she whispered as she looked down at her hands, a look of wonder plastered over her face as she took in every sensation, every feeling.
"That's right my apprentice, listen to it, feel it filling your very being with promise of power and new possibilities, things you could never do before now" I said, I looked over and saw HK pull himself from the imprint and look to me for orders, I raised my hand and motioned for him to stand down which he did before walking towards the doorway, I looked back to my new pupil and saw that she was still on one knee so I reached out to her with my left hand, she looked at it before looking back up to my face again.
"Come with me, I shall teach you what you need to know about harnessing this power, under my teachings you will become so powerful, none will stand against you" I said in my most persuasive voice, she reached up and took my hand before I pulled her up from the ground and started to lead her out of the training room.
"Where are we going now (Y/N)?" my new pupil asked as we walked back towards my dorm room, we reunited with HK47 and kept on walking back to my room.
"If your going to be a Sith, you need the proper attire, so I think we should get you a set of robes like mine, also since I will be teaching you from now on, address me as Master" I said, she sped up and walked beside me squeezing my hand with hers slightly a small smile coming to her face as we walked.
In team RWBY's dorm room the young leader Ruby Rose opened her eyes and sat up in her bed before letting out a cute yawn as she stretched her arms out, after her yawn she looked at the beds opposite hers and Weiss's, she was happy to see Blake was asleep in her own bed but was confused when she saw that Yang wasn't in hers.
"Huh, that's weird, I wonder where Yang's gone? She's normally not up this early..." Ruby said to herself, however she shrugged her shoulders as she sat on the edge of her bed and slipped off the edge landing feet first on the floor.
"I'm sure she's fine, she's probably at the training room or something" Ruby said as she walked away to get herself dressed before going to get herself some breakfast, after changing into her school uniform with the addition of her long red cloak she silently left the room to get herself some food, after a short walk she arrived at the cafeteria and saw a few other students sitting at the tables eating their food.
After waiting for a while she got herself a nice bowl of a new cereal called Cookie Crisp for breakfast and went to sit down, she looked around and saw Jaune sat at a table along with Nora and Ren, Nora was surrounded by plates piled high with pancakes and a big jug of syrup, Ren was calmly drinking some tea as he ate from a very fancy looking lunch box, and Jaune was eating a plate full of scrambled eggs and toast, she smiled and sat down with them.
"Good morning guys, how's things going?" she asked as she started to eat her cereal, the fact that it was cereal made like little chocolate chip cookies was a big plus for her since she loved cookies so much.
"It's great!" Nora yelled as she ate her pancakes happily, Ren sighed slightly beside her before having a sip of his tea.
"Yeah, things are going good, how about you Ruby? Where are your teammates?" Jaune asked.
"Well, Weiss and Blake are still sleeping, and I don't know where Yang is, when I woke up she was already gone" Ruby said as she finished eating the cereal and started to gulp down the milk that had turned into chocolate milk, she slammed the bowl down with a satisfied sigh before returning her attention to the blonde knight.
"Huh, that's strange, Pyrrha was missing too..." Jaune said as he ate another bite of his scrambled eggs.
"Really? That's odd, did she leave a note or anything?" Ruby asked curiously.
"Nope, just woke up and her bed was empty, like she didn't even sleep in it last night! MORE PANCAKES REN! Nora called out loudly, making most of the students sitting on the other tables stare at her weirdly while Ren facepalmed.
"It is rather odd that she didn't come back to the room last night, maybe she slept somewhere else?" Ren said before he stood up and made his way towards the kitchen to make Nora more pancakes, Ruby sat down in thought on where her sister and Pyrrha could have disappeared to when she remembered something.
"Hey, I think I might know where Yang and Pyrrha might be!" Ruby declared proudly, startling Jaune enough that he fell off his chair.
"I remember there was a time Yang slept over in (Y/N)'s room, and one time we found Pyrrha there so maybe they went to stay with him for the night?" Ruby suggested to herself while Nora fidgeted in her seat waiting for her pancakes, and Jaune was still laying on the floor groaning from the fall.
"Maybe they decided to do something naughty together~" Nora said in a creepy voice, a few drops of blood coming from her nose as she drifted into a fantasy, Ruby just looked at her confused while Jaune managed to pull himself up from the floor, and Ren came back with another batch of pancakes for Nora who squealed happily before drowning the pancakes in syrup and eating them rapidly.
"Why don't we go ask (Y/N) if he's seen them?" Jaune said, they all looked to the clock and saw that there was at least another two hours before classes began, the four students stood up and walked out of the cafeteria however as they walked they ran into Blake and Weiss.
"There you are Ruby! Why didn't you wake us up you dolt!" Weiss scolded angrily, Blake just stood back and watched Weiss scold their leader with a blank look on her face.
"Oh! Uhm... sorry Weiss, but I figured you wouldn't want me to wake you up again, so I thought I'd let you and Blake rest" Ruby said with a nervous laugh as she scratched her hair.
"Well... next time try to remember that we might want to eat breakfast together!" Weiss said with an embarrassed blush on her face.
(Total Tsundere...) Blake and Ren thought together, however Blake took notice that a certain blonde brawler wasn't with them.
"Where's Yang, did she eat with you?" Blake asked.
"No, she was already gone when I woke up this morning, I think she might be with (Y/N)..." Ruby trailed off with her answer as her silver eyes locked onto something unusual, the others confused with her silence looked towards where she was looking and were surprised at what they saw.
Walking through the courtyard was (Y/N) himself, and he was talking to someone who was wearing the same Sith robes he wore, the students couldn't make out who it could be that the Sith was talking to because the hood of the robes was pulled over their head obscuring their face in darkness, HK47 was also walking along with the two adding in his own comments from time to time.
"Who the heck is that?" Weiss asked as she watched the three walk away.
"I don't know, but they were wearing the same robes that (Y/N) wore, do you think it could be another Sith?" Jaune asked, the other students looked at the three curiously.
"I don't know... he didn't say anything about bringing another Sith back with him" Blake said, she shivered slightly as she looked at the three, the darkness within (Y/N) scared her and now that another Sith was with him her fears grew.
"Wait, Yang and Pyrrha are both gone, maybe it's one of them?" Ruby said, the others murmured in agreement.
"But if it's Yang or Pyrrha, then why are they wearing Sith Robes?" Jaune asked, they looked over and saw the three stop close to a bench with (Y/N) and the mystery person having a conversation while HK stood motionless observing the other students walking around.
"Maybe he's training one of them? (Y/N) did say something about looking for an apprentice to teach Sith techniques too, so maybe their wearing it as part of the training?" Ren suggested in a sagely voice, they nodded their heads at the memory of one of his conversations at lunch.
"I wonder what Sith training is like?" Ruby asked curiously.
"From how (Y/N) described it, and from how effortless he makes it look when he's fighting Grimm, or Pyrrha, I'd say it's got to be pretty intense" Weiss said as memories played of (Y/N)'s battles with Yang, Pyrrha and large numbers of Grimm, the only time she had ever seen him have a problem was when he came back from that rescue mission with Ruby with broken ribs, but he healed from that injury very quickly and was back fighting again like it was nothing! Whatever kind of training he went through it had to be far more advanced than what she and the others were doing.
"Oh I know! Let's follow them, then we'll see what kind of training they will do!" Nora said excitedly, the others nodded their heads but Weiss shook hers.
"We can't follow them around right now, classes start in less than an hour!" she said in a stern tone of voice, however she saw that Ruby and Nora had vanished along with Blake and Ren leaving her alone with Jaune.
"So, want to walk to class together snow angel?" Jaune flirted with a dreamy smile on his face, Weiss recoiled in annoyance and quickly changed her mind.
"WAIT FOR ME! DON'T LEAVE ME HERE!!" she yelled as she dashed off after the others.
"Hey, wait for me guys! Hold on!" Jaune called out as he dashed after the others, they saw the three walk towards the docks and take a Bullhead out of the academy, they quickly boarded another ship and flew off after the trio to learn about his training.
(Y/N) and his new apprentice arrived in the city of Vale along with HK47, as they walked the streets together they had a few people stare at them strangely, while others seemed slightly nervous since both of them had their hoods up covering their faces.
"People are staring at us..." the girl murmured as she walked alongside her new master.
"Let them stare, they will soon see how superior to them you truly are, once you complete your training and become a full Sith" (Y/N) said in a gleeful voice, he was more excited than anyone to have his first Apprentice.
"What do I have to do to complete my training Master?" she asked as she turned her head to look at him curiously.
"Well for a start we need to test you abilities in close combat, train you in the Echani fighting styles, as well as your new Force Powers, and we need to strengthen your connection to the Dark Side of the Force, a lot of work yes... but the rewards will be worth it in the end" (Y/N) said as they walked.
"OBSERVATION; Master, it would appear we are being followed by a group of meatbags" HK47 said quietly, (Y/N) smiled under his hood at this.
"I'm aware HK, I felt their presences long ago, it's three members of team RWBY, along with three members of JNPR" (Y/N) said, his apprentice was surprised that they were following her and didn't want them to know it was her just yet, at least not until she could use her newly acquired Force Powers at will and (Y/N) seemed to notice this.
"Do not worry apprentice, if they wish to observe your training then it shall be so, and you do not have to remove your hood as we do so, after we will lose them in an area I know where we will continue your training" (Y/N) said as they all continued to walk, his apprentice looked to him quickly before nodding her head, while they walked on the six curious students followed after them until they reached the centre of the city.
"I wonder where they're going?" Jaune asked as he watch from around a wall along with Ruby and Weiss, above them Blake watched the three with her enhanced faunas eyes while Ren was knelt down beside her also watching the three while also stopping Nora from giving away their hiding places.
"I'm not sure..." Ruby said as they watched them, eventually they had to move closer when they walked into the center of the city the two robed students sitting on a bench while the Droid stood watch, while RWB_ and JN_R watched the Sith, his Droid and his apprentice they didn't notice a certain clothes enthusiast leaving her favourite clothing store before seeing them, she looked towards where they were watching and noticed (Y/N) sitting on a bench beside another person in similar black robes, curious to know who it was she walked towards the two to see who it was, as she approached she saw HK47 standing close by observing the passing people with his menacing orange eyes.
"Hey (Y/N)" Coco said as she walked closer completely unaffected by HK47's presence, (Y/N) looked at Coco with a small smile on his face while his apprentice looked at Coco with her hood still covering her head and face.
"Hello Coco, what brings you into the city today?" (Y/N) asked as he looked at the girl.
"Just wanted to look at the latest lines in the stores, then I noticed you sitting here with someone wearing robes that are like yours... and I gotta ask, are you trying to bring the robes look back or something?" Coco said as she looked at the girl sat beside the Sith, she couldn't make out any distinguishing features because of the shadow of her hood only seeing the lower part of her face.
"Actually, the robes are a tradition of the Sith, a way to fight without being encumbered by armour, and it allows the Force to flow more freely letting us Sith use our Force Powers with no difficulty" (Y/N) explained.
"Well that 'tradition'needs an update on colour co-ordination, and it makes you both look kind of scary, so how about you take your hood off so I can have a proper look at you?" Coco said as she turned her attention to (Y/N)'s apprentice, her disrespect for the robes slightly angered (Y/N) making him clench his fists on his lap, beside him his apprentice didn't get the chance to say anything before Coco reached forward and tried to take hold of her hood to pull it off, however she was stopped when a rust coloured hand grabbed her wrist.
"THREAT; Perhaps my Master did not enunciate clearly when he spoke to you, her hood will remain in place until she feels ready to lower it herself, I advise you keep your greasy hands to yourself and not dirty the robes of my Master's pupil" HK47 said as he moved Coco's hand away from his Apprentice's hood, making her sigh in relief under her hood, Coco rubbed her sore wrist as she glared at the rust coloured Droid in annoyance.
"And just what the hell are you supposed to be? One of Atlas's rejects?" Coco said in a snarky voice as she lowered her sunglasses and scowled at the Assassin Droid.
"This is HK47, my personal Assassin Droid, and bodyguard" (Y/N) said as he rose up from his seat.
"That's an Assassin robot?!" Coco exclaimed as she quickly looked at HK47.
"RECITATION; Yes, as my Master said. I am an Assassin Droid, not robot, it is my primary function to burn holes through meatbags that he wishes removed from the galaxy, right master?"" HK47 said to his Master, sounding a little bit annoyed.
"Of course HK, and your services are invaluable to my endeavours" (Y/N) replied to the Assassin Droid.
"Anyways, it is time for us to leave, come my apprentice it is time I teach you more about the Force, and the finer points of combat" (Y/N) said, his student nodded her head and stood up following after him, with HK following shortly after.
"Well, that was just rude..." Coco said angrily as she rubbed her sore wrist, suddenly someone dashed beside her in a flurry of rose petals, Coco turned around to see Ruby standing beside her looking at her in concern.
"Are you okay Coco? I saw HK grab your wrist" Ruby said as she looked at Coco's wrist.
"I'm fine half-pint, just annoyed that I didn't get to see who was under that hood, and I couldn't find Velvet this morning, I was going to ask her to come shopping with me but since I couldn't find her I had to come alone" Coco said as she glared at HK47 who was walking away with his Master and his new pupil.
"Wait, Velvet's missing too?" came a new voice from Coco's left, she turned to see Blake looking at her with worry in her eyes, ever since the situation with Cardin she had tried to befriend the shy bunny faunus and while they aren't close she was more than happy to talk about books with her, or watch as she and Ruby talked about weapons together.
"Yeah... she went out last night and didn't come back, I looked for her all over and I tried calling her Scroll but she left it back in the room, I even threatened Cardin and his goons to see if he had done something to her, but he told me he hadn't messed with her since that thing with (Y/N), so I came down here to try and find her with Yatsu and Fox, their off looking around the other parts of the city for her" Coco explained, this caught the others by surprise.
"We're missing teammates too!" Ruby exclaimed, Coco then heard the sound of footsteps coming towards her and Ruby, she looked over and saw Weiss, Jaune, Nora and Ren.
"Really?" Coco asked now giving the others her full attention.
"Ruby's big sister Yang's been missing since last night" Weiss said as she checked her nails.
"Pyrrha has also been missing since last night, so we were following (Y/N) because we think that other person in the robes might be Yang or Pyrrha training with him" Ren said, the group turned and saw the three walking away.
"Sounds fishy to me, let's go find out who's under that hood!" Coco said before walking off with the others following close behind, the more she thought about it the more she guessed that it could have been Velvet under that hood, if it was Velvet under that hood she owed Coco a big explanation on her disappearing act.
After a long walk (Y/N), HK and I had gone deep into the Emerald Forest where (Y/N) said we would do our training, I was wondering what I would have to do as my first test, did I have to fight a group of Grimm or something?
(Y/N) stopped walking and I stopped to, he turned to look at me with a serious expression on his face, I guess I was about to get my first test...
"Your first test will begin here, your objective is to make your way to this location and speak a passcode, you will accomplish this task alone with only the weapon I have provided you with, do this and we shall begin your training in earnest..." (Y/N) said as he handed me a small tablet, on it was a set of co-ordinates along with a picture of a cliff with several boulders sitting at the bottom of it, below that was the passcode I had to use.
"I understand Master, so will you be waiting for me in this place?" I asked him, he simply nodded his head before turning and walking away with HK47 following after him.
"OPTIMISTIC ENCOURAGEMENT; Do not worry female meat-bag, I'm certain you will finish this task with out taking any major wounds or losing any limbs" HK said before he and (Y/N) vanished from sight, his attempt at making me feel better didn't really help me feel better...
I took the Vibro double blade from my back and held it in my hands, I could feel the vibrations going through the blades on both ends of the staff, making the blades a lot more deadly than normal, after waiting for a few minutes I started to run through the trees of the forest following the instructions (Y/N) had given me, as I ran I saw a lone Ursa sitting under a tree it started to growl and stand up to attack me, I simply dashed towards it and stabbed it in it's mouth with the blade making the tip of the blade burst out from the back of it's head, the Grimm fell to the ground dead and I dashed off again.
What felt like hours had passed by and I had fought against several Grimm now, these Grimm didn't seems so deadly now, as I decapitated a Beowolf a Boarbatusk dashed towards me making my eyes widen in shock and hold my hands out in front of me, suddenly a wave came from my hand knocking the Boarbatusk into a tree and getting it stuck on it's back, I looked down at my hand in shock, this was just like back at the academy when I fought HK...
I heard squealing and saw that the Boarbatusk was trying to roll itself back onto it's feet, wasting no time I rushed forwards and jumped into the air before stabbing one of the blades on the Vibro Double Blade through it's chest, the Boarbatusk squealed one last time and died, I stood up and twirled the blades in my hands.
"That was... intense" I said to myself as I looked back at my hands, I hadn't felt something like that before, when I hit that Boarbatusk with that wave I felt something swell within me filling me with power, it all happened when that flash of fear came through my mind, the adrenaline from that experience was still pumping through my veins.
I stood up and walked away from the vaporising body of the Boarbatusk towards where (Y/N) had told me to go, as I walked I kept a look out for Grimm when I felt a presence close by to me, I turned and saw Ruby frozen next to a tree like she had been caught doing something.
(Oh that's right, they were following us earlier... I don't want them to see me just yet) I thought to myself as I turned around and faced her fully.
"OH, Ummm.... h-hello there! Nice weather we're having today, right?" she said trying to act innocent.
{Be careful Apprentice, the others are hiding and they may be trying to ambush you}
"(Y/N)? Wh-?" I mumbled to myself as I looked around carefully, I couldn't see anyone else around me but Ruby so how am I hearing his voice?
{Can you not sense them? Reach out... cast aside your sight, cast aside what you see, and instead, reach out with your perceptions...} I heard his voice again, and though I was still confused I did as he said and closed my eyes and tried reaching out, when I did I could sense the others hiding in the trees and bushes around me watching me closely, I even saw Coco had joined with them.
{Ah, you can feel them, their bodies you cannot perceive, but the living energy from within their bodies, their Aura... that you can feel... echoing outwards} he said again, maybe he was using some kind of telepathy?
"Wh-What is this I'm seeing? How am I doing this?" I asked quietly, I saw that Ruby was looking at me curiously, I guess she couldn't hear him talking, it must be telepathy then.
{What you are experiencing is a technique that was born of the Force, the power of Passive Precognition, it will allow you to detect especially... unpleasant threats, and will allow you to prepare yourself accordingly, now I suggest you deal with your friends and reach your destination, fast} (Y/N) said again, when I looked I saw Ruby walking towards me and got ready to try and escape.
"So I was just wondering, is that you under that Hood Yang?" Ruby asked as she walked closer, I didn't answer her but just kept watching carefully while keeping my senses open for the others.
"NO, it's gotta be Pyrrha!" Nora yelled as she jumped out of the bushed with Ren holding onto her shoulders, it looks like he had tried to keep her from jumping out but failed, there was the sound of movement around me and I saw Jaune and Weiss walk out and stand with Ruby.
"Don't forget it could also be Velvet" Jaune said as he looked at me, I wasn't liking this at all.
"Now then, why don't you take that hood off? I'd like to see just who is under there" came Coco's voice from behind me, I shook my head and turned to leave when I suddenly couldn't move, I looked down and saw that my legs were frozen in ice!
I looked back and saw Weiss had her Myrtenaster stabbed into the ground with a white Glyph fading away, the others were looking at her in disbelief.
"Well, let's just take their hood down already, I want to get back to classes before we get in trouble!" Weiss huffed as she walked towards me, when she reached me she scowled at me before reaching for my hood, I felt my emotions rise, I was getting angry that she had trapped me like this and I wanted to leave and get started on my training, they were getting in the way of me getting something new for a stupid reason!
I felt anger begin to rise in my chest and my eyes widened when Weiss took hold of my hood and started to pull it off, I moved my hands and tried to use that power I used on the Boarbatusk but it wouldn't work! Desperate to not have my hood taken down I felt like I had to scream, so I took a deep breath and let loose a loud piercing scream, Weiss let go of my hood and stumbled back clutching her ears as did the others the ice encasing my legs cracked and shattered from the sound, I stopped the scream and saw them trying to recover from the attack, this was my chance!
I quickly turned and bolted away into the forest, I could hear the others complaining about their sore ears before they suddenly noticed I had escaped, they chased after me calling out who they thought I was, I didn't stop running until their voiced went silent, I stopped and took a few deep breaths into my lungs I was close now... just a little further and I can start my training.
Suddenly I felt someone's presence behind me and I spun around, I saw Blake standing there looking at me with a mix of worry and sadness, she seemed to be alone, I wonder what she wants?
"I know who you are, under that hood" Blake said, my eyes widened in shock but then again she is a faunas so I guess she must have heard me or something, she got closer and looked like she wanted to say something.
"You don't want to do this" she said, I was shocked what the hell was she talking about?
"Your wrong, I want this... no I need this!" I said to her.
"I don't expect you to believe me but training with (Y/N) would be the worst thing you could do, if you do this you'll let in the same darkness and evil that I feel in (Y/N), I know your better than that..." she said trying to convince me, why would she be against me learning things from (Y/N), yes he had been pretty brutal with other people but he had always been so nice to me and the others, how long had she been feeling this way?
"Your wrong! This would make me better than I've ever been, he's already shown me the Force now he'll show me how to wield it as he does, then I'll be able to do the things I have always wanted to!" I said back passionately, it's true I had also done this to get closer to (Y/N) than the other two, but after feeling the power of the Force and remembering what (Y/N) did with it, I started to think about how powerful I would become...
"How would learning such powers help you? What could you possibly do with powers like those!?" Blake said in desperation.
I looked at her from under my hood, she just didn't understand, I needed this! And I won't let her stop me just because she thinks it's wrong.
"I'm sorry Blake, but I'm doing this, you can't stop me" I said as I turned to walk away, I got a few steps away before I felt her grab my arm and spin me around before holding onto me.
"No! I won't let you walk down that path!" she said, I shook her arms off and started to walk away again when she grabbed me and slammed my back against a tree, she was holding my shoulders against the tree as she looked into my eyes angrily.
"I don't care if I have to drag you back to Beacon and lock you in your room, I won't let him teach you those things!" Blake said in a threatening voice it scared me slightly, then I got angry, I had never felt so angry before!
"GET OFF OF ME!!" I screamed before she was suddenly launched back by a powerful force, she slammed into a tree and fell to the ground hard, I looked at my hands in horror, did I just hurt one of my friends?
"Blake, I-I'm so sorry, this is why I need training, I need to control it..." I said as I thought back to the talk (Y/N) and I had as we walked through the town.
(Y/N), HK and I were walking through Vale together, he was talking about the philosophy of the Force and how I could use it, then I had a question I needed and answer too.
"Master, I was wondering, what would happen if you don't train me?" I asked, he looked at me and motioned for us to sit down, we sat down on a bench and he looked at me seriously.
"Nothing would happen to you, but you'd have a difficult time keeping your power under control, anytime you feel a strong emotion, fear, hate, pain, lust, your powers could lash out, especially in the case of fear and anger, your mind would subconsciously want what caused you to feel this way gone, so your powers would lash out and either harm or kill those that upset you" he said, I was horrified, I didn't know it would be that bad!
"But that's not a problem, after all you already areed to the training" he said with a smile, I felt reassured looking at him like this and opened my mouth to reply.
"Hey (Y/N)" came a familiar voice, I looked over and saw Coco walking towards us, I really hope I she doesn't try to see who I am...
I looked at Blake sadly, I just hurt one of my friends... I felt awful.
Blake was standing back up but seemed to be having some trouble, I guess I must have hit her pretty hard, she was almost on her feet when she fell back against the tree, I watched her as she reached out to me with her eyes half closed.
"Please... don't go..." she said as she reached out to me, I looked down and thought about it a little more, I had some doubts sure who wouldn't, but I thought back to what I wanted those powers for and I knew I needed to take control of these powers to stop the same thing from happening again.
"I'm sorry Blake, but I need to do this..." I said before I turned my back on her and walked away, I heard her try to call after me, but I ignored her and kept on walking until I reached the place (Y/N) had told me to go.
When I arrived I saw groups of Grimm around the cliff, I got my Vibro Double Blade ready to fight but I noticed that they didn't attack me, I looked and saw (Y/N)'s hand prints on their masks and bodies meaning they are under his control, I cautiously walked forward past several Beowolves and having to climb over the coils of a King Taijitsu until I reached my destination.
I stood in front of the rocks at the bottom of the cliff, looking back to make sure the others hadn't followed me because I didn't want them to interfere with my test, I wanted to learn the ways of the Sith from (Y/N)! And learn to control my new powers, for some reason Blake especially wanted to stop me from doing that, well she won't stop me, I WILL pass these tests and become stronger!
"I pledge myself to Darkness..." I said with a firm voice, I felt something within myself, it filled me with power and strength, it was so... amazing.
"Is this what (Y/N) feels from the Force?" I whispered to myself as I looked at my hands, I felt the power in my hands ready to be let loose, however I was knocked from my thoughts when the rocks shimmered and faded away, revealing a large metal door which opened slowly revealing a tunnel on the other side.
I walked closer, being cautious of traps or other surprises, I kept walking until the door suddenly closed behind me, however there were lights in the tunnel leading me further down, I walked down the tunnel until I arrived at a second door, the door hissed open and I walked into a clean metal room with lots of men walking around, they wore black armour and carried rifles that looked a little like HK47's and when they noticed me they started to talk.
"Good day my Lady, you must be the new apprentice that our Lord was talking about, you'll find him through those doors waiting for you in the training room, I would advise going there immediately to begin your training" the soldier said.
"Okay, thanks" I replied, the soldier saluted before rejoining his fellow troopers in patrolling the base, I walked towards this new room and when I entered I saw I was in a bedroom with HK standing guard over a door.
"STATEMENT; It is a pleasure to see you have managed to rejoin us, the Master is awaiting you in the training room through those doors, I suggest you get a move on" HK said as I approached him, he moved aside as the door hissed open and I saw a metal path towards a door with a strange symbol on it, I walked down the path until I reached the doorway and the door opened.
Inside was a large combat practice area with metal dummies and several doors on the other side of the room, in the middle of the room sat (Y/N) in a meditating position, I saw wisps of darkness flowing from his body as his face was set in concentration, I slowly walked towards him until I was standing only a foot away from him.
"So you have finished your first trial apprentice? This is good..." (Y/N) said as he stood up and gazed deep into my eyes, like he was staring into my soul.
"Yes Master, I did and I managed to avoid the others..." I said sadly, I felt a little guilty to run away from them but I wanted to train in the ways of the Sith, and I didn't want them interfering.
"Do not be sad, my apprentice, they will understand why you did this once they see the results of your training, and if they do not... then it will not matter, you will still have me at your side" he said as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him, I returned the hug and stood still savouring the warmth of his body against mine.
"I-I hurt Blake, it was like you said, I just got angry because she said she wouldn't allow me to learn this stuff, and I..." he placed his hand on the back of my head and pulled my head against his chest, I could hear his heartbeat through the robes he wore and I felt my face heat up from how soothing it felt.
"Don't feel bad about it my apprentice, use it for your training, let the guilt, the exhilaration, the resentment, let it all nourish you and fuel your powers in the Force" (Y/N) said, I simply nodded my head against his chest, there were tears that wanted to fall but I held them back.
"Now... let us begin" (Y/N) said as he released me from his hold and walked towards the training area, I followed after him eager to learn what he had to teach me.
"What will we start with, Master?" I asked when I reached his side.
"First we will meditate and then we shall train your Force Powers, so far from what I had observed you already know Force Push and the Force Scream powers, both are extremely useful in combat but we should see if you could learn more" he said as he sat down on the floor on his knees, I followed his example and sat beside him.
"What do I have to do, empty my mind or something?" I asked him, he scoffed at me playfully with a small smile on his face.
"Simply close your eyes, and focus on the raw emotions you felt on your way here, the ones you experienced as you slaughtered those Grimm, and when you were confronted by your friends, focus them into points of power to feed upon and use for your powers" he said, I watched as he seemed to drift away and darkness began to drift from his body like smoke, I did as he said and closed my eyes focusing on what I felt at the time, it was difficult since all my life I had been told to repress any negative emotions, like fear and anger.
{Do not turn away from it, crush it, make it bend to your will... subjugate these emotions and become the master of your new powers...} (Y/N)'s voice went through my head again, I was curious on how this worked.
"How are you able to speak to me through my mind, some kind of telepathy?" I asked as I kept my eyes closed and tried to concentrate on what he had told me.
"It is through our bond, we have been bonded together through the Force, it is something that occurs between Master and Apprentice, it will allow the Force to flow more freely between us and for us to speak to each other whenever we wish, so even across great distances I will still be able to teach you more..." (Y/N) replied as he kept his eyes closed, I was amazed at this, I never knew such a bond could exist, it was also kind of scary because I was worried he would be able to read my mind and know what I think of him!
I quickly forgot about it and went back to doing what he had told me to do, this was going to be a long day...
The other students had to return to Beacon after they lost the girl in the robes, they concluded she couldn't have been Yang, Velvet or Pyrrha since they used Force Powers like how (Y/N) could, so it must have been another Sith he had met.
However when they returned they were greeted by Glynda Goodwitch waiting for them, they had each received detention for the rest of the day for skipping classes, as well as having to write full essays for the classes they all missed, without saying much they were all pretty much dead... after several hours of sitting in detention, catching up on their school work and doing nothing, they all finally got to leave and go back to their dorms to rest.
In team RWBY's dorm the three girls walked back into the room only to find Yang sitting at the desk fast asleep, her head buried in her arms as she snored lightly, Ruby walked over and carefully lifted her head only to see she had been studying, when she was woken up she explained that she had left to go study in the library and lost track of time, so she went back to the room to sleep, although her teammates had a hard time believing she had studied at all.
After her explanation she got changed into a pair of comfortable clothes and climbed into bed before passing out as her head hit the pillow.
Team JNPR had a similar situation in their room, Pyrrha had only just returned saying that she had been excused from Beacon because she was needed for another Pumpkin Pete's commercial, apparently their sales hadn't been so good since one of their competitors 'Cookie Crisp' had been selling far more then they did, she had to spend most of the day being filmed over and over and when she returned she was so frustrated she went to the training facility and fought against the robots there, and what's worse now she had a very painful headache, so the others decided to leave her and let her sleep it off, although .
And team CFVY were also relieved when their rabbit eared teammate returned, her excuse was that she was out taking a walk to think about things, and to try and find (Y/N), but she hadn't seen him all day, when Coco explained about the girl in the robes Velvet seemed nervous, Coco knew about Velvet's crush and thought she was nervous because she thought she might lose him, Coco calmed her down and promised they would find him tomorrow before classes began, this seemed to give Velvet some relief, the four students went to bed but Velvet didn't sleep easy as her thoughts ran rampant and emotions swirled within her...
Meanwhile a certain Sith was in his dorm room with HK47, thinking over his plans for conquest and domination, now that he had his new student to teach the ways of the Dark Side things would get much more interesting...
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