Chapter 16
I stood within my training room with the crumpled bodies of dead White Fang soldiers at my feet, I had been experimenting on how to unlock the Force within the natives on this planet, it was somewhat different since an aspect of the Force was already opened up to each individual person on this world, yet they were limited to that specific power rather than the vast array of different powers and abilities they could use with the Force.
"This is so frustrating!" I yelled as I threw away another White Fang soldier whose mind I had shattered while attempting to open the Force in him, his head made a satisfying crunch as he hit the metal wall and he left a streak of blood as his head slid down the wall.
"QUERY; What is troubling you master? Are you facing difficulty with you experiments?" HK47 asked as he stood at the door ready to bring in another prisoner for me to play with.
"Unlocking the Force within these inhabitants is a taxing experience! It seems every time I get closer to an answer their fragile minds shatter, I must harness my rage and frustration to find an answer!" I said as I clenched my fist angrily, my lightsaber was in my room beside my bed since I could easily kill these weaklings with my Force Powers.
"COMMENT; Perhaps you require sleep master, you have been experimenting through most of the day, according to my calculations of this world's solar cycles it is currently night outside" HK47 said, I took out the scroll I was given and saw that it was indeed pretty late at night, I opened my mouth to answer when an involuntary yawn escaped.
"I guess your right... perhaps the solution to this problem will arrive in my dreams, HK, I'm going to sleep, wake me early tomorrow, and get the men ready, I get the feeling I'll need a few more test subjects before I'm ready" I said as I walked through the doors and down the hallway towards my room, with HK47 following close behind me.
"ACKNOWLEDGEMENT; As you command Master, as always, it is my pleasure to serve" HK said, when we reached my room HK kept on walking and exited my room to relay my orders to the soldiers, I walked towards my bed and started to untie my robes until I was in just my small clothes, then I climbed into my bed laying down in my back, I turned the lights off and closed my eyes to sleep.
Morning had just come as Ruby lay in her bed wearing her pyjamas, a pair of long white pants covered in roses, and a black vest with a heart shaped bear's head with red eyes and white teeth on the bottom, her eyes fluttered open before she sat up and yawned as she stretched her arms above her head, she looked down to see that the bed Blake usually slept in was still untouched which meant she still hadn't returned, causing the fifteen year old girl to sigh sadly, she looked around and saw that Yang and Weiss had already left the room probably to get themselves breakfast.
Ruby slid to the edge of her bed and jumped down, she gave Blake's bed another sad look before she picked out her normal clothes and got changed, as she walked out of the room she saw Pyrrha leaving her room with a sad look on her face.
"Morning Pyrrha, is something wrong?" Ruby asked.
"Oh, good morning Ruby, I'm fine thank you" Pyrrha said as she tried to cover up her pained look with a smile, however Ruby wasn't convinced.
"Are you sure Pyrrha? Because you look kind of sad" Ruby said, Pyrrha's smile dropped and she looked down sadly.
"Well... (Y/N) and I sort of had a fight a few days ago, and I haven't seen him at all, so I'm... kind of worried about him" Pyrrha said as she held onto her arm, in truth ever since (Y/N) had so coldly told her to leave him alone and not talk with him anymore she had been crushed, she had managed to sit through the lessons on Friday but didn't really pay attention, the whole weekend she had stayed in the dorm room, rejecting her teammates offers to hang out in favour of stewing in her depression, she had tried to go to his room to talk to him only to find it locked, when Ruby, Yang and Velvet came back to the campus she had asked them about him only to learn that he was wounded in a fight with another Sith, before walking away to be alone.
The fact that there was another Sith on Remnant shocked Pyrrha, it shocked her even more when she learned that this other Sith had attacked and wounded him, she asked where he had gone but they all said the same thing that they didn't know where he would have gone, so Pyrrha waited to see if he would come back so she could talk to him and perhaps try to apologise for her actions, in truth she had known she was being unfair with flirting with (Y/N) while holding onto those feelings for Jaune, but it was difficult for her to decide what to do at the time.
However, after she had been sent away by (Y/N), and seeing him replace her with Velvet she started to realise what she wanted, Jaune had tried to cheer her up of course but his eyes were always on Weiss, Pyrrha found that her feelings from before had dulled and were slowly being replaced by the desire to be beside (Y/N), she missed the way he would talk to her, say flirty and suggestive things to her, the way he would touch her and tease her reducing her to a blushing mess, she wanted him to give her another chance, but she couldn't find him and he hadn't returned to his room the entire weekend, making her worry a lot.
"Really? Blake's been gone too... I hope they're okay" Ruby said in a sad voice, the two girls sighed sadly before walking towards the cafeteria in silence.
When they arrived they sat down at a table with their friends, Yang was kicking back after finishing her breakfast with a satisfied smile on her face, although there was some worry in her features for her partner, Weiss was still finishing up her own breakfast, eating it in an elegant way as she brushed off Jaune's attempts at flirting with her in a rude way, Nora was scarfing down her seventh helping of pancakes that Ren had been making for her.
"Hey Ruby, are you doing okay?" Yang asked as she looked at her little sister with concern.
"Yeah, I'm fine, I think we should go to the city to look for Blake again" Ruby said as she finished eating the plate of chocolate chip cookies she had gotten for herself.
"Why should we?" Weiss asked in a snooty voice.
"Because she's our teammate, besides I want to try and find (Y/N) again, he's been gone just as long as she has, let's go!" Yang said as she grabbed Weiss by the back of her dress and dragged her off towards the Bullheads with Ruby running alongside her.
Pyrrha sighed sadly as she watched them dash off, however that was quickly replaced when she decided to go do the same with (Y/N), she'd go into town, find him and try to apologise to him, she stood up and dashed towards the doors leading outside.
"Pyrrha? Where are you going?" Jaune called out in surprise.
"Oh, no where, I'll be back soon bye!" she said before dashing away in a red and bronze blur.
"Wonder what that was about?" Jaune said as he looked to his teammates for answers.
"I'm not sure, but whatever it is I'm sure she's got it under control" Ren said in a calm voice.
"PANCAKES!!" Nora screamed as she held her empty plate towards Ren, the boy sighed and got up to make her another batch, leaving Jaune sitting there with the hyperactive ginger.
"She's been gone all weekend" Ruby said sadly as she walked through the streets with Yang and Weiss.
"Blake's a big girl, I'm sure she can handle herself" Weiss said in a dismissive tone of voice.
"Weiss, come on. She's one of out teammates" Yang said as she looked around for Blake.
"Is she? We all heard what she said" Weiss said in a pointed way.
"Weiss" Ruby warned.
"Maybe she is, maybe she isn't. Either way, she's missing and we need to find her, we also need to find (Y/N), I need to make sure he's okay" Yang said sadly.
"A member of the White Fang. Right underneath our noses!" Weiss said ignoring Yang's obvious sadness, she had a bad feeling ever since she had seen the look on (Y/N)'s face as he walked away, it screamed of doing something that could get him in big trouble, it was a look Yang knew all too well as she searched for her mother and she worried that he would get himself hurt.
"I just hope they're both okay..." Ruby said sadly as they continued to walk down the street.
A few streets away Pyrrha was in a similar position, she wandered the street looking for any sign of (Y/N) or HK47, she was actually pretty worried that she hadn't seen him in so long and wanted to find him, for him to hold her in his arms again and tease her like he always did.
"(Y/N)! Where are you?!" she called out as she walked through the streets, hoping to catch a glimpse of his robes or his lightsaber.
"I hope your okay..." she sighed sadly as she kept on walking, unknown to the red headed girl above her a familiar shadow watched from the rooftops, following the red head with it's eyes as it stood up, the shadow quickly dashed away jumping from roof to roof in the middle of it's own search.
"(Y/N), I hope I'll find you soon..." the shadow said as it hopped from roof to roof, it's eyes searching for the Sith's familiar robes, the shadow jumped past a rooftop cafe where a certain cat-faunus was sitting down with a blonde haired monkey-faunus.
"So... you wanna know more about me?" Blake asked as she set dow her teacup and looked at Sun intently.
"Finally, she speaks! Nearly two days and you've given me nothing but small talk and wierd looks" Sun said, this made Blake glare at him in annoyance.
"Yeah! Like that" Sun said, unaffected by the glare Blake was giving to him.
"Sun... are you familiar with the White Fang?" Blake asked in an unsure voice.
"Of course! I don't think there's a faunus on the planet who hasn't heard of them. Stupid, holier-than-thou creeps that use force to get what they want. Bunch of freaks if you ask me" Sun said as Blake drank more of her tea.
"I was... once a member of the White Fang" Blake said, causing Sun to choke and spit out his tea.
"Wait a minute, 'you' were a member of the White Fang?" Sun asked in confusion.
"That's right. I was a member for most of my life actually, you could almost say I was born into it. Back then, things were different, in the ashes of war, the White Fang was meant to be a symbol of peace and unity between humans and the faunus. Of course, despite being promised equality, the faunus were subjected to discrimination and hate, humanity thought of us as lesser beings, and so, the White Fang rose up as a voice of our people, and I was there. I was at the front of every rally. I took part in every boycott. And I actually thought we were making a difference... but I was just a youthful optimist..." Blake said as sadness began to creep into her voice at the last part of her speech.
"Then, five years ago, our leader stepped down, and a new one took his place. A new leader, with a new way of thinking. Suddenly our peaceful protests were being replaced with organised attacks. We were setting fire to shops that refused to serve us. Hijacking cargo from companies that used faunus labour. And the worst part was? It was working, we were being treated like equals, but not out of respect... out of fear" Blake said, she then set down her cup and looked at her reflection in the liquid in her cup.
"So, I left, I decided I no longer wanted to use my skills to aid in their violence, and instead, I would dedicate my life to becoming a Huntress. So here I am, a criminal hiding in plain view. All with the help of a little black bow" Blake said as she looked up at the bow on top of her head twitched slightly.
However what the two faunus didn't know was that hiding close by was a familiar rust coloured Droid, his eyes glowed yellow as he recorded and transmitted the audio back to his master's hidden base.
"MUSING; So, it would appear the one called Blake is a former White Fang member, from what she spoke of it sounded like she was on the right side, is this weakness of will and action what it is to feel regret, Master?" HK47 asked into the communicator he had built into his head.
I stood at the monitors beside a visibly nervous engineer who typed into a console before the screen, I could feel the fear coming off his form and it pleased me, after a full two days of experimenting on those White Fang members HK and the Troopers had been 'procuring' for me, I had finally managed to perfect the technique and I would finally be able to unlock the Force within the ones I choose.
Behind us several Imperial Troopers stood at attention with Commander Zerzeks standing at attention to my right, my eyes narrowed into a scowl directed towards the screen as I listened to Blake's monologue of her past, I had to say the girl was very disappointing.
"Regret is a waste of time, just when I thought my views of Blake couldn't get any lower, she brings out this revelation..." (Y/N) said in a low voice.
"QUERY; Is your opinion of the faunus girl coloured by her past, or for something else?" HK asked over the comms.
"Her past is not the issue, that she was a part of an organisation that sowed fear and commanded respect is admirable and proves that she could have been useful, however, the fact that her will was so weak that she would surrender any respect and power she had gained, because she obtained it through fear, is utterly pathetic..." I growled out as I clenched my fists at my sides.
"OBSERVATION; Master, the faunus meat-bag's are leaving the cafe, shall I pursue and detain them?" HK47 asked in a hopeful voice, in truth I had been holding him back from killing for my experiments, I think it was about time we got started with showing our enemies who was superior.
"Ignore Blake and her friend for now HK, they are not a priority, I want you to return to base and load up, I'm going to question one of our captives to see if anything is going on soon, then we'll go have some fun" I said with a sadistic tone in my voice.
"ENTHUSIASTIC REPLY; My circuits are vibrating with excitement at the promise of death, I shall return as fast as possible Master" HK47 said as he shut off communications.
"My lord, what would you wish of us? My men and I are ready to assist in combat, we have been getting restless staying in this base all day" Zerzeks said in a professional voice.
"Assemble a small strike force and load them up into a vehicle, when HK47 arrives I want you to send him to me in my private quarters, I will be interrogating one of our prisoners about any operations that are ongoing" I ordered, Zerzeks saluted and walked away to organise the men while I waited for HK's return.
Ruby, Weiss and I walked through the streets trying our best to find Blake and (Y/N), I was really worried about them both, (Y/N) had got a big cut on his face and hadn't come back to the academy for two days! and Blake, she was a member of the White Fang? I can't believe it, but I'll listen to what she has to say about this first, maybe it's all a misunderstanding?
"Blaaake?!" Ruby called out.
"(Y/N)?!" I yelled out.
"Blaaake?! Where are Yooouuu?!" Ruby called out loudly.
"Blake, (Y/N)!!" I yelled into the street, Ruby quickly turned towards Weiss when we both realised she wasn't helping us at all.
"Weiss, your not helping!" Ruby exclaimed angrily
"Oh! You know who might be able to help? The police" Weiss said simply, I had to admit I was starting to get really annoyed with her attitude, she wasn't even going to give her a chance to explain herself was she?
"Ugh, Weiss..." Ruby growled out with a scowl.
"It was just an idea!" Weiss argued back.
"Yeah, a bad one" Ruby said as she turned back around and started walking back up the street.
"Weiss, I think we should hear her side of the story before we jump to any conclusions" I said as I followed Ruby, however my thoughts were also on (Y/N) and where he could be.
"I think when we hear it, you'll all realise I was right" Weiss said in a snobby voice, I was so tempted to kick her ass right now it was unreal.
"And I think Weiss's hair looks wonderful today!" came Penny's voice as we- Wait a goddamn minute!?
"Agh! Penny!! Where did you come from?!" Ruby exclaimed as we all spun around to look at the ginger haired girl, that seemed to suddenly appear right behind us.
"Hey guys. What are you up to?" Penny asked us.
"We're looking for our friends, Blake and (Y/N)" I said when Ruby didn't look like she was going to say anything.
"Oooh! You mean the faunus girl, and the boy that was with you before!" Penny said, I was surprised that she knew before any of us about Blake being a faunus, and from the silence around us I guess Ruby and Weiss were also surprised.
"Wait. How did you know that?" Ruby asked, honestly I wanted to know as well.
"Know what?" Penny asked.
"About Blake being a faunus" I answered.
"Uh, the cat ears?" Penny said simply as she pointed to the top of her own head.
"What cat ears? She wears a... bow..." suddenly everything made sense, she was hiding her faunus ears with that bow she always had on! How did we not see that?! We stood there in disbelief when a gust of wind blew past bringing a tumbleweed along with it.
"She does like tuna a lot..." Ruby whispered to herself as her cape blew in the wind.
"So, where are they?" Penny asked.
"We don't know, they've been missing since Friday" Ruby said sadly, Penny gasped and speed walked towards Ruby grabbing her by the upper arms.
"That's terrible! Well don't you worry Ruby, my friend! I won't rest until we find your friends!" Penny said as Ruby smiled at her nervously.
"(Oh hell no, I'm out!) I thought to myself before I grabbed Weiss and dashed away before they could catch on, I'd rather be with Weiss than Penny right now, when we got far enought away Weiss slapped my hand off of her and started to try to get the wrinkles out of her dress.
"Was that really necessary, Yang?" Weiss asked me with her eyes narrowed.
"Do you want to walk around with that girl Weiss? Besides we might be able to find Blake and (Y/N) faster is we split up" I said as I started to walk down the street, Weiss followed a little behind me as I thought about the places where (Y/N) and Blake could be, as I thought I suddenly remembered about (Y/N)'s secret base.
"DAH, I am such a idiot!" I yelled suddenly, I heard Weiss gasp as she jumped from my outburst before she turned and glared at me angrily.
"What the hell is your problem Yang?!" she yelled at me.
"I just remembered where (Y/N) could be, so there's no need to worry about him anymore" I said as I scratched the back of my head, I felt a little embarrassed that I shouted that out so loud, but I was really glad (Y/N) was okay, now all I had to do was find Blake and everything would be fine!
"Really? Well where is he then?!" Weiss said in a demanding voice.
"I can't tell you, I promised him I wouldn't say anything, come on let's go find Blake!" I said quickly before I ran off with Weiss following behind me, yelling things at me.
I had been waiting for HK47 to return for a while now, and I was getting very impatient! Finally the doors leading to the outside hissed open and HK strode inside, passing several Troopers that were loading up their Blaster Rifles.
"ANNOYED GREETING; Hello Master, I apologise for my late arrival, I had to get past a group of rather discourteous Meat-Bags who wished to damage me, rest assured they suffered a most painful demise..." HK said in a dark voice, I knew what kind of pain and torment he could inflict and I was just upset that I wasn't there to see it.
"Very well then, next time dispatch them faster so we can get onto our business faster, this world isn't in Empire territory meaning we won't get any backup, so we must move fast to accomplish our goals and wipe out our enemies when the time arrives" I said as I turned and started to walk towards the interrogation room, where one of our most recent captures was being held.
We walked in silence until we arrived in the interrogation room, inside I saw a young man with his wrists and ankles locked in place on a metal table, I also saw a pair of curved goat horns coming from his head as he glared at me angrily.
"You filthy human, you can't do this! I have rights!!" the faunus yelled at me.
"Silence scum, you'll speak when spoken to and only to answer my questions!" I snapped at the runt, I walked forward with HK following close behind I had intended to do this alone, but I think I will have HK work on him a little before I get to work on him, after all I can't have all the fun to myself...
"COMMENT; I advise you listen to my Master, he can get quite 'hostile' when he is in the mood" HK47 said beside me, he then walked towards the restrained faunus and we both stopped right in front of him.
"DEMANDING QUERY; Do you know of any large scale operations your group will be working on any time soon? My Master requires entertainment, and slaughtering your brothers and sisters in arms is quite entertaining" HK said in a menacing voice, I was quite proud of that tone of voice.
"Screw you! Do you really think I'm afraid of what a rusted Atlas robot and his freaky 'master' can do, go right ahead and try to make me talk I won't break!" the guy said in a defiant voice.
"This is going to be fun..." I said with an evil smirk on my face as dark mist came from my skin.
I jumped from roof to roof, looking out for (Y/N), I hadn't seen him in a while and I was getting worried that he'd been gone for so long, as I searched I looked down and saw Blake and a blonde monkey-faunus walking the streets below me together, I knew that team RW_Y was looking for her.
"I wonder who that is?" I said to myself as I crouched down and watched them.
"I still don't believe the White Fang is behind these robberies. They've never needed that much Dust before" Blake said as she stopped walking.
(She's investigating the White Fang? I wonder why she's doing it with a stranger and not her team?) I thought to myself as I watched them both from the rooftop above them.
"What if they did?" the blonde boy said as he lowered his arms from above his head.
"I mean... the only way to prove that they didn't do it, is to go to the place where they would most likely go to if they were to do it, and not find them there... right?" the boy said to Blake, I was a little confused by what he was saying but it did kind of make sense.
"The only thing is, I have no idea where that would be" Blake said.
"Well, while I was on the ship, I heard some guys talking about offloading a 'huge' shipment of Dust coming from Atlas" the boy said.
"How huge?" Blake asked.
"'Huge'. Big Schnee Company freighter" the boy said as he used his arms to show just how big it was.
"You're sure?" Blake asked, the boy nodded at her question and she seemed to be thinking.
"Looks like they are going to do something... I can't get distracted now, I've got to keep looking for (Y/N)" I said as I stood up and walked away from the edge of the building towards the center of the city.
Yang and Weiss walked out of the shop they went into, Yang had asked the owner if he had seen either Blake or (Y/N), but he hadn't seen either of them.
"Thanks anyways!" Yang said as she closed the door behind her, making the little bell above the store chime.
"This is hopeless..." Yang said sadly, Weiss still didn't say anything as she stood in the street with her hands on her hips.
"You really don't care if we find her, do you?" Yang asked as she looked at Weiss.
"Don't be stupid, of course I do, I'm just afraid of what she'll say when we find her. The innocent never run Yang" Weiss said as she continued to walk down the street, Yang looked at the ground with narrowed eyes as she thought over Weiss's words.
Meanwhile on another street not too far away, Ruby was also searching for Blake, followed by a very curious Penny, who asked her a lot of questions.
"So, Blake and (Y/N) your friends?" Penny asked.
"Yes Penny" Ruby said with an annoyed sigh as they walked down the street.
"But your mad at Blake?" Penny asked.
"Yes! W-Well, I'm not, Weiss is" Ruby explained.
"Is 'she' friends with Blake?" Penny asked.
"Well that's kind of up in the air right now" Ruby said.
"But, why??" Penny asked again, making Ruby sigh in annoyance.
"Well you see, Blake might not be who we thought she was" Ruby said, Penny suddenly gasped in surprise.
"Is she a man??" she asked Ruby in a whisper.
"No, no, Penny, she's- I don't know what she is, she didn't exactly talk to us before she decided to run off" Ruby said sadly.
"And what about (Y/N)? Did he run off too?" Penny asked.
"Yeah, he got in a fight with someone that had the same powers as him" Ruby said with worry in her voice.
"Did he get hurt?" Penny asked with concern in her voice.
"Yeah, he got cut close to his right eye, but he didn't get it treated he just walked away, we haven't seen him or Blake all weekend..." Ruby said sadly as she stopped walking.
"I don't have a lot of friends, but if I did, I would want them to talk to me about things" Penny said as she looked at Ruby, Ruby looked down sadly, she knew that Yang would have wanted (Y/N) to talk to her but he seemed so stubborn.
"Me too..." Ruby said as she turned around and walked away, with Penny following close behind her, as they walked they saw a familiar red head walking the streets too.
"Pyrrha? What are you doing here?" Ruby asked as she stopped in front of the taller girl.
"Oh hello Ruby, I was just... looking for (Y/N)" she said sadly.
"Well how about we look together, maybe we'll find him faster if you join us?" I suggested, she nodded her head and came with us, with Penny asking her questions now, oh joy...
I stood back as HK worked on the White Fang soldier, there were a lot of burns and cuts on the soldier's body, he also had several fractured bones and HK had broken several of his fingers, and there was the head wound and fractured skull, he looked to be in a lot of pain.
"INFORMATIVE MUSING" Did you know, that I have been involved with several very informative torture sessions since my activation several decades ago? Under the service of Darth Revan, I was even allowed to use my skills on several captured Jedi, they either broke, or died, and were much more resilient than a foolish grunt like you..." HK47 said as he stood motionlessly in front of the grunt.
"P-Please... stop... I-I can't take it anymore..." the grunt said in a pained voice, I smiled at his suffering and walked forward.
"You know, this is all on you, if you tell us what we want to know the pain will stop" I said as I stood in front of him crossing my arms over my chest.
"T-There's a shipment of H-High quality D-Dust coming into the Harbour tonight, we were going to s-steal it all" the grunt said.
"QUERY; Why would your organisation need so much Dust? What are your plans for it?" HK asked from beside me.
"I-I don't know, we weren't told anything other than to gather as much Dust as possible, and kill anyone that catches us... all I know other than that is that Roman Torchwick is supposed to be leading the robbery tonight, that's all I know, please..." he said, I knew he wouldn't be any more help so I gathered my Force Lightning into my hands and send a powerful electrical current into his body, he screamed and thrashed against the restraints as his hair burned away and his flesh began to smoke, finally when I'd had enough I upped the voltage and killed him.
"IMPRESSED OBSERVATION; You have quite a way with making the lesser rabble suffer Master, his screams will be forever etched into my memory core, perhaps I shall replay them when I am modifying my weapons to provide some fitting ambiance..." HK said to me, I didn't pay much attention though.
"A heist at the Harbour, it would be a good opportunity to begin our war against these fools, and perhaps there will be a chance to kill that Torchwick guy..." I said to myself as I thought about what to do.
"HOPEFUL QUERY; Perhaps the Sith that left that wound upon your face will be there also? It could be a good chance to get some revenge, Master" HK47 said, he did have a good point, but I don't know if Zack will still be there, and I had to find out more about what we spoke about during our fight.
"Tell the Troopers to get their Blasters ready and their armour on, we're going to have some fun tonight..." I said as I walked away.
"ACKNOWLEDGEMENT; Of course Master, I shall see to it immediately" HK47 said as he turned and walked away to inform Zerzeks of my orders.
I was laying down on the rooftop of a warehouse that overlooked the large crates of Dust that had arrived today, I was keeping a very close eye out for any White Fang troops or vehicles, but I really hoped I wouldn't see them tonight.
"Did I miss anything?" came a sudden voice beside me that made me jump, I looked over to see Sun had just returned from where ever he went to.
"Not really. They've offloaded all the crates from the boat, now they're just sitting there" I said as I looked back to the crates, watching for any sign of the thieves.
"Cool, I stole you some food" Sun said as he held out an apple to me, I wasn't too happy that he would just steal stuff for no reason.
"Do you always break the law without a second thought?" I asked him.
"Hey, weren't you in a cult or something?" he asked back, that quickly got me annoyed and made me glare at him.
"Okay, too soon" he said, suddenly we were hit by a strong gust of wind, and the sound of a turbine engine whirring came from above, we both looked up and saw a Bullhead flying in with two search lights illuminating the ground, the ship slowly landed and a ramp extended before a man wearing the uniform of the White Fang walked out, when I saw the Red beasts's head with three claw marks I knew it had to be them...
"Oh no..." I said to myself.
"Is that them?" Sun asked me.
"Yes, it's them" I said sadly, I really hoped they hadn't fallen this far but now it looks like things had gotten worse than I thought, at least I didn't see Adam here, that would be the last thing I'd need after everything that was going on...
"You really didn't think they were behind it, did you?" Sun asked in a sympathetic voice.
"No. I think deep down I knew, I just didn't want to be right" I said sadly.
"Hey! What's the hold up?" came a loud voice that surprised me, I had to look down to see if what I thought I heard was true.
"we're not exactly the most inconspicuous bunch of thieves at the moment, sooo, why don't you animals try to pick up the pace" Said Roman Torchwick as he walked down the ramp towards the group of White Fang soldiers,
"I suggest you take his advice, unless you want to suffer a slow, painful death..." came a second voice, a man wearing armour over red robes came out of the Bullhead behind Torchwick, the robes looked similar to what (Y/N) would wear and the hood was pulled up over his face, something about him gave me a bad feeling just as bad as when I first met (Y/N), there was something really wrong with them both... could he be a Sith too?!
"This isn't right. The White Fang would never work for a human, especially not one like that" I sais as I drew Gambol Shroud from it's sheath and jumped down from the roof, ignoring Sun's calls as I dashed towards the crates for cover, I was going to get some answers one way or another...
Blake silently ran through the crates, hoping to ambush Roman Torchwick and get answers to what their plans are, she hated being out of the loop with their movements, and was very worried hat they would partner up with someone with Torchwick's reputation, she hid behind a crate and peeked around the corner to see Roman Torchwick berating a White Fang soldier while his mysterious companion stayed silent, the White Fang soldier seemed very nervous around the two men.
"No you idiot! This isn't a leash!" Torchwick ranted angrily, suddenly Blake dashed out and grabbed hold of Torchwick, holding the blade of her katana to the criminal's throat.
"What the-? Oh for f-"Roman said in annoyance.
"Nobody move!" Blake said, the White Fang soldiers rushed over and pointed their weapons towards Blake, she looked over to Roman's companion only to see him smirking at her, looking totally unaffected by his companion's capture.
"Woah! Take it easy there little lady, Zack you were supposed to be protecting me! What the hell man!?" Roman said angrily.
"Calm yourself down fool, I sense weakness in her, she won't kill you, she doesn't have the stomach for it" Zack said in a casual voice, Roman sweatdropped at his comment because he didn't feel reassured since Blake's blade was pressed against his neck, seeing that she was being surrounded she quickly pulled off her black bow, revealing her black cat ears.
"Brothers of the White Fang, why are you aiding this scum?" Blake asked, the sudden revelation that she was a faunus made the White Fang soldiers hesitate and lower their weapons.
"Heh, oh kid, Didn't you get the memo?" Roman said in a cocky voice.
"What are you talking about?" Blake demanded.
"The White Fang and I are going in on a joint business venture together" Roman said as his eyes moved to Zack, who still didn't try to get him away from Blake's hold, suddenly Zack looked away to the right and raised a brow.
"Roman, I'll leave you to deal with this pest, I've just found something more entertaining to do..." Zack said as he Force Jumped onto a crate and dashed off, leaving Roman and the White Fang soldiers to deal with Blake.
"Hey, Zack! Oh son of a-" Roman stopped when Blake tightened her grip on Roman's arms.
"Tell me what it is, or I'll put an end to your little operation" Blake said as she pressed the blade of her katana against Roman's throat, suddenly the sound of turbines filled the night air as a strong wind blew.
"I wouldn't exactly call it a little operation" Roman said as he looked upwards, two more Bullheads had arrived and were hovering above the group, Blake looked at the two airships with worry, she would have a lot of trouble dealing with two airships full of White Fang alone, what Blake didn't see was Roman smirk as he aimed his cane towards the ground under her feet and fire, making a big fiery explosion that threw Blake away.
I was still searching with Penny and Pyrrha when we all heard a loud explosion from somewhere behind us, we all turned around and saw a column of smoke rise upwards into the sky.
"Oh no..." I said to myself, I knew it had to have something to do with either Blake or (Y/N).
"What was that, Ruby?" Penny asked me as she turned back to me and Pyrrha.
"Looks like trouble..." Pyrrha said in a wary voice.
"And if there's trouble, there's a chance we might find-" I was saying until I was interrupted.
"(Y/N)!!" Pyrrha called out, the she took off towards the docks.
"Hey! Wait up!" I yelled as I dashed after her, hoping we'd at least find one of them.
Above the three girls the Shadow followed after them, hoping to find (Y/N).
The truck parked and I jumped out along with HK47, we walked around and opened the back to allow Zerzeks and his men out, they quickly left the vehicle and assembled in front of HK and I standing at attention and awaiting orders, we heard the sounds of several explosions coming from where the Dust was supposed to be and I guess that something must be happening.
"Commander Zerzeks, take your men and go around to the left, have your men fire into the enemy leave no prisoners" I said in a commanding voice.
"At once my Lord!" Zerzeks said as he snapped of a salute.
"HK, your with me, you'll provide fire support as I cut down the enemy, we'll find their leaders and-" I stopped talking when I felt a familiar presence in the Force, it seems that Zack has come back for another round...
"QUERY; Master, are you well? Has the plan changed?" HK asked, I turned and saw Zack standing in the shadow of a nearby building with a smile on his face.
"HK, go to the right and take a sniping position from the rooftop. This is my fight" I said as I walked towards Zack, HK gave a confirmation and I heard him leave, the footsteps from Zerzeks and his Troopers also faded away so the plan will come to pass.
"So, you've joined with the White Fang? I'm guessing the others are doing the same?" I asked as Zack and I glared at each other.
"Joined them, no... we plan to take them over, and use them as our cannon fodder, but enough of that, shall we get down to business?" Zack asked as he stepped forward.
"Yes, lets..." I answered as he came closer, we stood only a few feet apart from one another, watching each other carefully.
Blake jumped away from another explosion and quickly dashed behind one of the crates, Roman Torchwick followed her with his eyes and went to follow after her.
"Here kitty, kitty, kitty" Torchwick said in a mocking voice, suddenly a banana peel landed on his hat making him growl in disgust as he threw it away, he looked up and saw Sun jumping down from the rooftop and landing a two footed kick to Roman's head, Sun then flipped away landing a few feet away from Roman.
"Leave her alone" Sun said, above Sun the doors to the Bullheads opened and a lot of White Fang jumped out of the aircraft, surrounding Sun.
"You are not the brightest banana in the bunch, are ya kid?" Torchwick mocked, the White Fang rushed to attack the blonde monkey-faunus but Sun managed to lad several strong punches and kicks on them, knocking the White Fang away before he pulled out a long staff and started to beat the soldiers down with it as Blake watched from the shadows, Sun fought one more White Fang soldier and hit him hard enough to send him flying towards Torchwick, said man quickly ducked down to avoid the body before shooting at Sun with his cane gun, Sun twirled the staff rapidly to block the explosion before Blake jumped down in front of him.
"He's mine!" Blake yelled out as she jumped towards the criminal, Blake slashed at Roman with her katana, the blade clashing with his cane causing sparks to fly, the sound of ringing metal echoing through the open space, she used her Semblance to make Shadow Clones to avoid his blows and try to attack him from all angles, however Torchwick managed to block every attack before landing a punch to her face, Blake used the momentum of the punch to back flip onto her feet and going back into the fight, however Roman was quickly overpowering Blake sending her to the ground.
Sun quickly jumped over Blake's falling body and landed a kick on the criminal, then Sun's staff broke apart into a pair of Nunchucks attached by a gold chain, Sun twirled the nunchucks before pointing one at Torchwich and pulling a trigger, revealing that the nunchucks were also shotguns! Sun rapidly spun the nunchucks firing at Roman with every spin, Roman quickly used his cane to push the guns off target and avoid the shots but suddenly Blake charged in and kicked Roman back again, Roman landed on his back and looked up to see one of the crates were still hanging from a crane high above Sun and Blake, he took aim with his cane and shot the winch making the crate fall towards the students!
Blake and Sun managed to jump and avoid the falling crate, however Sun had landed close to Roman Torchwick, and the White Fang from earlier had gotten back up, and two more Bullheads had arrived dropping off yet more reinforcements, things were looking bad for the two faunus.
"Looks lke your lucks run out, monkey boy..." Roman said as he aimed his cane towards Sun.
"Hey!" came a familiar voice, Roman and Sun looked over and saw Ruby standing on another roof slamming the blade of her scythe into the roof.
"Oh, hello Red! Isn't it past your bedtime?" Roman mocked, however what he didn't see was the men in black armour getting ready to attack his group.
"Ruby? Are these people your friends?" Penny asked as she walked up behind Ruby, walking beside her was Pyrrha who looked at the situation with worry.
"Penny get back!" Ruby called out, while she was distracted Roman took aim with his cane and shot at her, sending the girl flying back with a scream before landing beside Penny.
"Ruby! Are you alright?!" Pyrrha asked as she knelt down beside the girl, Roman started to laugh evilly when suddenly a series of blaster bolts tore past him sending him running into cover.
Torchwick looked around his cover and saw a tall rust coloured robot standing on top of a nearby rooftop, shooting at him with a very advanced rifle, then a group group of men started shooting at the White Fang soldiers with strange weapons, they didn't fire bullets but what looked like plasma rounds that burned through the White Fang soldiers armour, several of the faunus fell to the ground dead with burning holes in their bodies, one of the men pulled out a Sonic Grenade and threw it at a group of faunus, the grenade exploded making all the faunus cover their ears as blood oozed between their fingers, Blake covered her ears too and watched as the Troopers gunned down any White Fang they found while sending other running for cover, she was horrified that these men were killing these faunus so casually and wanted to stop them.
However as this was happening Penny had jumped down and also started attacking the White Fang soldiers, Sun jumped out of the way to avoid getting caught up in the fight when three Bullheads flew in and shot at Penny with their mounted gatling guns, Penny's swords spun in place and deflected the bullets before she jumped back landing close to the base of the building, she gathered her swords into a ring and gathered green energy into the center of the ring, she then pulled back her fists and send a bright green beam towards the ships slicing two of them apart with ease! Ruby and Pyrrha watched in awe as the pieces fell into the water before looking back to see Penny dragging the third ship along with her swords.
"Woah. How is she doing that?" Ruby asked, Pyrrha wanted to know too, suddenly a bolt of lightning erupted from close by making Pyrrha and Ruby look towards the area, several explosions came from the area before a building collapsed, out from the wreckage came two men, Zack and (Y/N) who were engaged in a fierce lightsaber duel.
Zack tried to slash at (Y/N) but he quickly blocked the slash and send Force Lightning at Zack, however Zack quickly avoided the attack which hit one of the Dust crates which suddenly exploded in a mess of fire, ice and lightning, (Y/N) and Zack locked blades again and looked at each other with intense eyes, (Y/N) was thinking over what the Sith had said to him before nodding towards him.
"So I was right, more Sith survived the crash as well... and your telling me my former master is also still alive, Zack Marek?" (Y/N) asked as he kept his guard up, just in case the Sith before him attacked.
"Indeed, he still lives... and he intends to destroy you!" Zack said as he lunged forwards and the two clashed lightsabers again, the two Sith clashed blades with the other Sith being slightly outmatched by (Y/N).
"Why would he wish to destroy me? I've posed no threat to him?!" (Y/N) said as he pushed Zack back with a Force Push.
"He knows of your obsession with the ancient Sith Lords, with powers like Scion, Nhilus and Revan, he knows you may be able to draw upon their teachings and grow stronger than he could, so he plans to kill you and take those Relics and Holocrons for himself, then he shall rule this insignificant world!" Zack said with several dramatic hand movements, then he tried to blast (Y/N) with Force Lightning only for (Y/N) to block it with his lightsaber then throw the lightning back at him causing the other Sith to tense up from the attack.
"If he thinks he will be able to steal my artefacts, after I spent so long trying to obtain them and gain their power, he's got another thing coming! Those artefacts are MINE! And mine alone!!" (Y/N) yelled as he Force Jumped towards Zack intending to land a decisive blow, Zack reached into his belt and pulled out a second lightsaber which he ignited, the saber had a solid black blade and he crossed the lightsabers over each other and caught (Y/N)'s attack.
"We'll see..." Zack said as he kicked (Y/N) in the chest sending him back to land on his knees, suddenly there was a massive explosion as Penny dragged the Bullhead she was pulling into the ground, making it explode and break apart.
"These kids just keep getting weirder! Zack, we're leaving! Get over here NOW!" Torchwick yelled, Zack looked back with a scowl on his face before he turned to look back at (Y/N).
"Until next time (Y/N), by the way, 'she's' looking forward to seeing you again" Zack said, for some reason this made (Y/N) flinch before Zack Force Pushed him and Jumped onto the Bullhead as it flew away, two more Bullheads flew towards them and whirred their gatling guns to fire at the students and the Troopers.
"(Y/N)! Look out!" Pyrrha yelled as she reached out for (Y/N), the Sith stood up with his eyes blazing with rage, he reached out towards the Bullheads the one on the right seemed to rock violently in the air while the other one got ready to fire.
"Men, focus fire on the second ship! Cover our lord!" Zerzeks bellowed, the Troopers aimed at the ship and sent a volley of blaster bolts towards the ship, the bolts hit the ship, some of them burning the outside of the ship and making holes in the hull, the Bullhead turned to focus on the men and fired the Troopers quickly got into cover while still shooting at the ship, meanwhile (Y/N) gritted his teeth as he poured his emotion into what he was doing, he moved his hands so that the fingers were interlocked, the Bullhead's hull began to buckle and the screech of metal being rent filled the area, then with a two handed tearing motion the Bullhead was torn apart in a fiery explosion!
"Woah! Did he just make that ship explode with his bare hands!" Sun called out in shock, the broken airship crashed to the ground while (Y/N) put his hands on his knees and tried to steady his breathing, as he did this more White Fang Grunts came to attack the Sith while he was tired.
"(Y/N)!" Pyrrha called out with worry, she quickly jumped down to the ground and rushed to him, pulling Milo and Akouo from her belt she jumped into the air and threw Akouo at the closest grunt, hitting him right in the head and sending him sprawling to the ground.
Pyrrha's shield flew back into her hand and she landed swinging Milo in it's Javelin form sending some of the grunts flying, (Y/N) stood back up and activated his lightsaber slashing at the White Fang that tried to attack him, destroying their weapons and hitting them with his Force Powers, the two warriors fought the remaining grunts until the others came to assist them, Zerzeks and his Troopers surrounding the two while Ruby, Blake, Sun and Penny also helped with the fight, finally after a few more minutes of fighting all the White Fang were down, some were dead while others were just knocked out.
"Looks like we got them all..." Penny said as she looked around at the fallen faunus, Blake glared at the Troopers as they patrolled the area searching for any enemies that were still standing, she hadn't forgotten them gunning down the faunus and was furious.
"(Y/N), are you okay?" Pyrrha asked as she checked on him, he glanced at her then turned and walked away towards the Troopers, Pyrrha felt hurt that he was still mad at her but then remembered what she wanted to do, she raced over to him and threw her arms around him.
"I'm sorry... I'm sorry that I made you feel the way you did, I just couldn't decide on what to do, but I know now..." Pyrrha said as she hugged him together, pressing her breasts into his back.
"(Y/N) please forgive me..." she said as tears began to wet (Y/N)'s back.
(Y/N) was tempted to throw her off for showing such weakness, however he heard the sincerity in her words, and for some reason he had a feeling that he should forgive her, he pried her arms off of him and turned around placing his hands on her slender shoulders, she looked up at him with hope in her eyes.
"Very well, I'll forgive you this once, but if it happens again I won't forgive you" (Y/N) said as he wiped away her tears, she quickly hugged him again sniffling as she laid her head on his chest, he wrapped his arms around her waist and held her close.
"Sooo, are those two a thing?" Sun asked the girls.
"I'm not sure, it's pretty confusing with him..." Ruby said as she watched the two, meanwhile a short distance away a certain shadowed individual watched the interaction carefully, jealousy ate away at their heart and they hid themself away deeper in the darkness of the alleyway.
"I'll have to do something, before I lose him..." the shadow said to itself, then it stood up and dashed away to get it's plan ready.
The VPD had arrived and were taking statements, as well as arresting the living White Fang and taking away the dead ones, Zerzeks and the other Troopers had been ordered to return to base, the men were pleased that they got to see some action, Blake was angry when she found out the men were under (Y/N)'s command but didn't say anything yet, she decided she would confront him later tonight.
The students were sitting on crates, waiting for the Police to finish their investigation, HK47 had come down from his position and was standing beside his Master, watching the officers as they walked around, Pyrrha was sat beside (Y/N) shyly holding onto his hand as they waited two more students walked onto the scene, Weiss and Yang, when Yang saw (Y/N) her eyes widened as tears came to the edges.
"(Y/N)!!" she yelled happily as she dashed past Weiss and jumped onto the Sith, sending them both to the ground, she had landed on top of him and was hugging him to death but he didn't seem affected by it too much, he stood back up with Yang still holding onto him, Pyrrha watched with a small smile on her face, as Yang held onto him Weiss walked towards the others.
"Look Weiss it's not what you think she explained the whole thing you see she doesn't actually wear a bow she has kitty ears and their actually kind of cute" Ruby said with worry in her voice, she really didn't want Weiss and Blake to fight again so soon after finding her, Yang let go and watched the two as did everyone else as Blake and Weiss stared at each other intently before Blake broke the silence.
"Weiss. I want you to know that I'm no longer associated with the White Fang, back when I was with-" Blake went to explain, but was interrupted by Weiss.
"Stop. Do you have any idea how long we've been searching for you?" Weiss asked, Blake just waited for her to continue.
"Twelve hours. That means I've had twelve hours to think about this, and in that twelve hours I've decided..." Weiss said, the silence after was deafening as everyone watched the two girls carefully.
"I don't care!" Weiss said, surprising everyone.
"You don't care?" Blake asked in confusion, she had expected a lot more yelling but this was unexpected.
"You said your not one of them anymore, right?" Weiss said.
"No, I-I haven't been since I was younger-" Blake said, but she was once again interrupted by Weiss.
"Upupupupup! I don't wanna hear it" Weiss said as she held a hand up in front of Blake's face.
"all i want to know, is that the next time something this big comes up you'll come to your teammates, and not some... someone else" Weiss said as she glared at Sun, Blake looked around to see Yang had let go of (Y/N) and was smiling at her in a reassuring way, Ruby grinning at her happily as was Pyrrha, the sight brought a tear to her eye which she wiped away.
"Of course" Blake said in a happy voice, this brought a smile to Weiss's lips as Ruby looked between the two girls.
"Yeah! Team RWBY is back together!" Ruby cheered happily, they all stepped closer together, including Sun and Pyrrha who both seemed happy that Blake had made up with her friends and teammates.
"I'm still not quite sure how I feel about you!" Weiss said in a snappy voice as she pointed a finger into Sun's face, making the boy laugh nervously.
"Hey wait a minute. Where's Penny?" Ruby asked as she looked around, while she was looking around Penny was driven away in a limousine.
"Wait, wheres (Y/N) and HK47 gone?!" Yang asked, she and Pyrrha looked around and caught a glimpse of the two walking away towards the city, Yang quickly dashed after them with Pyrrha following close behind.
"(Y/N)! Wait, where are you going!?" Pyrrha called out as she ran to catch up to him.
"ANSWER; The master is tired from his training, he will be returning to Beacon to rest, so there is no need to worry, organic females" HK47 said as (Y/N) kept on walking, Yang and Pyrrha let out sigh's of relief as they along with Ruby, Blake, Weiss and Sun followed after them back to the academy.
Meanwhile back at Beacon, Ozpin sat in his office and watched the group via a live feed that was being streamed to his tablet, however he got a flash on his emails and he dismissed the live feed before opening the message, the message opened showing a short sentence.
{Queen has pawns}
Ozpin hummed in thought as he thought about the message, however his mind also began to wander to (Y/N), he had been watching the entire fight and saw that he had soldiers in black armour, as well as seeing them kill some of the White Fang soldiers with unusual weapons.
"This will need to be dealt with..." Ozpin said to himself, worry evident in his voice, he had to do something before the darkness consumed the young man, and the world lost a powerful weapon against the Grimm, and her...
I walked the last few feet towards the abandoned warehouse I was using as a base, tonight's Dust robbery was a total bust, not only had my guard Zack run off to do who-knows-what during a fight, but we had lost several ships and a lot of personnel and got barely any Dust to fill a case to recoup the losses, I walked inside the darkened building closing the door behind me before walking towards one of the only unbroken tables in the place, I set down the case and let out a heavy sigh as I leaned on the table, I was not looking forward to explaining this to her-
"How very disappointing, Roman" came a feminine voice from behind me, startling me out of my thoughts as the sound of one of the shutters opened loudly.
"Woah! Haha..." I said nervously as I turned around to see they had arrived.
"Wasn't expecting to see you guys so soon" I said, it was true I hadn't expected to see her or her kids here.
"We were expecting... more from you" Cinder said as she stepped into what little light there was coming from the open shutter behind her and the kids, the threat managed to make me laugh nervously, she wasn't someone you'd want to piss off.
"Hey, you were the ones who suggested working with those stupid mutts from the White Fang, and partnering me with that kid Zack" I pointed out, it wasn't my fault that they were useless against those kids, or those soldiers shooting at us, she just snickered at that as she looked at me.
"And you will continue to do so" Cinder said as she conjured flames into her left hand.
"We have big plans for you, Roman. All we ask is a little cooperation" she said as she walked further into the warehouse, her eyes glowing a flaming orange colour much like the fire in her hand, her two kids Emerald and Mercury also walked into sight, then I noticed two more people had walked into the ware house, there was a young woman with short cut blonde hair that reached to her neck, she had a dangerous glint in her eye and wore the same robes as zack did, she must have been another one of these Sith Cinder had been talking about, but it was the man that caught my attention.
He was of average height and his hair was grey even though he still looked rather young, he had dark circles under his eyes and had some kind of metal contraption covering his lower jaw and chin, his eyes were a pale yellow colour and he had some symbol tattooed over his right eye radiated evil much like Cinder did, his robes were red, black and grey with metal armour on the shoulders and wrists, he also had one of those lightsabers clipped to his belt so he must be a Sith.
"So your Roman Torchwick? I must say I am not very impressed, especially if you were outwitted by a group of children..." the man said as he stood beside Cinder and set his sights on me, I could feel the scorn and killing intent coming from his gaze, I'm so glad they need me...
The halls of Beacon were dark as the other students got ready for, or were already in bed, right now team RWBY were getting themselves ready for a well deserved sleep after their stressful weekend, Ruby was already in her pyjamas, Blake was in her yukata and reading a book while Weiss had just left the bathroom after changing into her nightgown.
"Hmm, where's Yang?" Ruby asked as she noticed that her big sister wasn't with them.
"I don't know, maybe she needed to go for a walk?" Weiss offered, Ruby nodded her head but couldn't shake the feeling that something was about to happen, she walked out and knocked on JNPR's door, she had forgotten to thank Pyrrha for helping today, Jaune answered the door.
"Hey Ruby" Jaune said as he opened the door, revealing his full body pyjamas.
"Hey Jaune, is Pyrrha here? I wanted to thank her for helping us today" Ruby said in a happy voice.
"Actually, I haven't seen Pyrrha all day, she even skipped out training session today" Jaune said in a confused voice.
"huh... I wonder where she went? Well if you see her tell her I said thank you okay?" Ruby said, Jaune nodded and the two went back to their rooms to sleep.
Meanwhile in Team CFVY's room Coco Adele was having her own missing teammate issue, Velvet had vanished for the day, she had even called her scroll only to find it on her bed, she was getting very worried for her teammate.
As this happened a certain girl walked through the halls of the dormitories, she had to wait when she saw Ruby and Jaune talking in the hall because she didn't want to be held up anymore than she needed to be, when the two went back into their rooms she quickly dashed away towards her destination.
Stopping outside the familiar door she raised her fist to knock on the door, she didn't hesitate as she knocked on the door, she was ready to learn about the Force, she had known that (Y/N) was thinking of having an apprentice to teach the ways of the Force and lightsabers and she wanted to be that apprentice, for him and her to be connected on a deeper level, the door opened slightly and she saw the tall, rust coloured robot through the gap in the door.
"GREETING; Good evening female meat-bag, the Master is currently getting ready to sleep, do you require something?" HK47 asked the girl, she went to answer but was cut off by the man himself.
"HK, let her in, I know what she's come for..." came (Y/N)'s voice from within the room, the Droid stepped aside and opened the door allowing the girl into the room, when she entered she saw (Y/N) sitting on his bed looking at her with his shirt off, she felt her cheeks warm up from the sight and lost any words she wanted to say.
"I can feel your emotions, I know what you want and I'm more than willing to give it to you, the only question is, are you ready for this? Because once you open yourself to the Force you cannot shut it out, you will hear it's call and feel it's power for the rest of your life" (Y/N) said in a serious voice.
The girl stood still, her thoughts racing as she thought about what the Sith had said, she would forever be able to feel the Force, and gain a lot of power, she looked back up to him and gazed deep into his (E/C) eyes and nodded her head.
"I-I want this... let me learn the way of the Force from you" she said as she looked deep into his eyes, a smile crept across his face as he took hold of her hands and led her to sit on his bed.
"Now, all you have to do is close your eyes and let the feelings flow" (Y/N) said, the girl nodded and closed her eyes as (Y/N)'s hand rested on her cheek.
"Now, we unlock the Force within you, my dear..." (Y/N) said in a dark voice, at first she tensed before she slowly began to relax, she heard the words that (Y/N) spoke as she felt something powerful rise inside her, then she felt as though new life had flowed int her body making her senses sharper than ever, and finally she allowed herself to be enveloped by the darkness...
"Learn to use the Dark Side of the Force..." (Y/N)'s voice echoed through her mind before they both lost consciousness, and drifted into a deep sleep.
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