Chapter 13
My eyes opened and I found herself in my team's dorm room, Nora and Ren were being their usual selves but I noticed that Jaune wasn't with them, she stood up from her bed and walked to the door to go find him, when she stepped through the doorway the scene changed and she was on a battlefield surrounded by ferocious Grimm, she was exhausted it felt like she had been fighting forever without a break, and she was bleeding from several very deep wounds, there was a loud cry of loss and anguish from behind her and she turned to see a horrible sight.
Sitting on the ground was Nora, her eyes wide with horror and pain and her weapon Magnild lying broken nearby, in her lap rested Ren's head he was bleeding from several deep wounds on his body as his lifeless eyes looked to the darkened skies, she could see that his chest wasn't rising and falling anymore... he was dead.
She felt tears leak from her face at the sight, then to her horror a massive Ursa covered in cruelly barbed spikes and armour plates charged towards Nora, Pyrrha threw Akuoh at the Grimm but to her shock the shield just passed through the monster as if it were mist, she could do nothing but watch as the creature raised it's claw up and slashed Nora across the back, sending a spray of blood into the air before she fell to the ground with the Ursa and some of it's fellow Grimm mauling her to death.
Pyrrha fell to her knees and looked around desperately, her eyes landed on Jaune who to her shock he was hiding behind his shield trembling as his teammates died, Pyrrha called out to him but he just shook his head and refused to move, Pyrrha heard a loud hiss and looked back just in time for a massive King Taijitsu to lunge forwards and wrap itself around her.
Pyrrha released a strangled breath as the coils squeezed around her, her arms were pinned to her sides and she was having a lot of trouble breathing, she could only watch as the massive snake Grimm watched her as she struggled for breath.
"Jaune!" she called once more, he looked right into her eyes then turned tail and ran away, leaving her to the Grimm, hurt and betrayal swallowed her whole as she felt the coils squeeze tighter, she closed her eyes and accepted her own death...
Suddenly the sound of lightsaber activating snapped her awake and she saw the familiar figure of (Y/N) slice the head off of the massive snake, when the second white coloured head emerged to try and bite him a second figure jumped in front of it and force choked it beforte snapping it's neck violently, the Grimm fell to the two Sith in droves the second Sith slashing with their lightsaber, and (Y/N) using the lightning that shot from his fingers
Pyrrha looked up in awe at the two figures, (Y/N) stood above Pyrrha there with a confidant smile on his face as his lightsaber hummed in his hand, he looked down at Pyrrha then to the dead Nora and Ren his face turning into a disapproving scowl.
"When a leader proves to be useless..." (Y/N) said as the feminine figure in a black robe similar to (Y/N)'s walked up beside him dragging Jaune behind her, she reached up and lowered her hood making Pyrrha's eyes widen in shock, she was looking at herself!
The other Pyrrha was wearing the same Sith Robes (Y/N) wore and was carrying a lightsaber in her hand, her reflection looked down at her with disgust and pity on her face.
"You eradicate him!" the other Pyrrha said as she threw Jaune down to his knees in front of her, she pressed the bladed end of her extinguished lightsaber into Jaune's back, Pyrrha watched in horror as her reflection ignited the blade and pierced Jaune's chest, the energy blade easily coming out the other side of his chest, the other Pyrrha watched with an evil smirk on her face as he fell down dead at her feet.
Pyrrha shot up in her bed breathing heavily as sweat dripped down her face and body, she placed her hand on her forehead and calmed herself down, trying her best to remember it was only a dream and silenty wishing that (Y/N) was there to help her.
She stood up and wiped the sweat away from her forehead as she looked around the room she shared with her team, and saw the others were still asleep, even Jaune.
Pyrrha quietly got out of bed and changed into her school uniform, she couldn't go back to sleep after that dream and so decided to go and try to work the anxiety out of her system, after putting on her uniform she quietly left the room and went down to the gym to beat the feelings out with a punching bag, and some holographic Grimm.
I woke up from my sleep and checked the communicator for missed calls from HK47 and Zerzeks, I saw that there were no updates of the construction of the base and stood up from my bed, I twisted my upper body making my back crack as I stretched the muscles in my body, getting myself ready for today.
I had gone to bed shirtless as I usually do when I got to bed, and so I did some stretches to loosen up my muscles and went to get changed into my robes, after I had put on my (F/C) robes I left my room and started to walk around the campus until classes begin.
As I passed the gym I heard the sound of someone training within, I walked in and saw Pyrrha was slashing and battling holographic Grimm with a look of determination on her face, she was wearing her bronze and red combat attire and I couldn't help but admire her body as she moved and fought, I leaned against the door frame and watched as she threw her Javelin at a Beowolf and retrieved it using her Semblance.
"Having fun?" I called out, she jumped and spun around looking at me defensively before realising it was me, then she visibly relaxed a little and stopped the training program.
"I'm sorry (Y/N), I was getting in some practice and I didn't know anyone else was awake yet..." Pyrrha said as she rubbed the back of her arm nervously, I looked around and saw a punching bag had been beaten so badly it had burst apart.
"It's fine, good to see you training as hard as you do, I think I might join you in this, loosen up a little bit for the day" I replied.
"Indeed, it would be good to cut loose and push my limits" Pyrrha said, I then got a good idea in my head.
"What about if we sparred together, first we start off with hand-to-hand combat, then we move on to using weapons and powers, winner get's a special prize at the end of our date later on today, what do you say?" I suggested.
"O-Oh, yes, that w-would be wonderful..." Pyrrha said with a small blush on her face, I guess she was still thinking about what happened in the hallway last night, the thought made me smile to myself as I turned and went to retrieve my vibrosword for practice, I also decided to take my lightsaber as well.
???'S POV
I stood back in the shadows as (Y/N) walked out of the gym and went to the locker room, as I watched I saw Pyrrha looking around nervously as her face flushed red for some reason.
"What is she blushing about?" I whispered to myself as I watched her, she stood still inside the training area waiting for (Y/N) to return.
After a few minutes (Y/N) returned with a metal long-sword which he carefully set down on a nearby bench, I also saw that he had his lightsaber attached to his belt but he placed it down beside his sword, Pyrrha set down her weapon and shield too and they both walked into the center of the ring and got into a combat stance.
Suddenly the two rushed at each other and started trading kicks, punches and strikes, they each blocked or dodged each other's attacks with precision and amazing agility, they each landed the occasional strike but seemed to barely feel the blows.
"Wow... those two are amazing" I whispered to myself as I watched them, suddenly (Y/N) kicked Pyrrha in the chest making her double over and he followed up by rolling over her shoulders and landing behind her, she stood back up and looked confused for a second before (Y/N) wrapped his arm around her throat and the other one grabbed her right arm and pinned it to her back.
Pyrrha struggled a little until (Y/N)'s head came over her right shoulder and he whispered something into her ear, her cheeks turned bright red from whatever he said to her and she smiled slightly, suddenly she kicked him in the leg and tried to break free of his choke-hold but he seemed to just tighten his hold around her neck as they both fell, she reversed the position and was on top of him in a straddling position with a triumphant smirk on her face.
However he swung his legs and made her fall past his head and land flat on her back, he jumped on top of her grabbing both of her wrists in one hand and pinning her arms to the ground while he had his knee on her stomach, his other hand was poised in a claw-like motion above Pyrrha's face while (Y/N) looked down at her with his own triumphant smirk.
"So miss Nikos, looks like I win this round" (Y/N) said, Pyrrha laughed at his observation.
"Indeed you did, so shall we move on to sparring with weapons?" Pyrrha suggested as she stayed beneath (Y/N), he grunted in approval and stood up releasing Pyrrha's wrists, I saw him walk over to the bench and pick up Pyrrha's shield and javelin before tossing them over to Pyrrha, he then picked up the sword and clipped the lightsaber to his belt.
I sat as still as possible as I watched the two fight one another, Pyrrha was known as a prodigy yet she seemed to be matched by (Y/N), but I knew that he wasn't using his full power because if he did he could easily defeat her and possible cause a fatal injury, after what felt like a hour the two locked weapons and stared at each other with intensity.
Pyrrha had a sheen of sweat on her face and she was breathing heavily due to the exertion, yet (Y/N) didn't seem too tired, his breathing was a little irregular but he didn't show as much exhaustion as Pyrrha was he must have a lot of stamina!
The two unlocked their weapons and talked a little more, then they both went to the locker room to change back into their uniforms, I saw (Y/N) stop at the doorway and look back at me with a smile on his face just like the last time.
He walked away into the locker room and I slowly walked out of my hiding place, I couldn't believe that he had noticed me! How long had he known I was following him for? And why hadn't he called me out on it yet?
I knew that I had to ask him about this sometime, but not right now, I quickly dashed out of the training room and outside, I had to get to my first class before anyone noticed I was gone!
I was sitting down in my row listening to professor Port as he told us a story about how he battle a group of fifty Ursai alone, I looked over and saw (Y/N) sitting beside Ruby listening to Port with a bored look on his face, if he was bored I would have to find some way to relieve him of that boredom~
I felt my eyelids grow heavy because I had been up last night with Weiss since she had insisted/forced me to study with her, since apparently my grades made her feel ashamed, I had to admit I felt a bit angry about her judgement of me but after Ruby said it might help me with my issues I had to agree.
I don't understand how she cannot be sleepy with how late we stayed up! Either she had some very strong coffee like Professor Oobleck or she's not human.
I lowered my head to my desk and closed my eyes as Port rambled on about his youth, I felt my body relax my mind began to drift off, then just before my eyes closed I saw (Y/N) and my mind instantly was filled with images of him.
I was sitting in my room and I saw (Y/N) standing in front of me with a lustful look on his face, I felt the heat rush to my cheeks as I thought about the promise behind those lustful eyes.
"So Yang, I think it might be time for us to go even further than a kiss..." he said when I felt something touch the inside of my inner thigh.
"W-What do you mean by that (Y-Y/N)?" I asked nervously, I had to admit I wanted to do this with him and enjoy every second of it.
"I mean that we get a lot..." he drew closer and pressed his lips against mine, he pushed me down on the bed and I felt my jacket and skirt get removed leaving me on only my yellow croptop and black shorts, I gasped for breath as he pulled back releasing me from the kiss.
"More intimate" he said as he lowered his head downwards, trailing kissed and bites down my stomach making my body quiver in anticipation, I felt his fingers hook around my shorts and pull them down leaving me in only a pair of yellow panties on my lower half.
I gasped as I felt something touch me between my thighs and I felt dampness against the fabric making me squirm in pleasure, I then felt the underwear get removed slowly and teasingly.
"(Y/N)... Oh, Oh (Y/N)!!" I moaned to myself as my eyes closed, I quickly flipped our positions and straddled him and started grinding my hips against his body.
"Yang..." came his voice in a seductive purr.
"Yang" I heard him call again.
"YANG!" came the loud voice of my little sister, I opened my eyes and saw her standing in front of me making my eyes go wide in horror.
I shot awake so fast the I smacked both of my knees on my desk making both of my legs go numb from where they were hit, I groaned in pain as I rubbed both of my aching knees and looked over to my right to see Ruby looking at me in concern, and standing right behind her I saw the object of my dream smirking at me with a raised brow.
"Oh ouch... are you okay Yang?" Ruby asked me as she leaned in a little closer and looked at my knees which were already healing thanks to my Aura.
"Y-Yep, never better! W-Why do you ask?" I said nervously, I really didn't want to admit to my little sister and my crush that I was having a sex dream about him in class!
"Oh no reason, I just wanted to make sure you were okay, after all you were up pretty late last night with Weiss studying, maybe you should go back to the dorm and get some sleep?" Ruby suggested heplfully, I had to admit bed sounded really good right about now...
"Nah, I'm fine! I'm not tired at all..." I said but I was undermined by a yawn I couldn't stifle.
"Okay I really didn't want to do this but you leave me no choice... as your leader I command you to get to bed!" Ruby said in a commanding voice as she pouted cutely.
"Okay fine, I'll go do that... thanks Ruby" I said tiredly, I sighed tiredly as I stood up and we walked out of the classroom, I turned to walk back to our dorm when I felt someone beside me, I looked over and saw (Y/N) looking at me with a cocky smile on his face.
"Oh, h-hello (Y/N)... how are you doing today?" I asked, I mentally scolded myself for stuttering at him, I was supposed to be confidant dammit!
"I'm doing good, how about you you Yang?" he asked in a weird voice.
"I'm good thanks, don't you have more classes (Y/N)?" I asked curiously, I was kind of hoping he could come back with me and let me cuddle with him like that time before.
"Yeah I do, Combat Class with Glynda then I'm done for the day" he replied casually.
"Hmmm, maybe you could come back to the dorm later and help me sleep~" I said in a seductive purr.
"Hmmm... are you sure it's sleep you want from me Yang?" he asked suggestively.
"Y-Yeah, what else would I mean by helping me sleep?" I asked, what is he talking about?
"Well let me put it this way Yang..." he said as he leaned in and stopped his lips inches away from my ear.
"You really know how to move those hips of yours~" he purred into my ear, I felt my face burn bright red at those words and I looked at him in shock as he smiled at me.
"H-How did you know about that?!" I whisper yelled as we walked through the courtyard.
"One thing I forgot to mention about the force, it allows me to read minds to an extent" he said.
"Wait... s-so you mean that you knew all those time I...?" I said very afraid now, let's just say this wasn't the first of those dreams I had...
"Mostly surface thoughts and emotions, but yours are quite... interesting" he said in a teasing voice before he walked away towards Glynda's class, leaving me standing there stunned at the admission.
"Oum damn it (Y/N)..." I muttered to myself as I turned around and walked back to the dorm, after a short walk I got into the room and saw my bed, I stripped off my school uniform and changed into an orange tank top and a pair of black shorts, I climbed up and sat down on the edge of my bed dangling my legs over the side.
"How am I supposed to get any sleep now? Why does he have to tease me so much..." I said to myself, however when my head hit my soft, comfortable pillow I found my eyes closing and I was drifting off into sleep...
It was lunchtime at Beacon and a large number of students were in the Cafeteria eating and laughing, on one table sat Teams JNPR, RWB_ and (Y/N) who were eating their lunch and talking about things that interested them.
(Y/N) was sat beside Weiss as he finished up the last of his chicken and bacon sandwich, he looked around and noticed that Yang was missing from the fun.
"Hey Ruby, where's that sister of yours?" he asked after swallowing the last of the sandwich with an audible gulp.
"She wasn't doing so good, so I sent her back to the dorm to take a nap..." Ruby replied a she munched on a chocolate chip cookie.
"Well she and Weiss were up pretty late last night studying..." Blake said as she read one of her books.
"so it's Weiss's fault... nothing new there then" (Y/N) said in a teasing voice.
"Hmph! She would be just fine if she studied more than she goofed off" she ranted as she sipped her cup of tea.
Nora was scarfing down a big plate of pancakes with syrup on them, while Ren calmly ate some sushi, Jaune was sitting with CRDL and looked miserable as they laughed and messed with him, Pyrrha had finished her food a little while ago and now was looking between (Y/N) and Jaune.
When she looked at Jaune she was reminded of the way he acted towards her on the rooftop when she offered to help him, and it made her feel sad and angry, when she looked at (Y/N) she remembered how he touched her last night and that she was finally going on a date with him tonight, she blushed a deep shade of red at the thought of what could happen between them during their date.
"H-Hey Pyrrha..." came Ruby's voice snapping her out of her happy fantasy, she kept her gaze at the blonde boy with a deathly scowl on her face.
"What, do you want Ruby?" she said as her emerald green eyes narrowed at Jaune, the others were kind of surprised with the hostility in her voice, but (Y/N) smiled under his hood that she was starting to let her feelings out.
"Oh, well uhhm, I-I was just wondering i-if you were okay?" Ruby stuttered, she felt really worried with how she was looking at Jaune.
"I'm just fine thanks, why do you ask?" Pyrrha said in a snappy tone of voice.
"W-Well it's just that..." Ruby said in a very unsure voice, she was so used to the friendly happy Pyrrha, so seeing her acting so hostile made her unsure of how to proceed.
"Your face is really red, like feverish red" Ren said as he sipped his green tea, Nora suddenly gasped dramatically.
"Are you sick? Do you have a fever? What if it's fatal? PLEASE DON'T GO INTO THE LIGHT PYRRHA!!" Nora said in a rushed voice as she shook Pyrrha's shoulders.
"She's not dying, I think she's just thinking about something" Weiss said in an irritated tone of voice, although she looked at Pyrrha with some concern.
"What are you thinking about Pyrrha?" Ruby asked curiously, Pyrrha opened her mouth to answer however (Y/N) saw this as a golden opportunity to make some very enjoyable reactions.
"She's probably thinking about what it would be like having a real man between her thighs..." (Y/N) said with a big grin on his face.
Weiss spat out her tea right towards Ren before choking on air as she accidentally breathed some into her lungs, Ruby looked confused at what he meant before patting Weiss's back to help with her spluttering, Blake dropped her book in shock and her eyes went really wide as her cheeks turned red, Ren remained stoic about what (Y/N) just said while Weiss's tea dripped from his black hair, Nora had fallen down to the ground laughing her butt off at everyone else's reactions as she held her stomach.
And Pyrrha, she had turned a shade or red so deep it matched her hair, however her face changed to a dreamy look as she imagined the Sith between her thighs, giving her pleasure so great she screamed to the sky, as she fantasised blood trickled from her nostril and dripped onto the table as a smile came to her face.
"(Y/N)!!" Weiss screeched when she finally managed to regain her breath, although she did still cough a little bit while Ruby rubbed circles into her back.
"What? What did I do?" (Y/N) asked in a mock innocent tone.
"Did you have to say something so graphic in the lunchroom!?" Weiss continued to yell.
"For the looks on all of your faces, absolutely!" (Y/N) said with a loud laugh, Pyrrha couldn't help but smile at him as he laughed.
"Well... I'm pretty sure Pyrrha doesn't like you saying such dirty stuff about her! Right Pyrrha?" Weiss said as she looked over at Pyrrha hopefully.
"A-Actually... I-I don't mind if he says things like that about me" Pyrrha said as she wiped away some of the blood from her nose, her cheeks still very red as she glanced at (Y/N).
"B-But Pyrrha!" Weiss said in a disbelieving voice, she gave up and just put her face in her hand as she shook her head.
"Well... I'm off to get some training done, catch you all later!" (Y/N) called over his shoulder as he walked out of the cafeteria.
I adjusted the dress I was wearing until I felt comfortable, then I slipped on a pair of red heels that were just the right size, it was almost time for my date with (Y/N) and I wanted to look my absolute best, I brushed my hair out before tying it back into the usual ponytail before placing my head-dress in my hair.
"Woah! Pyrrha you look amazing!" Nora exclaimed in an excited voice, I felt happy at her compliment.
"Indeed, you look lovely" Ren said in his usual calm voice, I looked around and noticed that Jaune was missing again.
"Where's Jaune?" I asked, I had hoped that I could make him see what he was missing by ignoring me for Weiss.
"I'm not sure, he said he had to go do something a little while ago and we haven't seen him since" Ren said.
"I'm sure he's fine, he's our leader after all!" Nora said as she started jumping on her bed happily.
I felt sad and angry again, yes he was supposed to be our leader, yet he wasn't here with us to make sure we trained or studied, he was off doing who-knows-what, probably trying and failing at flirting with Weiss again...
"So Pyrrha, how come you're all dressed up?" Ren asked as he saw Nora doing belly flops on the bed, I was very sure that the bed frame would break if she kept on doing this.
"Are you... going... on a... date or... something?" Nora asked between bounces.
"A-Actually yes I am" I said as I started to feel a little self conscious all of a sudden.
Nora suddenly stopped bouncing on the bed and stared at me wide eyed, even Ren seemed a little surprised that I was going out with someone.
"Who is it? Is it someone we know? Oh please tell me please, please, please, please!" Nora said as she dashed around me with a huge grin on her face, I was about to answer her when there was a knock on our door.
"Oh my gosh! Is that him? Let me see who it is!" Nora shouted as she dashed towards the door, she opened it and there stood (Y/N) wearing his usual robes and a smile on his face.
"Hey (Y/N), have you seen any guys coming towards our room? Pyrrha's expecting a date" Nora said as she poked her head out of the doorway and looked down both ways of the hall.
"Nora... he's my date" I said with a blush on my face.
"REALLY?! Wow, I didn't expect you and him to get together, like at all!" Nora said as she dashed between me and (Y/N) who laughed at her excitability.
"Well the universe can be full of unexpected treats, isn't that right Pyrrha?" (Y/N) said in answer.
My mind flashed with the events that happened last night, I remembered every word he said to me and everything I felt him do to me, the thoughts made me blush as I secretly hoped that he would do that to me again.
I stood up and walked to the door as I saw (Y/N) look me up and down, I felt very nervous under his gaze but it all melted away when I saw the approving smirk on his face.
"Looking good Pyrrha..." he said in a very flirty voice.
"T-Thank you (Y/N), I'm sure I don't look that good" I said with a happy grin on my face.
"That dress has my mouth on the floor, DAMN!" he said as I walked past him into the hallway, I could feel his gaze on me and I felt a shiver of delight run through me.
"W-Well, thank you (Y/N), shall we go?" I asked, he walked over and wrapped an arm around my waist and we walked away together.
"Try not to break her okay? She still needs to walk and stuff!" Nora called out down the hall, I felt so embarrassed that she had to say that, does she have no shame at all?!
"No promises~" (Y/N) called back, I looked at him with wide eyes, was that really on the table tonight? Am I ready for this step so soon?
We walked down the halls and made our way towards the courtyard, as we walked we ran into Ruby, Weiss and Blake who looked at us both with wide eyes.
"Pyrrha? (Y/N)? What are you two up to?" Ruby asked curiously.
"Me and Pyrrha are going out for a date" (Y/N) said casually as he pulled me closer to him.
"What?! When did this happen?" Weiss asked with worry in her voice.
"Last night when he asked me, he was very persuasive" I said as we walked away towards the docks, as we walked I saw Jaune with Cardin and his team they looked over at us and I could see Jaune looked surprised at us, I also saw Cardin sneering at us both but he was suddenly thrown back onto the ground with a loud crash.
I looked back and saw (Y/N) had his hand extended with a scowl on his face, he lowered his hand and looked at me with a passive face, I returned the look with a happy smile as we boarded the Bullhead and flew towards Vale.
I had woken up a little while ago and had a small panic attack when I looked at the time on my scroll, I had missed the rest of my classes!
However I forgot all about that when I remembered the dream I was having, it was a continuation to my little day-dream in class earlier and it went much further this time, as I sat in my bed I began to feel my body heat up and a certain dampness in my panties.
"I really need to sort this out..." I mumbled to myself, I really wished that (Y/N) was here right now...
It was then I decided to just 'take care' of myself until I could try to convince him to take care of me, I quickly jumped down from my bed and opened the door to my room a little, I looked both ways to see if my team was coming back and felt relieved that I couldn't see them.
"Okay... I'm going to have to be careful about this" I said as I bent down and slipped my shorts and wet panties off and tossed them onto my bed but I didn't know where my panties went, I jumped up to my bed and covered myself in my blanket just in case they came back early.
I slowly moved my hand downwards and touched myself as I thought about the dream I had about (Y/N), I closed my eyes as I started to rub myself down there and felt the moistness on my fingers, I hadn't had to do this for sometime since I hadn't really been interested in a guy as much as I was now, the first times I had done this was because I was curious and my dad's magazines really helped.
"(Y/N)..." I moaned out as my fingers moved against my crotch, I slowly slid my other hand under my top and started massaging myself, I squirmed around as I pleasured myself to my crush just imagining what it would be like to do it with him.
I moved my hand against myself faster, the friction was really driving me wild and I started to crave having something to grab onto, I squeezed my left breast in my hand making me gasp as I inserted a finger into myself.
I felt my back arch as I started to really get into what I was doing and I began to feel something building inside of me, I was so close, almost there...
"Hey Yang! You feeling better?" I heard my little sister call out as she, Weiss and Blake walked into our room, I quickly pulled my hands away from myself and acted all innocent as I sat up and tried to discreetly pull my shorts up my legs.
"Y-Yeah... I'm f-feeling much better t-thanks sis..." I said trying my best not to look suspicious, if my little sister caught me doing what I was doing it would be very, very awkward.
"That's good! And don't worry, all three of us took notes for your classes, so you could catch up after you've had a good rest" Ruby said in a cheerful voice, I was kind of annoyed with them for coming back at this time.
I was so close to achieving my release but now I'll have to deal with my groin throbbing painfully since I can't finish myself off, I might be able to finish if I could make up a good excuse...
"I'm going to have a shower to wake myself up more, be right back okay" I said trying to sound normal, my crotch was really painful right now and I was pissed at the interruption.
"Okay, have fun" Ruby called out as I walked out of the room and into our bathroom, I stripped off my pyjamas and my bra and walked into the shower turning on the warm water, I relaxed and sighed when the warm water hit my skin.
"Why didn't I think of this before...?" I said in a breathy voice as I started to wash myself and I let my hand travel down south again.
Pyrrha and I walked through the town together on our way to a restaurant to get some food, she kept on looking at me with a smile before blushing and looking away, I could tell she wanted to hold my hand or something but I was going to wait and see if she would work up the courage to do it herself.
We finally arrived at the restaurant and walked in to find a seat, we sat down and waited to be served, I looked over to see Pyrrha looking around happily.
"Enjoying yourself Pyrrha?" I asked with a smile.
"Yes, this is lovely" she said back, when she finished saying that a young lady wearing a uniform walked over to us with a pad and paper.
"Hello, how may I help you today?" she asked in a quirky voice.
"I'll have (F/F) with (F/D)" I said, the young woman wrote it down and looked towards Pyrrha, then her eyes widened in shock and happiness.
"Oh my gosh! Your Pyrrha Nikos!" she exclaimed, I watched and saw Pyrrha get a little uncomfortable with the attention because now everyone in the restaurant was turning to look at her.
"Y-Yes, that's me" she said in an awkward voice, I felt a little annoyed that she was sounding so unsure, she should hold herself with more confidence around people.
"It's so great to meet you in person, I've watched all of your matches from the tournaments at Sanctum, I'm such a big fan of yours!" the young woman said in an excited voice.
"Oh, thank you very much, that's really nice of you" Pyrrha said with that smile still on her face, however I could read her thoughts and emotions and tell she was very unhappy about having her date interrupted.
"What can I get you today, Miss Nikos?" the girl asked, with a very happy look on her face now.
"I'll have the same as (Y/N) please" Pyrrha said.
"Very good, I'll be back with your orders as soon as possible" the girl said, she then turned away and rushed into the kitchen.
"I guess you get that a lot, am I right Pyrrha?" I asked curiously, Pyrrha sighed sadly.
"Yes, everyone treats me so much differently than others, it always makes things difficult in my daily life, I can't go out without being stopped for something, and it makes it difficult to make any meaningful friendships... at least until I met you and Jaune" Pyrrha said.
"I'm guessing that also means you've never had any romantic relationships either, the constant worry that they just want to be with you because of your fame, power, or your fighting ability" I replied back, she looked down and I could feel the sadness pouring from her like blood from a wound.
"It's true... I've had to deal with boys trying to be with me only to get into the papers, or to use money they think I've got at my disposal from the whole cereal thing, by the way that stuff is terrible..." Pyrrha said regaining her smile.
We sat down in the restaurant, talking and laughing until our food arrived, we ate and had to deal with people walking up to us asking for Pyrrha's autograph or a picture, she seemed to enjoy that part of her fame it was just how other people treated her in private that was the issue.
After an hour Yang walked out of the bathroom wrapped up in a towel with her long, blonde hair still slightly wet from the shower, she had a satisfied smile on her face as she sat down and started to blow dry her hair.
"Did you have a nice shower Yang?" Blake asked, Yang hummed in response and didn't notice the blush on Blake's face, her heightened Faunus senses had picked up the scent of Yang's arousal and she was starting to feel very awkward.
"I wonder how Pyrrha and (Y/N)'s date is going?" Ruby said aloud, suddenly the air in the room changed into a very tense one as Yang slowly turned her head to look at her little sister.
"You can ask them later on when they come back, for now though you should be-" Weiss was suddenly cut off when Yang shoved her aside and got right in front of her little sister with a very scary grin on he rface.
"What did you say, about (Y/N) and Pyrrha having a date?" Yang asked in a sweet voice.
"Oh well, we saw (Y/N) and Pyrrha leave a few minutes ago to go on a date in Vale, I'm not too sure what they said they were going to do but it looked kind of nice" Ruby said in a carefree voice, she wasn't too scared of Yang since she had lived with her she'd seen when Yang got in these kinds of moods.
"Why didn't you tell me sooner?! Now Pyrrha might try to one up me, she's already kissed him what if she tries to get him to sleep with her or something?!" Yang said as she grabbed her hair and raked her fingers through it nervously.
"I'm sure she wouldn't do that Yang..." Blake said in a calm voice.
"It's Pyrrha we're talking about, she's far to kind natured to make the first move, she'll probably just hold his hand or kiss him or something" Weiss said in her normal voice.
"Yeah, besides it's not so bad if they sleep together is it? We used to sleep together all the time!" Ruby said with a smile, Weiss and Blake looked at Yang weirdly and stepped back.
"What?! She's talking about us sleeping together when she had a nightmare or something as a kid! Get your minds out of the gutter!" Yang yelled angrily as a blush came across her face, she couldn't believe that those two thought that way of her and Ruby's relationship!
"Anyway, she's with him right now in town having fun" Ruby said, Yang looked sad that her crush was out with someone else and not her, but she had to remember that just because they went out doesn't mean they are going to be committed to anything.
"It's okay Yang, let's just wait and see what happens when they come back, we'll know for sure when it's time" Blake said, she had some relief on her face because she was secretly hoping that Yang would have nothing to do with him, she knew he helped them out a lot and saved Ruby multiple times but she couldn't help the feeling of dread and darkness coming from him.
"Yeah, I guess your right..." Yang said, she walked away and got herself dressed in her casual outfit, a yellow crop top, black shorts, brown belt with a white back skirt, tan vest and an orange scarf around her neck.
"Where are you going Yang?" Ruby asked with worry in her voice.
"I'm going for a walk..." she replied in a sombre tone of voice, she walked to the door and left the room leaving her teammates behind.
Pyrrha and I had finished eating and walked out of the restaurant together, I looked over to see her with a happy smile on her face, I guess she was enjoying herself.
"So, what are we going to do next?" Pyrrha asked me.
"How about a movie? There could be some good movies on there" I replied, I hated to admit it but I didn't really know what the girls on this world did for fun besides kill Grimm, back in the galaxy I was from I could just take her on my personal Fury class Star Ship and take her to a cantina for drinks and music, however my ship had been destroyed on my first day here so I would have to make due.
Okay, that sounds lovely" she said back as she looped her arm through mine and leaned against me slightly, we walked on and stopped at a movie place and went inside, a lot of the movies seemed strange to me so I just let Pyrrha pick one out.
Turns out Pyrrha chose a romantic movie, probably to try and set a certain mood, she probably wanted me to choose a certain reward form my prize from the sparring match this morning, I was getting slightly frustrated having to watch the couple stumble around one another over a simple kiss, this was far different than how a Sith would win affection from a woman.
In my experience all it took was some wanton slaughter or winning her a planet or a war, if you did that Sith women would let you screw them senseless, bar the occasional bout of murderous impulse after they climax it was an enjoyable experience.
I came back to reality just in time to see the couple share a loving kiss as rain poured down upon them, I really didn't get giving kisses that tender, I much preferred heated, passionate kisses with me pushing them up against a wall and leaving love bites on their neck.
I looked over and saw Pyrrha with tears in her eyes, but she didn't look sad she looked happy, strange woman.
I felt her take hold of my hand, lacing her fingers with mine, I felt my heart rate speed up again but I quickly got it under control and looked at her, she turned to look at me with a smile on her face we both stood up and left the theatre as we walked outside she turned her head to look at me.
"S-So, what did you think of the movie (Y/N)?" Pyrrha asked with a hopeful grin in her face, I knew that if I was honest with her about it she would get upset, so I decided to go with a different approach.
"It was okay, although my idea or romance and kissing is much different that the couple in that movie" I said, I could tell that this caught her interest since she looked right at me with a raised brow, curiosity in her emerald green eyes.
"Really? How so?" she asked me, I looked around and saw that we had walked into a place with no one else around, guess now is as good a time as ever.
Well for one thing, I prefer to kiss like this" I said before grabbing her shoulders and pinning her to a wall making her look at me in surprise.
"(Y-Y/N)?!" she gasped in shock as I pressed my body against hers and slammed my lips against hers, I heard her gasp again as my lips covered hers but she quickly sank into the kiss, I felt her arms circle around my neck as she pulled herself deeper into the kiss, I moved my other hand downwards and wrapped my arm around her waist pulling her even closer as she seemed to fight for breath.
I released the kiss just as she seemed to be about to panic from lack of air, Pyrrha gasped for air as she looked at me in surprise, I just smirked back with a look of triumph on my face.
"That's how I like to kiss..." I whispered in her ear as I let go of her shoulders, leaving her to lean on the wall for support as she caught her breath.
"W-Wow... I wasn't expecting you to be so forceful" Pyrrha said as her face burned bright red, a goofy smile on her face.
"I prefer the term 'passionate', and from that grin on your face I'd say you enjoyed it" I said back, she hit me on the arm playfully with a small giggle.
"It's getting pretty late, maybe we should head back..." Pyrrha said with some disappointment in her voice.
"Okay, sounds good" I said, she looped her arm through min again and we walked back to the docks and took the next flight back to Beacon, we sat in the airship until it stopped at Beacon, we got off and we walked to the dormitories and stopped outside the door to the building.
"I had a nice time tonight (Y/N), thank you" Pyrrha said in a shy voice.
"No problem, I'm glad you've cheered up" I said back, she leaned in and kissed me on the cheek before turning around and walking into the dorm building, I decided to go for a walk since it wasn't dark yet.
As I walked around I sensed a strange tremor in the force and followed it to it's source, when I arrived I saw Yang sitting at the edge of the docks with her legs dangling over the side, her head was hanging low as she gazed over the town below, it seemed that she hadn't been there very long.
"Hey Yang, you doing okay?" I asked, she turned her head and looked at me sadly.
"Hey (Y/N)... I heard about your date with Pyrrha, how did it go?" she asked in a sombre tone.
"It was fine, just some food and a movie nothing too special, how about you?" I asked, I could feel the sadness pouring off of her and I felt a little bad.
"I'm okay, haven't really seen you in a while, and we haven't done anything together just the two of us..." Yang said mumbling the last part, so she wanted me to give her some attention, I could do that easily.
"I apologise for that Yang, I've been neglecting you" I said as I walked over and sat beside her, I put my arm around her shoulders and pulled her into my body she seemed to feel a little better since she leaned her head against my shoulder.
"Yes you have, how are you going to make it up to me?" Yang asked in curious voice, I was about to answer when I heard my communicator ring from the pocket of my robe, I stood up and took out my communicator holding it up in the palm of my hand and pressing the button to activate the holographic feature.
The device glowed blue and the holographic image of HK47 appeared standing beside Zerzeks, Yang walked over and stood beside me looking at the hologram with interest.
"GREETING; Greetings master, we have called to inform you that the base you wished constructed is now complete" HK said in a proud voice.
"Well done HK, however would you care to explain what took you so long to complete this project?" I said with a little irritation in my voice.
"APOLOGETIC EXPLANATION; Apologies master, however we were having some difficulty with adjusting the power to this Dust substance that this world has, there were a few... mishaps, but the base is now fully powered and ready to serve your needs" HK47 said, I nodded my head in approval with a smile on my face.
"My Lord, I don't mean to intrude on this moment but... it would appear you have someone standing next to you" Commander Zerzeks said as he looked towards Yang.
"I am aware of her presence Commander, she is one of my most trusted allies" I said in a stern voice.
"Understood sir! We will await your arrival to inspect the base, we will have everything cleared up for company" Zerzeks said as he saluted and marched off yelling orders to the men off screen.
"(Y/N), what are they talking about?" Yang asked me as she looked at me, she still seemed a little sad so I decided to show her a sign of my trust in her.
"Promise not to tell anyone, not even your team?" I asked, she nodded her head eagerly.
"After I rescued those soldiers from that crash, I had them constructing a secret base for me over the last three weeks, from that base we intend to launch attacks against the White Fang, and to do a few... side projects" I said, Yang's eyes widened in surprise as a grin came over her face.
"Wait, you've got a secret base?!" Yang asked in excitement, I nodded my head and she looked amazed.
"Wow! I can't believe you built a secret base, and your going to use it to attack the White Fang?" she asked as she grinned happily.
"That's not the only thing though, Yang" I said.
"I want you..." I said as I brushed some of her hair out of her face and behind her ear, she looked up at me and I saw her eyes dilate slightly as her cheeks turned red.
"To come and see it with me" I said, she looked at me with surprise in her lilac eyes.
"Y-You want me to see your secret base? Why?" she asked with some excitement coming off of her as well as curiosity.
"Because your the only one I entrust this secret too, I know I can count on you to keep it a secret from anyone" I said as I placed my hand on her cheek, she gripped onto my hand with her own and leaned into my touch with a warm smile on her face.
"S-So... are we going to the base now?" she asked me in a shy voice, I had never heard Yang speak in such a tone of voice before, it was kind of... cute.
"Yeah, let's go" I said as I took her hand and lead her away towards the airship docks, we climbed on board a Bullhead and flew down into the city together.
(Y/N) and Yang arrive in the town and walk away from the docks into the outskirts of the city, the sun had set and the streets were filled with the light of the street lamps, Yang walked ahead of the Sith with a grin on her face.
"So, where do we have to go to find this secret base? Is it in the city?" Yang asked as she turned on her heel and looked at (Y/N).
"It's in the Emerald Forest, I'll give you the co-ordinates and we can find some way to get there" (Y/N) said as he took out his scroll and sent the co-ordinates to Yang's scroll.
"Woah! That's pretty far away from here, I can get us there quickly though" Yang said as she pulled out a set of keys and started walking away towards a garage that was beside the air port, (Y/N) followed after her curiously.
Yang stopped outside a door and used a key to open the garage door revealing something covered in a white tarp, Yang walked inside and removed the tarp to reveal a big yellow motor bike that looked very sleek, she took hold of the handlebar and the chassis and pushed the bright yellow bike out of the garage.
"That's quite a good looking bike you've got there Yang" (Y/N) said making Yang beam with pride.
"Thanks (Y/N)! This is my baby, I call her Bumblebee" Yang cheered happily as she climbed onto the bike, she motioned to the young man to climb on and he obliged.
He sat behind Yang and watched as she placed a yellow helmet on top of her head and revved up the bikes engine, she quickly pulled the bike out of the garage after pressing a button and closing the door to her garage.
The bike suddenly took off, (Y/N) didn't really feel it since he was used to sudden bursts of speed from speeder bikes and the like, the two sped along the darkened streets passing cars and trucks as Yang's long blonde hair whipped around in the wind, (Y/N) could feel the excitement and glee coming off of Yang and smirked to himself that she seemed happier.
Eventually the two left the city behind them as they zoomed through the thick woods of the Emerald Forest, they drove through the darkness killing Grimm that weren't fast enough to escape the path of the two warriors, Yang throwing punches and firing projectiles with one hand while (Y/N) used Force Powers on them as they passed.
The two laughed as they killed Grimm in drive-by style racking up an impressive tally of kills before they cleared the fores and drove through a grassy opening, Yang noticed tyre tracks leading towards a very tall cliff and wondered what they were here for.
Being the curious and brave girl she is she decided to follow the tracks until they reached the bottom of the cliff, when they both arrived they saw a large boulder in the co-ordinates (Y/N) had provided, (Y/N) jumped off of the bike and stood before the boulder as Yang turned off her bike and walked over beside (Y/N).
"I don't get it, where's the entrance to the base?" Yang asked as she looked around, (Y/N) just smirked and pulled out his communicator and called the frequency and the image of HK47 appeared again.
"GREETING; Good evening Master, it is a pleasure to receive a call from you so late, how may I be of assistance?" HK47 said as he looked towards his Master.
"HK47, I've arrived at the base and I'm outside where the door should be, open the doors and I will inspect the base" (Y/N) said.
"CONFIRMATION; Of course Master, I will obey" HK47 said before terminating the call, Yang looked around for the entrance and she started to get slightly annoyed.
"Grrr, where's the door?!" she growled to herself, (Y/N) walked over to her and wrapped an arm around her waist pulling her to his body making her blush slightly.
"Right here" (Y/N) said as some of the rock face shimmered and faded away to reveal a metal door, the door hissed and opened quickly revealing a small chamber with a camera over the door, Yang gaped at the newly revealed base as a smile overcame her face.
"Awesome!" Yang said as she was lead into the doorway, when they were inside the door closed behind them and locked loudly.
"UPDATE; Holographic disguise reinitialised, base entrance is now hidden you may enter" came HK47's voice over an intercom, the inner door opened to reveal a rocky tunnel leading deeper into the cliff the tunnel was illuminated by bright lights.
(Y/N) walked down the tunnel followed by Yang who was excited to see what was inside this secret base, they walked along the tunnel until they arrived at another door that looked so strong even a Deathstalker would have trouble denting it, the door was flanked by two heavily armed turrets that resembled gatling guns but fired blaster bolts instead of bullets.
"Wow, that's some heavy ordinance, expecting an attack sometime soon?" Yang asked as they passed the turrets and stood before the heavy door.
"If I'm going to use this base to strike against the White Fang, and all threats to myself and others, I should always expect an attack" (Y/N) said, the door made a loud whirring sound and slowly opened up.
Inside was a large chamber with several consoles against the walls, several large cages were littered around the base all empty and the black armoured soldiers of the Empire patrolled the halls and room holding their blaster rifles ready, (Y/N) walked further into the base followed by a very excited Yang who looked around with a big grin o her face.
The two walked up a ramp into a separate chamber that had been carved out of the rock and inside was what looked like a command center, it had a large console with several large screens that glowed blue as data and surveillance feeds from within the base were shown.
"GREETING; Good evening Master, and you too Blonde one" HK47 said as he walked towards the two humans, Yang ignored the blonde one comment and looked at the screens in awe.
"Hello HK, I see you got the base operational, I will be expecting a tour of the facility to see what we have and what we may need in the future" (Y/N) said as he turned to address the tall, rust coloured droid.
"STATEMENT; Very well Master, I shall guide you and the female through the base... unfortunately your sleeping quarters are not yet complete, but they shall be very soon" HK47 said as he turned to lead the two out of the control room and towards another hallway.
"Wait, you've made a place to live here? Y-Your not going to leave Beacon are you?" Yang asked in a worried voice as she placed her hand on his arm.
"No Yang, I won't leave, I could never leave you behind..." (Y/N) said as he turned to look at her, she smiled slightly and took hold of his arm pressing it against her breasts as she held on.
"Oh, before we take the tour, HK did you remove the 'vermin' problem we had earlier?" (Y/N) asked trying not to alert Yang to the two White Fang he was holding prisoner, they had since outlived their usefulness and he had given orders to have them both killed.
"PROUD ANSWER; Master, the vermin have been completely exterminated! We will have no more 'vermin' troubles for a very long time" HK answered, (Y/N) nodded his head with a grin and lead Yang along with HK.
The two humans and the Droid walked through the base with HK explaining the functions of each room, a living area for the soldiers to rest and sleep in, an armoury for making weaponry and armour as well as modifications and upgrades, a kitchen since the usual foods were unavailable and they made foo the way people on Remnant did, and an area for storage which held crates and supplied in metal crates.
"QUERY; Is there anything else you require of me Master?" HK47 asked.
"That will be all HK, you've done a splendid job with the design of the base and it's current defences" (Y/N) said in an impressed voice.
"THANKFUL RECIPROCATION; Thank you Master, I shall leave you and your female companion to do as you wish, farewell" HK said before turning around and walking away towards the main chamber of the base, probably to return to the command center to watch for intruders.
After HK47 walked away (Y/N) lead Yang towards the kitchen area and got some food, he and Yang sat down and had a small snack together as they talked and laughed, Yang continuously talking about how cool the new base looked.
"So (Y/N)..." Yang purred in a seductive voice, the young man looked at her with a raised brow.
"Do you think you could show me to this room your making for yourself? I'm curious to see how big it is" Yang said with a wink.
"Sure, let's go take a look" (Y/N) said as he stood up and walked away, Yang quickly stood up and followed after him, after walking through near endless hallways they arrived at a door that was painted (F/C) and (S/C), (Y/N) opened the door and walked inside followed by Yang.
The room was quite spacious with what looked like a layer for a bedroom, nearby was a small combat arena for practice and sparring, and on the walls were hooks and shelves for his artefacts and weapons, however the room was missing the key furniture such as the bed.
"Awww man! I was hoping they would at least have had your bed done" Yang said with disappointment heavy in her voice.
"And what would you need a bed for, my dear Yang?" (Y/N) asked with a purr in his voice, Yang shuddered slightly from the tone of voice but tried to regain her composure.
"W-Well... I was hoping that we could, ummm.... maybe cuddle again like before?" Yang said, in truth she kind of wanted him to have sex with her but she didn't want to look easy or desperate.
"Hmmm..." (Y/N) hummed as he walked towards Yang, she backed away until her back hit the closed door to the room, her lilac eyes widened as she looked at (Y/N) as he was only inches away from her face.
"Are you sure that's all you wanted to do with me Yang?" he asked as he reached forwards and took hold of some of her long blonde hair, he carefully rubbed the hair between his fingers feeling the softness with his fingers.
"W-Well I'll admit I was kind of... hoping to do more, but I don't even know if you want to- mph!" Yang was cut off by (Y/N) slamming his lips over hers, she was shocked at first but quickly started to kiss back wrapping her arms around his neck, he reached down and gripped onto her thighs making her wrap her legs around his waist before he roughly pushed her back against the wall, Yang gasped in surprise from the impact and (Y/N)'s tongue invaded her mouth subduing her own tongue before exploring her mouth.
Yang started to grind herself against (Y/N)'s body as they made out, pressing her sizeable breasts against his chest, she felt herself heat up more as his hands travelled further up and came to rest on her butt before giving it a playful squeeze making her face turn red as her body heated up.
Eventually the two separated for air, Yang breathing heavily as she was held up by (Y/N)'s strong arms, she was no longer against the wall and was fully leaning against (Y/N)'s body, her mind obsessing over his hands being on her butt.
"So... feeling a little better now?" (Y/N) asked with a smirk on his face, Yang could only nod her head as she tried to regain her breath, (Y/N) released his hold on Yang's butt and her feet hit the floor making her whimper slightly at the loss of the intimate contact.
"I suppose it's time for us to return to Beacon, shall we go?" (Y/N) said in a triumphant voice, Yang looked at him with a goofy smile as she skipped over to him and walked alongside him.
As the two humans left (Y/N) ordered that Yang have permission to enter the base, even if she wasn't with him and after some convincing it was made so, when that was confirmed they both left the base and climbed onto Yang's Bumblebee and rode back to Beacon together.
(Y/N) and Yang had put her bike back into the garage and walked to the airships to Beacon, Yang fidgeted nervously beside (Y/N) as her mind lingered on what happened at the base making her cheeks flush pink, when they both arrived they were greeted by a very unhappy Glynda Goodwitch.
"Mr. (L/N), Miss Xiao Long! Exactly what time do you call this to be returning from the city!?" Glynda scolds in a stern voice.
"S-Sorry Miss Goodwitch, we were having some fun and lost track of time, it won't happen again we swear!" Yang said in a hurried voice, she realy didn't want to get herself or (Y/N) in trouble, she could already tell Glynda didn't like (Y/N) and she didn't need more ammo to fling at him.
"Very well, make sure it does not happen again!" Glynda said before she stomped off towards the teachers sleeping quarters, leaving Yang and (Y/N) alone.
"Whew, that was close!" Yang said in a whisper, (Y/N) nodded and they quickly ran off towards the Dormitories, they walked towards Yang's room and before she opened the door she turned around and looked at (Y/N) with a smile.
"Thanks for showing me your base (Y/N), it really means a lot to me" Yang said as she smiled brightly.
"No problem Yang, just remember you can't tell anyone about it, no matter what" (Y/N) said to her.
"Don't worry, I'm good at keeping secrets, no one will know I promise!" Yang said in her usual upbeat way.
"Good, because if you did tell someone..." (Y/N) said suddenly grabbing her hands and pinning them above her head making Yang gasp in surprise.
"I would have to 'punish' you, harshly" (Y/N) whispered in her ear tickling the shell of her ear with his warm breath, Yang didn't do anything to try and escape what was happening and just looked at (Y/N) with dreamy eyes.
"Y-Yeah, I-I'll remember that..." Yang said in a breathy voice, (Y/N) smirked and let go of her wrists before turning to walk away towards his room, Yang watched him leave and smiled to herself happily.
"So much better than cuddling..." she whispered to herself before opening the door to her room and going inside, she saw that all of her teammates were fast asleep and she quietly changed into an orange tank top and a new pair of black shorts, stripping off the skirt and vest before climbing the ladder onto her bed and quickly falling asleep.
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