Chapter 12
Fox came in fast and swung his blades at (Y/N) making the Sith jump back to avoid the weapons Fox kept on pressing the attack until (Y/N) ran into something, he looked back and saw Yatsuhashi standing over him with his sword ready to strike, seeing the power behind the strike (Y/N) force jumped to the side away from the attack and watched with awe as the blow cracked the stone floor causing some of it to shatter, at least Fox's assault had stopped but a whirring noise caught (Y/N)'s attention and he turned to see Coco getting her gun ready to fire.
"Oh shit..." (Y/N) said before a stream of bullets came at him in high speed, the Sith responded by using the force to enhance his speed and run away from the bullets as they tore up the floor of the arena, the Sith had thought he was going to have to hold back but after seeing how aggressive they were being he decided to express some emotion.
(Y/N)'s eyes flashed amethyst as he tapped into the force and prepared to attack, Fox rushed at him with the blades ready to slash at him, but (Y/N) Force Pushed him away making him fly back and get embedded in a wall causing a crater with large cracks to form around his body, Fox fell out onto his hands and knees trying to regain his breath from the violent impact.
(Y/N) allowed a wicked smile to come to his face as he walked towards the downed fox, only to be stopped by Yatsuhashi's massive Daichi smashing the ground in front of him blocking his path to the winded student, Yatsuhashi lifted up the blade and rested it on his shoulder.
"Impressive power, but can you keep up with mine?" (Y/N) said with a cocky voice.
"We'll see..." the giant said back as he got ready to attack the Sith, he swung the blade but the sith jumped back and drew upon his power causing lightning to arc between his fingers.
"A copper blade makes a good conductor, get ready for some pain!" (Y/N) said as he thrust his hands forward and bolts of lightning came out and were drawn to the copper blade like a lightning rod, the energy travelled down the blade and surged into Yatsuhashi's body making him cry out in pain before falling to his knees and drop his sword.
"Yatsu!" Coco yelled before she grit her teeth and fired at the Sith, he quickly dodged the bullets and ran towards Coco but the hail of bullets grew far too close for comfort striking him in the leg and tripping him over from the force, the pain he felt fuelled his anger and he reached out at Coco making a clutching motion.
Coco was suddenly lifted into the air by (Y/N)'s force grip power, she flailed her arms dropping her gun to the ground with a loud clank, she also kicked her legs hoping to get some balance as she was flipped and spun in the air, (Y/N) raised his hand and slammed Coco into the ground and then a wall and then she just hung in the air, suddenly a brown blur smashed into the young man knocking him off of his feet and onto his back before he flipped back up and skidded to a halt a few feet away.
The blur had been revealed as Velvet who had woken up and quickly ran to her leaders rescue giving (Y/N) a swift kick, Fox managed to get himself standing but was holding his chest in slight pain and Yatsuhashi stood up on shaky legs using his sword for support.
"C-Coco! Are you alright?" Velvet asked in worry, her reply was a choked cough as Coco gave a thumbs up, Velvet stood up bringing Coco up with her as she kept her chocolate brown eyes on (Y/N).
(Y/N) smiled at Velvet's combat ability and he had to admit she was strong despite looking so innocent, he stood up and his eyes flashed Amethyst as he drew more power from the force.
"Your an interesting one Velvet, perhaps we can make this a one-on-one arrangement?" (Y/N) said as he reached out and lifted Coco and Fox off of the ground with Force Grip and laughed as they struggled in the air, (Y/N) brought both of his hands together and in a mimicking motion Coco and Fox were smashed into each other hard knocking their Aura's down to zero and rendering them unconscious.
This move shocked Velvet and Yatsuhashi who looked at their fallen teammates with wide eyes, suddenly the sound of (Y/N)'s lightsaber igniting cut through the air making them look back just in time to see (Y/N) flying at them after a very strong Force Jump, a crazed smile on his face as he neared the two remaining members of team CFVY, Yatsuhashi ran in front of Velvet and tried to block the attack with his Daichi only for the blade to be sliced in half with ease!
Yatsuhashi's eyes went wide in shock as the end of his sword hit the ground with the tip of the blade burying itself in the ground and sticking upright, Yatsuhashi's eyes went to the Sith standing in front of him before he was thrown back by a Force Push that knocked him out along with Coco and Fox leaving Velvet to face the Sith alone.
Velvet looked at (Y/N) nervously before reaching for her camera and flicking a switch that changed it, she held her hand out and blue light came from the box and a holographic lightsaber was formed in her outstretched hand, suddenly she gained a look of confidence and got ready to fight.
"Hmm... interesting weapon you have there cutie, I wonder how it works?" (Y/N) said with a smirk on his face, Velvet felt her heartbeat go faster at what he said but quickly regained her focus and got into a combat stance as she held the holographic lightsaber.
Velvet and (Y/N) rushed at each other and swung their lightsabers causing them to clash and lock together, as this happened (Y/N) dragged the blade across before swinging again and delivering a kick that Velvet blocked with her arms crossed , however the force of the kick still sent her back sliding on the flats of her feet she looked up to see (Y/N) bringing down the red bladed lightsaber in a downward slash which Velvet quickly blocked with her holographic one, Velvet gritted her teeth at the force behind the attack but held on strong.
The two moved back and charged again, this time striking blows at one another rapidly, Velvet letting loose a flurry of slashes and jabs while (Y/N) went with powerful strikes and blocks, after two full hours of back-and-forth combat the two fighters were still going at it, they locked weapons once again and came face to face with one another.
(Y/N) was giving the bunny Faunus an intense look, in his mind he was scrutinising her technique and form but also took in her beauty that sent small waves of lust through his body, normally it was only Yang and Pyrrha that made him feel like this but suddenly this shy little woman was doing exactly the same thing to his emotions, he let a smile come to his face as he leaned in so close that his forehead was almost touching hers.
"So, since it's not Easter yet, you wanna be my bunny instead?" (Y/N) asked in a flirty voice, Velvet's entire face burned so red that steam came out of her human and bunny ears as she stuttered for an answer.
As this was happening Glynda Goodwitch walked into the arena to get the arena ready for her next class when she saw the ongoing battle, Glynda saw Coco and Fox knocked out and tangled up together and she saw Yatsuhashi on the ground with his sword cut in two, she also saw (Y/N) and Velvet locking blades with each other.
Glynda wasn't happy about this unauthorised battle and wanted to put a stop to it pulling out her riding crop and getting ready to separate the two and fix the room, meanwhile in the doorway to the locker room Pyrrha was leaning against the door frame with a dreamy look in her eyes, she had been watching the battle in the shadows since it had begun after she had followed the voices of (Y/N) and team CFVY.
"STUDENTS! What exactly is going on here!?" Glynda shouted angrily, Velvet yelped and turned her head to look at Glynda taking her attention away from her opponent.
"M-M-Miss Goodwitch, I-I'm so sorry we were just- ack!" Velvet said as (Y/N) capitalised on her distraction and kicked her legs out from under her and kicking her hard in the chest making her slam into the ground with enough force to crack the floor, causing all of the air to leave Velvet's lungs in a painful gasp and her digital weapon faded away as she laid on the cracked ground, (Y/N) stood above her aiming the glowing, red blade of his lightsaber towards her as she lay on the floor.
Glynda's eyes widened and she swished her crop at (Y/N) sending rubble at him with her telekinesis, (Y/N) shifted his focus leaving Velvet on the ground gasping for breath as she tried to regain control of her breathing.
(Y/N) slashed some of the rubble with his lightsaber, and he jumped and dodged other chunks of stone skillfully gathering the force into his hands and using the Force push ability to blast the rubble away from himself, some embedded itself in the walls and others bounced off of a forcefield that Glynda erected to protect herself from the redirected rubble, Glynda and (Y/N) locked eyes with each other and kept their glares as they silently begged for the other to attack.
Glynda growled angrily as she swished her riding crop and started to repair the damaged room, repairing the cracks in the floor the crater in the wall from Fox's impact earlier and setting the rubble back into the broken spaces, after the room was repaired she turned her angered gaze back to (Y/N).
"Young man what exactly were you doing here!? You cannot just attack your fellow students so brutally!" Glynda shouted angrily, (Y/N) stood with his hand on his hip with a cocky smirk on his face.
"I didn't attack them, they challenged me to a fight since apparently people are always talking about how strong I am, it's not my fault that they couldn't keep up with me" (Y/N) said, Velvet moaned slightly causing (Y/N) to look down at her with a frown.
He crouched down beside her and slipped his arms under her knees and around her shoulders, holding her in a bridal carry as the bunny Faunus moaned in pain clutching onto his robes for comfort.
"What are you doing with miss Scarletina young man!" Glynda asked in an accusing voice.
"Taking her to get healed, I liked her fighting style she shows much potential..." (Y/N) said as he passed a fuming Glynda, who watched him leave with the barely awake Faunus girl in his arms before she went over to check on the rest of team CFVY.
Pyrrha felt jealousy burn in her chest once again as seeing (Y/N) walk out with Velvet in his arms, she knew that just because she kissed him and slept in the same bed as him it didn't make him hers but she just couldn't help feeling the way she did, she silently walked out of the arena avoiding Glynda as she distangled Coco from Fox, however when she arrived in the hallway she couldn't find the two and just walked back to her room with a sad look on her face.
(Y/N) walked down the near empty hallways of Beacon looking down at Velvet as her head bobbed forwards as she fought to stay awake, she barely had the energy to keep her eyes open let alone struggle in the Sith's grip so she just let him carry her to where ever he was taking her.
"P-Please... don't hurt me..." Velvet said in a quiet voice as she gripped onto (Y/N)'s robes, the boy looked down at the girl with an unreadable expression as he walked down the halls towards the hospital building, although he really wanted to bring her back to his room.
"Relax little one I'm not going to hurt you, I'm going to take you back to my room to get some rest" (Y/N) responded, Velvet looked at him before her eyes closed and her body went limp in his arms, her long brown hair flowing down towards the ground.
After a short walk he barged into his room and laid her down on his bed carefully, as he stood back up he looked down at her as she slept, he reached forwards and brushed some of her long brown hair away from her face.
"You know... your actually very beautiful, hopefully we'll see each other around, Velvet Scarletina" (Y/N) said, whispering her name into her soft, rabbit ear in a seductive way before he turned and walked out of the room.
When the door closed Velvet's eyes opened and her face turned red from the compliment as well as the seductive tone in (Y/N)'s voice, she put her hands to her cheeks trying to hide her face as the thoughts ran through her mind.
Her heart beat went wild as she remembered the fight, it was a mix of fright and a little bit of excitement that made the blood race through her body, the exhaustion from the battle between her team and the lone Sith playing through her mind, her eyes slowly began to close as the thought of sleep pulled her mind.
"T-Thank you... (Y-Y/N)..." Velvet whispered as she hugged one of his pillows to her face, breathing in his scent as she fell asleep.
(Y/N) walked down the halls and exited the dormitories walking out into the evening sky, he looked up and saw the sky was turning orange as the last rays of the sun dipped under the horizon, the shattered moon appeared and the first few stars began to twinkle into existence in the darkening sky.
His thoughts were interrupted when his communicator rang in his pocket, he pulled out the small disk shaped device and pressed a button causing a blue holographic image of HK47 and captain Zerzek standing side by side.
"GREETING; Good evening Master, I have called to inform you that we have procured the materials needed to begin constructing this bunker, they will be delivered to the cave very soon" HK47 said.
"Excellent, captain Zerzeks, what is the condition of the prisoners?" (Y/N) asked.
"They are under control my lord, the one with the broken leg had been rather pitiful, but the young man with the cat ears is quite defiant, what do you want us to do with them?" the captain asked.
"Keep them alive, I will return and get some questioning done..." (Y/N) said in a tone filled with dark joy for the upcoming torture.
(Y/N) walked through the dark tunnels following the familiar paths until he reached the main chamber of the tunnel, he saw some of the soldiers walk around on patrol with their blaster rifles at the ready and others moving around sheets of metal as the engineers sorted through the wiring, circuitry and dust converters to power the machinery.
The soldiers would halt and salute as he passed until he stood with Captain Zerzeks and HK47.
"My lord, the materials have been delivered and the engineers will begin to fortify our hold here, perhaps thick metal doors and turrets for any intruders..." Zerzeks said as he got lost in thought, HK pushed past the thinking soldier making him leave to oversee the project.
"EAGER QUEARY; Ah, Master you have returned, shall we get started on the fun?" HK47 said in an eager voice.
"Absolutely..." (Y/N) said with an evil smile on his face, he and HK47 walked off towards the places where the two White Fang soldiers were kept and stopped outside the two alcoves, (Y/N) looked inside and saw that the cat faunus was left beaten and bloody on the floor.
"Looks like some of the men grew bored" (Y/N) said.
"CONFESSION; Actually Master I did some of this as well as two of the men, the man would not keep his flapping lips shut so we had to silence him" HK47 said, the cat Faunus looked up and the two saw that his lips were sewn shut making him mumble and groan through his closed lips, his eyes were showing nothing but hatred towards (Y/N) and HK.
"And how exactly, do you plan to get answers if he can't speak HK?!" (Y/N) said in an angered voice.
"ANSWER; I will simply allow him to speak again" HK47 said simply.
"QUERY; Shall we do one each or would you like to observe as I work?" HK47 asked the Sith.
"You go to work on the cat, I'll deal with the deer" (Y/N) said, after he said this the cat Faunus tried to yell but his stitched lips muffled whatever he was trying to yell, (Y/N) turned and walked away into the second alcove to find the deer faunus chained to a stalagmite.
"W-Who are... you...?" the girl asked in obvious pain from her leg.
"Who I am is of no concequence to you scum, the important thing is how co-operative you will be" (Y/N) said in a cold, malicious voice as he paced in front of the girl.
"Y-You think you can get me to talk? Well go ahead, try your best!" the girl said as she looked at (Y/N) defiantly.
"Scream weakling! I want to hear you suffer!" (Y/N) said as he drew back his hands and sent bolts of lightning into the girl's body, she opened her mouth and shrieked in pain as her muscles contracted and spasmed in response to the electricity, causing her body to buck and jump as the chains rattled.
"P-Please, no more!" she said in a pained voice, as the electricity played over her skin and between her fingers and the prongs of her antlers, smoke rose from the burned flesh and clothes.
"Oh I'm sorry, do you mean THIS!?" (Y/N) said as he sent more lightning at the girl, causing her to cry out again before her body slumped against the rock.
(Y/N) walked over and checked for a pulse, it was weak but she was still breathing.
"Damn fool, this is why I hate weaklings!" (Y/N) said angrily as he prodded the girl with the tip of his boot.
"STATEMENT; Master, I believe the male meat-bag is ready to spill his secrets to us now" HK47 said as he stood at the entrance to the alcove.
"I take it you didn't remove the stitches yet, right HK?" (Y/N) asked as he stood up and walked towards the entrance to the alcove.
"ANSWER; Not as yet master, shall I do that now?" HK47 asked as he walked beside the human.
"No need, watch what I do next" (Y/N) said.
(Y/N) walked in and saw that the cat Faunus was moved into a kneeling position and had fresh wounds on his body, several cuts and burns from HK's torture methods, he looked up and narrowed his eyes at (Y/N) as he made muffled curses at the Sith, (Y/N) walked in and stood beside the Faunus while HK47 stood guard at he entrance to the alcove while keeping an eye on what he was going to do.
"Now then..." (Y/N) said as he grabbed a handful of the Faunus's hair and pulled his head back exposing his throat, then he carefully placed his other hand on the Faunus's jaw, the cat Faunus's eyes widened in realisation at what he was going to do and tried to struggle free, but (Y/N)'s grip didn't relent.
"Let's open up that mouth of yours!" (Y/N) said as he started slowly pulling the man's jaw downwards pulling the stitches and causing blood to ooze from the wounds, as the flesh on the cat Faunus's lips ripped and tore his screams became more coherent and he tried to bring up his arms but they were securely chained behind his back.
In a sudden movement (Y/N) wrenched the cat Faunus's jaw downwards tearing out the stitches and releasing a lot of blood, the Faunus screamed and cried from the pain as ragged flesh dangled from his ruined lips.
"So... have anything to say now, beast?" (Y/N) asked as he leaned against the Faunus's ear, his eyes flashing Amethyst as a cruel smile overtook his face.
It had been a few hours before (Y/N) finally got what he wanted and left the cat Faunus barely breathing and his skin smoking, as he left to return to Beacon the soldiers watched him leave with a mix of fear and awe, (Y/N) had to get back to Beacon before he was missed.
"Keep them alive for now, if the cat tries to escape kill him, keep the girl alive I may have a use for her, eventually..." (Y/N) said as he walked out of the caves, leaving HK47 and the soldiers to build the underground base to his exact standards.
When he left the underground caves he was greeted by darkness, he looked up to see the stars had begun to glitter into existence in the sky along with the shattered moon that was unique to Remnant, knowing he would be in trouble he force ran back to the academy.
It's been quite a few weeks since I fought with team CFVY and officially got into Glynda Goodwitch's bad books, when I returned I found Velvet still asleep in my bed and decided to sleep in a comfy chair, when I woke up the next morning Velvet was still asleep so I left the room only to run into Glynda Goodwitch, she had insisted on taking me to see Ozpin after she intruded on mine and CFVY's fight to discuss proper etiquette of battling my fellow classmates.
It was a dull and annoying lecture but after a full week of testing myself against the Grimm in the emerald Forest now I was back in classes with the others.
Yang was especially happy to have ,me back and gave me one hell of a hug to welcome me back, I returned the hug just as strong as she gave, I told her about how the tests went and I managed to gain control of a fairly large number of Grimm.
Unknown to everyone else I had decided to use them as guards for the base that was under construction, I had informed Zerzeks and HK of the development and seemed a little happy to have support, which allowed the men to build the base faster.
The following weeks became somewhat tense between Yang and Pyrrha, Yang would always get a little angry if she saw me talking with Pyrrha and would insist on following us if we went somewhere, and sometimes Pyrrha would show up upset because of Jaune which I was starting to get annoyed with.
And unknown to Yang and Pyrrha, I had noticed a certain shadowed person appearing every now and again, I already knew who it was but I wanted to see how long it would be until they worked up the nerve to talk to me.
Team CFVY weren't mad at their loss, if anything they seemed to respect me a little more and they would insist that I hang out with them when they see Yang and Pyrrha having a fight with each other, Velvet always seemed a little shy around me but at the same time couldn't stay away from me.
Today we were all in Glynda's combat class watching as team JNPR's fearless leader fought some guy I don't care to know, the fight had only gone on for a few minutes and Jaune was already panting for breath while the other guy hadn't even broken a sweat, Jaune yelled and charged the guy swinging his sword doen but missing entirely while what's-his-face hit him with his mace knocking his shield out of his hand.
"This is just sad..." I said with a deadpan face, his technique was just horrible how did he even get into this place?
That was what I thought as we watched Jaune quickly stand back up and go for a two handed strike, which was effortlessly blocked by the bigger boy.
"This is the part where you lose" the bigger kid said in a bored voice.
"Over my dead-" Jaune was cut off then the bigger boy kneed him right in the stomach, making him drop his sword as he fell to the ground holding his stomach, the boy raised his mace over his head looking ready to finish Jaune off for good.
(Welp, see ya Jaune) I though to myself, at this point it would probably be a mercy, suddenly a buzzer sounded and the lights for the arena came back on.
"Cardin, that's enough" Glynda said as she walked between the two boys.
"Student's, as you can see Mr. Arc's aura has now dropped into the red in a tournament style duel, this would indicate that Jaune is no longer fit for battle and that the official may call the match" Glynda said in her usual strict voice.
"Mister Arc, it's been weeks now please try to refer to your scroll during combat, gauging your aura will help you to decide when it is appropriate to attack or when it's better to move onto a more.... defensive strategy" Glynda said in an annoyed tone of voice, Jaune sat in the arena quietly as he looked at his scroll.
"We wouldn't want you to be gobbled up by a Beowolf, now would we?" Glynda asked.
"Speak for yourself..." the bigger boy said as he slung his mace over his shoulder and walked away.
"Remember everyone! The Vytal Festival is only a few months away it won't be long before students from the other kingdoms start arriving in Vale, so keep practising!" Glynda said, this was met with a loud applause from the assembled students.
I was confused about what this Vytal festival was, I looked over to see Yang punch the air in excitement with a big grin on her face, Weiss and Ruby were both shaking with excitement and Pyrrha was just smiling at them.
"Those who choose to compete in the combat tournament will be representing all of Vale" Glynda said when the school bell rang, I stood up to leave and looked to the others but I saw Pyrrha looking at the arena sadly, I followed her gaze and saw she was looking at Jaune, I made a disgusted noise and walked off.
"(Y/N), wait for me!" I heard Yang call out before the sound of rushed footsteps came, she quickly caught up to me and grabbed my arm as we walked along to the cafeteria to get some food.
Teams RWBY and JNPR were sat down at a table together along with (Y/N) who was sat down beside Ruby.
"So..." Nora began.
"There we were, in the middle of the night" Nora said.
"It was day..." Ren interrupted.
"We were surrounded by Urasi" Nora continued, Blake was reading her book with a stoic look on her face, Weiss boredly filed her nails, while Yang was paying very close attention to the story.
"They were Beowolves" Ren said.
"DOZENS OF THEM!" Nora called out dramatically.
"Two of'em..." Ren said once again, as the two told their story Jaune miserably pushed his food around with his fork, while Ruby and Pyrrha looked at Jaune with worry.
"But they were no match and in the end... Ren and I took them down and made a boatload of Lien selling Ursa skin rugs!" Nora said proudly as she sat back down.
"Ah... she's been having this recurring dream for nearly a month now..." Ren said in a tired voice.
"Nothing wrong with dreaming of killing monsters, makes for a good sleep" (Y/N) said before taking a big bite out of his food.
"EXACTLY!" Nora shouted excitedly as she banged the table.
"Jaune... are you okay?" Pyrrha asked.
"Huh? Oh, yeah! Why?" Jaune said in an unconvincing voice.
"It's just that you seem a little..." Ruby begun.
"Pathetic?" (Y/N) offered, this got a glare from Ruby.
"Not okay..." Ruby said as she turned her attention back to Jaune.
"Eh, guys, I'm fine... seriously, look!" Jaune said before flashing a very fake smile, the sound of obnoxious laughter came from a little further away making the group look over to see Cardin and his team surrounding Velvet and mocking her, (Y/N) watched the exchange with interest because he knew how strong Velvet was and wanted to see what she could do when she got angry.
"Jaune, Cardin's been picking on you since the first week of school" Pyrrha said.
"Who? Cardin Winchester? Nah... he just likes to mess around, you know? Practical jokes!" Jaune said in a dismissive voice.
"He's a bully" Ruby said matter of factly.
"Oh please... name one time he's 'bullied' me..." Jaune said followed with nervous laughter.
"Well, there was that time he knocked your books out of your hands" Ruby said.
"And the time he opened your shield in a door way and you got stuck" Ren said.
"And let's not forget when he shot you off in one of those rocket lockers" (Y/N) said absentmindedly as he continued to watch Velvet, he was getting annoyed with how she was just letting those weaklings mock her so openly.
"I didn't land that far from school..." Jaune said.
"Jaune, you know if you ever need help you can just ask..." Pyrrha said, her eyes went over to (Y/N) quickly before turning back to Jaune.
"OH! We'll break his legs!" Nora said excitedly.
"Breaking his spine would be better, but whatever" (Y/N) said ignoring the looks he was getting from the others, he started to clench his fists in frustration as he watched Velvet getting shoved by Russel as she tried to eat.
"Guys, really, it's fine! Besides, it's not like he's only a jerk to me; he's a jerk to everyone" Jaune said to the others.
"Hmph! Speak for yourself, he won't be bugging me" (Y/N) said to himself as he stood up and went to leave when something made him stop in his tracks.
"Ooww, that hurts!" came a pained cry that struck a chord in (Y/N)'s heart, he looked back over his shoulder to see Cardin yanking on Velvet's ears roughly.
"Please, stop..." the poor girl begged, (Y/N) instantly felt rage bubble up inside him like magma, sending a rush of force power through his body as he turned and angrily walked towards the table the boys were sitting at.
"I told you it was real!" Cardin said as he laughed, yanking on Velvet's ear again making her yelp in pain.
"What a fre-" suddenly Cardin was lifted into the air and thrown away from Velvet, he slid along the floor as his team ran over to check on him.
Cardin stood up and saw (Y/N) standing in front of Velvet with a murderous look in his eyes, which flashed Amethyst in response to his rage, Velvet opened her eyes and saw (Y/N) standing in front of her at the end of the table, luckily she couldn't see the murderous look he was sending to the four boys, as teams RWBY and JNPR watched in shock.
"(Y/N)!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Weiss yelled from the table.
"Pest control!" (Y/N) yelled back as he kept his gaze on team CRDL.
"What are you idiots waiting for? TEACH THAT LOSER A LESSON!" Cardin yelled as he pointed at (Y/N), Russel, Dove and Lark ran to attack the Sith but they quickly found themselves outmatched, Russel stopped suddenly gasping for breath and clawed at his throat as he was lifted into the air kicking his legs desperately, (Y/N) held his hand up in a clutching motion as he choked the boy.
Dove and Lark kept on running at (Y/N) who quickly moved his hand and threw Russel through a window scattering glass on the floor, Dove went to punch (Y/N) but he ducked and Dove fell behind him when (Y/N) turned his upper body and shot lightning from his right hand into Dove's body making the boy scream in pain briefly before he passed out, Lark looked at (Y/N) fearfully as he turned his head back around and focused his murderous gaze on the trembling boy.
(Y/N) drew in a deep breath and used Force Scream in Lark making him cry out and hold his bleeding ears, then (Y/N) force jumped and landed a powerful punch right to his head knocking him out instantly.
There was a loud yell as Cardin tried to punch (Y/N) but was dodged easily, (Y/N) smiled evilly as he looked right into Cardin's eyes wanted to make this one hurt.
He reached into Cardin's mind and filled it with nightmarish horror, making the boy cower before him clutching his head a she shook in fear, (Y/N) casually walked up to him and released the nightmare allowing Cardin a moment before (Y/N)'s boot hit him in the face followed by a flurry of punches and palm strikes, Cardin then took a strong kick to the gut that winded him making him clutch his stomach in pain.
(Y/N) grabbed him by the jaw and forced him to look right at him as his gaze burned holes into Cardin.
"If I ever see you touch Velvet again... I'll make you hurt so bad you'll be begging me to kill you, and then I'll break your spine and leave you crawling in the dirt like the worthless Klor Slug you are! I'll shatter your mind and leave you a drooling, mewling wreck and put you on display for everyone to see, so that they will know to NEVER, touch what is mine... understand me boy?" (Y/N) said in a voice so menacing and dark the room turned cold, sending shivers down the spines of the assembled students, Cardin nodded his head shakily as his wide, fear filled eyes stayed on (Y/N)'s angered ones.
Yang watched the one sided fight with wonder on her face she knew that (Y/N) was strong but watching him use the force like that was amazing to her, she then began to imagine if he was this rough in a fight how rough he could be in the bedroom giving her a slight nose-bleed as she imagined what he would do to her.
Weiss was mortified that (Y/N) acted so violently and on behalf of a Faunus of all things, while she had to admit he was doing the right thing dealing with bullies she was still unhappy with how he did it.
Ruby felt happy that (Y/N) stood up to Cardin and his bullies but was a little worried about how violent he was, she guessed he must have been itching for a fight.
Nora was pleased with how he had destroyed team CRDL although she was disappointed he didn't break their legs, Ren watched with a stoic expression which masked his worry at how (Y/N) seemed to enjoy himself when he was beating the four boys so brutally.
Pyrrha watched with a mix of amazement and fear, she didn't know that (Y/N) could be so brutal to the ones he disliked but a deeper part of her secretly loved the violence, it made her feel afraid that she liked watching him be so brutal...
Jaune had his eyes wide open and his jaw hanging open when he saw how easily (Y/N) managed to beat all four of them so easily, when he couldn't even beat one of them.
Blake was terrified with how easily (Y/N) seemed to go from a normal guy to a violent psychopath, when she looked at him she saw some of her old partner Adam Taurus in his stance and how brutal he was towards team CRDL, she was worried about the path he was taking and decided to try and talk to him about it later.
And Velvet was just frozen in place from how (Y/N) just leaped in to save her like a black knight, she felt her heart beat faster when her enhanced hearing picked up the threat he gave to Cardin before dropping him to the ground like a piece of trash.
(Y/N) turned his head and looked right at Velvet making her freeze in place equal parts fear and amazement, he then walked over to the scared bunny faunus his footsteps seeming to echo in the lunchroom as he approached the shaking bunny girl.
"Velvet, look out!" Blake said in a panic making her look back, when Velvet turned her head back around (Y/N) was right in front of her and reaching his hand out towards her she closed her eyes and got ready to be hit.
I stood there bracing myself for whatever he was going to do, when I felt something lightly touch my head I flinched at first but the touch was gentle but felt a little unsure.
I cracked open my eye and saw (Y/N) looking at me a little unsure, his arm was going above my head and I knew that he was... petting me?
"I hope this is okay, I've never actually comforted anyone before..." (Y/N) said as he looked away with a frown on his face, I had to admit it was interesting seeing him like this and feeling his hand on my head was kind of nice.
"Velvet!" came a worried voice from the entrance to the cafeteria, I looked over to see Coco rushing over to me, I felt (Y/N) take his hand away and I felt a little sad at the loss of the contact, when Coco reached us she immediately started checking me over for any injuries.
"I just got a call to come here quickly, what happened?" she asked me as she lowered her sunglasses and looked at (Y/N) who had his arms crossed over his chest.
"O-Oh it's n-nothing, Cardin was picking on me again... but, (Y/N) stopped him" I said back.
"Really? Thank you for that (Y/N) I guess Velvet made a good choice" Coco said in a teasing voice, I instantly felt my face heat up because she knew about my crush on (Y/N).
"Coco! Don't!" I said as I grabbed her shoulders, she just laughed and rubbed my head.
"Well, since your with tall, dark and handsome over here I think you'll be fine without me, see ya later Velves!" Coco said before turning and walking away, leaving me there with (Y/N) at least until his friends came over to us completely surrounding us.
"That was awesome (Y/N)! You really nailed those idiots!" Yang said in her usual cheerful voice.
"I'll admit your combat prowess was kind of... impressive, but did you really have to do that in such a public place?" Weiss said as she looked at him with an annoyed face.
"YEAH! YOU TOTALLY WIPED THE FLOOR WITH THEM! I JUST WISH YOU WOULD'VE BROKEN THEIR LEGS" Nora said in an excited voice as she slapped (Y/N)'s back.
"Well if you want I could drag them back and break their legs just for you Nora" (Y/N) teased, Nora had a happy twinkle in her eyes before Ren put his hand on her shoulder and shook his head no.
Pyrrha was standing back looking at (Y/N) with a conflicted look on her face, I wonder what's wrong with her?
"You did an amazing job though (Y/N)! The force is really strong!" Ruby cheered as she jumped onto his back and clung to his body.
"I'll admit you did do it to protect Velvet, but did really you have to go that far?" Blake asked as she looked at him with a mix of fear and worry.
"Yes. I absolutely did, give a strong show of force and people like that will run away with their tails between their legs" (Y/N) said with pride.
"Right, Velvet?" (Y/N) asked, when he looked at me his eyes softened slightly and I felt my heart beat faster under his gaze.
"Y-Yeah, he was only h-helping me, he didn't do a-anything wrong..." everyone looked at me with a smile, it seemed that they really trusted (Y/N).
"well I'm going to go and work off some of this aggression... Velvet, care to join me?" (Y/N) asked with a smirk on his face.
"U-Um, s-sure! Sounds like fun" I replied, I was embarrassed with how much I was stuttering.
"If you want someone to help blow off steam, I'd be more than happy to help~" Yang said in a very flirty voice.
"Yang! Behave!" Weiss scolded as she grabbed Yang by the ear.
"Well unfortunately that'll have to wait, we've got history with Dr. Oobleck next" Blake said as she checked her school schedule, this god a groan of annoyance from Yang.
"Who else is taking that class?" Yang asked as she rubbed her sore ear and looked at her scroll, everyone else did too.
I looked around and saw Weiss, Blake and Pyrrha were nodding along with (Y/N), I quickly checked my scroll and saw that I had that class too!
"Aw man! Looks like I'm in professor Port's class!" Yang said in a sad voice.
"Well we should get going, bye guys!" Ruby said as she grabbed Yangs hand and sped off with her followed by Nora and Ren.
"Very well, let's go" (Y/N) said as he walked away, Pyrrha quickly walked beside him with Weiss and Blake following, I walked with Blake, Pyrrha was talking with (Y/N) as we walked until we arrived in the classroom.
"Ah! Excellent, you've arrived in good time. Find yourselves a seat and we will begin the class!" Professor Oobleck said, to the five students, Pyrrha noticed Jaune sitting alone in the front row looking depressed while Cardin himself was sitting above him with his feet on the desk, he sneered when he saw Velvet walk to her desk in the front row but quickly gained a fearful look when he noticed (Y/N) glaring at him
Pyrrha walked away and took a seat in the second row besides Blake while Weiss took a seat on the third row, and Nora and Ren sat together in the back row above Cardin, (Y/N) was still glaring at Cardin when Oobleck zoomed in front of him.
"Young man, I advise you find yourself a seat fast, we're about to begin the lesson!" he said before zooming off again leaving (Y/N) wondering how he could be that fast.
"(Y-Y/N), you c-can sit next to me... i-if you want to" Velvet said shyly as her cheeks turned pink.
"Thanks Velvet" (Y/N) said as he walked to the other end of the seats and walked in, he sat down beside Velvet and rested his arms on the desk leaning forward the hood of his robes shadowing his face.
Velvet felt very nervous all of a sudden and she also felty her cheeks go warm as her blush went from pink to a shade of red, she quickly took out some paper and a pen to take notes for the class but couldn't get over the fact that the guy who saved her is sitting right beside her.
The lesson went on for 15 minutes and everyone was doing their own thing, Jaune had fallen asleep at his desk with his head in his hand, Pyrrha was sitting at her desk listening to the professor intently, Weiss, Blake and Velvet had been taking notes of the lesson and following Oobleck as he zoomed around the classroom, and (Y/N) was listening as he glanced around the classroom occasionally sending a glare at Cardin.
"Yes! Yes, prior to the Faunus Rights Revolution, more popularly known as the Faunus War, humankind was quite, quite adamant about centralising Faunus population in Menagerie" Oobleck said in a very quick voice before taking a sip of the drink in his thermos.
"Now! While this must feel like ancient history to many of you, it is imperative to remember that these are relatively recent events! Why the repercussions of the uprising can still be seen to this day!" Oobleck said as he took another sip of his drink.
"Now! Have any among you been subjugated or discriminated because of your Faunus heritage?" Oobleck asked, one student in the back raised his hand and Velvet looked very worried before taking a look at (Y/N) who was looking at her intently, she slowly raised her hand feeling reassured that he was so close to her, unknown to her (Y/N) was planning the gristly deaths of everyone who would discriminate against Velvet, along with the ones he would teach her if she proved worthy.
"Dreadful, simply dreadful! Remember students, it is precisely this kind of ignorance that breeds violence!" Ooobleck said before sipping his drink again.
(Violence isn't born from ignorance, it's a part of life that should be accepted and embraced! That way you become the master of war and the world...) (Y/N) thought to himself.
"I mean, I mean, I mean just look at what happened to the White Fang! Now, which one of you young scholars can tell me what many theorists believe to be the turning point in the third year of the war?" Oobleck asked, Weiss's hand quickly shot up.
"The battle as Fort Castle!" she replied triumphantly.
"Precisely! And, who can tell me the advantage the Faunus had over General Lagune's forces?" Oobleck asked, as this was happening Cardin flicked a paper football at Jaune startling him awake.
"Hey!" Jaune said in annoyance that he was woken up.
"Mr. Arc! Finally contributing to class! This is excellent! Excellent! What is the answer?" oobleck asked as he leaned right into Jaune's face looking very excited.
"Uhhhh... The answer... the advantage... of the faunus... over that guy's stuff" Jaune said in a very unsure voice, he took a glance past Ooblecks shoulder and saw Pyrrha making eye gestures.
"Um, b-binoculars!" Jaune said proudly, suddenly the other students laughed at Jaune, Pyrrha face-palmed while Cardin busted out laughing and (Y/N) just shook his head.
"Very funny, Mr. Arc. Cardin! Perhaps you would care to share your thoughts on the subject!" Oobleck said in a very annoyed voice.
"Well, I know it's a lot easier to train an animal than a soldier" Cardin said in a flippant way, Velvet flinched at the use of the word making (Y/N) angry.
"Oh, that explains why your here, much easier to train an animal like you than a real warrior like me, Pyrrha or Velvet here..." (Y/N) said rather loudly, causing the other students to burst into laughter, Cardin wanted to get revenge on (Y/N) but he knew he was too powerful.
"You're not the most open-minded of individuals, are you, Cardin?" Pyrrha asked when she finally stopped laughing.
"What? You got a problem?" Cardin asked as he glared at Pyrrha, not daring to look at (Y/N).
"No, I have the answer! It's night vision. Many Faunus are known to have nearly-perfect sight in the dark" Pyrrha said, Cardin growled angrily at being shown up while (Y/N) and Velvet smirked at him being embarrassed.
"General Lagune was inexperienced and made the mistake of trying to ambush the Faunus in their sleep. His massive army was outmatched, and the General was captured" Blake said, this got a nod of approval from Oobleck.
"Perhaps if he'd paid more attention in class, he wouldn't have been remembered as such a failure" Blake said to Cardin in a very sassy way, this got a round of 'ooo's from the other students, Cardin was fuming and stood up with his fist clenched however he paused when he saw (Y/N) giving him a look.
"Mr. Winchester! Please take your seat" Oobleck said in an annoyed voice, Jaune of course had to start snickering right at that moment.
"You and Mr. Arc can both see me after class for additional readings" oobleck said before sipping his drink again.
"Now! moving on!" Oobleck said before dashing off to teach the class once again, the rest of the class passed with Pyrrha looking at Juane sadly while also glancing at (Y/N), (Y/N) talked with Velvet during the class to learn more about the Faunus and she happily spoke to him about Faunus related topics, Pyrrha couldn't help the feeling of jealousy from the fact that Velvet got to sit so close to (Y/N).
Eventually the class bell rang and everyone exited the classroom, Nora, Ren and Pyrrha exited the class first followed by Velvet and (Y/N).
"You go on ahead. I'll wait for Jaune" Pyrrha said to Nora and Ren, they both nodded and walked off while (Y/N) and Velvet stayed with Pyrrha outside the classroom.
"H-Hello Pyrrha, i-is Jaune okay?" Velvet asked as she stood beside (Y/N), who was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest.
"Honestly... I don't know, I think the situation with Cardin is starting to get to him, I wish I could do something to help him..." Pyrrha said sadly, Velvet opens her mouth to respond but she's cut off when (Y/N) gives his opinion.
"You can't help him Pyrrha" (Y/N) said, Pyrrha and Velvet look over at him in surprise.
"What do you mean? He's my leader, I can't just let him-" Pyrrha begins to reason but is cut off again but (Y/N).
"EXACTLY! He's supposed to be your leader, he's supposed to be able to deal with these kind of things yet instead he wallows in self pity, allowing himself and his team to be dragged down by his own weakness! If he were a true warrior he would learn to dig deep, find his courage and stop letting things like this happen to himself" (Y/N) said in a very passionate voice, though Pyrrha hated to admit it she kind of agreed with his statement, and Velvet was in awe of his words feeling a blush come to her cheeks.
"You two have been struggling in my class since day one! Now I don't know if it's a lack of interest or just your stubborn nature, but whatever it is" Oobleck said before taking a sip of his drink and setting his mug down with a loud clang.
"It stops now! You've worked hard to gain entrance to this school, and we only accept the best of the best, so! I expect you to act like it" Oobleck said, Pyrrha, Velvet and (Y/N) were standing outside the door listening to the professor scold Cardin and Jaune.
"History is important, gentlemen! If you can't learn from it... you're destined to repeat it" Oobleck said in a grave voice.
"Pages 51 to 91! I want an essay on my desk by next class! Now! Run along" Oobleck said before dashing out of the classroom and right past the three students waiting outside, Jaune exited the classroom followed by Cardin who roughly shoved him to the ground, he looked over and sneered at Velvet making her hide behind (Y/N).
Pyrrha quickly went over to Jaune and helped him up, while (Y/N) stood back glaring at Cardin with Velvet still hiding behind him.
"You know, I really will break his legs" Pyrrha said in a deadly voice, Juane just sighed sadly in response, (Y/N) looked back and saw Velvet was still nervous but a bright idea came to mind.
"Hey, Velvet, watch this!" (Y/N said, making Velvet, Pyrrha and Jaune look at him as he raised his hand towards Cardin, suddenly a whirlwind formed under him and violently threw him around the halls, Velvet watched the scene with a small smirk on her face as she suppressed her giggles.
Then lightning played over his hand and he threw it at the spinning boy, the electricity surged through his body making him tense and fall to the ground paralysed from the electricity, Velvet couldn't suppress her giggles anymore and laughed cutely at how Cardin had been taken down again, Pyrrha put her hand to her mouth and laughed into her hand and Jaune remained a sad-sack.
"I have an idea!" Pyrrha said in excitement.
"Here come with me!" she said as she grabbed Jaune's arm and dragged him off down another hallway leaving (Y/N) and Velvet alone.
"S-So... wh-what are you going to do now, (Y/N)?" Velvet asked me shyly.
"Hmmm... not too sure, how about you?" I replied, I was very bored and wanted something to do.
"I think I might go back to my room, and do some s-studying..." Velvet said.
"C-Could you perhaps... walk me back, please?" Velvet said shyly as her face turned red.
"Sure, want me to give you a goodnight kiss too?" I said with as I winked at her, Velvet's face turned even redder and she started walking off to her room with me walking beside her.
"I have a question for you Velvet" I said as we walked through the halls towards the dorms.
"Y-Yes?" Velvet replied as her bunny ears stood up straight.
"Why didn't you fight back? When Cardin and his monkeys were hurting you, I know from looking at you that you could easily tear them apart, so why don't you retaliate?" I asked, I had to admit I was curious about why she allowed herself to suffer needlessly.
"Oh... well you see, I-I was worried that if I fought back people would start thinking I was as bad as the White Fang, and I was always told that violence doesn't solve the problems... so I didn't do anything because I thought I could deal with it" Velvet said in a sad voice.
"B-But... it was so hard... and everyone just watched and didn't help..." Velvet said as tears gathered in her chocolate brown eyes, she sniffled slightly at what I could guess were bad memories.
"Well that's not true, violence can solve a lot of problems, that is the ONLY way you ever deal with bullies and weaklings Velvet, you crush them with overwhelming force, make them know to never attack you again" I said with frustration in my voice, and I had to admit I felt a small amount of sympathy for her, she had such potential and her mind had been warped by these ridiculous ideals because of people's fear.
"Why did you help me today? Not that I didn't want you to it's just that, since I'm a Faunus most people would just let it happen, but you beat up team CRDL and even tried to comfort me, so... why did you do it?" Velvet asked as she tilted her head slightly, is it wrong to say she looked adorable?
"I did it because you seem strong yet wouldn't fight back, and I wouldn't be able to watch a cute girl like you being assaulted by such a sorry excuse of a warrior" I said in response.
"Y-Y-You think I-I'm cute?" Velvet asked as a blush came to her face, her wide, tear-filled eyes watching me intently.
"Let me put it this way, on a scale of one to ten your a nine, and I'm the one you need" I said in a very flirty voice, Velvet's blush grew much worse and her face was almost as red as Ruby's cape.
We walked through the halls and crossed the courtyard entering the dormitories together, I walked with Velvet making her laugh and blush as I flirted with her and made her feel better, finally we arrived at team CFVY's room and stood outside the door together.
"T-Thanks for walking me back (Y/N), m-maybe we could do this again sometime? If you want to that is..." Velvet said in a hopeful voice.
"Sure I don't mind" I said back, he went to leave but Velvet grabbed hold of his arm making him pause.
"C-Can I ask you something?" Velvet said to me as she looked down nervously.
"You just did" I said, she laughed and looked up at me with a smile on her face.
"W-What do you think or the Faunus?" she asked me with a hopeful look in her eyes.
"Honestly? I think they are okay, the White Fang I despise with a passion and I will destroy them without mercy, but I have no problems with you or some others" I replied, then a thought came to me and I decided to go with it.
"However..." I said as I stepped closer to her, she squeaked in surprise when I put my hands on her hips and looked right into her eyes.
"You, are by far the best..." I said as I moved in and laid a gentle kiss on her forehead, she gasped in surprise but didn't pull away more she seemed to move herself closer to me, I removed my lips from her hair and looked down at her with a smile on my face.
"Well, see you around" I said as I turned away and walked down the halls.
"S-See you tomorrow... (Y/N)" I heard Velvet say quietly before the sound of her door opening and closing came, signalling that she had gone in.
(Y/N) walked away through the darkened halls of the dormitories, he wasn't ready for sleep yet and he was still waiting for an update from HK47 and the soldiers about the construction of the base.
As (Y/N) walked the empty halls he felt a vibration in the force, it felt unusual but (Y/N) decided to follow the vibrations to their source, after a short walk (Y/N) ran into non other that Pyrrha walking quickly through the halls clutching her hands together with a sad look on her face.
The Sith sighed and walked over to her, since she had been off with Jaune when he last saw her he could quickly guess what had happened, and frankly he was starting to get really pissed off with how Jaune seemed to make her feel so worthless.
"Hey Pyrrha, you doing okay?" (Y/N) asked as he approached her, they both stood under a window as they were batherd in the shattered moon's pale light.
"Oh, hello (Y/N), I'm fine" Pyrrha said with an obviously fake smile on her face, (Y/N) just crossed his arms and raised a brow at her.
"Really?" he said, making it obvious that he didn't buy her fake smile.
Her smile quickly went away and she looked down sadly, (Y/N) put his fingers under her chin and lifted her head only to see tears gathering in her eyes.
(That's it, I'm going to kill him...) (Y/N) thought to myself as he gently wiped away the tears that did fall from her cheeks, which went very warm under his touch as she blushed.
"What happened this time Pyrrha? Was it the 'ladies man' again?" (Y/N) asked adding a lot of sarcasm to the term ladies man.
"I-I was only trying to help... I offered to train him and help him with his studies, and he just rejected me. He didn't even give me a chance..." Pyrrha said as more tears began to fall, the Sith didn't understand why she would waste her time training that pathetic excuse of a warrior.
(Y/N) suddenly pulled her to his chest and she gasped as her warm body pressed against his.
"Don't worry yourself about him now, if he will allow himself to remain weak then it will be no one's fault but his own if the worst comes to pass..." (Y/N) said as he ran his left hand up passed her arm to play with her long red hair while his right rested on her hip, Pyrrha felt her heart race from the intimate gesture but she suddenly backed off from him as she thought about her duty to her team and her leader.
"I-I can't just forget about him, h-he's my leader and my friend... I can't just leave him behi-" she gasped as (Y/N)'s arms wrapped around her waist.
"Tell me Pyrrha, would a friend make you feel as bad as you feel now...?" (Y/N) said in a purring voice as his hand slid Pyrrha's school shirt upwards exposing her toned, flat stomach, his fingers lightly tickling the soft skin around her naval.
"(Y-Y/N)..." Pyrrha said as she blushed from the exposure and the ticklish sensation, which almost made her giggle.
"Would a friend, allow pride to come before growing stronger?" (Y/N) said again as his other hand reached under her skirt and rested on her thigh, making the red head gasp lightly as his fingers touched the sensitive skin of her inner thigh.
"And more importantly..." (Y/N) said he pulled Pyrrha's body back tightly against his own, making Pyrrha's heart race.
"Is any leader above reproach?" (Y/N) said as his other hand slowly and teasingly slid up her thigh, Pyrrha released a shuddering breath as her body began to heat up.
"A leader that allows himself to reject the support of his superiors due to something as foolish as them being a girl, or the belief that someone with his level of power can do everything alone..." (Y/N)'s hand moved up from Pyrrha's stomach and stopped just below her bra, Pyrrha began to feel herself desperately wanting him to move his hands the rest of the way, her breathing going faster as her mind raced with the many ways this could go.
"Deserves to fail..." he whispered in Pyrrha's ear before giving a teasing lick to the soft skin of her neck with the tip of his tongue,making her moan softly.
Pyrrha's body was feeling so hot that all of her skin was red and sweat began to drip from her soft skin, her breathing came in shallow gasps as his fingers painfully traced over her sensitive skin, she slowly closed her emerald green eyes and waited for the Sith to do what he willed with her, drinking in the warmth of his body pressed against her back holding her closer that any ever had done before.
It took Pyrrha a few minutes to notice that nothing was happening to her, she did feel a sense of cold and loneliness in place of the warmth and closeness she felt moments ago, she opened her eyes slowly and saw that (Y/N) had backed away and was simply watching her with his usual smirk on his face as he saw her school shirt was still riding up exposing her bellybutton and her school skirt was in disarray, making her look like a hot mess.
"You know I'm right, Pyrrha... let him fall to his own foolishness, turn your attention to more worthy pursuits such as your own power and combat prowess, and perhaps a few more..." (Y/N) said as he walked in front of the stunned school girl, tracing the edge of her lips with his finger in a teasing way hoping for a response from the girl.
"Pleasurable pursuits, something that can be slow and relaxing, or rough and sweaty" (Y/N) said as his (E/C) eyes seemed to bore deep into Pyrrha's emerald green ones looking deep into her soul, making her feel somewhat self-conscious.
"T-T-That does sound good..." Pyrrha said with a slight stutter, (Y/N) allowed a smile to creep across his face at her response, it still amazed him that Pyrrha had never felt such a touch before or had such words spoken to her in her life.
"W-What did you have in mind?" Pyrrha asked with her eyes half lidded as she tried to regain control of her racing heart.
"Perhaps we could go for food sometime, before that we could go to the Emerald Forest to battle the Grimm, work up an apetite with some life or death, adrenaline fuelled battle, and perhaps a movie if your willing" (Y/N) said with his usual smirk on his face.
"That sounds lovely!" Pyrha said, in truth she could use something as an outlet for her frustration with Jaune, and Cardin, and from the general frustration from normal school life, but more importantly she would also get to spend time alone with (Y/N).
"How about tomorrow, after classes?" (Y/N) asked.
"That sounds good to me" Pyrrha said as she fixed her clothes and the two walked away towards their rooms, after a short walk the two reached Pyrrha's room.
"Okay, so I'll see you tomorrow (Y/N)..." Pyrrha said with a blush on her face.
"Yeah, see you tomorrow Pyrrha" (Y/N) said with his signature smirk on his face, then he walked away to his room and Pyrrha closed her door and went to bed, as Pyrrha looked around her room she saw both Nora and Ren asleep in their beds and she noticed that Jaune wasn't in his, she didn't feel as sad as she was before she knew (Y/N)'s words did have a ring of truth and she decided she didn't want to help him unless he begged for her forgiveness.
Pyrrha stripped off her school uniform and changed into a set of comfy pyjamas, one was a red tank top that showed her midriff and a pair of matching shorts that stopped mid-thigh, as she sat in her bed she traced the spot on her thigh and stomach where (Y/N)'s hands touched her, feeling her face heat up at the memory.
"Why must you tease me so...?" she whispered to herself as she undid the ponytail and allowed her long, red hair to flow down her back, her mind raced with images and she quickly shook the dirty thoughts from her mind and laid herself down to try and sleep.
Sleep came a little easier now that she had spoken to (Y/N), her emerald green eyes slowly closed and she allowed herself to go under.
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