Chapter 11
I opened my eyes and saw the ceiling of my room above me as I laid in my bed I tried to move but felt something warm on the right side of my body, I smiled as I remembered last night and I turned and saw Pyrrha sleeping peacefully next to me her head and arm were resting on my chest and I felt her legs tangled in my own.
I knew that I had a busy day today, Ozpin would insist that he get to test my Semblance this week probably hoping I would be his weapon against the Grimm, I heard Pyrrha moan in her sleep and her eyes fluttered open before suddenly snapping wide as she looked at me.
"Good morning Pyrrha" I said in a seductive voice.
"Ah! I-I-I-I'm so s-sorry (Y/N)!" Pyrrha stutters as she tried to untangle her limbs from mine only to fall out of the bed with a loud thump, I sat up and looked over the edge of the bed to see Pyrrha sprawled out on the floor with the night shirt she borrowed riding up exposing her red panties and her naval, she groaned slightly as she laid on the floor before sitting up with a crimson blush on her face.
"You alright?" I asked with a smirk, it was very funny watching her reaction when I did stuff like this, she quickly pulled the shirt down to cover what was showing and got back up onto her feet with her face still bright red.
"Y-yes, I-I'm fine, thanks!" Pyrrha said before zooming into the bathroom and slamming the door shut before locking it, I smiled at how she was acting and got out of my bed and looked over to HK47 who was still standing by the doorway on guard.
"GREETING; Good morning Master, I trust you slept well with the female meat-bag so close to yourself, I understand males of the organic species have a love of contact with female skin" HK47 said as he turned to look at the locked bathroom door that Pyrrha was hiding behind.
"Indeed, she has quite the athletic physique, very good for a warrior and very good to the touch" I replied with a smirk.
"COMMENT; I shall have to take your word for it Master, with my lack of touch I cannot ascertain how soft and yielding her flesh might be, although I could always try testing it with a vibroknife..." HK said in a sinister voice.
"I would not advise it HK, she's far to entertaining to do things like that to, but we can go into the city below to find some fun for ourselves, I hear that the criminal cartels here are always good for some bloodshed" I said with a evil chuckle, Ruby and Weiss had told me about some of the crimes the White Fang had orchestrated, I don't think anyone would mind if a few of them went missing...
I dressed myself in my (F/C) Sith Robes and pulled up my hood just as Pyrrha stepped out of the bathroom, she had her school uniform on ready for classes and her hair was tied back into her usual ponytail.
"H-Here's your nightshirt back, (Y/N)" Pyrrha stuttered shyly as she passed the shirt over to me, I took it and put it in one of my drawers when there was a knock on my door.
"OBSERVATION; It would appear you have a visitor Master, shall I exterminate them for the disturbance?" HK47 asked me as he pulled out his blaster rifle and aimed it towards the door, Pyrrha looked at the droid wide eyed and was prepared to use her polarity to stop it from causing harm to a student.
"That will be unnecessary HK, I'll answer the door and see what they want" I replied and I could swear I saw his shoulders slump in disappointment, I opened the door and there stood Yang along with her sister Ruby.
"Hey (Y/N), how's the ribs?" Yang asked cheerfully.
"Much better, I'm back at 100% and ready to fight again" I replied in a confidant tone of voice.
"That's great, sooo I was wondering if you'd like to-" Yang was saying before she was interrupted.
"OBSERVATION; Are you going to stay here all day, female meat-bag? I do believe that you have classes today, and my Master is quite busy" HK47 said to Pyrrha who looked like she was trying to hide.
"Hey you rust bucket, classes don't start for another hour so lay off" Yang said in an annoyed voice.
"Relax Yang, he wasn't talking to you" I said as I saw Pyrrha get worried.
"Really?" Yang asked in a confused voice.
"If he wasn't talking to Yang, then who was he talking about?" Ruby asked curiously.
"He was talking to Pyrrha" I said simply.
After I said that Pyrrha walked out from behind me with a blush on her face as she looked down, Yang went wide eyed and her jaw nearly hit the floor while Ruby smiled at Pyrrha who now stood beside me.
"Hello Pyrrha! Fancy seeing you here" Ruby said with a cheerful smile, Yang also had a smile but it seemed a little strained.
"I-I see... so Pyrrha w-what were you doing here so early in the morning?" Yang asked through her teeth as her eyes flashed red briefly.
"ANSWER; The female meat-bag spent the night here with the master, it was an interesting evening for the two of them" HK said.
"W-Wait! You mean you two have been fuc-" Yang begins before she's interrupted again.
"N-NO! Nothing like that happened, I just slept over with him and HK, that's all!" Pyrrha said in a high pitched voice.
"CONFUSED QUERY; What about when you kissed the Master on the lips? Does that not count as something happening amongst organics?" HK asked.
The silence after that sentence was deafening, Pyrrha looked mortified that she had been ratted out and now had a big blush on her face from being found out, Ruby looked between Yang, Pyrrha and I with wide eyes and Yang seemed to be frozen in place with that strained smile still on her face as her brow twitched in annoyance.
"I think it's best if you go Pyrrha, I'll talk to you another time, okay?" I said as I looked back at Pyrrha who was watching Yang carefully.
"O-Okay... goodbye (Y/N)" Pyrrha said before running away, I looked back and saw Yang glaring daggers at where Pyrrha was last before looking back at me with hurt in her lilac eyes.
"S-So you and P-Pyrrha, huh? W-When did you two start d-dating?" she asked as she tried to keep her voice from cracking, I could tell she was feeling hurt and angry and it made me feel bad, so I decided to tell her the truth.
"We're not dating Yang, she was worried about leaving me alone when I'd been hurt and she stayed over for the night that's all, and as for the kiss well... I guess she just wanted to feel a little bit better since Jaune's being an idiot" I replied, Yang seemed a little relieved that I said we weren't dating yet she still seemed angry about the fact that Pyrrha kissed me.
"Okay fine, I wanted to ask if you wanted to walk to classes with Ruby and me?" Yang asked me.
"Sure, I'd be happy to come along" I said as I walked out of the door, followed by HK47 who shut and locked the door behind him.
"Hello HK47, how are you today?" Ruby asked the tall robot curiously.
"ANSWER; I am doing well little red meat-beg, although I do wish that my master would allow me to exterminate some of the fools that walk the halls of this academy..." HK said in what seemed like a dejected voice.
"If I allowed you to do that HK, there would only be like ten of us left in the entire academy, but we'll both be able to show our strength when the time comes..." I said as I thought about the upcoming battles, I knew I had to also improve my Semblance if I wanted to be able to gain control of Grimm like that Goliath or other powerful Grimm.
We walked through the halls to our next class, when we arrived I ordered HK47 to remain outside and watch for trouble, I just walked into Grimm Studies when Professor Port stopped me.
"Ah, Mr. (L/N), Headmaster Ozpin has excused you from classes for special training by himself and Professor Goodwitch, you are to report to Beacon Tower immediately" he said causing the students to start whispering to each other, I looked over and saw that Yang looked a little disappointed that I wasn't going to be in classes with her anymore.
I turned and walked out of the classroom to find HK47 standing opposite the door watching the halls carefully, he saw me exit the class and walked over to me.
"CHIDING STATEMENT; My, my it would appear classes are much shorter for the students here than back in out little corner of the galaxy, what did you learn today Master?" HK said in a mocking voice, I smiled a little at his wit I really missed having him around.
"Apparently I've been excused from classes for the foreseeable future, Ozpin wants me to practice my Semblance under his and Professor Goodwitch's instruction" I said back to the tall droid.
"STATEMENT; I see... well I suppose we should go along and find him and this Goodwitch person, although anyone with good in their name is usually in my 'must kill' criteria for organic meat-bags" HK said as he fell in step beside me, we walked out of the school building and went to the tower riding the elevator up to Ozpin's office, when it arrived at the top of the tower HK and I stepped out of the elevator and we walked to stand in front of the desk in Ozpin's office.
"Ah, Mr. (L/N) you've arrived, and it would appear you have brought your robot along with you" Ozpin said as he glanced at HK briefly.
"Indeed I did Ozpin, if I remember right we are starting to test out my semblance am I right?" (Y/N) said back with a confidant grin on his face.
"Yes, I am curious as to how you control the Grimm as you do, and who knows perhaps with some practice and training you will be able to take control of larger Grimm, such as that Goliath that wounded you so badly" Ozpin said with a serious look on his face, beside him Glynda looked at me with a look of suspicion, I could tell that she believed that I could be very dangerous if I was able to gain control of such powerful Grimm.
However I chose to ignore this as my grin fell at the mention of the Goliath and I felt a deep rage begin to burn in my being, I felt the familiar surge of power flow through my arms and saw sparks dance across my fingers I clenched my fists tightly causing my knuckles to crack loudly catching the attention of Glynda and Ozpin who were watching me carefully.
"We will run these tests in the Emerald Forest, we already know you can gain control of Beowolves, Ursa and Boarbatusks, I wonder if you could do the same with other Grimm such as a Nevermore or a King Taijitsu" Ozpin said as he pulled up images of the two Grimm.
With that the four of us left Ozpin's office and went to the Emerald Forest to practice my Semblance.
(Y/N) stood in a clearing within the Emerald Forest channelling negative emotions to draw Grimm to his position, the first think Ozpin wanted to test was how many Grimm he could control at once with his current power.
Ozpin and Glynda stood back a fair distance watching (Y/N) along with HK47 who was looking down the sights of his blaster rifle for errant Grimm, suddenly a pack of 12 Beowolves charged into the clearing followed by three Ursa all of the creatures ran to attack the young man who opened his eyes and stood up with a cocky smile on his face.
As the Grimm closed the distance he got into a hand-to-hand stance since he didn't want to kill any of them yet, (Y/N) chose to have as many enslaved Grimm as possible for experiments and future fights.
A Beowolf swung it's claws at (Y/N) who blocked it with his forearm before placing his hand on the Grimms face and turning it to his will within seconds, the possessed Beowolf lowered it's arms and attacked one of it's former pack mates allowing (Y/N) to use his Semblance to take control of it, over the course of an hour and with the help of the now possessed Beowolves (Y/N) managed to take control of all 3 Ursa and 10 Beowolves since the last two were killed by the possessed ones during the battle.
"Impressive, most impressive..." Ozpin said as he, Glynda and HK walked out of the shadows of the trees, Ozpin watched the controlled Grimm curiously while Glynda looked on with an angry face.
"SURPRISED OBSERVATION; Indeed Master! I had no idea your 'Semblance' would be strong enough to have control of so many of these organic murder machines at once, I'm very impressed" HK47 said as he stood beside Ozpin watching the group of possessed Grimm with interest.
"Thank you Ozpin, HK I don't even feel strained with these ones, probably because they are so weak willed, I guess it's the larger ones and taking control of multiple Alpha's that drain most of my energy, since they are so powerful, and have a strong will" (Y/N) replied casually as the possessed Grimm walked towards him awaiting his command as the Amethyst hand prints glowed on their faces.
"Hmmm... perhaps that is the case, maybe you can strengthen your powers by going against large groups of Grimm at once, or specifically targeting the larger more powerful Grimm, then you should be able to gain power over much larger Grimm" Ozpin said as he watched the controlled Grimm await an order from their master.
"I cannot wait to reach that level of power" (Y/N) said with an evil smile on his face.
"Well, anyway I believe that will be enough for today after all we have been doing this for four hours, you may now have the rest of the day to yourself, go for a walk around the town and see what's around, perhaps you'll find something interesting there" Ozpin said before turning around and beginning to walk back to Beacon with an angry Glynda following close behind.
"Although... it would be best if you dismissed your entourage, last thing we need is panic in the streets because of a horde of Grimm" Ozpin said before vanishing into the darkened woods.
"STATEMENT; He is right Master, we do not need attention drawn to us because of the company you keep, perhaps it would be best to send these Meat-bags on their way until you need them?" HK47 said as he glanced at the Grimm around the young man.
"Yes I suppose you're right on this one" (Y/N) said before turning to his new slaves.
"Creatures of Grimm! Return to the forest and await my call!" (Y/N) said in a commanding voice, the Grimm turned and ran back into the woods to await their masters call, then (Y/N) and HK walked away towards the town of Vale.
I could barely concentrate in classes today, not only had (Y/N) been removed from all classes until further notice, but I found out that Pyrrha had stolen his first kiss from me!
Well I think it was his first kiss anyway, for all I know he might have kissed a girl from his galaxy way before he arrived here but I was hoping to at least be his first kiss on this world!
I was in the cafeteria now with Ruby, Weiss and Blake eating lunch when I turned and saw Pyrrha sitting at a table with her team, she was laughing at something Nora was saying and sitting very close to Jaune.
(I don't believe it, she's kissed him yet she's still fawning over Jaune!? The nerve of her!) I thought to myself angrily as I growled under my breath.
"Um, Yang?" I heard Ruby say.
"Yes, Ruby?" I said through clenched teeth.
"I-Is something wrong?" she asked me with a nervous voice, I felt a little guilty that I had made her scared but I was still angry at Pyrrha for her indecision.
"Nope. I'm completely, totally FINE!" I said as I gripped onto the table with my right hand and suddenly felt the wood snap under my grip, I could feel Ruby, Weiss and Blakes eyes on me and knew they were about to give me a lecture.
"Come on Yang, it's obvious your angry about something. What's happened?" Weiss asked as she scooted away looking a little afraid, she knew how strong I was and didn't want to be too close to me when I was pissed off.
"Is it about what happened this morning, Yang?" Ruby asked with concern in her voice.
"Wait, what happened this morning?" Blake asked as she put down her book and looked between us all.
"Pyrrha. Kissed. (Y/N)" I said through my teeth as I glared at her as she sat at the table across from us.
"What?!" they both yelled loudly grabbing team JNPR's attention and making them look over at us.
"Pyrrha kissed (Y/N)! Seriously!?" Weiss shouted grabbing hold of my arm and shaking me, Pyrrha looked at me and noticed my glare turning her head away, but that actually made me feel angrier.
"Well, that's what HK says anyways..." Ruby said as she followed my line of sight and looked worried.
"Wait, HK? Who's HK?" Blake asked.
"HK is (Y/N)'s robot, he's pretty interesting and has an awesome blaster gun!" Ruby said, they were talking but I tuned them out and focused on Pyrrha, I decided I was going to wait until combat class and I was going to challenge her to a fight and kick her ass!
I walked through the streets of Vale taking in all the sights and sounds of the town as people looked at me and HK strangely, it was silent as HK and I walked the streets and glared at anyone who stared at us for too long.
"These people are pathetic... they walk the streets unaware of the danger, and unwilling to fight the threat along with their warriors, it truly angers me to see such waste of potential" I snarled as Hk and I walked the streets.
"STATEMENT; It is in the nature of human meat-bags to prefer the trappings of comfort and sluggishness, it is truly an appalling obsession to wish to do nothing and grow fat all day long, it would leave them at a disadvantage if a stronger, fitter group decided to wipe them all out" HK47 said as he watched the humans and faunas pass them by.
"Which is precisely why I do not laze around, don't get me wrong I'm more than willing to indulge myself in some pleasures, but not to the point where I lose my edge and leave myself vulnerable to attack from any fool with a blade and a death wish" I said back as we passed through a park with happy families and couples.
HK and I walk out of the park and observe the citizens more, but that only made me get more annoyed I wanted to find something interesting to do, I don't really care who I have to fight or what the hell I get to do but I just want to get some action!
Then I heard the sound of glass breaking and people yelling, I smile as I leap up onto the roof of a nearby building before looking down and using the force to pull HK up with me, we run towards the scene leaping from roof to roof until we finally reached the scene of the fight.
I looked down and saw several of those faunas with the masks loading several big crates and cases into a massive truck, I remembered what Weiss and the others had told me about this group called the White Fang and thought about what I was to do, I saw HK47 unsling his Blaster Rifle from his back and take aim at the White Fang below us.
"QUERY; Shall I kill them, Master?" HK asked me as he gazed down the sights of the gun.
"No, I've got a better idea... let's take them prisoner, I could use some victims to torture right now..." I replied as I eyed the group below with an evil smirk.
"OVERJOYED EXCLAMATION; Oh Master, such promises of cruelty and potential suffering make my circuites spark in anticipation! How shall we incapacitate these worthless bags of organic flesh?" HK47 asked as his blaster hummed with life.
"We cannot attack in public like this, we'll follow them until they are isolated then we will attack. Shoot to maim or wound, then we'll take them and their stolen goods away for some fun" I said as I planned the attack out.
"COMPLIMENT; A wise strategy Master, though I must ask how shall we keep up with their vehicle on foot?" HK asked curiously.
"Simple, we'll borrow a vehicle and use it to follow them" I said as I looked around for a suitable vehicle, my eyes landed on a (F/C) motorcycle and let a smile come to my face.
"Think you can rewire that bike down there HK?" I asked as I indicated the bike, HK walked to the edge of the roof and scanned the bike with his sensors.
"ANSWER; Master, my processors allow me to memorise various weapon schematics and the blue prints for vehicles and star ships,so rewiring a simple combustible engine vehicle will pose no significant problem" HK said before he walked off the edge of the roof and landed on the ground cracking the pavement slightly, I kept watch on the White Fang soldiers as HK approached the bike and worked to get it running.
I saw the soldiers load the last crate into the large truck and close the shutter before they climbed into the driver seat, I assumed that the others from earlier were in the back with the cargo and were easy prey the truck drove out of the alley and onto the road, I jumped down and walked to HK who was standing motionless beside the bike.
"Climb on HK, it will be faster if we left together" I said as I mounted the bike twisting the handlebars to revv up the engine, which came to life with a loud roar.
"STATEMENT; Very well Master, I shall comply" HK said as he climbed on the back of the bike, his metallic legs kept his body secure as he pulled out the blaster rifle on his back.
"Let's go have some fun!" I said as I revved the engine and sped out of the alley way after the truck.
It was around time for Glynda's combat class Team JNPR and RW_Y were sitting in the stands waiting to see who fought first, Blake was absent from this class and had gone to the library to read, Yang was still upset that (Y/N) wasn't with them, unknown to the blonde brawler Pyrrha was also feeling upset that (Y/N) was gone.
"Now, who wants to volunteer for the first match of the day against miss Nikos?" Glynda asked as she looked at the students in the stands, she looked a little relieved today since the Sith wasn't in class, in her mind the young man was too dangerous to be facing the students since it seemed that his violent methods would cause serious injury someday.
"Right here!" Yang shouted as she raised her hand, she looked at Pyrrha with an intense glare that promised a world of pain.
"Very well miss Xiao Long, you and miss Nikos change into your combat attire and return for the match" Glynda said with her usual scowl on her face.
Yang and Pyrrha stood up and walked out of the arena towarda the locker room to change out of their clothes, her glare never leaving Pyrrha who seemed a little unnerved at the look Yang was sending towards her.
Yang entered the locker room and took off the uniform and stripped off her uniform breathing in as her chest was released from the tight school shirt, she changed into her combat attire and clipped her Ember Celica to her wrists in their bracelet form and walked out of the locker room and towards the entrance to the arena, as she walked out she sent one last look at Pyrrha before walking out and standing in the arena to wait for Pyrrha.
"Hey Ruby, does Yang look a little... angry, to you?" Jaune asked Ruby as he looked at Ruby's older sister.
"Now that you mention it, Yang does seem a little... upset" Weiss said as she looked at her teammate.
"It's fine, Yang's just... going through some stuff" Ruby said as she looked at her big sister, she had seen Yang get mad before and while it was scary she could somewhat understand Yang's anger.
This was probably one of the only times she was serious about a guy, she would flirt with guys but that was always just playful with (Y/N) she seemed to work harder to get his attention, it was kind of cute how she'd talk about the Sith so much and act so differently around him.
"What kind of stuff is she going through? Is there anything we can do to help?" Jaune offered while he stared at Weiss with dreamy eyes.
"Hmph! If Yang is having a problem, we will deal with it, as a team!" Weiss said in a dismissive voice.
"Oh, come on Weiss! I grew up with seven sisters, I'm sure I could find some way to cheer her up if I tried" Jaune said as he flashed a winning smile towards the white clad girl.
"Normally I would agree with you, but you see..." Ruby began, not sure how to word it exactly.
The sound of heels clicking on the floor silenced the girls talking as Pyrrha stepped out into the arena, her long red hair tied back in a ponytail, her stance showing she was all business right now.
"Guy's, the match is starting" Weiss said as she put all her attention on her teammate's match.
"This match will be between Pyrrha Nikos, and Yang Xiao Long, the match will last half an hour or until one of your Aura's drop into the red" Glynda said as she looked between the two girls.
"3" Yang extended her Ember Celica and loaded a shell into the chamber, she kept her glare focused on Pyrrha fully intent on expressing her rage no matter what.
"2" Pyrrha lifted Akouo up to protect herself from any attacks that Yang would throw at her, and she pulled out Milo in it's sword form and got ready to attack, she had a feeling she knew why yang was glaring at her and intended to defend herself.
"1" The students in the stands could feel the tension between the two girls, while most of them didn't know what the problem was a few of them did.
The rest of team RWBY knew about Yang's crush on (Y/N) and could also see that the conflict between her and Pyrrha was going to get worse, Weiss was also aware of the fact that Pyrrha liked Jaune but he was too oblivious to return the affection, and even more annoyingly he seemed to be focused on her and this indecision was making it difficult for Yang as well.
"Begin!" Glynda said, Yang began by firing shells at Pyrrha rapidly as she yelled out her anger, Pyrrha jumped and dodged the flaming projectiles as they hit the ground in big explosions she also blocked some of them with Akouo gritting her teeth as she felt the concussive blasts vibrate through her shield.
As she shot at Pyrrha Yang ran towards her attempting to close the distance as fast as possible and pummel the red haired girl into oblivion, Pyrrha heard Yang's footsteps along with the rumble of her explosive shells and turned to face her opponant with her shield raised and Milo in it's sword form, Yang threw her left fist towards Pyrrha and she quickly blocked it with Akouo then she tried to counter attack with Milo but Yang used her right fist to block the swings causing sparks to fly from the force of the attacks.
Pyrrha pushed back against Yang making her stumble back a few steps before Pyrrha lunged towards her trying to attack Yang with her sword, Yang used her Ember Celica to deflect the slashes and attacks while trying to land punches of her own, most of them were blocked but the few that managed to get through were redirected with Pyrrha's polarity.
Pyrrha switched her Milo into it's javelin form and swung the extended pole-arm at Yang landing several good strikes and taking her Aura down into the yellow, Yang growled aggressively before blocking some of Pyrrha's attacks and going under her spear and stopping right in Pyrrha's face, Pyrrha's eyes widened in surprise and she managed to do a back flip to barely avoid Yang's upper cut the breeze from her fist blowing across Pyrrha's face before she got a good distance away.
"Wow, Pyrrha's strong!" Ruby gasped as she cheered for her big sister.
"Well this time she isn't fighting (Y/N), so she's probably going to win this match" Weiss said as she watched the fight with interest.
Yang was taking a lot of punishment from Pyrrha's attacks and her Aura was steadily dropping down closer to the red, however Yang then used her Aura to take all the damage she had suffered and planned to give it back to Pyrrha ten fold!
Yang pushed Pyrrha back and smirked when she saw the look of surprise on her face, Yang chuckled before crashing her fists together and releasing the energy of her Semblance making her eyes turn red and her long, blonde hair light on fire.
"There we go! Yang's using her Semblance! GO YANG, YOU CAN DO IT!" Ruby shouted as she jumped to her feet and waved her arms at her big sister.
Yang got into a boxers stance and rushed at Pyrrha who switched Milo into it's rifle form and took shots at her, however Yang dodged the shots and closed the distance before Pyrrha could switch out her weapon into it's melee form.
Yang swung her fist with immense force and hit Akouo so hard that it made a loud ringing noise, Yang uppercutted the shield causing it to fly away and hit the ground with a clang, Pyrrha managed to switch Milo into it's Javelin form and tried to use the length of the spear to keep Yang away, She quickly smashed Milo into Yang's ribs making her jump back quickly, Pyrrha rolled to the side as Yang sent a large explosion towards her in retaliation for the hit and she extended her hand using her polarity to reclaim Akouo.
Pyrrha didn't relent and kept on attacking landing several blows that were more forceful due to subconscious enhancements to her power with the force, the level of the force Pyrrha had at her disposal was more instinctual and limited to her own body, she could channel force energy into her muscles with her mind to enhance her own strength and speed but couldn't do any of the attacks (Y/N) could do, such as Force Lightning or Force Choke.
Finally Pyrrha struck Yang across the head making the blonde beauties head snap to the side from the force of the blow, Yang stumbled back and fell to one knee as she breathed heavily while Pyrrha kept her own breathing under control.
"That's enough! Miss Pyrrha Nikos is the winner of this match, congratulations miss Nikos, miss Xiao Long you should try to keep your temper under control, rage will only take you so far in a battle" Glynda said in a stern voice before turning to look to the stands for the next combatants.
Yang stood up and stomped out of the class with her fists clenched and her hair slightly burning, she was gritting her teeth angrily that she had lost to Pyrrha and was doing everything in her power not to punch a hole in a wall, the rest of her team watched as she walks out of the classroom Weiss sighing in an annoyed way, while Ruby watched her sister sadly.
"I see why (Y/N) would want her more..." Yang said sadly as tears gathered in her lilac eyes, she walked back to her dorm room no longer in the mood for classes and climbed up onto her bed before burying her face into her pillow, losing to Pyrrha was a blow to her self-esteem and confidence since she knew that (Y/N) liked people that were strong.
Yang cried into her pillow at the thought of having to watch as the guy she liked was taken away by Pyrrha, the tears were ones of anger as well as sadness since she remembered that Pyrrha couldn't choose between (Y/N) or Jaune, she couldn't stand how Pyrrha was able to kiss (Y/N) before her and worse yet managed to sleep over in his bed!
Yang felt the exhaustion from her match with Pyrrha catch up with her and her entire body ached, she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep as she thought about (Y/N).
After a short while the door to the room opened slightly and a certain red caped huntress in-training peeked her head into the room and saw Yang in her bed, she felt really sad that Yang was so upset and decided to try and cheer her up, but there was only one way to do that... she had to go find (Y/N).
I was crouching low to the roof of the warehouse by the docks I scaled using a combination of athleticism and the force, I used the force to bring HK47 up onto the rooftop with me and we were now watching the White Fang grunts unload the crates of dust into the warehouse using some kind of machine.
"STATEMENT; The organic meat-bags seem to be part of a much larger movement, we should expect reinforcements to be arriving soon... this will be an interesting battle to participate in" HK said as he scanned the area with his enhanced sensors and held his Blaster Rifle ready to shoot.
"I always did like my battles to be interesting..." I said as I watched them faunas walk around and get ready for whatever was happening.
"QUESTION; What is the strategy for this engagement Master? Do we just charge in and annihilate all of the meat-bags, or will we be doing this another way?" HK asked me.
I looked around the area of the warehouse to see how many of them there were and come up with ideas on how to deal with them, there were at least 20 of the rogue faunus unloading the crates and they were arranged in a loose guard pattern it seems like they aren't expecting someone to find them.
"I will go down and engage them myself, you will remain up here and provide support with your Blaster, kill as many as you see fit but leave one or two alive I need those animals for 'questioning'" I said as I stood up and cracked my back as I drew my lightsaber from my belt.
"CONFIRMATION; Very well Master, I shall comply" HK said as he charged up his Blaster Rifle and took aim, I gathered the force below my feet and Force Jumped towards the group of faunas igniting my lightsaber as I fell towards them.
The faunas looked up in shock as I landed on top of one of the faunas knocking him out harshly, I looked up and saw the other White Fang soldiers running out of the warehouse with their weapons drawn and they surrounded me.
"Who the hell are you?!" one of the grunts yelled as he aimed his gun at me, I stood up and smirked at him under my hood before I blasted him with Force Lightning making him twitch and convulse before he died, the other White Fang soldiers started shooting at me and I quickly ignited my lightsaber surprising the soldiers as I slashed them all with the blade.
A few of the soldiers tried to run away but dropped down to the ground when bright red blaster bolts hit their bodies, the soldiers saw HK standing on the roof shooting at them with his modified Blaster Rifle I turned and used Force Push to blast the remaining White Fang soldiers into a metal wall pulverising their pitiful bodies with the force of the blow, I looked over the many dead White Fang soldiers and grinned as I revelled in the death HK and I had just caused, using the Force I detected life signs from two White Fang soldiers.
I walked over to the two living White Fang soldiers and I saw a girl with antlers coming from her head trying to drag herself away from us since one of her legs were shattered from a Force Push, and the second was a man with orange cat ears and a tail who was unconscious.
"HK, come down and assist me in moving the bodies, we'll load them into the truck along with the Dust and take them somewhere private for my 'fun'" I said.
"QUERY; Shall we endevor to get those pathetic meat-bags we rescued the other day to assist us, Master?" HK asked me as he jumped from the roof of the ware house and rushed over to me.
"Hmmm... that might not be a bad idea, whose the commanding officer of that platoon?" I asked the tall droid.
"ANSWER; I believe it is a man by the name of Zerzek Korr, he is the next in line for command since the 'accident' that took the life of the previous commander" HK said as he walked to the truck and started using the loader to place the crates and such back into the truck.
I walked over to the crawling deer faunus and she quickly turned onto her back with a look of panic across her face.
"Ah Zerzek... he's an entertaining one, knows just how to keep those spineless whelps in line!" I said happily as I punched the begging faunas knocking her the fuck out, I then roughly slung her over my shoulder and carried her into the truck, I threw her in the back of the truck and walked back out to see the ginger haired cat faunas was still out cold.
Not wanting to walk over I used Force Grip to drag his sorry carcass over to me and I dumped him beside the other one, I smiled cruelly as I thought about the delicious tortures I could inflict to learn what I need, however that quickly fell when I knew I had to remove the bodies of the dead ones to stop people getting suspicious.
"QUERY; Shall I contact him, Master?" HK asked, I nodded my head as I Force Gripped one of the bodies and lifted it into the air, I then force pushed the body out into the sea hopefully they will get eaten by sea Grimm, HK brought out the communications device and typed in the code for the commander.
I walked through the halls of Beacon with a frown on my face, my big sister was upset and I didn't know how to cheer her up, I went back to the dorm to check on Yang and I heard her crying when I opened the door a crack.
I felt really bad that Yang was upset, and I was a little mad at Pyrrha for kissing (Y/N) even though he wasn't dating my sister, as I walked I bumped into someone and looked to see Jaune sitting on the floor.
"Hey, Jaune!" I said as I offered him a hand to get up.
"Hey Ruby, have you seen Pyrrha around? I can't seem to find her anywhere..." Jaune asked.
"Nope, haven't seen her, sorry" I replied.
"Oh no problem, so anyway, uhhh... how's Weiss? Has she said anything about me?" Jaune asked with a confident smile on his face.
"Hmmm, not really" I said, this caused him to deflate slightly.
"WHAT KIND OF A PANSY ASS EXCUSE ARE YOU TRYING ARE YOU TRYING TO FEED ME MAGGOT!!" came a very loud shout from the window to one of the rooms in the hospital wing startling Jaune and me slightly.
We walked towards the window and peeked inside, I saw those soldiers that (Y/N) and I rescued yesterday, it looked like they were getting ready for action and the one who looked like he was in charge was shouting at one of the men.
"Sir, yes sir!" the soldier responded in a strict tone of voice.
I was pretty surprised at how loud the guy in charge was, I'm surprised that the windows didn't shake from his yelling.
"IF I SO MUCH AS SEE YOU TREMBLING IN THE FACE OF AN ENEMY AGAIN I WILL-" he was cut off when the device on his belt started ringing, he looked at it and pressed a button bringing up a hologram of HK47 and (Y/N).
"Oh! M-My Lord what may I do for you today?" the shouty man said in a respectful voice.
"I require the help of you and your men, I will send you a set of co-ordinates and you are to take your squad there and rondeveus with HK47 and myself" I heard the voice of (Y/N) say.
"Understood, my Lord! We'll be there shortly" the shouty man said before the call disconnected, he then put away the communicator and turned to the assembled soldiers, there were at least 15 of them and they were all out of the armour they wore.
"Listen up men! We have been called into service by our Sith benefactor, armour up and be ready to move out!" the man said in a commanding voice.
"Sir yes sir!" the men said all at once and they quickly moved to put on their armour and grab their weapons, they were carrying what looked like very advanced battle rifles and their armour was black and looked kind of menacing.
The men then followed the shouty man out of the room, Jaune and I quickly walked away from the window I decided to go and find those men, I really had to see (Y/N) and get him to cheer up Yang...
"Well, see you around Jaune, I'm going to talk to those soldiers" I said.
"Oh, okay, goodbye Ruby" Jaune said as he turned around and went to go find Pyrrha again, while I ran to the entrance of the Infirmary only to see the soldiers marching away towards the docks.
"Excuse me!" I called over to the soldiers they didn't stop so I ran over to the shouty man and kept pace beside him as they all marched.
"Excuse me sir? Do you know where I can find (Y/N)?" I asked hoping that he would answer.
"Sorry kid, I ain't got time to babysit you right now, go play with your dolls or something we've got business to do!" he said in a harsh voice, I froze at his response and they kept on walking.
(Since they won't tell me, I'll just follow them and talk to (Y/N) when I find him.) Ruby thought to herself as she started to stealthily follow the group of soldiers.
They quickly boarded a bullhead and using my Semblance I dashed onto the ship, I quickly hid myself away in a corner of the ship out of sight.
"What the hell are these? Flower petals?" I heard one of the men mumble quietly, I made myself smaller thinking I might be found soon but I felt the ship take off, I had to sit there and be quiet for what felt like hours until I felt the ship shake from what I assumed was a landing.
"Okay you worthless bags of meat, move out and secure the area!" I heard the voice of the shouty man yell as I heard footsteps move down the ramp, I peeked around the corner and I saw all of the men standing in front of (Y/N) and HK47, they were talking to the shouty man but I couldn't hear what they were saying and tried to get closer, suddenly I fell forwards and hit the ground loudly.
I groaned slightly and looked up to see the barrels of several guns aimed at my face making me gulp nervously.
"Sir! There's a kid here, it's the girl from before!" one of the soldiers said with the mask making his voice sound slightly robotic.
"Bring her here immediately grunt! Let our Lord decide what to do with her!" came the voice of the shouty man, I felt the soldiers grab my arms and lift me off of the floor and carry me over to another area before roughly throwing me to the ground.
"OBSERVATION; Master, isn't that the short meat-bag from before... Ruby Rose I believe her name was?" I heard HK47 say above me.
"Indeed it is... what are you doing here Ruby?" I heard (Y/N) ask, I looked up to see him, HK and the shouty man looking down at me expectantly, I had to admit I felt a little nervous under (Y/N)'s gaze right now because his hood shadowed half of his face giving him a menacing look.
"I-I-I wanted to come and ask for your help, i-it's Yang, s-she's feeling depressed and I was hoping you could help cheer her up" I said as I trembled slightly.
"Oh? What is she depressed about?" (Y/N) asked as he crossed his arms over his chest.
"I... think it was because of what happened with you and Pyrrha, that and she lost against Pyrrha in class today..." Ruby said in a sad voice, (Y/N) was a little unsure since he had to direct the men to secure the cave behind them for his experiments and 'questioning'.
"I'm a little busy right now Ruby, I-" the young man was cut off by Ruby dashing over to him and jumping on his back.
"Please! Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease!" Ruby said as she pulled her puppy dog eyes that seemed to make some of the soldiers look like they wanted to suggest the reader go and help her, however their fear of the Sith orders sudden and violent mood swings and being ordered around quickly shut them up.
"OKAY! Okay Ruby, I'll go back with you, I'll give the men their orders and get on with you" (Y/N) said as he took hold of Ruby's hood and pulled her off of him looking her in the eyes.
"Okay!" Ruby said happily before dashing off towards the ship, leaving a trail of rose petals behind.
(Y/N) snapped his eyes to Zerzek making the man flinch from the sudden action.
"Care to explain how you allowed a child to sneak past you, Zerzek? Did I overestimate your competence in your newly assigned role?" (Y/N) said with a menacing aura radiating from his body.
"Sir, no sir! I assure you I will not make such a blunderous error ever again!" Zerzek said in a strict voice, but the corner of (Y/N)'s mouth curled into a smirk at the fear laced into the man's voice.
"See that it doesn't... I will not have this operation compromised due to your lack of attention!" the Sith said in a commanding voice.
"Okay, you know your orders, we're going in there to exterminate any Grimm we find and establish a base here, maintaining a prison and chambers for our 'volunteers'..." (Y/N) said with an evil smile on his face, the men got worried at the look and knew not to disappoint him. EVER.
"HK, I will leave you in charge here, see to it that appropriate defences and cages are set up for the prisoners, store those crates of dust in a safe place and also try to find a way to get an interrogation room built" (Y/N) said as he addressed the droid.
"EXCITED CONFIRMATION; Indeed Master, I am already anticipating the screams of pain and torment that you will undoubtedly rip from those meat-bags, perhaps I will be able to join in on the fun? Since I am well versed in different methods of torture and information gathering" HK47 said as he looked around the room watching the soldiers work.
"STATEMENT; I believe it would be best if you returned with miss Rose now, we wouldn't want her to intrude upon this place now would we?" HK47 said.
"Very well, contact me when it's done and I will return tomorrow after the next round of tests for my powers, I look forward to having some fun" (Y/N) said before turning around and walking through the tunnels again until he came outside to see Ruby sitting on the ramp of the ship looking very bored.
"Finally! Come on (Y/N), let's go hurry!" Ruby said as she dashed over and took (Y/N)'s hand, dragging the young man onto the ship and banging on the door to the cockpit signalling the pilot to take off back to Beacon.
I opened my eyes and lifted my head up from the pillow, I looked around and saw that the room was still empty.
"I guess I must have fallen asleep..." I said sleepily as I yawned and rubbed my eyes, my thoughts went back to (Y/N) and Pyrrha and I felt my mood get worse again.
"It's just not fair! She's constantly fawning over Jaune, why can't she just stick to her forlorn love instead of taking the guy I want?!" I said to myself as I jumped down from my bed.
Suddenly a thought came to my head, he said that they weren't together so maybe...
"I can kiss him too! At the very least it'll get some of his attention on me too!" I said before I opened the door to the room and ran out to go find (Y/N).
The airship touched down at Beacon's docks and Ruby and I walked off of the ship, then she grabbed the sleeve of my robe again and started leading me back towards the dorms.
"I know where the dorms are Ruby, you don't need to hold onto my sleeve like that" I said in an annoyed voice.
"Well, we've got to hurry! I don't like my big sister being depressed, and I'm sure you'll be able to cheer her up!" Ruby said in a quick voice, she then pulled me along to the courtyard.
"(YYY/NNN)!!!" I heard a loud voice yell in a sing-song way, Ruby and I looked and saw Yang was running towards us at high speed before jumping up with her arms spread open for a hug.
I quickly tensed myself and grabbed her as she hit me, she wrapped her arms round my neck and her legs around my waist nearly knocking me over but I quickly regained my balance, she looked right into my eyes with a cheeky smirk on her face before she lunged forwards and smashed her lips to mine in a rough kiss.
That kiss quickly turned into a battle of tongues as our eyes closed and I moved my hands from her legs to her back, running my fingers through her long, blonde hair, I could feel her grinding her body against mine as we moved our lips against one another's.
After what felt like an hour she pulled back panting slightly as we both breathed in the oxygen we needed, I had to admit that sudden act made my heart race slightly in lust, it felt like it was just me and Yang with no one else here.
"EEEEEW, MY EYES!" came a familiar voice, Yang and I turned our heads and saw Ruby covering her eyes with her hood as her cheeks turned pink, Weiss was looking at us with wide eyes and her jaw hung open and Blake was looking away with a blush on her cheeks.
"Yang! (Y/N)?! What are you two doing in the middle of the courtyard!?" Weiss said as she regained some of her senses, however she had a very noticeable blush on her face.
"Just showing (Y/N) how much I missed him today~" Yang said in a very breathy voice as she clung to me.
"W-Well... that kind of display of affection in public is totally uncalled for! Try to show some modesty, because I won't have a member of our team give us a bad reputation!" Weiss scolded as she tried to regain control of her blush.
"Your just jealous that I've got someone to do this with and you don't!" Yang said as she tightened her legs around my waist, they felt very toned and muscular but her skin was very soft and smooth.
"Your not even dating! get off of him NOW!" Weiss demanded, Yang pouted and unwrapped herself from me before looking at me to see me smirking at her.
"A bold move Yang, I'm impressed" I complimented her, she laughed and punched me lightly on the arm.
"So (Y/N), why were you and all of those soldiers clearing out that cave?" Ruby asked, this got everyone to look at me in question.
"Oh that, simple training exercise, can't let the men get rusty so I figured using a cave full of Grimm would be good combat practice" I said, Weiss, Ruby and Yang nodded their heads but Blake looked at me a little skeptically.
"If that's what you wanted, then why not just use the gym, surely that would have been less dangerous?" Blake said in a voice that dripped with suspicion.
"Because those are too tame, if the men are to get the full experience then we need a hostile environment, it's only in places like that that we can grow and become the warriors we want to be" I replied, after going through places like Korriban, Taris and Tatooine I understood that the best way to improve was to be somewhere unforgiving, safe zones are only for the ones that can't hack it out in the danger zones.
"Forget about that! You've got some explaining to do mister!" Weiss said as she pointed her finger in my face.
"What did I do this time, ice queen?" I sighed out in an annoyed way.
"Don't give me that tone! I want to know what happened between you and Pyrrha!" Weiss replied angrily.
"What do you mean 'what happened'? What have you heard?" I asked back.
"Ruby said that your robot told her and Yang that she kissed you, and slept in your dorm last night! What is that about!?" she asked.
"She was worried about leaving me alone and decided to stay with me until my Ribs repaired themselves, as for the kiss I believe it has something to do with a certain blonde haired boy who keeps ignoring her attempts at flirting, which by the way she's not very good at" I explained to the four girls, Weiss seemed to calm down slightly, Blake was looking at me with worry while Ruby had a small smile on her face.
"S-So, you two aren't dating?" Yang asked nervously.
"No, we're not" I replied simply, I saw the tension leave Yang's body and she relaxed slightly and a barely noticeable smile came to her face.
"That's another thing! What would you have done if he'd said he was dating Pyrrha!? You need to think these things out better before jumping on a guy and kissing him like that Yang!" Weiss said in a scolding tone of voice.
"Yeah... sorry about that (Y/N), I guess I wasn't thinking..." Yang said as she puled some of her hair around and started playing with it nervously.
"It's fine Yang, that was actually kind of fun" I said, I had to admit I wouldn't mind if she did that again sometime.
"Oh, really?" Yang said in a flirty way as she walked up to me.
"Maybe we can do it again sometime~" Yang said as she leaned in and pressed her breasts against my chest.
"YANG!" her three teammates screamed before pulling her off of me, I felt a unusual sense of loss from having her pulled away.
"W-Well, at least we've sorted out what's happened, and cheered Yang up, I think we should go back to the dorm and ummm... STUDY! Yeah, study for classes!" Ruby said as she had her hand over Yang's mouth and with the help of Weiss and Blake, pulled her away.
"She's definitely something..." I said with a smile on my face, I had to admit Yang would make an excellent lover, she's strong, passionate, confident not to mention has a very attractive body.
I looked around feeling bored, Yang's team obviously wouldn't be letting Yang out to play any time soon.
"Hey (Y/N)!" I heard a familiar voice from behind me, I turned and saw team CFVY walking towards me with Coco in the lead.
"Coco, how's your day going?" I asked, while Velvet stood beside coco with a small blush on her face.
"I'm good thanks, Velvet don't hide away say hello" Coco said as she looked back at Velvet pushing the shy bunny faunas in front of her slightly.
"H-Hello (Y/N)..." Velvet said shyly as she fidgeted with her fingers.
"Velvet, how's your day been?" I asked with a small smile on my face.
"I-It's been g-good thanks" she replied with her own smile.
I looked to Yatsuhashi and Fox and gave them a nod in greeting which they both returned.
"So (Y/N), what are you doing right now?" Coco asked, Velvet looked over at her leader with wide eyes.
"Not much, just came back from a personal mission and I'm waiting for a call from some allies" I said back.
"Do you wanna hang out with us for a little while? I'm sure Velvet would be happy to have you around" Coco said as she lowered her sunglasses and looked at me and Velvet.
"Coco!" Velvet said as her cheeks turned bright red and her brown eyes went wide.
"Sure, as long as it's interesting" I said in a casual voice.
"Great! How about we go and have a sparring match, after seeing you in class I kind of want to see how well you do against us four!" Coco said with confidence dripping from her lips.
"Oh I'm sure I can beat you all easily" I replied with a smirk.
"Oh it's so ON (Y/N)! To the arena!" Coco said before leading us towards the arena, on the way there Velvet would sneak glances at me before quickly looking away and playing with her ears.
When we arrived at the arena the four of them left to change into their combat gear while I waited, since I wore my robes anyways and not a uniform I didn't have to change myself and I already had my lightsaber so I knelt down in the arena and started to meditate on the darkness within me.
After half an hour the four students walked out in their combat outfits and carrying their weapons, I saw Yatsuhashi was wearing a green robe covering a black shirt with armour on his shoulder, he was wearing brown pants with black and green shoes, his weapon was a big, bronze sword with what looked like a gold edge to the blade the damn thing was even bigger that him!
Fox had two bladed gauntlets that covered both of his arms which were heavily scarred and he wore a orange sleeveless vest and black jeans, his eyes were both white making me think that he could be blind and perhaps easy to attack.
Coco was wearing a brown shirt with dark brown trousers, she was wearing heels and had on her sunglasses and a black beret, when I looked for her weapon I saw a handbag with gold studs and an ammo belt as the strap.
I was going to ask about the bag but I quickly lost my train of thought when I saw Velvet walk in, she was wearing an outfit that was mostly brown and gold, I then saw that her weapon was her... camera?
Velvet looked at me and saw me staring, she blushed and walked over to her team however it seemed that Coco was aware of my gaze being on her.
"See something you like, big boy?" Coco said in a teasing voice as she pulled Velvet in front of her, the bunny faunas looked at me with a small blush on her face as she noticed me staring at her.
(So she wants to try and psyche me out, have me lose focus? Well two can play at that game...) I though to myself as I took in a breath and got ready to respond in kind.
"Oh yes, I like very much..." I said in a seductive purr.
Velvet's face turned bright red and a drop of blood came from her nose, Coco seemed a little taken aback from how I was so brazenly flirting with her teammate, even Fox and Yatsuhashi seemed a little surprised.
"All though... I think that outfit would look better on my floor" I said, and as predicted Velvet passed out while Coco was fuming.
"HEY! That's not fair making one of our team pass out like that! Now your really gonna get it!" Coco said as she lifted her handbag up and it suddenly morphed into a Gatling GUN?!
"Okay... was not expecting that!" I said as I pointed at the gun.
"Let's teach him a lesson Fox! Yatsu!" Coco said as the remainder of team CFVY came to attack me.
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