Chapter Twenty-One
I'm so so so sorry I haven't updated in ages! I was really busy with school work lately and i just came back from Big Bear. But heres the final chapter guys! Enjoy!
*One Week Later*
•••Brie's POV•••
Tomorrow is mine and Dally's one year anniversary...if you don't count the times we broke up, then got back together. We're going down to the lake to spend the weekend there. We leave tomorrow and we will be back in about three days. I'm real excited. It's just gonna be the two of us. We haven't gone anywhere with just the two of us before. Well anyways, today the guys wanna celebrate with Dal and I. They wanna take us to dinner, and do some other fun stuff tonight.
I woke up next on the couch of the Curtis'. To be honest, I kinda forgot what happened last night. Oh yeah, I remember. Dal and I were at one of Bucks parties and we got real drunk...oops.
So then Dally called Soda to come pick us up. When I got up I had a major headache. I guess that's what I get for drinking so much. Oh well.
Anyways, I got up from the couch to see that Dally was asleep on the floor. That's when I realized that everyone was still asleep. I decided to make breakfast for them all. I opened up the pantry and saw some pancake mix, and in the fridge were some berries. I guess I'll cook up some pancakes. When I was cooking the first pancake, I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. I turned around and saw Dally nuzzling his face into the crook of my neck.
"Dal?" I smiled at him.
"Hm?" He answered.
"What are you doing? I'm trying to make some breakfast babe." I whined.
"Just wanted to say Happy Anniversary doll. But, Get back to your cooking. He said letting me go.
I kept on cooking pancakes until all the batter was all gone. By the time I finished, everyone had woken up. We all sat down eating in the living room, watching Mickey. Why do we always watch Mickey?
After we all finished eating, we decided to go play in the park. Soda ran into another room to grab a football and soccer ball. We then walked to the park and began our game of soccer. The teams were me, Soda, Melissa, Darry, Johnny, and Kate and Dally, Pony, Amanda, Steve, Emily, and Two Bit.
After playing around a bit, Darry suggested that we go to the lake. It was really hot so we could even swim! We all went back to our houses to get our bathing suits and other gear. When I got home, I changed into my favorite swim suit.
A black high waisted bottom and a black and white polka dot top. I threw on one of Dally's white t shirts to cover up and then slipped on my black flip flops.
Dally put on blue swim trunks and no shirt.... hot hot hot omg ugh. After we changed we got into the truck and drove to the Curtis'.
Once we got there, I saw everyone in their bikinis and swim trunks. I haven't gone swimming in forever, so it's gonna be real fun to go.
There were three cars to take us all. Me Dally, Pony and Amanda in one car, Steve, Emily, Soda and Melissa in another, and Two bit, Darry, Johnny, and Kate in the last.
I asked my uncle if we could use the lake house for the day and he said yes. We were gonna go swimming and just hang out.
Dally was driving our car, and I took a nice nap. After an hour of driving, we finally arrived at the lake.
"Babee! Wake up. We're here" I heard some one moving my shoulder. It was Dally.
I groaned in annoyance, "Carry me!" I held out my arms.
Dally laughed then quickly threw me over his shoulder. He ripped the t shirt that I was wearing off my torso and then jumped right into the lake with me still in his arms.
I brought my head back up to the surface of the water and took a deep breath.
"Dally! You're gonna get it!" I splashed him with the water.
"Is that all you got Baby girl?" He smirked.
I smiled at him and he knew exactly what I wanted. He leaned in and kissed me. It was amazing. This is defiantly an amazing way to spend our anniversary.
Our kiss was interrupted by the whistling and hollers saying "Get a room"!
I pulled away from Dally and laughed.
The rest of the day was amazing. Dal and I didn't actually go out together because we were all having so much fun at the lake. The gang were super sweet to spend the day with us. After we went swimming we went inside to play some truth or dare.
•••Dally's POV•••
Today the gang and I had tons of fun at the lake. Right now we're going inside to play truth or dare. After everyone walked inside the house, I pulled Soda outside so we could talk.
"Hey Soda. Man, I don't know if I should. What if she says no?" I pannicked.
"Dal, c'mon man, just do it! She loves you so much. Of course she'll say yes." Soda said.
I wanted to propose to Brie today at the lake, but i didn't know if she would say yes or not. I got a ring already. Soda and Pony helped pick it out for me. Soda finally convinced to propose tonight. We both walked inside and sat down in the circle everyone was sitting in. I sat in between Brie and Steve.
"Well lets play! I'll start!" Two bit said happily, "Dally! Truth or Dare?"
"Oh Two Bit. Man, you already know I pick dare." I answered.
"Okay." Two smirked, " I dare you to tell us what you were gonna ask Brie."
"Dammit Two Bit." I said under my breath.
•••Brie's POV•••
What? What was Dally gonna ask me?
"Okay everyone." Dally stood up from his seat, "I wanna say something."
Dally pulled out a little black box from his leather jacket, then got down on one knee in front of me.
"Brie, I know we've only known eachother for about two and a half years but it feels like I've known you forever. We've had our ups and downs, but we have gotten through them. I know it sounds like the tough Dallas Winston has gone soft for you. You know what? It's true. I have gone soft for the girl of my dreams. I don't know what I would do without you. You're my best friend, my girlfriend, and now I want you to be my wife. What do you say? Brianna Rochelle Adams, will you marry me?"
Tears welled up in my eyes, "Yes!"
HEYY EVERYONE!!! Oh my gosh. That was the last chapter. Do not worry though. There's going to be one last part, the epilouge. Thank you guys so much for reading this book It means so much!
Don't forget to check out my new Outsiders fan fic && my Cameron Dallas one.
You guys are the best! Lots of Love!
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