Chapter Four
•••Dally's POV•••
I watched on as Brie got kicked out of her own house by her drunk ass parents. I kinda feel bad because if I wasn't with her last night then this wouldn't be happening. Brie was really crying when she ran out of the house. I ran over to comfort her. I put my arm around her and we walked to the Curtis' house.
"I cannot believe that just happened." Brie said with a sniffle.
"Don't worry, it's better for you man, they treated you like shit anyways." I tried to tell her that this is probably better for her.
"Yeah you're right Dal."
"I know I am"
We finally arrived at the Curtis' and I opened the door for Brie. The whole gang was there since it was a Sunday, except for Two and Johnny. They all immediately recognized that Brie had been crying. Pony ran over to her and asked, "Brie, what's wrong?"
"My parents kicked me out..." she sighed as she sat down on the couch.
"I'm so sorry Brie." Soda said giving her a hug.
"Well, you're welcome to stay here." Darry offered.
"Thanks Dare-Bear. But I think I'm gonna be staying with Dal for a bit." She said.
"Who said you could?!" I joked. She looked at me.
"Aw I'm kidding man. Of course you can stay with me at Buck's" I told her and her little frown turned into a grin.
•••Brie's POV•••
I'm so glad that I have the gang in my life. They're like the best thing that has ever happened to me. They're all so loving and caring and they treat me like a little sister. I really like being the only girl in the gang. Haha. I'm kinda happy that I don't need to live with my abusive parents anymore. I guess now I won't have any injuries anymore...unless I get jumped my some Soc.
Darry snapped me out of my thinking, "You want anything to eat Brie? Must be hungry."
"Yeah sure Dar. Thanks." I said.
"Okay, I'm gonna make you some eggs alright?" he shouted from the kitchen.
"Fine with me" I smiled. I looked back over at Pony who was all caught up in this book he was reading. "Hey Pony. What you reading?"
"This new book I got. Gone with the Wind. Ever heard of it?" he looked up at me.
"Ponyboy, you know I don't read." I laughed.
He smiled then went back to his book. I walked over to Dally who was sitting on the couch watching Soda and Steve arm wrestle. I sat down next to him and he put his arm around me. I watched on too as Steve and Soda were really going at it. Soda's face was red and so was Steve's.
Just then, Johnny and Two Bit walked into the house. I looked at them and saw that Johnny was lookin real scared and shook up.
"Johnnycake what's wrong?" I asked.
"My old man was beatin me again." His voice was so soft.
"Oh I'm so sorry Johnny. I know how you feel." I ran over to him and gave him a big hug.
"Damn, Johnny's parents are such bastards!" I heard Two say under his breath.
"You know I just got kicked out of my house?" I said looking back at Johnny.
"Sorry Brie." he pulled me into another hug.
Johnny and I were really good friends. We had kind of the same problems at home. I felt really bad for him because his parents really abuse him. Plus he's always getting picked on by Socs.
"You guys wanna go to a drive in tonight with me, Pony, and Steve?" Soda came out of the bathroom asking.
"I'll come. What about you Johnnycake?" I smiled.
"Sure." he said.
"I guess I'll go." Dally and Two Bit said at the same time.
"I need to change first...I kinda look like crap. You got a shirt I can borrow Soda?" I asked batting my eyelashes.
"Here ya go!" Soda threw me a black shirt. It was huge. I tied the back of the shirt and it was still big. Oh well.
Me and the gang hung out all day until the sun set so we can go to the drive in.
Once the sun began to go down, we all started walking to the drive in. We never paid at all. We only snuck in through this little hole in a fence. I found us pretty good seats near the front. I told the gang that I was gonna get us some popcorn and sodas. They each gave me a series of requests and change.
"I'll go with ya." Dally said getting out of his chair.
We both walked over to the popcorn counter when a Soc approached me.
"Hey pretty lady. What are you doing hanging around with this greaser?" he said grabbing my waist.
I shoved his hands away and told him to get away from me. Dallas saw his hands on me and gave him a big push. The Soc pushed him back and they kinda started to fight but then some guy that worked at the drive in stopped them.
"Dal, he's not worth your time. Let's just go" I told him. We walked away from the Soc and bought our stuff.
"Thanks for doing that back there Dallas." I thanked him.
"Whatever man. I couldn't let him touch you." he looked at me.
I smiled and we got back to where all the guys were and gave them all their food. During the movie, the gang got hushed by many people watching the movie. Well, we never really watch the movies. We just go there for fun and to annoy other people. Pony and Johnny are normally the ones who actually go to watch the movie. Anyways, I couldn't even focus on the movie because the guys were being so loud.
After the movie we all went back home. Dally and I walked to Buck's hoping there wasn't a party going on. Good there wasn't. Dal opened the door and let me walk in. Buck was passed out by the bar and We slowly went upstairs. Dally threw me a shirt and a pair of boxers that I could wear to sleep in. He's always giving me his clothes to borrow and it's so cute.
After I changed, I hopped into bed and Dally lied down next to me. In just a few minutes I fell asleep. I don't know why I was so tired; it wasn't even that late.
I woke up at around 10 AM and of course Dally was still asleep. I carefully got out of bed and walked to the bathroom. My hair was a mess so I tried to brush it with my fingers. I washed off some of the mascara I had on from yesterday and then went downstairs, quietly enough not to wake Dal.
When I got downstairs, I saw Buck picking up some empty beer cans.
"Mornin' Buck" I greeted him.
"Oh hey Brie. How are ya?" He asked.
"Eh, I'm alright. I got kicked out of my house yesterday, so you might be seeing me here a lot now."
"Oh sorry to hear that, but you're welcome to stay here anytime."
"Thanks man." I paused and then said, "Hey do you have a minute to talk?"
"Yeah sure. Whats Up?" Buck said sitting down.
"Um well, I kinda like Dal. But I don't wanna like him. He's like my brother you know and if he knew that I liked him then that would be really awkward you dig?"
"I get you. You like him and all but I don't think you want you're friendship to be ruined if anything happens."
"I know Buck. What do you think I should do?"
"Hm. I dunno man. Maybe try getting your mind off of him for a little. Is there any other guys out there?"
"Well there is this guy. Soda. He-"I got cut off by Dally, "What about Soda?"
"Oh nothing Dal. I just like his smile." damn. I suck at lying.
Dally laughed, "Wanna head over to the DX?" He walked into the kitchen.
"Yeah sure." I said.
I turned to Buck and whispered, "Don't tell him anything about what I said."
He pretended to zip his lips and winked.
Dally walked out to me and handed me my jeans from yesterday. I changed into them reallly quick and Dal and I started to head to the DX.
"So you like Soda's smile?" Dally looked at me funny.
"Well yeah! Doesn't every girl?" It was true. All the girls liked Soda...and Dallas.There was this one time when I was still in school,and Dally AND Soda picked me up.The next day girls were giving me tons of dirty looks for getting into a car with Dallas Winston and Sodapop Curtis.
When we got to the DX, Dally wanted to scare Soda and Steve. Dally led me to the back of the store and we saw Steve working under a car and we didn't know where Soda was. We snuck behind a big tree when I felt arms around me.
"Dally what are you doing?" I whispered.
"Haha it's not Dally." I turned around to see that I was feeling Soda's arms wrapped around me. I giggled then gave Soda a hug.
I saw Dally laughing for some reason inside.
"Dal what did you do?" I raised an eyebrow.
"Dal scared the crap out of me. And made me hit my head on the damn car." Steve said. He had oil stains all over his face and shirt. We all started laughing histerically.
I swear I have the most amazing friends.
*special thanks to Tobleedgrease
just because. She's so so so sweet and please go check out her stories!
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