Chapter Fifteen
Hai guys ! ik I haven't posted for a few days , I've been busy with school . argh I had so many tests this week , but to make up for it , here's a long chapter for you all <3
•••Brie's POV•••
~Two Weeks Later~
Lately, Dal and I haven't been talking. He's been getting drunk every night and I'm becoming real worried about him. He comes up to our room at buck's drunk. Every night, he yells at me for no reason and throws stuff around. I'm getting really sick of it.
In fact, here he comes now.
"Hey babe." He said all tipsy and drunk as hell.
"Dally, do you have any idea what time it is?" I crossed my arms.
"It's like 3 AM."
"I've been waiting all night for you!"
"Sorry, I was busy." He put his hands up in surrender.
"BUSY? You've been drinking all night!"
"Calm down man! I'm sorry alright?"
"Whatever Dallas. I'm going to bed." I got under the covers and fell asleep slowly.
I woke up with the bright sunlight shining in my face. Dallas was laying right next to me. I groaned in annoyance. I didn't even want to be around him right now. He reeked of alcohol and smoke.
I got up, grabbed my clothes and went to take a shower. After I was done, I wrapped myself in a towel and began changing into a black tank top, my white jeans and my leather jacket.
While I was changing, guess who walked in? Yup, you got it. Dallas Winston.
"What do you want Dal?" I tried to sound bitchy.
"what happened last night?" he scratched the back of his head.
I ignored him and continued changing. Once I finished i started to walk out of the bathroom until I felt a pair of arms wrap around me.
"Babe, what's up? Why are you mad?" He looked into my eyes.
"Dal, you're kidding me right? This is what happens when you get drunk all the time!" I raised my voice, "But it doesn't matter. I'm going to the Curtis'. I just can't be around you right now."
I brushed pass Dally and began to walk to Sodas house.
When I finally got to their house, I opened the door to see that the whole gang was there, except Dal of course.
"Hey guys." I sighed and sat down on the couch.
"Hi Brie. What's wrong? You seem down." Pony sat next to me.
"I don't know Pony. It's Dal. He's been coming home really drunk every night! He yells at me for no apparent reason and technically trashes our room all the time! I'm getting sick of it. And I don't know what to do." I put my hands in my palms.
"Aw, don't worry Brie. I'm sure everything will be back to normal soon." Steve said as he walked out of the kitchen with some chocolate cake, "Want some cake to cheer you up?"
I laughed, "Hell yeah! Gimme some Stevie!" I took his fork and stuffed my face with Darry's delicious chocolate cake.
"Dammit Brie! Now I have to get another piece!" Steve whined.
I haven't eaten this morning so I was hungry okay? All the guys laughed at me.
A few minutes later, Dallas walked into the room. Great. Just great.
"Brie, can we talk?" Dal asked.
"Dally, I really don't feel like talking to you right now." I rolled my eyes.
"Okay." He quietly said.
The rest of the day was really really awkward. I mean, we spent the entire day together, but it was really awkward between me and Dal.
We played some football, walked around the city, went to the Dingo, watched a movie. It was around 8PM when I left and walked home.
When I got to buck's, I was really tired. All I wanted to do was sleep. I changed into a pair of shorts and a t shirt and lied in bed, thinking about what had happened a few weeks ago on the trip to the lake.
Dal and i were cuddling in bed when he sat up from the bed.
"Brie, I wanna give you something." He smirked.
I giggled, "Aw you didn't have to Dally."
Dally looked at the ring on his finger and then pulled out another ring from the pocket of his leather jacket. He asked me to hold out my hand and then he slid the beautiful ring onto my finger.
It was amazing. It matched the ring he wore all the time.
"Look on the back." he softly spoke.
Engraved in the back of the ring was "Dally's Girl". This gave me butterflies in my stomach. I absolutely adored my new piece of jewelry. I really really really loved Dally. I think he may be the one I wanna spend the rest of my life with.
*end of flashback*
I shed some tears thinking about Dal and looking down at my ring.
Anyways, I wiped away my tears then heard foot steps and giggling coming up the stairs through the door. Seconds after I looked up and saw the door fling open to reveal a half drunk Dallas with a slutty looking, almost half naked broad.
That's it. My heart felt like it was torn out of my chest. My vision became blurry and tears instantly flowed down my face. Right away, I took off my ring and threw it at Dal, "I can't believe you Dal. I cannot believe I actually trusted you. But whatever. Here you go! You can give this to this new slut."
With that, I was out of the building in no time. I looked behind me and saw Dal running following me outside.
"Brie! Wait!" I heard him yell.
I didn't stop, I kept running. I didn't know where to go so I just ran to the lot.
"Please Brie!" he shouted.
"WHAT DO YOU WANT DALLAS?" I screamed back.
"Why did you just run off like that?" He asks me looking like he had no idea what was going on.
"You're kidding right? What the hell is wrong with you?! YOU CAME UPSTAIRS WITH ANOTHER GIRL! I can't believe I trusted you!"
"God, I'm such an idiot!" Dal put his hands behind his neck.
"Yeah you are! And I am too for thinking that you wouldn't cheat on me again!"
"Brie, I'm so sorry."
"I don't care how sorry you are. You were gonna get into bed with another girl! I can't just forgive that easily. I don't think I can ever forgive you!" I then continued walking to the lot.
On the way to the lot, I ran into Steve.
"Brie? What are you doin' out here late at night?" he asked.
"Dally," I sniffled, "He was gonna cheat on me with some slut."
"It's okay doll. Cmon lets get to Soda's, it's getting cold out here." Steve wrapped his arm around my shoulder and we began to walk to the Curtis'.
As we walked, I heard Dally call out my name.
I groaned.
"Don't worry." Steve comforted me.
"Brie, please can we talk?" Dal turned me around.
"Dal, I really don't wanna talk. I don't even think want to see you ever again."
if i do, I'll probably fall in love with you
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