Chapter Eighteen
•••Brie's POV•••
Tonight is the night of the rumble. I finally convinced the guys to let me fight in long as I stay close to Dal. God, they treat me like I'm 8! Whatever.
Kate and Amanda are staying back at the house because apparently they can't handle watching fights.
Everyone was getting ready for the big fight. Darry was putting on a black t-shirt and his jeans.
"Now you listen here Brie. You oughta better stay close to Dal, you hear me. I do not want you getting hurt." Darry pointed at me.
"Darry, don't worry, I'll be fine. I've fought in rumbles before." I assured him.
"Babe, come here." Dallas motioned towards him. I walked over.
"Now, I'm gonna teach you a couple moves." Dally rolled up his sleeves.
"Dal! I'm not a baby! How come y'all are actin like its my first fight? Dally, you've seen me beat up three Socs at once!" I squeaked.
"We know Brie. We're just worried about you. And you know how them Socs can be. You never know what they're gonna do out there." Steve said walking into the room.
"Okay, okay. I get it. Don't you guys worry. I'll stay close to you guys." I sighed.
"Good." Two bit jumped in.
It was about time to head towards the lot. All the guys started rushing out of the front door hooting and hollering through the neighborhood. Steve even mastered his "backflip of a car" trick just for this rumble. I jumped up on Dally's back and had him carry me all the way to the lot.
Two bit and Steve were pushing each other around, getting themselves all fired up. Johnny and Pony were playing around with each other and Darry and Soda were talking some kind of plan.
I know we got this. We're gonna beat them Socs good.
When we got to the lot, I saw a bunch of other greasers there. Apparently the rumor about the rumble spread quickly. The only gang I recognized was Tim Shepherds gang. Honestly I never liked Tim, he really pisses me off.
Anyways, all the greasers waited for the Socs to finally arrive. I knew the Socs were here because I could hear a pack of mustangs roar near us. I turned around to see that all the Socs were lined up in front of us. I stood right in between Dallas and Steve.
"Well cmon are we gonna fight or what?" I shouted. Steve elbowed me softly.
"Hey no girls allowed." I heard some Soc say.
"Why are you guys scared of a girl whoopin your ass?" Two bit laughed.
I thought for a minute until I couldn't hold it in. I went for it. I took the first shot and punched a Soc right in the jaw. Damn, I punched him hard. That hurt my hand. Oh well. Gotta fight.
I went for Randy. I looked at him to see that Dal was already beatin the crap out of him. Next thing I knew, some one turned me around and kicked me in the stomach. Is that all they got? I was so pissed, I kicked him multiple times in his stomach until he fell to the floor.
Over to my right, I saw Pony getting pretty beat up by 2 Socs ganging up on him. I ran to help him. I pulled up one of the Socs by his collar and repeatedly punched his face then helped Pony up. The other Soc had ran away. I laughed at the sight of it.
I turned around to see Randy with a pocketknife in his hand.
"What the hell? No weapons!" I growled.
He didn't say anything, he grabbed me by the wrist and dragged me away from the rumble.
I tried shouting for Dal but every time I did, Randy would threaten me by saying he'll kill me with the knife.
Once we were about 30 feet away from the rumble, Randy threw me on the ground and jumped on top of me.
"What are you doing?!"I tried pushing him off but failed.
"I'm getting my revenge on you from last night." He slurred.
I tried calling for Dally again. I got out a few screams before my mouth was stuffed with a piece of cloth.
"If you don't stop moving, I'll go easy on you and probably won't hurt you as bad!" Randy said angrily.
He lifted up my shirt and took the knife and slowly cut me on my stomach.
•••Dally's POV•••
I giving a Soc a real good beating until I heard someone scream my name. Immediately, I recognized it was Brie. I looked around to see that she was no where around. I heard her again. This time i followed her voice. I ran up a hill and saw Randy on top of Brie holding a knife.
I ran to him and punched the side of his head and watched him fall to the ground. I extended my arm to help up Brie.
"He didn't hurt you too bad did he babe?" I asked holding her face in my hands.
She lifted up her shirt to reveal some cuts Randy created on her stomach. Oh he's gonna get it now. I bent down and grabbed Randy's collar. He was almost already unconscious from the last punch. He deserved more. I aimed for his temple and his stomach. Once I was done with him, I grabbed Brie's hand and led her back to where the rumble was going on.
When we got back, we saw all the guys cheering and shouting. We won!
"Guys where'd you go? We won!" Soda excitedly yelled.
"I was getting attacked by Bob." Brie said holding up her shirt.
"Dammit, Cmon Brie, let's get you cleaned up."Darry said.
We all walked back happily to the house.
•••Brie's POV•••
I'm so happy we won the rumble. We sure did show them Socs! I looked at the guys to see that Two bit had a cut lip, Steve with a black eye, Soda with a bruised cheek, Darry had a cut on his neck, Pony and Johnny had bruises everywhere .
They got beat up pretty bad. I saw Kate and Amanda helping them out. I went into the bathroom and washed the blood off my stomach then wrapped a band aid around the cuts.
God, was I tired. I asked Darry If I could spend the night. He agreed then everyone wanted to spend the night. I changed into one of Sodas shirts and then immediately crashed on the couch with Dally next to me.
HAIII !! that's all for the rumble. I wanna just say thank you all for reading this book it means so much !
tbh, idk what to say for this AN lol. so I'm just gonna go . good bye lovelies!
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