Fucking Hell... Back At It Again With Angst(Chap.6)
~Third Person P.O.V~
Izuku's mind was running a million miles a minute. His head pounded, as if someone were throwing multiple rocks at it. The small male quickly ran down the deserted hallway, trying not to fall as he made his way to his dorm.
His fingers barely grazed the brass knob before he collapsed to he knees. The green haired male's heart felt as though it were being clenched and unclenched with each beat it took- blood pumping fast through his veins.
Weakly, he lifts his hand and softly knocks on the door- hoping that his foster brother was there to open it.
"Hello- Oh my God, Izuku what happened?!" Todoroki exclaimed, gently scooping the smaller boy into his arms.
"I- I... they- they're my... my..." Izuku stuttered, his breathing light and breathy as he wasn't able to form a coherent sentence. His heart squeezed again, skipping s few beats as he cringed at the feeling- slowly his eyes trailed down to look at his now exposed arms.
The cut from earlier was glowing, half of it red and the other half yellow as it got brighter and brighter by the second.
"They're your soulmates aren't they?" Todoroki whispered, noticing how Izuku's eyes were trained on his arm. "And you didn't tell them... didn't you?" He asked, all while Izuku meekly shook his head no.
Todoroki heaved a hybrid between an exhausted and annoyed sigh- fending off an upcoming eye roll. "You better tell them soon." Todoroki said, shooting Izuku a stern look when he opened his mouth to object. "I mean it Mido, you know what will happen to you if they don't find out."
Izuku just nodded his head once more, fatigue taking over him as he listlessly pats Todoroki's shoulder. "I know... just- just let me figure some things out..." Izuku mumbled, sighing as the taller male placed him on his bed.
"Figure them out... and fast. I don't know what I would do if I lost you."
A/N For those of you who forgot some things from the Soulmate Explanation chapter I suggest you go back and reread it.
The following morning was worse than the night before. Izuku thought he'd have a little time to settle in before the pain started, but apparently he was wrong. His stomach churned and shooting pain sprouted in random places of his abdomen.
Izuku bites down on his lip, almost hard enough to draw blood- as he chokes down a painfilled yell. He curls up in his comforter, pulling his blanket upwards so it covered his face as he grits his teeth. If he had to choose, Izuku would say that the worst part wasn't the physical pain- more or so the longing he felt.
He somehow craved the two boys, and he hasn't even known one of them for a few days! Katsuki's laugh, or Eijirou's broad smile whenever he got overly excited.
But none of that mattered.
Izuku had to continuously remind himself that. He couldn't tell them that they were soulmates... no matter how bad he wanted to. Because it was only going to end in one way- how his mother's relationship with her soulmate ended.
"Hey Izu," Uraraka's soft voice whispered, "How are you feeling?"
"Did Shoto tell you?" Izuku croaked, shifting slightly so his eyes peeked over the blanket.
The brunette nodded her head, gently sitting herself beside him as she rakes her fingers through his hair. "He's in class right now... but he asked me to come check on you before my break ends." Uraraka said.
"God damn it Ura, it hurts. It hurts so fucking bad." He sniffed, fisting his hand into the fabric of his shirt as another sharp pain shot through him.
"Izu... look I know you probably don't want to- and you know I'm not like Shoto I can understand your reasoning. But..." Uraraka started, throwing her head back with a wobbly sigh.
"But?" Izuku intoned.
"I mean, I really think you should tell them! Izuku look at how much pain you're in- and it's only a matter of time before they start feeling it too!" She exclaimed, throwing her hands up in frustration. "Don't get me wrong, I hate the blond for what he did to you but... I don't want to see my brother in pain."
Izuku shook his head vehemently, gripping onto the bedsheets tightly as yet another wave of pain flooded him- which turned into a small stinging sensation.
"No." The green haired male said sternly. "I'd rather go through physical pain than have emotional hurt."
"Izuku how do you even know they'll hurt you? Not everyone is your dad!" His sister argued, only to slap her hand over her mouth at her slip up.
Izuku scoffed, managing to muster up the best scowl he could under his circumstances. "You two were just worried that Kacchan would hurt me again yesterday, are you really going to sit here and spew that bullshit right now?!" He yelled, visibly cringing.
The brunette heaved a sigh, she knew her brother was being stubborn- Izuku went on an entire rant about how he forgave the blond... so she knew he didn't really mean it. Biting her lip Uraraka cups the side of his cheek, forcing him to make eye contact with her.
"Izuku Midoriya." She began, causing Izuku to grimace- she only used his full name when she meant business. "I will give you till the end of the month to tell them... got it?"
Izuku sighed as relief washed over him but per usual another sharp sting struck him, his façade breaking as a small whimper releases itself from his mouth.
"Scratch that, you have two weeks." Uraraka quickly said, "Two. Weeks. If not I'll them myself okay?"
"Okay." Izuku said.
Eijirou chewed on his bottom lip nervously, the skin begging to tear as his teeth wouldn't let up.
"Ei stop that." Katsuki commanded, placing his hand on the red head's shoulder. The red eyed blond shook his head as he resumed brushing Eijirou's locks out, the slightly shorter boy sat in between his legs on the floor as Katsuki continued the brushing motion with the comb.
"He didn't show up for class and he isn't answering our texts... I'm just worried about him babe." Eijirou sighed, handing Katsuki a ponytail holder.
(Okay guys but I've seen so much fanart of Kiri with his hair in a ponytail and I'm in love now!)
"I get it Eiji, I am too but Deku can handle himself. I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation for everything." Katsuki said soothingly, albeit in the inside he was a nervous wreck.
If anything, the only reason why he seemed so calm was all for Eijirou's sake. The red head had a tendency to overthink things, which normally lead to him panicking.
Eijirou sighed, turning around and crawling up so he was straddling the blond. "You sure?"
The taller of the two releases a laugh, nodding his head as he takes Eijirou's hands into his. "Fucking positive. Would it make you feel better if we went to his dorm?" Katsuki asked, only suggesting the idea for his own worries.
"Hell yeah!"
Hello Cricket Cultists!!
Okay let me just start off by saying sorry for the late post! I have a bunch of tests coming up that I have to study for and my mom has been on my ass lately.
Anywho, this was a short chapter but I hope you like it!
Until we meet again!!!
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