Drunken Night(Chap.12)
~ Third Person P.O.V ~
Izuku sighed as he pulled Katsuki's hoodie over his head, the other two boys were patiently waiting in the freckled male's dorm as he got ready. Of course, Izuku being the nervous, and nice person he is said yes when Ashido suggested the party. And now that Izuku really thought about it. . .
He's never even been to a party.
"You sure about this nerd? We can always just hang out here, I don't fucking know- watch a movie or something." Katsuki chuckled, knowing Izuku most likely didn't even want to go.
"I'm sure Kacchan, besides I already said I'd go. . . it would be a dick move to just not show up." Izuku smiled softly, slowly but surely two prominent dimples indenting itself into his cheeks. Almost stunning the two boys yet again.
Luckily for them, the smile didn't last long as the shorter teen turned his attention back onto tying his shoes.
"Well we won't stay long, just a few hours- how does that sound?" Eijirou asked, noting the relief that washed over Izuku's features.
The green haired boy quickly tied the last lace before walking over to his. . . friends? Soulmates? The three weren't exactly dating nor had Izuku actually kissed one of them so- he was kind of conflicted on what to call them at the moment.
Izuku's hands instinctively grabbed onto each of theirs, intertwining and locking his fingers around both hands as they walked out of the dorm room. The freckled teen was quiet on their way to the parking lot, while the two taller male's hosted a conversation of their own.
"Why hello there gay fuckers!" Ashido beamed once they reached the lot, greeting the blond and red head with double middle fingers- which they returned with fingers of their own. "Ah yes, the cute gay fucker," She said with a soft chuckle, turning her attention to Izuku.
"You know. . . I never thought I would be cool with someone calling me a gay fucker. Then I met you!" Izuku snickered, offering his hand out to shake which the pink haired girl eagerly took into her own.
Her yellow eyes snapped upwards, a devilish smirk forming on his lips. "I hope you all are ready to get shit faced drunk. . ."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
And boy was she correct.
The party was hosted at Ashido's apartment, people sitting outside on the stairs and parking lot and filling the small place. Music blasted from overly large speakers in the living room, a girl with purple hair, Jiro, deejaying it. Beer bottles and red solo cups littering the counters, tables, and floor- cigarette smoke filled the living room, embedding itself into the atmosphere permanently.
Izuku never felt more out of place. Even when he was living at multiple foster homes, or when he first went to high school.
Awkwardly, he sat on the couch- squishing himself in between a blond boy wearing a furry tail hooked on his jeans, and a girl with long ebony hair pulled into a high ponytail. 'Just kill me now. . .'
Eijirou and Katsuki, however, fit right in- easily talking to people as they walked into the kitchen to get drinks and such. The green haired boy envied their easy going nature.
"Midoriya!" Kaminari exclaimed, waving his cup in the air with a large grin. "I don't think we've ever properly met, I'm Kaminari!"
A small chuckle managed to slip past the smaller male's lips, morphing into a thin yet soft smile. "Well, it's nice to meet you." Izuku said cordially.
The blond emended his free hand to Izuku, his toothy grin never faltering once as he motioned his head behind him to the hallway. "Everyone's in Mina's room right now, think of it like the V.I.P section. Bakubro and Kirishima are gonna come when they get back from the kitchen. . . I figured you'd want to go- you like kind of uncomfortable." He chuckled lightly.
Izuku laughed breathily, nodding his head as he eagerly got up- following the energetic blond to the back where the rest of the 'Bakusquad' was.
Ashido's loud, boisterous laughter echoed throughout the dimmed hallway- trailing from the cracked door at the end of it. Once they walked in. . . well, the room was a complete wreck. Sero had his face buried in the pillows on the bed, ass in the air as snores emitted from him. Ashido was currently on Tokoyami's back as he screamed like a demon for her to get off. More beer cans and snack wrappers littering the floor.
At least it was quieter in here than in the living room.
Eijirou and Katsuki walked in moments later, the ash blond young adult slinging his arm around Izuku's shoulder as Eijirou ran and jumped on the bed. This resulted in Sero being launched right off of it, hitting the floor with a short scream followed by a loud thud.
"You okay? I know the whole party thing isn't really your scene." Katsuki murmured in Izuku's ear, his breath tickling the boy's ear.
"Yeah I'm fine, it's better in here than out there." Izuku whispered back, allowing the red eyed boy to pull him over to the bed. "Besides, I like your friends."
Grimacing, Katsuki's eyes travel over to where Tokoyami and Ashido were- currently now in the middle of a wrestling match while Kaminari recorded it. Then where Sero and Kirishima were bickering about God knows what.
"I can clearly see the appeal," Katsuki said sarcastically.
"I'm being serious Kacchan, they're a little rough around the edges but. . . so are you." Izuku pointed out, earning a playful glare from the elder. "Kacchan, I mean that in a good way- surprisingly- that's just what makes you. . . well you! And you're pretty awesome so that means everything about you-"
Rolling his scarlet eyes, Katsuki heaves a sigh- his arms traveling until they wrapped themselves around Izuku's waist. "You talk a lot Izu," He whispered in his ear, victoriously shutting the freckled boy up in the process.
"You also say sorry a lot!" Eijirou chimed in, scaring the crap out of the two boys who didn't even notice him being that close. "You don't have to apologize with us." He added, ignoring their startled flinches.
"Can you guys stop being so fucking cute and come drink with us?" Tokoyami interrupted, waving the packs of beer around in the air. "Before the guests outside destroy the place even more and ruin Mina's mood."
Emerald eyes widened as Izuku let out a nervous snort, heat pooling in his cheeks. "I- I don't, I've never- never uhm-"
"C'mon Midoriya, pretty please!" Ashido whined, a pout morphing onto her lips- batting her eyelashes innocently.
"Fine. . ."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Katsuki and Eijirou desperately tried to quiet Izuku as he was a giggling drunk mess, walking down the silent dorm halls. The two didn't drink much while they were there, but Izuku? He surprisingly got himself drunk.
"Oh- oh, I'm sorry. . . shh~" Izuku giggled, mimicking their shushing actions with a childish grin.
"Jesus fucking Christ you're a handful," Katsuki sighed, slinging the younger's arm around his neck to hold him up and preclude him from falling flat on his ass. "C'mon we gotta get you to your dorm."
Vehemently shaking his Izuku pouts, a dimple popping out nearly rendering the other two to pass out right then and there. "Sho. . . he'll be mad at me- and then he- he'll yell at you guys~" Izuku mumbled, the pout never letting up.
"So, our dorm then?" Eijirou suggested, trying to regulate his breathing.
Izuku nodded his head drunkenly, a small smile on his face now. "Yes, please!"
And that's when things got interesting. . .
Hello Cricket Cultists!!
Ahhhhhh, I love this book so freaking much. As for the plot, I know what I want to happen that'll lead up to the BIG thing. And it'll get angsty. But for now? All y'all are getting is fluff, and random subplots if you don't mind.
Until we meet again!!!
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