Because I Couldn't Wait. . . Thank Me Later(Chap.15)
~ Third Person P.O.V ~
"And before you freak out again just let me talk Ura!" Izuku quickly added, as his brunette sister glared daggers at the floor. "I kind of got drunk, and I guess I didn't want to go back to my dorm because Sho would be here too. So I ended up staying the night with them- I was too drunk to think about texting you guys and then my phone died."
Todoroki heaved a sigh, shaking his head in an amused manner- only prompting Uraraka to scoff and fold her arms. "Well, look- I'm not saying I like it or anything. . . but I'm just glad the two idiots kept you out of trouble."
"Kept him out of trouble my ass Shoto! He got drunk at a party they dragged him to!" The brown eyed girl huffed, an angry pout overcoming her features.
"Technically I am the one that dragged them there, they're the ones who brought it up yes- but the entire time they asked me if I wanted to leave!" Izuku yelled at the girl, balling his hands into fists. "So can you please stop trying to bash the boys I love!?"
(*Cries in Author*)
Izuku's eyes widened as he slapped a hand over his mouth, he couldn't believe he just said that. . . Not only that but- he meant it. That's probably what scared the freckled male the most, that he meant what he said. His brother had a knowing look on his face as he got up, patting Izuku on the back before walking out the door- dragging a shocked, and still pissed off Uraraka with him.
Leaving Izuku to dwell over his slip up.
Threading his digits through his emerald ringlets, Izuku puffs out a long sigh- his eyes staring at nothing in particular as he tries to wrap his head around everything. His heart pounded and rattled in his chest, as warmth flooded him all over. Izuku had known he. . . deeply cared for the two boy's, they're his soulmates, his other halves, the two missing pieces to his complicated puzzle.
But love? That was a scary, tricky, and messy emotion. Love clouded people's judgement, love made most people blind, prompting them to do the most bizarre of things. Sure, in some cases it was beautiful and an amazing experience- but at the end of the day that wasn't it for most. Love is just an emotion that can be used against someone, a weapon if you will.
One minute you think you're on top of the world, as love fills you with bliss and euphoria- then it hits you where it hurts and leaves you crippled and broken. That's exactly what love is. . .
They aren't like that. . . they aren't like him'
Eijirou and Katsuki would never do anything to hurt Izuku, they were everything he wasn't. They are loud, and funny, caring, kind, compassionate. Izuku knew, deep down in his heart that they would never hurt him, that would love him unconditionally- and would understand his feelings, and beliefs as best as they possibly could. That they would be there for him, even in the toughest of situations. . . that they would never leave him. And that's when he knew-
Izuku Midoriya, was in love.
He was so fucking in love with Katsuki and Eijirou.
"Awe, fuck. . ." Izuku muttered.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Izuku chewed on the end of his charcoal pencil, most likely a poor choice on his end seeing as though it costed him about fifteen dollars to buy it- but he needed something to chew on. He was nervous. . . beyond nervous at this point. Because there he was, sitting in class, trying to focus on drawing; but instead he was constantly being distracted by the fact that the two boy's he loves were sitting next to him.
It didn't help that he noticed Katsuki's eyes kept darting over to look at him every five seconds.
They were all supposed to be drawing, painting, sketching something that they loved- which they only did whenever one, Aizawa lost his lesson plan book, or two, he wanted to take a nap. Today it was all of the above.
The red head next to him placed his paint brush down, lightly tapping Izuku on the shoulder. "You okay Izu?" Eijirou asked, concern yet curiosity laced in his carmine eyes.
"Uhm, yeah- just a little tired still," Izuku breathed out, trying his best not to make eye contact- which resulted in him noticing the painting the boy was doing.
It was a watercolor painting, a beautiful lake with dark trees aligning the shore- it's dark hue contrasting the reds and oranges that the lake had. A setting sun in the middle of it all, creating shadows and light sources all over. Eijirou was really good at painting. . . Izuku never knew that.
"That's a lake back in Japan, my father used to take me to it all the time." The taller of the two chuckled, noticing how Izuku's gaze seemed to be fixated on it. "If we ever go back me and Kat will take you,"
A small, delicate smile toyed with the corners of Izuku's lips, his green eyes darting upwards for a fraction of a second. "That would be nice. . . really nice." He smiled, leaning over Eijirou's shoulder to look at Katsuki's drawing-
That's when Izuku started crying. Happy, wonderful tears streamed down his cheeks- sticking to his neck as he released a amalgam between a chuckle and sob. It was a charcoal sketch of Izuku, looking off into the distance with an innocent expression, the only color that was in the picture were Izuku's eyes. A vibrant yet diaphanous green.
"Oh God," Katsuki mumbled when he noticed the boy's tears, "You fucking hate it don't you? I know it's not my best work but I was just-"
"I love you. . . I love both of you- so freaking much." Izuku beamed through his tears, quickly wiping away at them so no one else in class noticed. Thankfully the lecture hall was big, and nobody seemed to be paying attention to the three.
Eijirou gaped at him, while Katsuki looked completely flabbergasted. "I- you, what. . . really?" Katsuki stuttered, per usual being the first to recover.
"Yeah," The younger whispered, looking next to him at the red head. "Eiji?"
A broad, toothy grin etched itself onto Eijirou's face as he wrapped an arm around Izuku's shoulder- doing the same to the blond. "We love you too."
"I mean to be fair, I love him more." Katsuki piped up, a half smirk half smile resting on his lips.
Hello Cricket Cultists!!
[ Hello! Future Cricket here . . . ya I decided that this book will never get finished. And honestly it never should have dragged onto an arc 2 in the first place. This book was really just supposed to be a short story--but my happy ass decided I could find ways to carry this story on by adding unescary (yes I know I spelled this wrong) shit to it.
. . . Sorry? ]
Until we meet again (Because we will meet again)!!!
But we really won't meet again in this book XD
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